Summer Love || camren

jaurxgz tarafından

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When Camila decided to move back to Miami after finishing High School, she finds that their neighbour would h... Daha Fazla



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jaurxgz tarafından

There was still no known changes in Lauren condition and it has been a month since the accident happened. The anticipation and waiting game that the family has to play each day is now weighing heavily on their shoulders. Camila have been trying to hide her emotions from everyone although she's not completely shutting everyone out, they know that Camila has been suffering. The smaller girl have been visiting Lauren on a daily basis, talking to her girlfriend and spending time with the lifeless body at the hospital in the privacy of Lauren's hospital room.

Today Camila didn't want to go elsewhere except to be by Lauren's side, talking and spending time with her the whole day. She's also joined in with the other girls in the room whilst Clara and Mike spend some needed quality time with their other children.

"We're settled with Lauren and Camila being the godmothers right?" Dinah asked Ally who sat across Lauren's bed.

"I guess so but didn't we have the baby shower last week why worry about that now?" Ally asked.

"Umm because I wanted to see whether or not you have a position for me..." Dinah trailed off.

"Well you can be the cool auntie while Normani does the complete opposite of that." Ally teased.

"Excuse me but I want to be that fabulous and cool auntie thank you very much." Normani quirked up an eyebrow at Ally.

"Here's an idea!" Camila exclaimed. "Why not all of us be the cool, fabulous and lesbian godmothers." Camila referred to the three of them, pointing at Dinah, Normani and then herself.

"She has a point though." Dinah agreed and looked at Ally.

"I'll think about it." Ally waved her hand dismissively, wanting to leave the conversation where it is.

A few minutes later, Troy appeared from the big door with bags of food for the girls.

"You know I have gotten so used to the environment here that I feel like I won't be that nervous by the time you give birth." He stated once he walked inside the room, placing the bags on the table.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Camila asked. "I mean for you not for her." She then added and looked at Troy who's shrugging his shoulders at Camila.

"Let's not forget who's the one who will be going through the pain of trying to get this baby out." Ally chuckled and grabbed the food containers out of the bag to place them out on the table.

"Why do you always look at the negative side of this whole thing?" Dinah asked and grabbed the container of the food that she asked Troy to get.

"I guess I'm just scared that's all." Ally stated simply.

"Think about it Dinah, I think it is quite scary to just go through giving life to another human being." Camila agreed.

"Point taken." Dinah agreed.

They all devoured on the food and left the conversation where it is. The assembled group chatted away throughout the entire lunch time before both Ally and Troy left to spend some time together.

Normani decided that she will take Dinah out to go shopping for now to leave Camila with Lauren for a longer time than usual.

"What time are you guys coming back?" Camila asked, lifting her gaze up from her phone.

"In an hour or so." Normani stated simply.

"Do you want me to grab some thing for you?" Dinah asked, standing up from her seat to follow Normani's lead.

"Nah, I'm all good." Camila smiled.

"Alright, well suit yourself with... whatever..." Dinah dismissed and walked out of the room.

"Have fun." Camila called out before the door closed completely behind her friends.

"Guess it's just me and you." Camila sighed heavily and looked at Lauren who slept peacefully, Camila stared at her girlfriend's chest rising and falling steadily. She looked at her face, the wounds are now faded, the big bandage on her forehead now gone, Camila could now distinguish her girlfriend's feature more clearly than before.

Camila leaned in closer and put down her phone to strike Lauren's hair lovingly in her hands. She slowly lets her dark locks run smoothly through her fingers and out of Lauren's face. Camila then slowly traces her index finger with the structure of Lauren's face, down to her jawline.

"You look so beautiful, you know that right?" Camila said softly, still caressing Lauren's face.

Camila then stood up from her seat and placed a soft and gentle kiss on Lauren's forehead, letting herself linger there for a while.

"I miss taking your soft lips into mine..." Camila started as she returned to her previous position. She then takes hold of Lauren's hand and started rubbing the back of it with the pad of her thumb. "That first time you kissed me and made me realise that with you I will be just fine." Camila smiled to herself, the thought of their first kiss is still fresh in her memory. "You have me the butterflies even with just one look and you still do. You never fail to make me feel alive, special, beautiful, and all sorts of things." She breathed, her emotions are now taking over her. "I just miss your voice Lauren. I want you to be back in my arms already, this whole month that have gone by without your physical and emotional contact with mine has been too long. It has been a struggle to keep on going, I just want things to be back to the way they were before..."

