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By BreeWilmington

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Joe & Jill navigate their way through Joe's COVID-19 diagnosis More

Telling Jill
The First Night
A Long Weekend
Together Again
A Reversal
Vacation Time
Jill's Turn
Another Reunion

Back to the Beginning

312 11 13
By BreeWilmington

She repositioned her hands to his strong back, feeling his muscles ripple beneath her palms as he supported his own weight while kissing her deeply, slowly, and expertly. She groaned as she tasted herself on his tongue. Her wildly beating heart was trying to find a calmer rhythm. Finally, he broke the long kiss, licked his lips, and flopped onto his back, pulling his pillow into his preferred position behind his head with one hand and opening his arm to Jill with the other. She settled against him and felt the familiarity flood her senses.

Their reunion had been simply amazing. From Joe's romantic greeting last night to the wonderful dinner they had enjoyed to the quiet evening they had managed to carve out just chatting, sitting close together, leaning into each other, nestling together on the sofa, kissing and touching wherever, whenever they wanted; it was absolute bliss. She knew that Joe would want to be with her, want to make time for them to be together, but she also understood the challenges he was facing, the punishing schedule he was following now that the summer was almost at an end and the midterms looming. The next two months were going to be some of the most important weeks in the nation's history and they would all have to be on the road. He had a hugely important speech coming up tomorrow and she knew that he had to practice for hours more but he had insisted yesterday that no one was to disturb them unless it was absolutely essential.

She thought back to the busy night they had just enjoyed, spent reconnecting physically, and sexually, giving themselves fully, and totally to each other ... she jumped as Joe tickled her side before dipping his head and sucking gently on her neck. She caught his face in her hands and kissed his lips, running her fingers across his forehead, and sighed. 'I guess we'd better get up for breakfast soon, you have a busy day ahead' she said, reluctant to end what had been simply an amazing night. The desire to stay in bed longer was pulling at her but she had to be satisfied with the time they had been given. She could only imagine what Joe's staff had to juggle in order to give them this amount of precious undisturbed time. 'I've a better idea', he said, dropping a quick kiss on her lips. 'How about I get us some toast and coffee and we can have breakfast in bed before I go', he said, his lips barely separated from her own. Her eyes gazed into his and she smiled. 'I'd like that', she said quietly, thinking that it would be the perfect end to a perfect twelve hours together. 

'Don't be long Joe. Don't get engaged in conversations please honey', Jill said beseechingly as Joe pulled on some pants and a shirt. Now that he had put the idea of breakfast in bed together into her head she didn't want her notoriously chatty husband getting involved in lengthy discussions with anyone else. 'I won't baby', he promised, reaching back towards her and kissing her. 'You read your book awhile', he said leaning across to get her book and glasses and leave them on the bed beside her. 'I won't be long'. True to his word Joe quickly brewed some coffee and made toast. He arranged everything on a tray, along with the newspaper, and brought it back to their bedroom where he expertly threw his clothes off and got back under the covers in a matter of moments. They snuggled up together, ate their breakfast, and just enjoyed being close. They read the paper, Joe beginning with the sports section today. He wanted a break from politics just for this blissful additional hour he had managed to carve out this morning. They replenished their coffee cups and swapped over sections of the newspaper.

'I'm surprised we got so long, to be honest', Joe said, reaching across to answer the phone that had just begun to ring. 'Umm, yep, yeah, ok, I'll be there', he said, replacing the phone on his nightstand. Jill looked towards him, 'how long have we?' she asked. 'Plenty of time; thirty minutes', Joe said with a wicked grin, removing the cup from her hands and at the same time throwing the half-read paper on the floor. With his hands empty he gently held her hips, pulled her body towards his, leaned in close, and kissed her ... Outside, passing the door of the President's bedroom the usher grinned and kept walking; the sound of laughter and ... other things, filled his ears.

