The daily vest cannot be drop...

By Spinfoxie

15.1K 655 1

Alternative Title: 日抛马甲不能掉 Author: Zimu Tao Summary: 25 years of interstellar, supernatural recovery, strange... More

The day throw vest cannot be dropped


326 9 0
By Spinfoxie

    [The inherent nature of this card is rather strange. If you want to exert your full strength, Master Host, you still need to study it a little bit. ] The system reminded bitterly, [If you go there rashly, without knowing the details of the enemy, other accidents are likely to occur. ]

    Wen Muqing's slender fingers lightly tapped on the card. On the back of the card was a shallow impersonation prompt: "Paranoid and sweet, I love books like my life, so I hate all electronic information."

    He repeated it gently, calm and gentle. There was a slight puzzlement on his face: "I love reading but I don't want to accept electronic information. This is still an extreme paper quality control. I can understand this. But can paranoia and sweetness be put together? What is paranoia? "Reticence" and "coldness "

    in the past can be explained literally, but "paranoia"...isn't the kind of killing people if they disagree? Oh no, that's violence.

    He turned on his brain and typed in the words "what is paranoia?" seriously, and the answer was "extreme and stubborn".

    "But it doesn't say who the object of stubbornness is?" Wen Muqing sighed, "What an incomprehensible little girl."

    System: [Do you need to offer an acting teaching course? You can audition a section. ]

    "Okay." The

    system released a video of "How to Master the Character's Psychological Techniques", and the well-dressed old teacher was talking about a series of theoretical knowledge, and he seemed to be well-informed.

    Wen Muqing has a dual purpose, receiving guests from time to time, and occasionally nodding in agreement.

    When it was almost time for dinner, a class had already been played, and the system that felt that the hidden potential points of the host should have been up was a little expectant: [How do you feel?]

    "Walk slowly." Wen Muqing showed a warm smile to the customer.

    After receiving a compliment of "Brother Wen, you look more and more handsome", he slowly said to the system:

    [I think what he said is very reasonable, I have been using this knowledge regularly. ]

    System: ... What are you using at ordinary times?

    Seeing that the system doesn't speak, Wen Muqing thought it was a good-hearted lesson, but he was frustrated when he found out that he had already learned it, so he comforted softly: "I can't blame you, I usually look for it. I have read many books on improving acting skills, and I have also bought courses to study, so I know a lot of theoretical knowledge. ]

    The system feels the long-lost suffocation.

    It was silent for a long time and said: [Host, don't be afraid of any difficulties in the future, failure is the mother of success, if it doesn't work, we will tear up the card. ]

    Wen Muqing slowly put a question mark in his mind, he flipped his hand, took the card back, and said: [Wait to accompany Aunt Shao to meet the girl first. I'll use the cards to find that man, and there's still time for me to think about it. ]

    [Why do you have to meet them?] The system couldn't help but said, [There is nothing in common to talk about. ]

    [I asked Tang Guangyu, her mother likes to make her own decisions, and she only told me after calling other girls. If I don't go, those little girls are not only wasting their time, they're likely to feel disrespected. ]

    Wen Muqing sighed: [I will make it clear to Aunt Shao this time, there will be no next time. ]

    It's just that he didn't expect that this kind-hearted aunt would introduce him so persistently. It's better not to harm other girls with his body.

    The system seemed to sense what he was thinking, and solemnly said: [When everything is over, I will cure you and give you other more free choices. ]

    [Good. ]

    Wen Muqing didn't say anything else, just responded with a smile.

    At six o'clock in the evening, Tang Guangyu reluctantly came to the store to pick up Wen Muqing. He first picked Wen Muqing up by the waist, put him on the co-pilot of the car, fastened his seat belt, and then folded his wheelchair. Stuffed in the trunk.

    "Brother Wen, don't indulge my mother next time, she really wants to come out, but unfortunately I ordered the pork ribs soup..." Tang Guangyu turned on the autopilot, turned his head and muttered to Wen Muqing, "You The bones are too light, I can easily hold you up without much exercise, but I should make up more."

    His light weight is not the reason for not having enough to eat.

    Wen Muqing didn't say much about this topic, but instead asked Tang Guangyu: "What are your plans for this summer vacation? Do a part-time job or travel?"