Before Camila could say another word, Dinah walked into the room, interrupting Camila.

"I'm not..." Dinah stared but stopped in her tracks when she saw Camila looking at her with a puzzled expression.

There was silence between the two of them.

"You're crying, Mila..." Dinah pointed out and made her way over to where Camila is sitting.

"What?" Camila took in a lungful of air and wiped the tears with the back of her hand. "I didn't even know I was."She laughed as she tried to make a joke with what happened while Dinah was gone.

Camila then quickly turns her attention over to Dinah who looked at her with an unreadable expression.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Camila then quickly changes the topic to avoid questions from Dinah.

"It turns out Normani wasn't taking me to the mall, she was gonna take me to this place where her men hangs out." Dinah explained. "So I passed and walked back here." The Polynesian girl then shrugged her shoulders and descended on a chair next to Camila.

"So are you gonna tell me why you were crying or?" Dinah tried to bring up the situation again. "What was going on in your head?" She pressed on when she didn't get an answer from Camila.

"I was just thinking about Lauren and I." Camila replied simply.

Another silence fell between Dinah and Camila.

"Well you know that there's always a rainbow at the end of every storm." Dinah smiled at Camila, the smaller girl looking a little confused as to where Dinah is heading with their conversation. "You two will have your happy ending no matter how many obstacles you go through. Those things will make your relationship with Lauren stronger and at first it might seem like there's no point fighting for what you think is right or for what you feel but you're strong Mila and I know it. You will fight for the things that you value the most, you will stand by their side just to help them through the times where they're crumbling down and on the verge of giving up, you have your ways of making sure things go the way the should be." Dinah explained and waited a bit before she continued. "I guess what I'm trying to say right now is that..." Dinah then looks up to meet Camila's gaze who's fixed firmly on the girl sitting beside her. "You will have Lauren's physical presence in your arms again, soon." She added, Camila nods lightly and smiled weakly at Dinah, her emotions now running wild inside her battling on whether or not she should express them.

"Now will you please just tell me if we're going to have a movie night tonight or not?" Dinah changed the subject and asked enthusiastically.

"Sure, do you have any movies in mind?" Camila asked.

"I've got a couple but I don't think they'll be enough."

"We'll ask Mani and Ally too, make it a girls night kind of thing." Camila suggested.

"Sure, as long as I don't get to hear Ally of Normani complaining about the movie choice." Dinah laughed.

"They won't be complaining if you pick the right movie to watch." Camila smirked at Dinah.

Camila and Dinah waited until the early hours of the afternoon before Clara and Mike entered the hospital room.

Both Dinah and Camila stood up to make their way out of the room, Camila giving Lauren a lovingly kiss on her forehead before making her way out of the room.

"Camila." Clara stopped Camila in her tracks and gestured for the girl to come closer to Clara.

"Yeah?" Camila asked, moving closer to Clara.

"Thank you." The older woman stated easily.

"For what?" Camila asked a little confused as to what Clara is referring to.

"For being with Lauren every single day." Clara started and looked at her daughter laying in bed. "You have done a lot of sacrificing for Lauren, for our family during the past month and I don't think I could ever thank you enough for that." The older woman then placed a comforting hand on Camila's shoulder before continuing. "Lauren is extremely lucky to have you in her life and I hope that you two will not give up on each other." Clara smiled at Camila who reciprocated the act immediately.

"It's the least that I could do after all those times when she prepared romantic dates and surprises for us to spend time together." Camila looked at Lauren for a second. "And I promise that I will never leave her or give up on her." Camila sighed and smiled weakly to herself.

Camila gave Clara a warm hug before leaving the room to leave both of Lauren's parents to have their private time with their daughter.

Camila quickly caught up with Dinah and left the building swiftly.

"What happened to you?" Dinah asked, noticing Camila walking beside her once again.