'Ready baby?' Joe asked Jill, walking into their bedroom that evening. 'Yes, all set', Jill replied. Her voice was light but she was nervous. This was a big event, an important speech. Perhaps one of the most important. Joe had practiced all day and had been doing so for days. The country was primed for this, it was being carried live by all of the networks. The MAGA crowd would be primed too. The noise and rhetoric were soaring lately since Joe had begun to call them out so clearly, so forcefully. He had scored some huge wins in the past month, had gotten pretty much as far as he could legislatively with the other team on the hill and so it was time to change strategy. Failing to speak out a moment longer though would put their very democracy in jeopardy.  The elections were on the horizon and the stakes couldn't be any higher.

The journey from the White House to Philly was short but also tense. Everyone was keyed up, and tense. The staff had worked long hours getting everything in place, the senior team had gone over every single word in excruciating detail. And Joe understood the magnitude of the moment. This was a truly historic statement; this speech would go down in the history books. The very fact that it had to be delivered at all was such a testament to the slide into chaos preferred by the radicals on the other side. The fact that Joe wasn't in the slightest afraid or unwilling to deliver the message to the whole world was a testament to him and his leadership, his strength, and his bravery. Jill sat quietly by him and let him read it through one final time. He needed her by his side now but he needed to focus too, not become distracted or too relaxed, too glib about the delivery. He was reflective in the limo. They chatted about the launch of their campaign in the same city, about the promise of that day, about all that they had achieved by such hard work and determination and dogged belief in themselves and people all across the nation.

Darkness was just beginning to fall as they stepped from the limo. Independence Hall loomed largely, it seemed to be casting a long shadow; a shadow of history. Whether the near future would be a future of truth, brightness, and prosperity, or a future of lies, pettiness, and violence would depend a lot on this evening. On Joe's speech. On Joe's performance. They alighted from the limo and made their way inside. The city seemed to envelop them. It was home. Home for Jill. Home for their campaign. Home for the very foundational structures of the nation. It was so fitting that Joe would stand in this space and call attention to the outrageous behavior of the other side. To the precarious state of the nation. Of the democratic norms. Of democracy itself.

As they walked inside, hand in hand, she was nervous. Praying for him to perform well. Anxious for his safety. To everyone else, he was hiding it well. But she knew he was nervous too. And she had a surprise arranged for him to help alleviate the weight of the moment. In a strange paradox, it would also underline the fundamental reason why this moment was just so important.

'Mr. President, Dr. Biden, the receiving line is through here' Jacob said, leading the way. Joe immediately began talking to the Mayor standing at the top of the line giving Jill a moment to check in with Jacob. 'Are they here?', she asked. 'Yes ma'am', he said, 'they're waiting in the room next door'. 'Does he know?', she asked. He grinned. 'He has absolutely no idea', he said. She nodded and smiled. 'Good', was all that she said.

Once they were finished with the dignitaries, the Mayor, Governor, Senators, House Representatives, Police Chief, and Fire Chief Joe made to turn back the way that they'd come but Jill gently pulled on his hand. 'I've two more people for you to meet', she said with a smile. He looked at her and knew she was hiding something. 'Okay babe, you're the boss', he said, placing a quick kiss on her lips. She nodded to Jacob who walked ahead and opened the door wide for Joe and Jill to enter the adjacent room. At the threshold, she stopped Joe, 'just stay here for a moment honey, just until I call you ok?' Jill asked, her eyes playful. Joe frowned, he had no idea what was going on but he was happy to play along for Jill's sake. Jill walked into the room.

'Jill?', 'Jill!!' said an excited voice. 'Jill, wow, this is so cool. Isn't this place amazing? I have no idea what's going on. I think I may have been kidnapped, or drugged maybe, maybe I'm in an alternative universe. I dunno. I think it's all real but I dunno. Anyway, how are you? How are you feeling? How's Joe? But, what are you doing here? Do you know what's going on? Oh. Oh my God, maybe it's something to do with all of those security dudes that were at your house ...' said a voice Joe recognized. Hidden from view at the entryway he grinned, understanding immediately what Jill had planned. 'There's someone I want you to meet' Jill said, giving Joe his cue to walk in. He stood up straight, looking as presidential as he could, and strode into the room holding his hand out to the young man standing there, looking totally confused. 'Jill is here with me', Joe said, watching the series of emotions cross Jamie's face.