    Tang Guangyu is special enrollment in advance, and the school is already set, even if it is May.

    He said: "I made an appointment with a few like-minded friends and planned to go to the United States to see. I heard that there have been many strange landscapes there in recent years."

    After entering the interstellar era, most of the small countries on the earth are in force majeure. Under the merger, at present only China, the United States and the Confederate States stand on a three-pronged basis. But from the perspective of the world, the dividing line between countries is not obvious, and it seems that there is another division rule.

    When Wen Muqing went to the Pingyu Art Museum to do a mission, among the group of capable people standing there, there were people who were obviously not from China.

    But the peculiar landscape... This period is basically caused by strangeness, and the safety is uncertain.

    Wen Muqing nodded calmly on the surface: "Then I wish you a pleasant trip. If you encounter any problems you don't understand or can't solve, you can make this call."

    He took out a note paper from his arms and tore a page to him. .

    Tang Guangyu took a look at it and smiled: "Is this your cousin's contact information? He even printed a stack for you, um... occupation is to exorcise evil, seriously?"

    "It's not a big deal anyway." Wen Muqing His voice was stable and steady, and it made people feel warm, "Just take it as a guarantee, you can call me if it really doesn't work."

    But what have you done? Tang Guangyu said softly in his heart.

    He really liked this senior who was a few years older than him, so he went to Pingyu University on purpose. It's just that it's different now. He still has more important things to accomplish, and these things cannot be told to others.

    "Di, you have reached the destination, the smart parking is over, please get off." The

    mechanical female voice broke the momentary silence in the car.

    Tang Guangyu walked out of the car with a smile, opened Wen Muqing's wheelchair, put him on, and pushed him to a high-end restaurant in front of him: "Today, my mother said she was a treat, you can eat it."

    This is a Zhejiang restaurant. The food is light and refreshing, with a lot of sweetness and freshness. Obviously, considering Wen Muqing's body, he specially chose lighter dishes.

    However, Wen Muqing considers himself a very authentic Sichuan spicy party, and whenever he encounters such kindness, he has no choice but to accept it. When he goes back, he can have another half bowl of rice mixed with chili sauce.

    There was a waiter in embroidered Hanfu who walked in. He didn't look at Wen Muqing in a wheelchair, but said politely and comfortably, "Welcome, do you have an appointment?"

    "No. 25."

    "Okay, this way. Please."

    Entering the small box, Wen Muqing saw Shao Cuihua, who was wearing the conspicuous red dress in the daytime, and the little girl sitting next to her, wearing a long black dress and light makeup, who looked extra shy and shy.

    ——The weird and too hot eyes behind him, he wanted to ignore it.

    But speaking of it, when did he become such a Buddhist grandfather?

    Ignoring these strange thoughts, the two ladies of Wen Mu Qingchao smiled politely: "Aunt Shao, Miss Tian, ​​good evening."

    "Come on. Come, Guangyu sit next to me, and accompany me to go out to the surrounding shops later, my mother is missing a few seasonal clothes."

    Shao Cuihua responded and said with a smile: "The dishes will be ready soon, you first Eat, I'll go to the bathroom."

    "Then I'll go too." Tang Guangyu also stood up.

    Shao Cuihua stood up, let out a soft gasp, and subconsciously hammered his shoulder.

    Wen Muqing watched her smash one hand into the big red flower, the corner of his mouth twitched, turned to stare at the plate, his fingers hidden under the dining table moved slightly, and he gently pinched a card.

    [System, this time is a good opportunity. ]

    [I know I know. ] The system snorted coldly and indulged his actions.

    Wen Muqing, whose face turned pale instantly, raised his head and smiled friendly towards Tian: "Miss Tian, ​​although it's a bit presumptuous to say that, let's talk about it first..."

    The bathroom of this restaurant uses the latest technology. , Entering it is like entering a mirror world, surrounded by clear blue tones, no one can be seen, and there will be no embarrassing things like going to the wrong toilet.

    Shao Cuihua stroked his hair in front of the mirror, and his heart was full of the sense of achievement of the month old.

    After I 've got Wen Xiaoge and Tian Yatou together, I can go to see the son of the man who owns the barber shop downstairs...

