Omni-AlienTrixHero! Story of...

Por PikDslayer

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The story is about another superhero character which is you on your story who becomes an omnitrix hero like B... Más

Your own Profile/Omnitrix design
Chapter 1: Beginning in Metropolis
Chapter 2: The Seventh member and secrets
Chapter 3: Knowing the Teams's cooperation and training session
Chapter 4: Sweet Justice goes wrong, Friendship is torn
Chapter 5: Forgiveness and comeback rescue!
Chapter 6: The identity of the mastermind, first and final villain battle
Chapter 7: Meeting old friends and Bunny sitting disaster
Chapter 8: Love/Hate Triangle. Hatred and romance
Chapter 9: Training and a revenge
Chapter 10: Another Omnitrix user?!! Bully revealed!
Chapter 11: Fake hero celebrity, Villain or Hero?
Chapter 12: The Rise of the Cheetah!
Chapter 13: Super Who? The true hero of Metropolis! Superman vs Supergirl!
Chapter 14: The story of (Y/n)'s origin and the second omnitrix!
Chapter 15: A castle ghost!
Chapter 16: Happy returns, Bellwood finest work and Alien wedding!
Chapter 17: The showdown and (Y/n)'s favorite alien
Chapter 18: The showdown part 2! Feedback Comeback!
Chapter 19: Livewire's Gossips! Electrical whisper and terror!
Chapter 20: She might be a giant, but size never matters!
Chapter 21: Meeting the Star girl twins from space!
Chapter 22: Museum fight! A battle of Brains over Brawn!
Chapter 23: From Bat to worse! Batgirl's secret origin!
Chapter 24: The Genie and the return of the Dark crimson Magician!
Chapter 25: Kara care! Romance moments.
Chapter 26: Innervasion Arc Part 1: A dark truthful Nightmare
Chapter 27: Innervasion Arc Part 2: Journey inside of the Omnitrix!
Chapter 28: Innervasion Arc Part 3! Origin of Virtual and raging storm!
Chapter 29: Innervasion Arc Part 4! Final battle of the High override!
Chapter 30: The Beeline! A hero's risk of bravery!
Chapter 31: The familiar encounter!
Welcome to Season 2!
Your next Harem!
Next harem part 2
Next Harem part 3
Next Harem part 4
Next Harem part 5
Next Harem Part 6
Chapter 32: Epic Crossover Nexus! Multiverse of Heroes united!
Chapter 33: Store of every Heroes's desire!
Chapter 34: Misgivng tree! A green nature relationship!
Chapter 35: Meeting the Crystal Gem and training course
Chapter 36: Keith's return and battle for the 19's!
Chapter 37: The secret is out!
Chapter 38: The plumber secrets/Origin story
Chapter 39: A familiar ghost encounter
Chapter 40: New girls from a different world
Chapter 41: Race till the end!
Chapter 42: Gotham Con, Crazy friendly reunion
Chapter 44: DC superhero boys and the return of the dangerous enemy! Part 2
Chapter 45: The Angel sisters and new weapon!
Chapter 46: A new family member! Growing truthful memories of despair!
Chapter 47: Frenemies! battle between friend or foe!
Chapter 48: Frenemies! battle between friend or foe! Part 2!
Chapter 49: Soul Sister! The female Samurai of vengeance and absolute Justice!
Chapter 50: Soul Sister! The female Samurai of vengeance and absolute Justice 2!
Chapter 51: The new villain of shiny desire! The bird prey's Secrets!
Chapter 52: A Friendly Robot encounter! Meet the robot hero of Tremorton!
Chapter 53: Ragecat! The birth of the Red Lantern!
Chapter 54: Hazbin Hotel! Meeting the Demon Hotel special crew!
Chapter 55: TheGoodTheBadAndTheBizarre, Supergirl's worst enemy and nightmare!
Chapter 56: Tummy Trouble! Battle for Planet food!
Chapter 57: Magic overflowing! Zee's personal feelings..!
Chapter 58: The Three bros in space! Rook's home planet and a crazy invasion!
Chapter 59: Halloween Event! Spooky night!
Chapter 60: The vengeance of Cheetah! The hunter's return!
Chapter 61: The beautiful Christmas of Heroes!
Chapter 62: Return of an old enemy!
Chapter 63: Vilgax must croak! The prison, the frog, and the escape disaster!
Chapter 64: To BE or not to BEE, A tale of a BumbleBee

Chapter 43: DC superhero boys and the return of the dangerous enemy!

