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By Xvriniti

5.1K 276 21

Anahstacia Vaneraries, her life is nothing but complicated. But everything is soon to change once she meets t... More



113 4 1
By Xvriniti

Both Dumbledore and Anah gazed the hall of Hogwarts discussing minor things.

Out of the two, Dumbledore spoke most.  He went on to praise Ivory for being on top of her classes and even went on to say the same thing about Harry.

After all, They were her children.

Classes were in session, so there were no signs of any students lurking around.

They reached the end of the hall, they came across a balcony that had a view of the school's grounds.

Anah stood next to Dumbledore in silence before giving off a mere sigh.

"We've met the Malfoy's yesterday.." She spoke. Dumbledore didn't move.

"And how did it go?" He questioned.

In the corner of his eye, he saw Anah leaning down on the balcony's rail, looking down below.

"They sure do ask a-lot of questions.."

Her comment caused him to chuckle until his face formed back into its usual state.

"Then word must be out about the engagement," Dumbledore mentioned soon turning to Anah who only sighed again.

"It is, Along with Ivory." She paused before turning to meet the elder man's gaze.

"Dumbledore.. From the talks of it.. I've heard The Dark Lord is to return? Is this true?"

His hands were still fixed behind his back allowing a heavy sigh to uproot from him.

"Tis is. And this is also why I must speak to you about things to come in the future, my dear. Come, let's continue this in my study." He ushered her to follow behind as they then made their way up to Dumbledore's office.

Anah on the other hand had finally accepted the fact that The Dark Lord was to return. As she could recall, she challenged The Dark Lord many times during her youth. And what if he was to come after her? It wasn't just her anymore, She had Severus, Ivory, and Harry to worry about.

That's right, Severus was a 'Death Eater' but he was also a Spy for the Headmaster. What would... Voldemort do if he was to find out that he had a Family?

"Anah?" The wise man questioned her. He was leaned against his desk with his hands settled in his lap next to his phoenix, Fawkes.

"Sorry, I have a lot on my mind.." She murmured again bringing her finger up to her lip to calm down.

"Do not fret my dear. Sit," He stated in which she followed.

Dumbledore gave a silent sigh, soon adjusting his spectacles to look down at the young maiden.

"Anahstacia. You are well aware of your Husband's circumstances.. am I correct?"

She shook her head in return.

"I am.."

He continued.

"And you know the dangers of his job?"

A small frown formed on her face.


He stood up straight from his desk now walking around to sit down.

"My dear. You must aid Severus in his conquest. The Dark Lord will try and recruit you, upon his return. And you must accept this." He paused a bit before he continued.

"Anah, You too will become a spy. Though, you will have more of an Advantage. The Dark Lord will find out the relationship You and Harry possess."

She cocked a brow with her arms tucked under each-other.


Dumbledore gave off a soft chuckle.

"He will use you. But, Severus will need you more than anything." He halted leaning forward to Anah.

"Dark times are approaching my dear. Dark times."

She turned to him, still processing the request that was bestowed upon her.

"And what of the Order of the Phoenix?"

He sat back in his chair with his fingers interwind.

"You will still play your role. My dear, this isn't a request.."

She gave off a low sigh bringing her hands up to her head.

"I know Albus. I knew this would eventually transpire."

He gave her a look of sympathy.

"Trust, this is all for the sake of protecting the children, not only them. But the families as well."

She knew Dumbledore was right. But, once she tells Severus, all hell would break loose.

"Is that all?" She questioned standing up from her seat not bothering to look at the Headmaster.

"No, that is all my dear."

After a moment, she bid him farewell until he called her once more.

"And Anah." He spoked which caused her to turn around.


He gave off a simple smile.

"Know that your family will be there to aid you in any way, including your father."

The door soon closed behind her.

Did Dumbledore also tell her family about her-

No, he couldn't have?

Or he could have.

The Vaneraries were well keeping secrets amongst any other families.