    "Auntie, do you like to read?" The

    little leather shoes tapped the ground crisply, making a da da da da da. The voice, the little girl holding a big book in her hand stood beside her at some point, and the starry sky dress became more and more dazzling under the blue ocean light, like a sparkling star falling from the sky.

    The girl didn't have any powder on her face, but her skin was surprisingly good. Her big watery eyes sparkled with curiosity and curiosity, and her thick curly eyelashes made her look like a life-size doll.

    "Yo, the little girl is so handsome." Shao Cuihua's face burst into a flower instantly, "How old is this year, have you been in love

    ?" "Does Auntie like reading?" The little girl stared at her, Bai Nen's little hand pulled the corner of her clothes in the air.

    Shao Cuihua: "Damn, what books are you reading? I used to like to read romance novels, so the president runs with the ball, but there is no such thing in reality."

    "You like reading books, you are a good person." The little girl nodded with satisfaction and asked behind her, "So do you like reading books?"

    Shao Cuihua's body froze instantly. It's not that there is no logic at all.

    This place is a single-person toilet, not to mention this little girl who doesn't know where she came from, she can clearly remember that there is no one but herself.

    "Yo'er, you're talking about Sazi." Shao Cuihua swallowed his saliva, so frightened that the dialects came out, "How can there be someone here?"

    "Do you like reading?"

    In a place where Shao Cuihua could not see, The little girl's Bai Nennen hand tightly pinched the strange hydrangea of ​​the Rafflesia flower. The red juice that spewed out was like blood, and it was strangely painful. The branches and leaves were wrapped around Shao Cuihua.

    "Hey, are there mosquitoes here?" Shao Cuihua slapped himself on the back, "It makes me so itchy."

    "Auntie, don't move, this bad guy doesn't like to read, it's not good, I have to teach it well. It!"

    What kind of blind date are you thinking about, this is trying to escape!

    Shao Cuihua finally figured out that this strange little girl in front of her is not a good person, she suddenly fainted, covered her face with her hands and began to pretend to be dead.

    "Do you read books? You don't even read books, no wonder you are still so good!" The

    little girl put the books together, and the big book with starlight was suspended in mid-air.

    She freed up two hands, grabbed the bizarre bottom of the big flower, and pulled it hard. He only heard a tearing sound, and screamed strangely, as if peeling bamboo shoots, the whole thing was forcibly pulled from Shao Cuihua's back.

    "Do you read books? Do you like to read books? Those who don't read books are not good children." The

    little girl muttered in pieces, but in her hands she seemed to be dancing Hatsune Miku's onion-swinging song, and she threw a bunch of weird stuff over and over.

    There are big red flowers on the face, and the weirdness of the hydrangea all over the body is sprinkled on the ground by the shaking blood, it moves suddenly, the hydrangea on the body suddenly explodes, and an extremely strong fragrance comes out, which makes people bear it. There is a constant feeling of suffocation.

    "Ah, contaminate my skirt!" The little girl raised her voice, "You are really going too far."

    The book beside her was windless, and a page of paper floated out and turned into a paper knife. She took the paper knife and had to cut it on Wei Wei, until it was cut into several sections and turned into black smoke.

    A shimmering card gently fell to the ground. The little girl picked up the card with satisfaction, stuffed it into her book page, and then turned to look at Shao Cuihua.

    Smoked by a strong aroma, Shao Cuihua had long since let go of his hands covering his face, and smiled at himself in the mirror: "Oh, this girl is really handsome, have you fallen in love?"

    … ...that's not surprising.

    The little girl stood on tiptoe, drew a basin of water from the sink, sprinkled it lightly on her face, and said softly, "Pretty Auntie, wake up."

    Shao Cuihua slapped her face abruptly . , but seeing the residue of colorful cosmetics on her hand, she woke up instantly, she took a deep breath, and murmured: "Am I obsessed?"

    "Well, you are obsessed." The little girl Nodding earnestly, his stern face looked particularly cute, "Read more in the future, reading will make people sober, and reading will make people happy."

    Shao Cuihong painstakingly washed all the makeup off her face, and after a long delay said, "What's your name, little girl, although I don't know what happened, you should have helped me?"

    "What's my name? "..." The little girl repeated it blankly, her face wrinkled bitterly, "I should be called Shushu."

    "You can call me Shushu."