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Por PikDslayer

At Metropolis, you were studying a history about the American war and civil war from two countries. And you were outside since you were busy of being a hero and a student in the same time.

(Y/n): Hmm, that makes hard sense to know that even though they didn't want a war, yet they still let it happen.

???: Do you need a hand?

You looked up to see a nice man with yellow hair and was wearing a solider outfit.

(Y/n): Oh hi..! Your um..

???: Call me Steve. Steve Trevor.

(Y/n): Oh hey Steve. If I remember correctly, you're a solider?

Steve: Yep, I'm an all working solider. So do you need a hand?

(Y/n): Yeah, I was hoping if you know something about wars? I mean, when I study about this, it explains about two enemies that fought against each other and yet still wanted peace. Even though both sides are from America, is there a new way for them to work together.

Steven: Sadly, there was never a peaceful way. In my days, we had to train to fight the enemy even if they are part of our state. The history explains that the civil started when the British choose a wrong path leading all Americans to think they were at the opposite side of the law. And so, the only way to settle was by a war and it wouldn't end peacefully.

(Y/n): I see, but maybe if they worked together, maybe there could've been a peace way?

Steve: You could be right, but however it only happens when desperate times are needed.

(Y/n): I agree, at least the war is over..

Steve: For now, but there is always a war. And which reminds me.. do you know where I can find Sweet Justice?

(Y/n): Oh..! It's right across the street in the left.

Steve: Thank you (Y/n).

(Y/n): No problem.

AS Steve left, you finally finished your work and then decided to head home, but that was when you got an emergency phone call. You quickly activated it and answered.

(Y/n): Hello?

Jessica: (Y/n)? Are you there?

(Y/n): Yeah it's me! What's up?

Ben: We just got huge situation! This creep has been making it's next target!

(Y/n): Oh no, the artist creep again?! I can't believe it! That's like.. I don't know.. the fifth time..!

Karen: Actually it's six so far..!

(Y/n): Okay, where are you guys? I 

Rook: We're at the rooftop! Hurry!

(Y/n): I'm on it!

You quickly went all out and went to the rooftop by following their location, after that you reach with your friends and saw that there was another.

(Y/n): I got your message! Where the target now?!

Ben: See for yourself!

Jessica made a green light binoculars and gave it to you as you saw the symbol which was located at the Daily planet..!

(Y/n): Oh no..! Again!?

Jessica: Just like the others. We've got a tagging crew on our hands.

Karen: *groans* That's six so far. They're spread all across the whole city.

Zee: And now they've defaced Metropolis' most iconic landmark.

Diana: Vile fiends. *clench her fist in anger* We Amazons recognize when a rival clan intends to invade.

Kara: Yeah! Creeping in on our turf?

Rook: If this symbol marks keep spreading, who knows what will happen in Metropolis.

Ben: Yeah, and I got a feeling this creep isn't finished with this drawing. I say we find this jerk and end this now.

(Y/n): I agree with all of you, but how? For all we know, is that we've been tracking this artist for the past week! How do we even know where this creep strike next! Face it, I didn't want to say this, but we.. met our most deadliest enemy yet..!

Babs: Not on our watch. *lets go of Jessica's green made binoculars* Unless my bat-sleuthing skills deceive me, these tags seem to be appearing at specific times in specific places.

Babs quickly took out a laptop like which transformed into a super computer with wireless coordination and every locations prediction of Metropolis.

Babs: *keeps typing* If I can just triangulate these coordinates, we'd be able to predict where the crew is gonna strike.