'President Biden! President Biden?' Jamie asked, peering at Joe skeptically. He looked at Jill. 'Is this a wind up? Are you kidding me Jill?' he asked. 'No Jamie, I promise this is the president', she said watching as the young man began to swallow wildly, the reality of the situation slowly dawning on him. 'Oh Jeez. I ahhh. Ummm, sir, I, ummm', Jamie stumbled before visibly gathering himself together. 'It's really deadly to meet you' he said, deciding quickly that Jill wouldn't kid him and he'd better say what he wanted to soon before he missed his opportunity. 'Hey, while I have the chance I want to say thanks for all the good stuff you're doin. People talk so much BS about you but I want you to know that I appreciate you and that you're doin good for folks like me and I got to drop a job because I don't gotta pay all those loans back and I can study more and ... sir', he said, now really realizing that he was actually speaking to the President of the United States, 'I just think you're the real deal and you're a great man. And I hope people tell you that ... Mr. sir', he said, finally finishing his sentence slowly, looking to the floor now and shuffling his feet on the carpet. As Jamie looked away Joe reached out to take Jill's hand before slipping his arm around her waist.

Jamie looked at Jill and back to the president. He thought about the past week, about the calls with Joe, about the conversations with Jill, he looked at the way Joe was holding Jill, keeping her close to his body. He thought hard. Swallowed. Couldn't believe this was all happening but he knew where his duty lay. He had made a promise ... 'Ah, sir, ummm. I know you're the president an' all but Jill is Joe's lady and I don't think you should touch her like that without her permission, or his', he said, pulling himself up to his full height and setting his jaw firmly, waiting for someone to come and arrest him for speaking to the president like that. But he had promised Joe and Joe trusted him to look out for Jill. He just knew that Joe would be disappointed in him if he didn't step in right now. To his amazement, the president and Jill looked at one another and laughed heartily.

'I didn't introduce myself properly earlier, I apologize', Joe said, stretching out his hand to Jamie. 'Hi, I'm Joe Biden, most people call me President Biden or Mr. President. My friends call me Joe', he said looking intently into Jamie's eyes. 'The title I prefer the most though is Jill's husband', he said, pulling Jill closer to him while he gripped Jamie's hand. 'I wanted to thank you personally for looking out for Jill for me when I had to go back to the White House last week, and I wanted to thank you for the gift you gave me. But what you did just now', Joe said, placing his hand on the young man's shoulder, 'that I really appreciate. That's the true measure of a man and it took some real guts, your mother would be so proud of you. I'm so proud of you. I'm proud to call you my friend'. Tears streamed down the young man's face. Never had he felt so seen, so proud of himself, so confident than he did right at that moment.

They sat together for twenty minutes. Teasing Jamie for not recognizing Joe when they talked on the phone. Laughing at Jamie's expression when his Gran admitted that she knew all along who Joe was. For a moment Jamie turned serious. 'But Joe ... Mr. President, he corrected himself, 'I would never ever have thought I could ever meet, let alone speak to a President of the United States. I mean who am I? I'm a nobody ...' Joe shook his head. 'Don't ever talk yourself down Jamie, or let anyone else do it either, you're a wonderful person. Look at everything you did for me this past week. For us', he said looking at Jill. 'I really appreciate it man, I really mean it', Joe said sincerely. 'I'm sure you can do anything if the opportunity is there for you and that's what we're all about', Joe said, catching Jill's hand in his and holding it, 'that's exactly what we're trying to do for folks just like you and your Gran', Joe said with feeling, reaching across and grasping the elderly lady's hand in his free one.

