Kingdom of Roses | Stray Kids...

By elena24aly

153K 10.5K 4K

What a cruel fate was destined for the heir of the Kingdom of Roses, Han Jisung, and his future lover, the Kn... More

First encounter
Thank you, hyung!
The letter
The prince of Liliac Kingdom
The rules
Was the kiss necessary?
3 candles on a grave
Like air
Son of Ragana
Write that down
The witch
I'm here to help
My beautiful forbidden fruit
Like a rose in the moonlight
The wolves
History repeats itself
Your hand in marriage
I missed you
The Penelope scheme
He stayed
I'm sorry for liking you...
What if
The younger brother
The older brother
Last man standing
The third one
Would you take care of it?
Wet dream
Are you falling for me?
Let's talk
This means war
I forbidden you to fight
Doomed love
Sunday in a hospital
Bring it on
I respect his wish
My mistake
Don't play with the dead
Welcome to the fam
You are my king
Burn the witch
I'm here
I can see black
I think I like you
It's over
The crown
The Han dynasty
The red string of evil
Dead man can tell no story
A man in love is a mad man
I love you in every lifetime! (the end)
New project?!


1.7K 135 23
By elena24aly


-Fire, Felix said in shock.

He smelled the smoke and the panic installed.

-Stay here! I'm going to help the guests get out of the house in safety, Changbin said, leaving Felix's side.

The latter was too scared to react. He was lost.

Everything was dark and the smell was suffocating him.

The screams started filling the surroundings, making Felix incapable of finding his way back.

He was completely lost. Just confusion and panic.

He was pushing through bodies and people and he was walking without a direction.

Until he fell on the floor.

That was destiny trying to kill him once more with fire.

Minho heard the screams and went downstairs, followed by Jisung.

-Go find Hyunjin! He can't run in his current state. Help Seungmin carry him, Minho told Jisung.

-What about you?

-I'll go find mom!


The latter turned around to see Jisung scared.

-Be careful!

-You too, Minho nodded.

-Hyunjin! Hyunjin! Jisung found him holding tight to Seungmin. Let's get you out of here, he put Hyunjin's hand around his neck and helped the taller walk to the exit.

-What happened? Seungmin asked mortified.

-The living room is on fire.

-Did someone call the firefighters?

-I don't know! Jisung shouted stressed. Let's get everyone out now!

Chan and Jeongin's first reaction was to keep people calm and lead them to the closest exit.

Both of them were stubborn, so none of them taught of the smoke filling their lungs until Chan started coughing as his vision got blurry.

He almost fainted, but luckily Changbin was there to catch him.

-Got you, buddy! he groaned at how heavy Chan was.

-Chan? Are you ok? Jeongin came running towards them.

-A little dizzy, Changbin answered instead. He needs a checkout, doctor.

Jeongin nodded and helped Chan to lean on him.

-Is this everyone? Changbin asked, covering his mouth with his sleeve.

-What about Felix?

-What? He was outside. I left him there.

-I didn't see him. Is there a chance he got back inside?

Changbin's expression changed into pure horror. He went back sprinting to find the freckled boy.

-Felix! Felix! Felix!

The smoke was covering everything in the room. Changbin couldn't see a thing.

-Felix, I need you to guide me to you! I can't see a damn thing!

-Is Chan hyung ok? Jisung went to Jeongin first thing after he saw them in the street.

-Jisung, can you help me put him down?


They laid Chan down on the cold concrete while Jeongin did a quick check out.

-He is fine, don't worry! Jeongin sighed in relief. Hyunjin hyung?

-With Seungmin. The only ones that aren't here are Changbin, Felix, Miss Lee and... Minho hyung, Jisung said fidgeting in anxiety.

-Can you stay with him? Jeongin asked. I need to check the guests too.

-Of course! Jisung nodded and sat down next to Chan.

-Here are the firefighters, Seungmin was blinded by the lights of the speeding vehicles.

-Where is Minho hyung? Hyunjin asked with a shaky voice.

-I'm sure he will be here in a sec, Seungmin caressed his back.

-I wanna go look after him.

-Hyunjin, you can barely walk, Seungmin stopped him.

-But...he is my best friend, he saw tearing up. I don't wanna lose him again.

-What do you mean by again? Seungmin asked confused.

Jisung was staring at that house like it was made of glass.

He was squirming his eyes through the smoke just to catch a glimpse of Minho.

In his mind, he was praying. He was begging God to help Minho. He was begging his mother to help them out.

Chan got up squirming in pain and saw Jisung pale as a ghost, so he took his hand and felt the hard grip.

He was tensed, scared, noxious.

-We found someone! a firefighter shouted, making Jisung's heart stop.

He saw the man helping two silhouettes get out of the smoke.

It's not Minho...

-Changbin hyung! Felix! Are you guys alright? Jisung ran to them and hugged both at the same time.

-A little shaken up, Changbin joked. I had to crawl on the floor to find Felix. Good thing the firefighter got to us in time.

Jisung moved his gaze to Felix who was all trembling.

Changbin noticed too and wrapped his hands around him, creating a safe space for the freckled boy.

Jisung smiled slightly at the sight.

-They are cute, aren't they? a voice startled Jisung.

He turned around and saw Minho smiling at him.

-You scared me to death, Jisung punched him in the arm.

-Auch! What did I do? Minho's smile dropped when he felt Jisung's heart beating like crazy. Jisung, please calm down! I'm sorry for scaring you! After I took mom out, I stayed with her to call the firefighters. I'm really sorry!

-I was scared you wouldn't come back! Jisung confessed, hugging Minho tighter.

-I will always come back to you, Minho kissed Jisung's cheek.

After they all regrouped, Minho made sure everyone was safe.

-Is anyone hurt? he asked his friends.

-Nothing serious, Jeongin confirmed.

-The police said it was on purpose. The fire was set by someone, Miss Lee chimed in.

-The whole house is destroyed... Seungmin said.

-You can stay with me, Hyunjin suggested.

-Hyunjin, I couldn't possibly...

-It's alright, Hyunjin cut her off. You welcomed me into your house. My mom will be thrilled to help you. A hotel is not an option since you need the money for the new house. Please say yes!

-I guess a few nights can be helpful, Miss Lee accepted.

-Are you ok? Jisung asked Minho who was staring at the pile of ashes that was left from his house.

-Yeah... There are just things. Can be replaced... My journal burned too.

-Where you were writing everything?

-Now my memories are gone, Minho said with a quivering lip.

-We'll make new ones. And I'm sure there are all inside. You will remember everything. I know that, Jisung kissed his temple.

Let's go back to the past and see what king Jisung had in store for the queen, shall we?

Thank you for reading!

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