Karen: Metropolis Shipyards. *shows her phone of the location*

Babs: Touche, Bumblebee. Touche.

(Y/n): Nice work BB! But any idea where the target is located?

Karen: Which is in... *screams and gulps*

(Y/n): Well where is it BB?

Karen: Uh oh.. it's must worst then I thought it-s

Kara: Sinister Slum.

Soon you and your friends followed Karen's location of the symbol which was located in a nearby abandoned town where there was no people in sight, but only left garbage and silent noises with no sudden joy all around.

Jessica: It's seedy.

Zee: It's filthy.

(Y/n): It's must deadlier!

Ben: It's pretty stinky!

Rook: I say it's must really bad.

Karen: It's scary. *screams*

Babs: *wistfully* It's just like back home...

Babs was admiring the place, until she accidentally bumped into Karen at a stopping point.

Karen: We're here.

Soon you and your friends encountered an abandoned warehouse with crows going crazy and the mood around going dead as the night!

(Y/n): I'm guessing the creep here?

Karen: Yes! And if my calculations are correct, the new tag should show up any second. Right in... here!

Soon you and your friends knock the door down to see if there was anyone inside, but there was no victim or anyone inside.

Babs: Uh... anybody see a light switch?

(Y/n): Something ain't right..!

Suddenly you and your friends heard a shadow moving fast

Karen: *gasps* What was that?

Soon you and your friends saw five group of shadow like people coming out and at this point, it was going to be a fight!

Kara: Ooh, I'm so scared. Seriously, you guys, these punks are no match for--

(Y/n): Supergirl watch out!

It was too late as Kara got hit by the shadow people in the face which made everyone gasp.

Kara: I'm okay, I'm okay...

(Y/n): What's the plan?

Diana: Prepare yourselves, sisters and fellow friends, for these are no petty criminals. To battle!

Soon it was one as Babs and Rook were using their weapons against the arrow shadow, Ben transformed into Xlr8 to chase the speeding shadow and that leaves you versus a water shadow figure and turned into...


Diana and Supergirl went against the big man with the shadow mace, and left Jessica, Karen, and Zee against the other shadow and this fight could have lasted a few long until later Jessica summoned a green rope to trap all five shadows.

Diana: Ah, the lasso. A wise choice.

But the shadow summoned a green scissors to cut the rope down.

Babs: That was weird.

(Y/n): Green scissors.? Wait, only a Green lantern could do that unless-

Kara: Wait a second...

Soon Kara open the garage door and it was revealed to be other heroes of a five group of guys! The arrow guy, another green lantern, the red speedster, a hawk man like, and a young boy with water.

(Y/n)/Jessica: Green Lantern!

Hal: Green Lantern?

Jessica: What are you doing here?

Karen: And why do you have the same name as her?

Hal: Uh... it's like, super complicated.

Zee: Hold on. You know these ruffians?

Jessica: I know that ruffian. But I had no idea he belonged to a vicious gang of vandals.

Hal: Ha! We're not a vicious gang of vandals. We're a vicious gang... of heroes. Green Lantern!

Man: Yeah.

Barry: The Flash.

Oliver: Green Arrow.

Carter: *squawks* Hawkman. *squawks*

Hal: Super Hero Girls, meet the--

Garth: And Aqualad. *starts doing water performance*

Barry: Oh, um, hey, Aqualad. Maybe a couple beats faster next time, okay?

Oliver: This is why rehearsal matters.

Hal: Super Hero Girls, meet Da Invincabros.

Suddenly you heard a giant airhorns blaring at their pose as they showed their most awesome entrance of all

All: Yo bros!

Ben: Hey not bad..! I like these guys.

(Y/n): Um.. Ben.. now's not a good time.

Kara: So... you're the Super Hero Boys.

Hal: No, Da Invincabros.

All: Yo bros!

Hal: And we just caught you taggers red-handed.

(Y/n): Whoa whoa hold on Green lantern..! You think we're the taggers..!? Listen, you got the wrong people man!

Diana: Deceiver. It was we who subdued you!

