Me or that B!tch? Choose one...


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It's a love between two guy who thought they were straight.. But turn out they are homosexual. The worst part... More

Me or that Bitch? Choose one will you?! (BxB)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8.1
Chapter 8.2
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 (Epilogue)

Chapter 17

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I am going to camp for 3 days... So I uploaded this to you all, my fans! I love you all! Please pray for me when I am there! Hope I don't starve or lost in the wood>< *Shivering just by thinking about it*

Me or that Bitch? Choose one will you? (Chapter 17)

               Jessie's Heartbroken POV         

               "Jessie Camelon, please report yourself to the principal office immediately. Jessie Camelon..." The voice boomed from the speaker in front me.

                 Eyes were fixed on me. Oh god, what did I do now? Mr Pumpkin just stared at me with disgust. How I wanted to attach my fist at his face. Calm down Jessie. I stood up and clinged my backpack onto my back and went out. I didn't care if I gain permission from Mr. Pumpkin or not, if his position was bigger than the Principal. Then maybe I would reconsider.

                The hallway was endless. I kept on walking until I fed up and started to run. Finally, I arrived here. The sign on the door said 'Principal William'. I gulped and slowly turned the golden knob that opened this heavy wooden door. As I opended it, I came across a person who was sitting in front of the Principal.

                 "Ah! Mr. Camelon. Just the person I wanted to speak to. Come, have a seat." He smiled at me and gestured his hand towards a seat next to the person. I nodded and sat down. I didn't look at the person because I didn't want to think who was this person. I only cared about Tr... Mr. T... I controlled my emotion and looked straight into the Principal's butterscotch eyes.

                  "Mr. Camelon, I called for you because you are the captain of the basketball team and football team. Since how well who have known this place, I would like you to take this new student for a tour. Mr. Camelon, meet Mr. Carton."

                   As I finally turned around to meet him. My heart pounded and I got shock as the pair of turqoise eyes looked into mine. This was the first time I felt like this after the you-know-what. 

                   He has a pair of really dashing electrifying turqoise eyes and his chiselled jaw is gorgeous. A natural brunette hair that's nicely cut like mine. His bices and 8 packs are coming out to greet me under his tight white shirt and a pair of jeans that can count as skinny jeans when he wears it. Lastly, his big grin are showing his perfect white teeth. Was he an angel or what? 

                    "Call me Ted. Well you can call me Teddy if you like, I wouldn't mind at least you call me." He let out his hand or me to shake. But I was staring at him, I think I was drooling. I snapped out my mind and shook it quickly before he took it back. Oh god, his hand is soft and smooth like baby's butt! I think I was blushing but I needed to act macho before he knew I was gay. Was that strange? I thought I was only Mr.Tsexual... 

                      "Ermm.... The name is..."

                      "Jessie..." He spoke slowly and perfectly of my name. It really sent shiver down to my spine.

                      "How?" I asked, did he stalk me?

                      I think he read my mind and laughed a little.

                      "You are quite famous in my last school. You won the championship games in both basketball and football."

                       "Owuh..." The truth was, I think I liked him better if he stalked me. I hate being love because of my fame. That's well I refused to join in the so called 'popular' group.

                       "Very good, you both get along really fast! Don't dissapoint me Mr. Camelon, I really hope I give you dismissal from all classes for today are worthed. Mr. Caton, if you have any questions please do ask me." He put on his big grin and both of us nodded and wet out.

                        "That's weird. Usually William is not so nice towards his students. What happened to him?" I talked to myself but it was too loud and Ted heard it. He chuckled and started to look for his locker.


                        "Promise don't rob me?" He was showing his puppy eyes. I was so weak.

                        "Sure?" It sounded more like a question than an answer.

                        "Do you know the 'Grand Car' company?" He asked shyly.

                         "Of course! My car was bought from there! It is the fifth richest company in the world!" I replied a little excited.

                         "Well... You know who owns the company?" His eyes tried to move away.

                         "Hmmm... Maze Carton right?" I asked uncertainly.

                          Just when the light clicked in my mind!

                          "Shut up!" I shouted.

                          "What!?" He wide eyes.

                           "I mean, your father owns the company?" I asked in my unbelief tone.

                           He nodded and kept on looking for his locker.

                           "No way!"

                             So he's gorgeous and rich! The billionaire's son? Seriously?

                            "Way" He replied.

                             I followed him to find his locker. I fed up and snactched the paper from him.

                             "Locker 196..."

                             My eyes suddenly stunged. Mr.T's locker was next to Ted...

                            "Do you know where it is?" He asked. I nodded and told him to follow me.

                            After finding his locker, I scanned his schedule. We had Art, Biology, PE and History together. Great...

                            In an hour, I had finished showing him around the school. He's a quick learner. We went to lunch together.

                             You know what happened. All people stared at him, girls were fainting over his charm. It kind of made me very jealous.

                            "En qué puedo ayudarle?" The lunch said in her affluent Spanish. Show off. I ignored her and took a burger myself when I heard another person spoke Spanish.

                            "Una ensalada de pollo, por favor." Ted replied in Spanish affluently too. The lunch lady looked amaze and at the same time she was happy. She put a chicken salad on his tray.

                             "Muchas gracias, señora" He flashed his cocky smile at her.

                             'Usted es bienvenido" She said and called out the next student. The students behind Ted were all shocked.

                              After we paid for our food, we sat together at a table that near the window.

                             "So Teddy here know how to talk Español?" I managed to speak Spanish into Spanish. I think I was out of tune.

                              "Nope, I speak Español, Française, Português, Deutsch, Chinese..."

                             "Okay, you are smart."

                             "Smartass." I muttered under my breath.

                             "I heard that!" He acted angry but failed.

                              "Wait, Chinese? Really?" I questioned him.

                              "Of course...Wo Ai Ni..." He spoke in his perfect Chinese. Although I had no idea what he said. But I admitted, he's smart.

                               "Okay... What does it means?"

                               "You are stupid..." He laughed. (A/N: It is not 'you are stupid', later you will find out yourself *wink*)

                                "Meanie..." I pouted.

                                 "Look what we got here! Hey boyfriend" A lips kissed me and it went to my ear. I was about to avoid it when the voice spoke

                                 "I know everything about what happened between you and Troy, and I am very glad it happened. I promise I will not harm Troy if you didn't do anything reckless or try to beat me. Be my fake boyfriend because Troy still we are couple... I am warning you...." The voice trailed.

                                "Oh hi there! Oh, new kid? Hi, I am Angela and this is Troy. Nice to meet you." She shook hand with Ted. Ted just smiled but his eyes were on Mr.T. What the hell? Ted shook hand with Mr.T too. But when Ted refused to retreat his shake, Mr.T felt uncomfortable. I cleared my throat and Ted quickly let it go.

                               "Hey James..."

                                "Is Jessie, Troy." She said, holding an evil laugh from coming out her mouth.

                                It hurted like hell! He even forgot about my name? After the passionate kisses we shared he just forgot about it? I thought he hated me at the hospital! At least that time he knew my name! Now... I couldn't hold it anymore.

                               "Excuse me... I am going to the washroom." I quickly walked away with my head down.

                              Next thing you know, I cried silently in one of the toll.

                               It felt like a long time I was in here when someone opened my door. Shit, I forgot to lock it. Now someone would gossip about the captain was a weenie who cries in a toll. But I was wrong.

                             "Still hiding in your 'closet'?" The voice asked.



Vote please^^ Thx! wILL Try to upload new chapter after 3 days^^

love you all^^


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