Life goes on [Jungkook's Six...

By __MicroCosmos__

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This is a fan fiction of BTS. Here I didn't include any Y/n or female lead character. It's just purely BTS's... More

[Four] Tour to Kim Mansion
Kim mansion Tour part-02
Kim mansion tour part 03 (Including Choi's)
{Happy Birthday CHUBS}
New Cover!
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H-hiii!! (New book)


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By __MicroCosmos__

Jungkook entered home in an exhausted state. Soobin and Beomgyu did help him feeling a little better, but that's not everything. He is too lonely and upset without his hyungs. And right now...he is hungry too. Come on guys! This kid didn't eat anything for damn two days!

Once he is inside the home, he removed his shoes and hanged the car keys in place and looked inside with tired eyes.

-I'm home hyungs.' He mumbled in habit which of course no one heard. Cause he didn't heard anyone replying back him!

He sighed as he saw Jin and Taehyung in living room, Yoongi's voice can be heard from kitchen. Jimin must be upstairs and other two is still in way back home he guess.

He sighed once again when he saw nobody paid attention to him. He took slow timid steps towards the stairs...Wanting to go to his room and lay down as soon as possible. He is too tired for anything right now. The charger of his energy is his hyungs...which is currently unreachable for him!


Time skip to evening;

Jungkook was in his room, laying on his bed and staring blankly at the white wall on his room. He didn't went out of his room since he came back home. No one showed up in his room also, feels like he is stranger in his own home!

Suddenly his thought cut off by a small knock on his bedroom's door. He looked and quickly sat up, Namjoon entered the room with a plain face.

Namjoon: Mr. Kang will be here in five minutes.' He said plainly.

Jungkook looked down to his lap and nodded hearing him.

To say the truth, he doesn't liking it. His hyungs always helped him in his studies, he never got tutored by any other person. He heard from others that Mr. Kang is actually a good teacher. He is well natured and well qualified too. But the only thing is he is too serious and strict about the studies. He always wants full attention when he teaches and if anyone don't pay attention and don't do assigned tasks properly, then he got angry as he is punctual and perfectionist type.

And only if he gets much angry, then he punishes students hard, not before that. It's not like Jungkook is bad student or annoying, but as you know he have some problems in keeping attention in one place for too long and also in his this mind state he is not sure, if he can reach Kang's expectation. So, he is scared about it...

Namjoon: Get ready and for reminder...behave.

Jungkook didn't look up, just mumbled softly, 'O-ok hyung.'

Namjoon nodded and left the room. Jungkook sighed and stood up to get ready for the new session, 'Hyung...When will you talk with me again like before? I can't take it anymore...' he pouted sadly while setting his books on his table.


And as Namjoon said, Mr. Kang entered in the room just after five minutes. Jungkook stood up and gave him a 90 degree bow and greeted respectfully.

Jungkook: Good evening sir.

Mr. Kang gave a small smile to him, 'evening Jungkook. How are you doing?'

Jungkook: Good sir, thank you. Please have a seat here.' He showed the desk chair and both of them settled themselves and started their study session.

Jungkook's health was weaker than before. He was feeling dizzy and even after so many attempts he couldn't concentrate on the teacher's lecture. Mr. Kang noticed it. He stopped lecturing and looked at Jungkook worriedly.

Kang: Jungkook?

Jungkook looked up, 'Yes sir?'

Kang: Are you ok? I mean you are looking pale and feels like you are concentrating...

Jungkook: I'm fine sir...I'm trying to understand sir.

Kang: Sure?

Jungkook: y-yeah.

Kang: Ok so can you tell me the method of photosynthesis?

Jungkook gulped and looked down trying to remember the answer which isn't possible cause his mind is total blurry because of dizziness. Mr. Kang understood he don't know the answer, he shook his head_

Kang: Jungkook where are your mind? Am I boring?'

Jungkook quickly shook his head, 'N-no sir. You are very good teacher. I'm so sorry...I will pay attention from now on...'

He was afraid of thinking if he made him upset. Then his hyungs will get angrier with him, which is the last thing he wants right now.

Kang nodded and closed the books, 'I guess we can stop here for today. You looked a bit off to me. For your first day I will let it slide. I'm giving you some home works, make sure to finish it. I don't like when someone don't finish his task. So, if you don't finish it, you will get punishments, clear?'

Jungkook nodded swiftly, 'Y-yes sir.'

Kang: Good. See you tomorrow then.' And he left. Jungkook sat on his bed, his head is hurting like hell. He needs to eat something, but he doesn't have any appetite right now.

After twenty minutes Taehyung entered his room to call him for dinner, he saw the makhne is sleeping in his bed curling in to a ball, looking so tiny and cute in that position. Tae walked silently near him and a small smile curved his lips when he saw his younger sleeping like a baby.