Hal: Us? We're not the taggers, we're investigating the taggers. *scoffs* Sheesh, what's up with your friend, Jessica?

Jessica: Ah! Ix-nay on the ame-nay, Al-hay...

(Y/n): Oh no he didn't..!

Garth: Wait a minute... Jessica... Cruz? From school?

Jessica: Well, it was a real nice secret identity while it lasted. Thanks a lot... Hal!

Babs: *gasping* Hal Jordan? The dumb jock?

Hal: That's me.

Zee: *gasping* It is you.

(Y/n): I mean it's not surprising..

Hal: What do you mean? Are you glad to see me too (Y/n)?

Flash: What?! You're (Y/n)?!

(Y/n): Um.. yeah.. guess there is no point in hiding. *transform back to human* Yep, that's me.

Oliver: Oh, don't be so bland and overly dramatic. *gasps* Wait. Bland and overly dramatic? Zee Zatara! My onstage nemesis.

Zee: And you are?

Oliver: Behold! It is I.

Zee: Uh... yeah, I don't, uh, should I know?

Oliver: Oliver.

Zee: *inhales deeply* Sorry, I just... I meet so many people...

Oliver: O-Oliver Queen? I was Tristan to your Isolde? Seriously, how can you not remember me?

(Y/n): I think I know you, you're the arrow performer right?

Oliver: Yes! Finally someone who knows!

(Y/n): I just hoping this isn't a normal costume right?

Oliver: I can assure you it's not..!

Zee: What? Batgirl is Barbara Gordon?

Babs: Hey...

Barry: Barbara Gordon? No way. You mean, uh... Candy-Cake Triple Ripple Tower with rainbow sprinkles Barbara Gordon?

Babs: Barry Allen, from--

Both: *excitedly* Sweet Justice!

Barry: Yeah, it's totally me.

Hal: *looks at Rook and Ben* and you two are?

Ben: I'm Ben..!

Rook: And I'm.. Rook.

Oliver: You're not like the girls are you?

(Y/n): They're with me, but we're on the same side..!

Karen: I'm Karen Beecher!

Hal: Uh, who's Karen Beecher?

Karen: Um, me? Bumblebee?

Oliver: Who's Bumblebee?

Karen: *groans*

Kara: Ugh! This is taking too long. *using her super vision* The birdie is Carter Hall, emo guy, spends all his time in shop.

Carter: *grumbles*

Kara: Water kid is the water boy for the football team, Garth what's-his-name.

Garth: *gasps* How could you tell?

Kara: Your mom writes your name on the inside of your clothes.

Garth: Aw, Mom!

Kara: I'm Kara Danvers, Wonder Woman is Diana Prince.

All: Oh, yes, makes sense.

Barry: Yeah, that makes sense.

Jessica: So wait. If you guys aren't the taggers...

Hal: And you girls aren't, then--

Diana: Whoever is has taken us for fools. Behold. *shows them the symbol*

Barry: Whoa!

Oliver: Oh, irony. You cunning mistress

Zee: Oh, yeah. Now I remember you.

Diana: Enough! Bumblebee, can the Oracle inside your phone device predict where the next mark will appear?

Karen: Uh-huh. Right here!

Diana: Comrades... We must set aside our differences and find the real villains. Together we could be an unstoppable army of heroes, but only under the right command. From birth I have trained in the Amazonian art of war, where my courage was forged in the flames of battle. Allow me to lead us, and we will surely triumph!

Everyone clapped, except for the bros.

Hal: Uh, look, you got a great outfit, but no thanks.

Diana: Very well. Then we shall not share the location. So there.

Hal: Yeah, no offense, we already kind of have a leader... And he's done all sorts of cool war junk, too. So...

Kara: *laughs sarcastically* Really? Was his courage forged in the flames of battle?

Hal: Well, uh, actually he goes to a military academy, so that's basically the same thing.

Babs: Military academy?

Steve: Hello?

Everyone all looked at the final member of the bros and saw that it was him.

(Y/n): Steve?!