'I never asked you, what are you studying for?' Jill asked Jamie. He smiled, a little bashfully as if he couldn't quite believe it himself. 'I want to become a nurse', he said, 'a cancer nurse. My Mom', he began before pausing and taking a deep breath. 'My Mom died from cancer. Gran and me looked after her for as long as we could and I want to do that for other people', he said. Joe had to fight to keep the tears back. It was a charged enough atmosphere tonight without his mind wandering to the people not with them. Jill felt him squeeze her hand. She squeezed back.

'I'm sorry to interrupt but you're needed now sir', Jacob said. Jill nodded to him and stood, causing Joe to stand too. The four embraced and said their goodbyes. As he was leaving the room Joe turned and looked at Jamie. 'You have my number, use it if you ever need anything', he said seriously. 'You mind if I call you from time to time? Check in with how you're doing, how your Gran is doing?' he asked. Jamie's eyes opened wide. 'What?' Joe asked. 'We're friends, aren't we? Plus I owe you a favor. You looked after the most precious person in my world', he said, leaning to kiss Jill's forehead, 'I won't ever forget that man', he said. And with that, he turned, fell into step with the phalanx of agents, and, with Jill at his side, began his walk toward the final preparation before the most important speech of his presidency.

A Marine in dress uniform stepped into the room and offered his arm to Jamie's Gran. 'May I escort you to your seats?', he asked formally. 'We're allowed to stay for the speech?' Jamie asked, his eyes spinning in his head at the prospect. 'Yes, sir, you're both the special guests of President and Dr. Biden', he said, turning to take them outside. Jamie followed behind his Gran, feeling ten feet tall, ready to take on the world. He was going to become a cancer nurse. President Biden said he could, he'd even taken his loan off him, and his friend Joe believed in him. Told him he could do it, could do anything. And he would. No way he was letting Joe down. Or Jill. He had no excuse. They both believed in him. He just needed to believe in himself.

Outside the atmosphere was charged. The guests were all in their seats, the tv anchors were visible across the park, rows of cameras set in front of them. The podium was placed at the end of a long red carpet. Beams of light were projected high into the sky, piercing through the darkness. And the small group of noisy protestors could be heard across the square thanks to the bullhorn they had so thoughtfully brought with them. Their ignorant and disgusting chants were drowned out by the Marine band; for now.

Inside Independence Hall, Joe and Jill took a moment. Everyone was gone now, the staff was at their prescribed locations. The agents were outside except for the close protection team who were flanking the hallway. Two Marines were at their posts just inside the door, waiting for their cue. When the clock struck 6.00 pm they would open the doors, step outside, stand at the steps and Joe and Jill would walk out together and face the nation.

'You ok?' Jill asked him, fixing his tie, rubbing any traces of lint from his jacket, and checking for makeup on his collar. Joe took a deep breath, 'yeah. I'm ok. I just want to get out there and deliver it now', he said, holding her hands in his. 'You'll do great Joe', she said reassuringly. He looked down the hallway as the clock began to strike. 'Ready Madam First Lady?', he asked. 'Ready Mr. President she replied', taking her place beside him and holding tight to his left hand. They strode down the corridor, turned the corner, and saw through the open doors to the walkway leading to the podium. As they walked down the steps the lights aimed down to illuminate the way.

Together, hand in hand they stepped up onto the stage and waved in unison. The congressional delegation and the dignitaries were to the left, the family to the right, invited guests were straight ahead. Joe walked Jill to the right side of the stage. Before leaving him she paused, turned, and kissed him. For the briefest of moments they touched their faces, cheek to cheek, and at that moment, that touch, he felt her strength, her support, her love, fill his body and make him stronger. Taking his place at the podium he ran his eyes across the crowd, taking in the whole landscape ahead of him in one all-encompassing sweep. He opened his binder, checked the first line, ran his hand down the edge of his tie, turned his eyes to the prompter, took a small breath, and began to speak ...