    Shao Cuihua: It sounds a bit cheap...

    she With a sigh, "Okay, Xiaoshu, are your parents here? I think I should send you some thank you gifts or something." After

    crossing into the interstellar era, people's horizons have also broadened a little, and occasionally they encounter an abnormal brain circuit. , maybe it's a little girl inherited from a magician, it's not impossible.

    It's just that ordinary people make up the majority, and everyone is self-aware that they don't want to risk their lives.

    Shu pursed her lips and said quickly, "You have to study hard and make progress every day! Don't waste time on blind dates for others."

    After saying these words, she ignored Shao Cuihua's actions and hugged her book. Da Da ran away, and soon disappeared into a blue.

    Shao Cuihua was stunned for a while. In the summer, she couldn't help shaking her arms. She looked at the mess in the bathroom. The brick surface with several cracks represented the battle that she could not see. : "Oh, mother, I did something wrong and encountered dirty things. Little brother Wen is really good-natured. I've done so much work and I'm not angry..."

    She didn't notice her shoes There's a red dot glowing on the heel to include all the information.

    Shao Cuihua didn't stay for long and left in a hurry.

    "So Brother Wen is also a student of Pingyu University? We are so destined." Tian Ke, who has curly brown hair and two small dimples when he smiles, chats with Wen Muqing while eating, "I am a Chinese major and will graduate next year. Now ."

    "I also speak Chinese." Wen Muqing nodded, showing a pleasant smile, "I have to say that Professor Bohan's ancient literature is really good."

    "Wow, straight senior!" Tian Ke gave a thumbs up, "Although it's not suitable to be a partner, it's still very good to be a friend."

    Wen Muqing took back the card, and his mood improved a lot: "That's right, you are A very cute girl."

    "Just call me Tian Ke."


    Outside the box, Tang Guangyu stopped the embarrassed mother and said, "Why did you go to the toilet for so long? I'm a little worried that they wouldn't dare to disturb them. Go in."

    "Damn, something big happened." Shao Cuihua couldn't help shivering, "Son, can you pick me up a few more romance novels to read? Don't abuse it."

    Tang Guangyu showed an indescribable expression: " Mom, in reality, it’s not enough for you to be a match for someone else, do you want to write a novel group CP yourself?”

    “Go and go, it’s not good, the young people like whoever they like or who they don’t like.” The

    two estimated the time. When they went in with their companions, they saw that the atmosphere between the two was harmonious, and Shao Cuihua almost showed the old Yue's smile in a conditioned reflex.

    Tian Ke was the first to speak: "Thank you Aunt Shao for the invitation. I had a good chat with Brother Wen, and we will be good friends in the future." The

    implication is that only friends can be.

    Shao Cuihua nodded clearly. He didn't say anything more, but said with a smile: "You can just talk on your own. Auntie has no other ideas. It's good to be happy. Just be happy."

    After a full meal, Tang Guangyu put the Wen Muqing sent it back to the shop.

    It was past nine o'clock at this time, and there was no one in sight. Wen Muqing closed the door of the store and leaned comfortably on the sofa, thinking about which vest to use to punish evil and promote good.

    Having gradually become accustomed to the feeling of double-opening, Wen Muqing said to the system as if taking credit: "You can see that I can get used to it now, so don't worry too much about me." ]

    The system let out a "hmm", it was still immersed in Wen Muqing's high-end acting skills, unable to extricate itself, and for a while he couldn't tell what the basic character of the card was.

    Paranoia can be regarded as paranoid, and it is the feeling of not leaving the book... but more like a crazy critic?

    [I didn't expect Aunt Shao to have the courage to ask me the name of Shuling, so I made up one now. ] Wen Muqing said with emotion, [Fortunately, Tian Ke is also a sweet girl, I learned and sold it on the spot. ]

    Is this sweet? Does Tian Ke know that your acting is so crazy...

    The system has already understood that the way of acting in Wen Muqing's eyes and the way of acting it thinks are completely two ways, just like "actor" and "actor" can also be Not a thing at all.

    Wen Muqing took out the used cards and looked at the data.

    Although the card characters have fixed skills, it does not mean that they will not have different physical qualities. R Ka Shuling looks small and weak, but in fact it is quite powerful. The stone is pulverized into powder.