Babs: *gasps*

Steve: Sorry, I'm late. I tried taking the rapid bus, but I guess it can only go as fast as traffic, right? *laughs* Oh, well, live and learn, live and learn. Oh, hi, Diana. What you got there?

Diana: *laughs nervously*

(Y/n): Steve? I thought you were at Sweet Justice?!

Steve: I was, but I got a message from my friends that they needed my help. How're you doing?

(Y/n): Um.. pretty well.

Steve: Good! I love it! And by the way, it's The LexBucks by Centennial Park?

Garth: Yes! Steve Trevor does it again.

Hal: Well, looks like we'll be the ones solving this case, ladies.

Kara: Oh, yeah? Not if we get there first.

Ben: And yeah, we're totally going to beat you!

At this point, everyone was glaring at each other knowing who will get the taggers first, but however you interrupted them.

(Y/n): Wait guys! Is this really necessary?!

Hal: What do you mean?

(Y/n): I mean think about it. I know we're both after the taggers, but we don't have to prove who's better!

Rook: I agree! We should work together if we want to stop this tagger once and for all.

Steve: Hey that sounds like a good idea!

Hal: No it isn't! And I say..! Run!

Soon the boys went first and Flash closed the door on them.

Kara: Hey!

Babs: They seem nice.

Kara burst out the door and everyone was chasing after the boys, while you and Ben transformed into...

Ben: Fastrack!

(Y/n): Jetray!

Soon it was an all out-chase with the boys as the race was on, it was like a parkour race to see who can catch the creep first..!

Hal: Give it up, ladies. *scoffs* We got the Flash!

But the Flash came rushing back.

Jessica: *laughs* You also have the Flash's metabolism!

Barry: Gotta refuel. I'll catch up.

The hot dog lady was making so much as Babs was next to him.

Babs: How many calories do you burn? In kilojoules. Is it mostly carbs? What's your basal metabolic rate? I have so many questions.

Hal: Ha! Double fault, Green Lantern. *summons a green ledge wall*

Jessica dodge it and summoned a green runner machine on Hal.

Jessica: Don't know what that means, Green Lantern.

Hal: *grunts* Okay, can we stop this name thing? I'm Green Lantern. You're... Green Lantern Girl? Green Lantern-ette? Oh, I know, Green Lantern Babe!

Jessica: Ugh, you better hope I don't catch you.

Diana: I shall outpace you, Birdman.

Carter: *grumbles*

Diana: There's nothing you can do to stop me.

Suddenly Carter threw Steve at her forcing Diana to catch him.

Steve: *grunts* Hey, sure beats the bus.

Diana: *chuckles nervously* "Bus."

Karen: I'll "bee" seeing you, honey. *laughs*

Carter: *growls*

Karen: *screams* Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Ben: Don't apologize! Let's get him!

Flash: Cool! You can run fast too?!

Ben: yeah! Wanna bet who's fast?!

Flash: You're on!

(Y/n): OH great..! And I thought I had an ego..!

Zee was running as Oliver shoot at arrow at her cap!

Zee: Ooh!

Oliver: *humming and blows raspberry*

(Y/n): Hang on! *uses laser to free Zee*

Zee: Thanks!

Zee then cast a portal on Oliver, and then you carried Rook to catch up with Supergirl.

(Y/n): Guess we made it!

Kara: Sheesh. Racing me. Seriously?

(Y/n): Supergirl, this ain't no race, we should be focusing on the creep..!

Kara: The creep, well duh. Of course we-

Garth: Well, well, well. Good evening, Ms. Danvers. And Mr. (L/n).

Kara: 'Sup, kid.

(Y/n): Hey Gareth!

Garth: I suppose Da Invincabros, Yo Bros, would want me to stop you two.

Kara: I understand. Do your worst.

(Y/n): Listen Aqualad.. you don't have to do this..! We can talk this out..!

Garth: Too late for that, now take this!

Rook: Do you need help?

(Y/n): Nah Rook, we got this..!

