Transformers: war out of time...

By stingercyberwolf

147 1 0

a group of bots leave cybertron a few years before the beginning of what will start the civil war but are sho... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 8

6 0 0
By stingercyberwolf

Stinger and Outlet are walking down the halls making there way to Deli's room after Outlet confessed to Stinger that he had heard her crying through the vents. they found that the door to her room was unlocked and slowly opened to find that she had nearly completely destroyed her room in a fit of rage. they didn't panic because sitting in the corner of the room sat deli curled into a tight ball. "Hey Deli can we talk for a little, dont be scared you are not in trouble," Stinger says in a comforting tone.
"yes but please keep distance from me," Deli says her voice shivering with sorrow. they sit on the bed close but not to near.
"Deli we are worried about you and well we just want to talk to you is all or if you want you can talk to us," Outlet says trying his best to not stumble on his wording.

"If you truly wish to know," Deli says turning to them ", I broke a promise that not only made to a friend but also to primus."
"what promise was that?" Stinger askes tilting her helm.
"It was a very long time ago long before you guys had meet me, I used to hangout with a small group of Dinobots that where considered punks, one chord one of my friends where being profiled by this mech in macadam's bar, I showed him some of my pearly whites and they ran off. after a little bit later the same fragger found out that I had a friend that isn't a dinobot and was a easy to make a target and well they where attacked later that day with a bullet to the chest. they didn't live after that and the frag got away, since then I promised to my friend and primus that I would make a change in my life and to be a Pacifist. I broke that promise last month ," the room remained silent for a while until Outlet gets up and walks over to Deli.
"Deli we all make mistakes and mistakes are made to be forgiven even primus forgives all," Outlet says sitting next deli wrapping his arm around her in a comforting way.
"oh Primus you sound just like Goldspark when he starts to preach," Deli says laughing. the other two begin to laugh as well.

"hey um can you guys do a favor for me please?" Deli asks with a soft smile.
"what favor is that?" Stinger askes while looking at Outlet.
"can you check up on Goldspark please I wanna make sure that he is well even after what happened," Deli requests with a soft sigh.
"we will do our best Deli do not worry," Outlet says with full confidence.
"Actually he had sent me to check up on you Deli but I can see that you two had beat me to it,"  Prototype says in the door way crossing his arms with a chuckle.
"oh he did how is he doing? is he alright?" Deli questions as she gets up.
"He is doing much better than before."
"oh thank primus."

before anymore could be said stinger gets a comms notification and answers it. "Hello? oh hey honeycomb how are you and Armageddon doing on your mission?" Stinger askes listening closely ", oh.... oh erm it would be best to bring the news here so that the others can hear the news as well." the other three looks at stinger as if asking her what was said on the other end.
"it would be best for everyone to head to the main area," stinger says as she leaves the three in the room. it only took a few megacycles for the entire team to gather together as honeycomb and Armageddon stand Infront of the monitor. 
"so why are we all gathered again?" Goldspark askes Outlet.
"Stinger says that honeycomb and Armageddon had found something after ransacking Geargrinder's lab," Outlet explains as right after he is hushed as the meeting starts.
"Honey can you please tell the others what you all have found in Geargrinder's computer," Stinger says as she looks to the two of them.

"well we do have some good news and bad news," Honeycomb says rubbing her arm.
"the good news is that he has no other experiments that he has left due to ... me being one of his last," Armageddon says hesitating to say the last part.
"In your stance it is both  good and bad," Prototype says in a kind way.
"and what is the bad news?" Deli askes looking to the both of them.
"the bad news is that well. the scrappers that chased us is on the planet still," Honeycomb says with a slight shiver.
"shouldn't they be extremely old though?" Outlet askes.
"that is the problem.... they put themselves in stasis until what humans call last year," Honeycomb continues.
"so does this mean they can still find us?"

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