    This time I played for a long time, and I used my abilities. The durability of the book spirit has directly changed from 100% to 89%, and the time limit has also changed to 23 hours. The corners of the little girl's beautiful starry sky skirt have a trace of damage, which is a pity to look at.

    "It's a pity that the night watchman has to cross the bright road, so he can't just use it to fight monsters..." Wen Muqing muttered to himself, "The flute soul is too precious and I don't think it's appropriate to use it here. I still have to rely on the book spirit." The

    system coughed lightly. A sound: [The card that was dropped just now can be exchanged for 2 points of energy, and you now have 8 points. ]

    [Well, save first. ] Wen Muqing summoned the "Night Watchman" to arrange her own body, then cut the "Book Spirit" card, and used her second skill to start locating the strange ability person she encountered today.


    Pingyu City, a single-family villa.

    In addition to Huang San, there was a man and a woman sitting in the study. Instead of turning on the lights, they lit a white candle. The light flickered, and everyone's faces looked like ghosts.

    The three of them looked solemn, and the monitor in front of them had already heard Shao Cuihua's voice coming home, and she felt "a lot more relaxed".

    After a long time, Huang San choked and said: "The weirdness of the C-level has been eliminated, and this experimental body is just invalid."

    His promotion, the pinnacle of his life, has since vanished...

    The woman pinched her nails impatiently. : "Who is that little girl, what's her name uncle? A girl is called uncle? She destroyed the C-class monster with parasites by herself?

    " ." The remaining man said, "This thinking logic is very confusing, it is impossible to pass the review of 'Dawn', we do not have such people in 'Ark', is it a wild ability, or is it - weird?"

    "It shouldn't be weird, weird can't let go of the humans who can see her." Huang San scratched his head irritably, "What's going on today, the C-level weird energy suddenly increased, I thought I could get a promotion, but I gave it to me at night. It's gone."

    "How can someone who wants to match others with no distractions find a second one? It's so difficult to cultivate a suitable match, we're afraid we'll be ripped off by the boss!"

    "Hehe, damn it. It's also you, I'll be in charge of supervising the transmission of data." The woman rolled her eyes, "You checked the owner of that small shop, what do you say? Can you top it?

    " "Huang San tutted, "I can only see with a long face, but I don't know what to pull."

    "Forget it, go and squat to see other people and see if you can find something a little abnormal... that experiment. Has the son of body C3 checked it out?"


    "Then you can check it tomorrow."

    Several people were discussing their future work with gloomy faces, but no one dared to go to the restaurant to find the trace of the little girl. Just kidding, the ability is unknown, listening to the crackling sound, this is the one who can single-handedly pick up a C-level weird person! Where can they be provoked by these "ark" bottom-level rookies... A

    gust of wind blew, and the candle in front of him shook violently When he got up, the tears of the candle fell, and it felt bloodshot. Huang San shuddered: "Why do you have to light this candle to talk." The

    woman rolled his eyes at him: "This is a strange D-level drop, Under its candlelight, no one can lie, otherwise you think you can sit here and chat with us?"

    "Well, so it is."

    A voice sounded faintly.

    The woman said: "Don't say that there are none of these... Who!"

    Besides her, how could there be a second female voice here?!

    "Well, didn't you call my name?" The little girl in a starlight dress holding a book tilted her head, looking innocent, "Uncles and aunts, do you like reading books?"

    The morning light of the three The watch has been modified long ago, so it is naturally impossible to send a reminder to the official morning light. At this time, I checked it myself and found that the energy value of the little girl in front of me has reached as high as 200!

    "Dawn" is red and hot, which is not a performance that humans can have.

    The three of them fought with each other, and the horror in their hearts was indescribable.

    This, is it because I heard someone call her name and the concept of her appeared in my mind, can it appear directly? This kind of weirdness can be regarded as B just by looking at the influence! The

    three of them are at most props. Fighting with B-'s weird, isn't this just sending food?

    A few people didn't understand the weird behavior, so they kept silent in tacit understanding, and no one wanted to be a standout.

    Shushu didn't receive the feedback from the person in front of her, she puffed her cheeks in dissatisfaction, and said in a low voice, "Why don't you answer my question, don't you all like reading books?"

    She smiled to herself again. , the laughter is getting louder and louder: "Then I have to punish the bad boy who doesn't like to read!"

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