He softly caressed on his hair. Jungkook whined softly on the touch, loving it, but he didn't wake up. Tae tucked him more on his blanket and placed a small kiss on his forehead which made the bunny boy giggle in his deep sleep. Tae also smiled seeing his innocent bunny smile. He always loves when his hyungs shows him care even on his sleep...

Taehyung sighed deeply, 'Just a little longer bunny. And everything will be fine.' He mumbled and slowly left the room after turning off the lights and closed the door softly behind him.



Next day afternoon;

The day was just like same like yesterday. Jungkook need to go university alone and came back alone. The only difference he got love and caring acts from soob-gyu in University. They forced him eat lunch but it was less than little. After eating nothing for two days, he felt like throwing up after gulping two bites of foods...Soobin noticed his uneasiness, but Jungkook just avoided the questions by saying he is not feeling appetite.

After coming from university, Jungkook was in his room whole day. He didn't wanted to meet his hyungs gloomy and stern face, not wanted to feel bad when he wants them to hug but can't. so, it's better to stay at his room, which is not a help of course. His own room was making him sick, but he is still here, laying on the bed and staring at his ceiling blankly.

Suddenly he remembered about Mr. Kang. It's almost time for his arrival....Wait! Didn't he gave him some homework? No way! He forgot about it totally!

As soon as he remembered, he jumped up and sat on his bed but the sudden act made him feel dizzier, his vision went blurry and he quickly held his head to cool down his throbbing head...

After he calm down a bit, he slowly looked at his desk and gulped.

-I messed up....again!



After 40 minutes more, in Jungkook's room;

-So you didn't completed the task I gave you?' Mr. Kang said calm yet sternly. Jungkook gulped as he looked down on his lap and slowly shook his head as a no.

Kang sighed, 'Why?'

Jungkook choked, 'I-I...Forgot s-sir...I'm s-sorry.'

Kang shook his head, 'This is not how it works Jungkook. You need to show me your effort that you really wanna learn something from me, right?'

Jungkook stayed quiet.

Kang: Mr. Kim appointed me to make sure you are being serious on your studies, but you are not proving me that you actually wanting to do well. Jungkook, this is disappointing.'

Jungkook bit his lower lip, trying to suppress his tears from falling. Why is everyone being disappointed with him? Why he can't do a single thing right?

Kang sighed, 'I told you there will be a punishment if you don't finish my works, right?'

Jungkook looked up with glossy eyes, 'I-I'm sorry sir. That won't happen again, I ensure sir-

Kang nodded, 'I appreciate your sorry, but you are getting punishment either way.'

Jungkook bit his lips more tightly, he is crying silently in this state right now. But he decided to stop begging anyway, he started thinking himself as a disappointment to everyone and now his mindset is getting weak. All he wants to be cared by someone, but ending up by getting more hurt! Now, a broken heart is all that left....

So when Kang declared he will give him 5 strokes on his each hand palms with wooden scale, he stayed silent and accepted it without any single sound!

Kang took the wooden piece and gestured it in front of the boy, 'Hand in front.'

Jungkook wiped his tears and timidly showed his hand.


The fast and painful hard strokes came down like rain drops in Jungkook's white palms making it red shaded and Jungkook hissed in pain each time the strokes hit his skin. He closed his eyes tightly and tears rolled down through his cheeks.

This is first time getting punishments like these from any outsiders...and it's painful!

Kang: Next hand please?

Jungkook heard his voice and slowly showed the other hand.


The next strokes came and went fast too. Jungkook pulled his hand to his lap and rubbed together to make the pain go away as soon as possible.

Kang sighed, 'Jungkook, I don't really wanna repeat that thing again, you understand? If it happens I will talk with your hyungs.'

Jungkook sniffed, 'Y-yes sir. I understand...I'm sorry.'

Kang nodded, 'Hope so. Ok now open page 77-


After one more hours finally Mr. Kang went and Jungkook threw him on the bed, clutching on the pillow, crying softly. He wants someone to hug him right now...any hyungs!

He slowly got up and gulped down his crying and decided to find any of hyungs. Their presence maybe can heal him a bit. He came out from his room with wobbly steps and almost blurry vision for the first time in the day...

He walked to the hyung line's room. But all of the room is empty, same with twin's room! He slowly went downstairs, kitchen, living room, library,!

-H-hyungs? Any one home?

No response from anywhere. Jungkook gulped down his own saliva, feeling a bit suspicious and scared too. The sky seemed darker, maybe it will rain in any moment! And suddenly he saw lighting and a deep thunder sound followed it. Jungkook startled and screamed a little. He scared of thunders. He looked around with scared puppy eyes, for any hope!

-Hyungs? Jin hyung? Yoongi hyung? Anyone? P-please...I'm scared...H-hyungs...please?

But nope, there is no hope ray anywhere. One thing is for sure....There is no one in the home except Jungkook, not another single person! So, he is alone in home in this thundering night, scared, with dizzy weak body and paining hands....


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