Garth then took out his water bottle to summon some sort of water attack, using his Hydrokinesis, Garth was going to use it attack you and Kara, but both of you used heat vision or laser to melt the water away in a second.

Kara: *scoffs* That's it?

Garth: Trust me, it would've been so awesome in the ocean... or, like, a big community pool.

(Y/n): But hey, that's pretty cool kid! I love it!

Garth: Aww thanks..! You know, for someone who's in the girl's team. You're pretty nice.

Kara: Did you just compliment him?

(Y/n): More like give him some credit and respect.

Rook: I agree..!

Everyone else came panting and Steve came holding hands with Diana.

Steve: Hey, hey, we all made it safe and sound. Yay us!

Diana fainted with joy as Rook helped her up.

Karen: According to this the taggers' next target... is in this alley.

(Y/n): So, this must be it..!

Hal: So, looks like it's a draw. Well done, Super Hero... Now!

Everyone rushed in as you and Rook sigh into this moment, even saw Ben joining in.

(Y/n): Great.. so much for teamwork..!

Rook: I agree with you, this is not what we have in mind..

You and Rook watched the boys and girls fighting off each other to see the tagger's last location.

Zee: We were here first.

Hal: Hah please!

Babs: Look!

Suddenly you and everyone saw the light from the symbol glowing with blue.

(Y/n): Uh oh..!

Rook: *using his proto tool* This isn't good..! My proto scan is reading huge powerful energy reading..!

(Y/n): That's probably not good..!

Hal: Hey. Ya know what I'm thinking? That that's not graffiti.

(Y/n): I think so too..!

Suddenly the blue light started to glow bright as it shoot into the sky like a thunderclap, with a strong sound, the sky appeared with a giant blue portal opening.

Garth: What is it?

(Y/n): Trouble.... really bad trouble..!

As the giant portal was opening, two members came out. One was a woman with blue hair and a huge man with a black beard.

Kara: Ursa? Non?

Finally, the third member came was a strong man who had an absolute stare of strength.

Zod: Kneel before me.

Kara: *gasps* Zod.

Flashback of Kara's memories over 5 million years ago..!

This happen in a home planet of Krypton, the whole city was falling apart, a woman wearing a "S" symbol was shooting her laser at a random guard and was giving order to her own crew.

Alura Zor-El: Cover me.

As she was rushing into the castle, she saw Zod and his crew.

Zod: Council member Alura Zor-El. Come to grovel before your new Emperor? Seize her, Non.

Non quickly grabbed her as the destruction was still going.

Alura: *growls* End your insurrection now, General.

The explosion kept growing bigger as the shaking kept moving rapidly fast.

Zod: Tell Jor-El and his men to stand down.

Alura: That was no bomb, Zod. *pushes Non aside* All of Krypton is collapsing on itself.

The explosion kept happening forcing Zod and his crew to step aside, soon Allura saw the control pad and use it to trap him and the others in a forcefield container!

Ursa: Do you really think a force field can hold us?

Alura: No I don't. You'll all stand trial for your crimes. But until then... enjoy imprisonment in a Phantom Zone.

Alura pressed a few commands and forced the three into a random portal trapping them inside, and suddenly she heard a young child voice shouting..

Young Kara: Mom?

Alura: Kara!

Alura quickly saved her daughter by hugging her to make sure that she was safe, while the whole balance of Krypton was collapsing and rumbling

Young Kara: *cries in fear* Who were those people? Where's Kal?

Alura: Don't worry about them, they can't hurt you where they're going. *holding her hand* And your baby cousin is somewhere safe. Now it's time for you to join him.

Soon Alura and Young Kara left the castle to rejoin with the others to escape.

Flashback ended..!

To be continued!

Before you all go, this story isn't over and there is a part 2 if you haven't watch the episodes, so please watch it soon before moving on! But as I was saying, your team and the boy's team are now on a crisis on facing the most biggest threat of them all! A new enemy approaches to the scene from this portal known to be the Phantom Zone, will you and your friends team up with the boys before it's too late!? Find out in the next chapter!

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