She paced down the halls, overwhelmed with her thoughts.

She needed to vent, and she knew just the person.

Her sister, Maykaylah.

Today, May decided to aid McGonagall. She loved being around the older witch. Mostly because she reminded her much of her mother. While sitting in the back of the classroom she caught hold of a voice that constantly called her name.

' Maykaylah..' Anah's voice echoed within her head causing the poor girl to look around confused.

Half the time she forgets that her sister is able to communicate with her in such a special way.

'Maykaylah.. I need you..'

The voice of her sister was finally clear to her.

It was Anah.

'Anah? What's the matter?'

"Meet me by the Black Lake. We need to talk.'

The voice vanished within her head. It must have been important.

May signaled at McGonagall shrugging her head over at the classroom door.

Minerva knew exactly what she meant.

Not long after, the younger sister journeyed down to the Black Lake.

May sped walk there. She may have acted like she didn't care for her sister, but on the inside, she truly looked up to her.

She saw Anah who was faced towards the lake. She was under the tree trying to avoid the sun's kisses.

"Sis?" May called out again as she got closer.

Anah peered around to look at her.

"Hey. Thanks for coming. Hopefully, I didn't get you into any trouble.." May playfully shrugged at her sister, returning a smile towards her.

"No issues. Now, What's bothering you?"

Anah didn't know where to start.

"I think we should sit down for this.."

May only agreed.

With the flick of her wrist, a towel appeared for the women to sit on as they gazed off into the dark abyss.

"Dumbledore spoke to you I assume?" Anah questioned with her eyes fixed on the school grounds.

Maykaylah shook her giving her full attention to her nails.

"Yes, He spoke to everyone a while back."

"And what exactly did he say to you all..?" The eldest sister questioned, relaxing both of her arms beside her.

A hum escaped from May.

"Many things sis. I'm assuming he spoke to you about the double spying? He came to me as well. He said that you will need my support. And He even convinced Adrian to help too. And from Adrian, I heard Mom and Dad are in agreeance."

"So basically everyone's agreeing to double spy?"

May shook her head.

"Only you and I are. The rest of the family is there if we need them."

Stress was getting the best of Anah.

She bought her hands up to her head, closing her eyes in the process.

"May, I'm going, to be honest with you... I'm afraid."

May cocked her famous brow.

"You? The best witch that has ever lived. Afraid? Please.." She brushed the comment off, still fixed with her nails.

"May, I have a family now. A husband.. and children to look after.. I can't get them invo-"

"How when they already are Anah? Severus was spying way before the two of you even got together? So what's the Issue?"

Anah was beginning to get upset.

"May, You know we had to end things because of that right?"

May chimed.

"The two of you were supposed to end things anyway, due to you getting pregnant."

A silence had fallen between them.

"What am I going to do? Harry and Ivory are precious to me May. I don't want anything to happen to them. They're only children."

May brought her hand up to rub Anah's shoulder.

"Then stand your ground. Protect them, and do what a mother is supposed to do for her children. Fight this fight, so they won't have to.."

The streams of the lake caught Anah up in deep thought.

She's only doing this for the sake of the children. For the sake of Severus, and the sake of herself.

Somehow May always ended up being right.

"I still need to talk to Severus about this-"

"If I were you, I'd wait till after your wedding Anah."

Anah cocked a curious brow.

"And why is that, Wait, weren't you the one that said 'go ahead and get it over with'?"

That's right, May did say that.

"Did I tell you I had a vision?"

Anah's face dropped.

"You don't tell me anything."

May had the gifts of seeing. She saw things that were to come but mostly told her parents, or Dumbledore the predictions she foresaw.

"Well. I'll summon it up then. A few months ago, I saw you wearing a wedding gown. You were standing under a willow, with your groom. Hand in hand-"

"Who was the groom?"

May peered at her sister allowing a smirk to form on her face.

"Who you do think it was Anah? Severus, duh! It's like the two of you were destined for each-other- Anyways!"

