Orphan X avengers wrong number

By marvel_maximoff11

368K 7.9K 9.5K

Y/n is an orphan mutant, her powers first showed When she was 2 and is now 13. She doesn't Have full control... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 8

11K 239 156
By marvel_maximoff11


It's been around a month since I started texting those people and group chats, I really liked them. They were kind to me and made me feel like I belonged somewhere, but last week was horrible.

Last week was Halloween and we didn't celebrate it or anything, Mr seer just cooked us dinner he only does that on Holidays and when social services comes over. Other than that we have to cook, he buys grocery though which is nice, I'm really grateful for that.

I had had a really bad day at school, it ended with me citing my self in the bathroom again. The internship results still aren't in yet which I'm kinda grateful for, I kinda Told the gc that I did the test for another person cause of death threats and they got kinda mad at me and I felt more like a disappointment than ever.

I didn't talk to them for a day lmao, they apologized but still told me it wasn't right. "Ah Y/N wanna go to the park with me and Bec to do it" he wiggled his vape at the end of the sentence. I went to my room and grabbed my phone and AirPods.

We got to the park and it was a small park so we were the only ones there it was quite nice. We swapped the vape a few times and in about 30 minutes I was already high. "Wow tou gert high quickly" Bec said slurring her words with some Vodka her friend gave her.. again...

Ya when you grow up in an orphanage and get abused and molested not of the time you gain really bad habits. I made a huge mistake when I got too high...

Wow it's so perty oitsade todey hahaeha

Mr spy
Kid? You ok

Seeetie you ok

I'm mere thin okkk
Loik at thet man wakking doen tha streer bahahahadke

Are you high?

Noooo I'm on tre grownd silly

Drugs are never a good choice!
Young lady you are in trouble!

Yo soamd like my dad bahahf

Mr spy
How high are you!
And on what?

I'm not hiah I'm low
R u giys ok

Are you ok is the real question
Your 13-
I'm 16 and ion even do drugs

You better not
Y/N you shouldn't be doing drugs

Drugs are very unsafe and cause addictions and Mr spy about it

Mr spy
Ya... trust me kid you don't wanna do drugs

Heheaheh u giys are finny
*sends pic of her head on Jakes legs*

Who you with?
Is he high with you?

*sends video of him vaping and laughing together*

Mr spy
Y/N L/N!!
You are in a lot of trouble!

You shouldn't be doing drugs young lady!
What would your guardian think about this!

Wiw man r hot when thuy mad haha

We too old for you

My guardium donn care he abusis uss lmai
*sends pic of her and Bec with the Vodka and Jack holding Rebecca's waist and head in neck*

Leave right now!
They aren't good influences!
Don't make me drag you away my self!

Sweetie please leave them they aren't good influences they may be older but your too young for this

Bit it blocka the pain

I know sweetie but this isn't a good way to cope with mental health...
Your just making it worst please leave for your own good

Hahahah I'm flyian

Your flying?

I canr fly silly
Whar r u on buckey

I'm on weed what you on?

Wstermelon kiwi vape nicotine haha
Got some weed?

Sorry kid ran out

Loser! Hahahah
I'm tires
Ion feel giid

Y/N don't move! I'm coming to pick you up and bring you over

Ooooh you brengeng me to a parti yayyyyuiiy
I wuv partys:$

Clint's POV

I was walking to the black Audi while trying to figure out what she was saying on her last text, Tony had already sent me her location so I knew where she was. She was at this small park in queens which wasnt too far but it'll be quicker when I speed.

I got there and I saw her dancing with 2 older teens, probably also foster kids. "Y/N!" I yelled "uh oh I in trouble" she laughed while leaning on the older boys shoulder "cmon your leaving" I said before touching her back to move her towards the car "ooh u a bad boy" she said while still laughing and dancing a little.

The other kids just shrugged too high to know what was happening and went back to dancing and touching each-other...

I put her in the car "wow this a nice car" she said with a shocked face. "Where ya taking meh, to that party" she said "not exactly a party" I said with a little anger, couldn't believe she used drugs.

We arrived at the tower and I took her out of the car, her orange hair was a little messed up and her pupils and her e/c were bulging wide then to small way too quickly and more than usual. We brought her to Med bay and when she saw a doctor and a needle she freaked out and tried to run but didn't make it that far before nearly falling.

I grabbed her while sighing and brought her back to the room, she was trying to bite me but didn't make it through my sweatshirt like Nat does. When I put her on the bed she wouldnt let go of my arm and nearly screamed when Bruce grabbed the needle and did the little tappy thing.

Bruce injected something to make her sleep and she was out in less that five minutes. She let go of the grip on my arm, I sighed and walked to the common room while Bruce hand cuffed her to the bed so she didn't leave. Bruce then followed me.

"How's she doing" Tones asked "she's doing alright, she's a biter" I laughed "wow her amd Nat got a lot more on common than we thought" Cap said while grabbing some apple juice in frustration "she's definitely getting a lecture" he said "Steve she was doing it out of pain, she had no other choice she wanted to numb the pain" Nat said defensively. "Still she's 13!" He almost yelled

"Those other kids are bad influences she shouldn't be near them" Pepper said while cuddling with Tony on the couch. "Ya she's not safe at that orphanage" I said while sitting next to Nat.

Around 2 hours later FRIDAY had informed us that Y/N has woken up. Bruce went to the room and told all of us to stay down there, like hell we were gonna listen. After Bruce left we went into the elevator ride after him.

1203 words
Don't do drugs kids :D

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