Transformers: war out of time...

By stingercyberwolf

147 1 0

a group of bots leave cybertron a few years before the beginning of what will start the civil war but are sho... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 5

3 0 0
By stingercyberwolf

Honeycomb stares at Armageddon for a bit before finding her words again. "so wait your telling me that Geargrinder did this?" Honeycomb askes as she looks around the area sort of pointing everything out. 
"He has tortured hundreds for his horrific project to create the perfect soldier," Armageddon says with a soft sigh.
"but he is a neutral who would he be making the perfect solider for?"
"what gave you the idea he is a neutral? he wants to be the new lead decepticon scientist after being a failed shockwave clone attempt." Honeycomb pauses for a moment as if trying to figure out what words to use.
"he is kinda on the omen with the rest of my team." the look of pure terror was place on his face as he begins to shake the bars of his cage. 
"We need to stop him before he tries anything! if he isn't stopped he will do to your friends what he has done to everyone in here!"

"how to I get you out of there?" Honeycomb asked in a panicked tone. 
"there should be a command on the computer that can open the cages hurry! time is not on our side!" Armageddon yelled as Honeycomb ran to the computer and raced through all the files and programming. she soon was able to find the correct program and with a swift click of a button all the cells have opened letting Armageddon climb out.
"sorry for this but we need to go now!" Armageddon says as he grabs Honeycomb and begins to run at high speeds to the entrance and begins to race through the cold weather.
"be carful we dont wanna freeze out here!"
"no need to worry my core is nearly the heat of molten metal we will be fine." he says as they make amazing time.

"so what your saying is that the Autobots where the cause of the entire war?" Deli asked tapping her digit on her chinplate.
"sadly I am afraid so, If they weren't so selfish we not only would have our planet but also wouldn't be forced to grab energon deposits from other planets," Geargrinder growled out as the three soaked in the information.
"say did you have any luck with prototype and stinger because we didn't really get any luck with them," Goldspark says crossing his arms.
"oh they told me they where going to think it over but after a bit I 100 percent believe that they will agree," Geargrinder chuckles softly in his reply.
"that's great! after arguing about it so much it feels nice that we can all be back on the same page," Outlet says with a soft purr.
"it is nice with everything is going the way its supposed," Geargrinder says ushering the three to a private area of the ship.

stinger woke up with a throbbing in her processor noticing she is unable to move her limbs. when she slowly regains consciousness she realizes that both her and prototype was locked into a closet and they both had stasis cuffs on them. "son of a frag I should have known he would do something like this!" stinger growled but quickly noticed that she still had the ability to speak.
"s...stinger what... what happened?" Prototype askes as he wakes up and notices the cuffs ",son of a frag."
"we should have been more careful around that slag," stinger says as she tries to send commands to her limbs to make them move but to no avail.
"we both should have... ugh we need to save the others from what ever that jerk is planning," Prototype sighs after he tries as well.
"I'm sorry for not protecting all of you better I should be better than this," Tears slowly fall from stingers optics and down her faceplates.

"stinger it is not your fault, nor is it mine, its that fragger that cuffed us," Prototype says as he tries his best to comfort stinger.
"I didn't trust him and I should have never let my guard down but after the others came to talk to us it lowered it."
" the bot is cleaver I wont deny it but its such a shame that he is using it for this."
"heh it would be ironic if we got him to join us." Prototype laughs a little bit.
"it would, wouldn't it."
"Hey um Prototype was it just me or did honeycomb leave the ship at some point because when the others talked to us she wasn't there." silence stood between the two when the realization of hope flowed into the room.
"See stinger you did protect someone from that jerk."
"and so I did."

"There is the omen! that way!" Honeycomb cries out pointing to the ship hidden in the snow. they stop Infront of the entrance and Armageddon sits honeycomb down in order to open the door. she stands in front of the key pad as it pops out of its panel. she types for a few seconds and the door begins to open. 
"lets just hope he hasn't done any damage just yet," Armageddon said as he rushes through the halls as Honeycomb follows after. 
"Don't Jinx us!" Honeycomb cries out as she continues to try and find her friends.
"sorry its a little habit I have."
"Its alright but lets focus on finding the others," Honeycomb says as the continue to race through the ship to find the others.

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