'My fellow Americans' he began, his voice filling the space, ringing loud and clear across the nation, filling the shadows with truth, breathing fresh air into the stale dusty corners, bringing hope and light to dispel the fear and viciousness.

He spoke of optimism and possibilities of a future not yet won, of a decision to be made, a fight to be waged; a fight of goodness and light that would vanquish the ugly darkness so prevalent in so many hearts.

He could hear the chants, carried across the park on the warm night air. Knew what they were saying. Knew their intent. But they would not prevail. Would not deter him. He knew what they wanted. They wanted to break his concentration. Break his cadence. Cause him to question himself. Cause his mind to wander. Cause his tongue to take over and make him stutter. So they could laugh and mock him and make little of him, of his impediment.

He would not let that happen. He was so determined. They had no idea. He thought of the kids back in school who had bullied him mercilessly. Who had laughed at him. Made fun of him. Made him become 'the other'. An object of scorn, of pity. He called to mind his dear mother and remembered her sending him back to school to face the teacher who had ridiculed him.

He thought of the woman with whom he shared his life, his body, his soul.

His wife.

His partner.

His love.

His strength.

He could feel her presence as if she was right beside him. She was just out of his vision but he turned just enough to see her. She was tense but confident. Sitting straight up in her chair. Willing him on. Ready to fight for him. Fight with him. Just a glimpse of her filled him with confidence. Settled him.

His girl.

His Jilly from Philly.

She would stand up to each and every one of those bullies for him and would put herself on the line for him. Those bullies would not win. Would not make him falter. He wouldn't allow it to happen.

Instead, he spoke louder and gave longer pauses. Let their ignorance be heard across the nation. Across the world. And then he called them out. Called them out on tv. Called attention to their lack of manners, and their disgusting rhetoric. He knew this speech was of the moment. For the moment. For the ages. He knew the moment would be a part of history.

They played straight into his hands, fell headlong into his trap. They could never step back from this moment. They had chosen their path. One of ignorance and filth. Just as his speech would be relayed again and again in the years to come, through the ages, so too would their disgusting pettiness. When he spoke of unity, their words spoke of divisiveness. As he spoke of truth, their lies were plain to hear. As he spoke of a bright future their longing for a dark and violent world was plainly spoken.

He was not afraid.

He would not bow to them.

Not tonight.

Not ever.

His eyes swept the audience and he found what he was seeking. Who he was seeking. He settled his gaze on Jamie. A young black man, working towards a better future for himself and others, taking care of his Gran as she had for him, for his mother. Standing up for a woman he barely even knew. Willing to speak truth to power in the cause of right. Unwilling to let a woman be touched without her permission. Even prepared to call the President out when he felt there was injustice. What a fine person. What a great citizen. Their eyes locked and he spoke to the nation through this young man. Spoke of a battle not yet won. Waged a war. A war of goodness and decency. A battle for the soul. The soul of the Nation.

The wall of cheering and clapping hit him as he finished speaking, the sound of his own voice still booming through the microphone, ricocheting around the buildings and filling his own ears for a few lingering moments. He nodded towards the left, waved to the audience, and then turned to wait for her.

His love.

His strength.

His savior.

As she came towards him he reached out his hand and she grabbed it. Her body was practically vibrating with tension, excitement, purpose. And love. 'Was it ok?', he whispered, seeking her reassurance, needing her affirmation. She reached out her hand and snaked it around his neck, pulled his face to hers, and kissed him soundly, forcefully. She pulled back a little 'you were great' she assured him, their noses gently rubbing as she adjusted a little and kissed him a second time, catching him by surprise with her boldness. Automatically he thanked her. At that moment the contrast between himself, themselves, and those screeching the loudest could not have been more apparent. No more words were needed. The battle lines were drawn. The gauntlet set.