She rolled her eyes while she continued to speak.

"You were surrounded with people in all black, I assumed it was Death Eaters. All in All, I believe the two of you should wait to hold an actual wedding."

At first, Anah was confused. Until she eventually processed the vision.

"I see.. May.. have you always known that I was.. meant to be with.. Severus?"

The younger sister grinned playfully slapping her thigh.

"Always. Ever since he first laid eyes on you."

The mere thought brought her back to their prime years. That's when she first encountered Severus.

"Hm.. Thank you, May.."

She looked over at her little sister taking her hand, in hers.

The two flashed smiles at each other.

"Anything for you Sis."

Anah felt somewhat prepare. But she had to admit. She needed time to prepare herself for the times to come.

That's all she needs, time.

But time was never her friend.


February changed to July with a snap of a finger. Anah was supposed to meet with her father back in spring. But, something came up and He insisted that the family came for the Holidays.

Today was the final task for the Triwizard Tournament.

Everything was held in the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch, and the entire school was present.

Ivory sat amongst the Gryffindors. In support of her God-brother. Cat only tagged along not minding.

Meanwhile, Anah and Severus were on the grounds patrolling, but she was able to get away to wish Harry luck.

The champions were gathered in a tent that was held underneath the stands of the wooden bleachers.

Anah was able to catch Harry in a matter of time. The other champions had left leaving behind Dumbledore and Harry.

"Harry," Anah called causing the young boy to turn around.

An existed smile formed on the teenager's face as he rushed over to embrace Anah with a tight hug.


The encounter caused Dumbledore to smile.

"You lesion to me. It doesn't matter whether you win or not my love. As long as you give it your all, you will always be a winner right here.." She tapped her nail against his chest giving him one final hug and a kiss on his head.

"Not go out there and give it your best!"

"I will.. Thank you.." With one final look, both Harry and Dumbledore vanished from the tent, stroading into the crowd of students.

Anah left the tent now returning to Severus, who was accompanied by McGonagall.

May gave her full support to the Beauxbatons champion, Fleur Delacour.

The skies grew darker as the task was about to start.

Dumbledore had sent McGonagall, Anah, Moody, and Hagrid to Patrol outside of the Maze, on where the Champions would be. If anything were to go wrong, they were to send a red wand spark.

The Headmaster then went to the podium that was bestowed upon the people.

"Silence." He spoke, holding his wand up to his neck. The crowd eventually calmed with their attention on the Headmaster of Hogwarts.

He continued to speak.

"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze.." He paused before he continued.

"Only he knows its exact position."

"Now, as Mr. Diggory, and Mr. Potter, tied for the first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum, and Miss Delacour. The first person to touch the cup will be declared the winner."

The crowd of students roared with cheering. Almost everyone had up posters, or dressed up in support of one of the Champions. Ivory supports Harry while Cat supported Cedric.

"Now Champions gather round."

They were formed in a group around the Headmaster.

"In the maze, you'll find no dragons or creatures of the deep, instead you'll face something even more challenging."

"You see, people change in the maze."

He paused to give every student a look.

"Oh, find the cup if you can but be very wary, you could just lose yourselves along the way. Now champions, prepare yourselves."

The small group that was formed was dismantled.

The first person to enter the maze was Cedric Diggory.

Following him would be Harry himself.

His heart was beginning to race, was he really prepared for this?

Dumbledore had ushered the boy to enter the maze.

Hesitantly, he started to move.

Once he entered he turned back to the crowd of people feeling a bit uneasy.

He wasn't able to see Anah, but he did get a glimpse of Ivory. She held her thumbs up towards him, wishing him luck.

He smiled at her simple gesture. That's all he needed. Luck.

The entrance to the maze soon closed, engulfing the teen inside.

There he stood in silence as the outside world disappeared.

With his wand withdrawn, Harry was out to find the Tri Wiz Cup.

(All rights reserved. Credit to JKR And Waner Bros.)

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