Jamie was blown away. Joe's speech had been powerful. Commanding. Forceful. The way his voice had boomed at times and been so quiet at other moments was masterful. His words, his challenge to the people had been emotional, uplifting, and potent. But when Joe had looked at him. Had turned those blue eyes on him and spoken directly to him he felt inspired, called, and felt that he needed to step up. In that moment he became an adult, an equal citizen. His president was asking for his help, for everyone's help and he was damn well going to give it. When he figured out what those people were chanting about his friend he wanted to go over there and punch their lights out. But when he heard Joe's comment about good manners he decided there was a better way. Starting tomorrow he was going to become an organizer in his community and get people signed up to vote. He understood what Joe was saying, what the president was asking; to turn away from violence and to stand up in your community and that's exactly what he was determined to do.

When the speech was over the Marine came back to help his Gran but instead of showing them to the exit, he brought them back inside to the room where they had met Joe and Jill earlier. The room was empty but for a table in the center with another Marine standing behind it. He spoke as Jamie stepped inside. 'President Biden wanted you to have this', he said 'he hopes it's a good trade for the ball card', the Marine said seriously. Jamie leaned down to see a blue box with the seal of the President of the United States embossed in gold on the outside. 'You should open it' the Marine said. Jamie stretched out a shaking hand and undid the blue ribbon at the side and opened the box. Inside was a copy of the speech Joe had just given along with two challenge coins, one each from the President and First Lady. The speech was signed on the front:

To our friend Jamie. Thank you for all that you did for us. We believe in you and we can't wait to see what you do with your life. Joe & Jill Biden.

He swallowed hard, fighting to hold back the tears as his Gran held onto his arm.

Back on Air Force One, it was quiet. The team was tired now, the preparation had given way to nerves, anxiety, fears, adrenalin, elation, and now, exhaustion. Once the plane was in the sky, en route back to Washington Joe instructed the team to take a break. Switch off and rest for now. They would begin the fight anew in the days to come.

In the Presidents' cabin the first couple were entwined, sitting together on the soft leather sofa. The light from the lamps bathed them in a soft glow. Delicate touches and soft kisses; murmured words of love and tenderness, sublime moments of rest and relief that all had gone well. Jill sighed and turned to lie into Joe's body, pulling his arm around her to fully encompass her. For long moments they just sat together, half reclined, lazy, and enjoying the peace and quiet that fills the void after the frenetic preparations for the big events. 'I may have made some arrangements for this evening without asking you baby', Joe said, gently twirling a strand of her blond curls around his fingers. 'I hope you don't mind', he whispered, kissing her face softly. 'Okay', Jill said tentatively.

Whatever Joe needed to do when they got back she would understand but she had been hoping that they could have an hour or two alone later this evening. They were just back together a little over 24 hours, she wasn't ready to let him go again just yet. She couldn't help but sigh. 'I can change the plans if you like, I won't be offended', Joe said, dropping a tender kiss on her head. Jill put her disappointment aside and sat up a little. 'It's ok Joe, I understand that you have to work, I know how these things go', she said, putting a brave face on.

He smiled, 'well, ok then. If you don't want to go directly to Camp David for a weekend alone as I have just moved mountains to arrange then that's ok', he teased her, grinning when he saw the light fill her eyes. She playfully slapped his arm, her eyes gleaming at the prospect. 'When are we going?' she asked. 'Marine One will be at the airport when we land in Andrews, we're going directly', he said, laughing as she squealed in delight. 'I thought you were going to tell me you have meetings and I was going to be alone for hours. I'm so sick of being away from you', she said, holding his face in her hands and kissing him. He stroked her cheek with his fingertips. 'I wanted us to have some quiet time before you go back to school so I made all the necessary arrangements. It's just gonna be you and me babe.' She exhaled deeply, snuggling back into his embrace, her mind immediately conjuring just what a weekend alone together would look like, grinning happily at the images her mind produced ...

To be continued ...

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