"Nothing. Let's go home." Camila smiled to Dinah and waited for Normani to pick them two up.

After a short wait, Normani finally arrived with Ally to pick both Camila and Dinah up from the hospital to go over to Camila's house. Dinah quickly filled Normani and Ally in with their movie night and suggested a few movies too, that the other other girls did not disagreed with.

But before going back to Camila's house, they all decided to first grab something to eat for dinner at the diner before commencing their movie night and feeding themselves with junk food.

They all walked in and sat at one of the booths as they picked their orders.

"Pizza everyone?" Camila asked, placing down the menu back on the table.

"Yeah sure." They all agreed in a unison.

Camila put up her hand high up in the air to grab the waiter's attention before she placed their order and the waiter took it back to the register.

"Dinah I thought you drive?" Normani asked, once the waiter left their booth.

"Yeah I do but there's no purpose into that if we don't have access to a car." Dinah replied.

"Doesn't her grandparents have a car?" Normani pointed over to Camila who's now busy on her phone.

"They do, don't they, Mila?" Dinah asked, finally realising something.

"We can't use that." Camila replied, making a face to Dinah.

"Yeah but isn't it gonna be a lot easier if we use that for now to go back and forth from the hospital without having the need to call either one of these two?" Dinah asked and pointed to the two other girls sat opposite them.

"Good point but if we end up damaging that car, it'll be devastating for my abuelo and abuela plus we will be in so much trouble if ever." Camila explained and pointed out her reasons.

"It won't hurt you if you try and ask for it, would it?" Dinah asked and kinked an eyebrow up at Camila.

"I'll ask but I'm not making any promises on getting a positive response with this idea." Camila waved her hand dismissively and quickly dialled her abuela's number.

"Alright." Dinah held out her hands in front of her.

Camila talked on the phone with her grandparents for a while, asking for the car. The waiter also came around to deliver the food that they have ordered.

"Alright I have to go now, I'll talk to you soon. Bye, take care." Camila hanged up the phone and grabbed a slice of pizza straight away.

She felt eyes on her and quickly averted her eyes from the food she is currently consuming.

"So?" Dinah asked, making a hand gesture for Camila to tell them what her grandparents said.

"Well they said that..." Camila takes a bite out of the pizza in her hand.

"Mila!" Dinah almost shouted.

"They said yes." Camila managed to finish while chewing the piece of pizza.

"Awesome." Dinah smiled brightly and grabbed a slice of pizza.

"Here's the catch." Camila looked at Dinah mischievously.

"What?" Dinah asked, her eyes widened at Camila's look.

"We take turns. I'll be making a schedule on when I will need to use the car and if I don't need it, then feel free to use is." Camila explained and held out a hand for Dinah to shake before continuing. "Deal?" Dinah grabbed her hand and shook it firmly.


The four girls all devoured their dinner before going over to Camila's house for their planned movie night.

The girls all cuddled up in the living room together, all sorts of junk food scattered around the area, blankets and cushions are either on the floor or wrapped around them.

Dinah and Camila took over the floor, no the of the cuddles up with one another while Normani and Ally stayed on the sofa, partly because of Ally's heavily pregnant condition.

"Why do guys always do that in movies?" Dinah asked, breaking the silence in the room, her eyes never leaving the TV screen as she continued on talking. "Like they would make the girl feel like a princess for one minute then the next they'll be off and running around the town like nothing happened." Dinah rambled on.

"You know what they say Dinah, let go of the one thing you love and treasure the most and if it comes back to you then it is for you but if it doesn't then you just have to set them free." Camila explained and fixes her position on the floor so she is now leaning her head on Dinah's shoulder.

"Would you let the one thing you love the most just to prove to yourself that they're the right one for you?" Dinah asked and looked on her side to see Camila shuffling around her position to look at Dinah properly.

Camila looked at Dinah with an incredible expression, the smaller girl not knowing on how to respond to Dinah's question right at that moment. Normani and Ally now taking interest in the conversation and shuffled around the sofa to lean over and look at Camila properly, pausing the movie along the way. Camila now shared a look with all of them and took a deep breath.

"Are you gonna let that one thing go even if it's the only thing that made you feel like you're the only thing that matters in this world?" Dinah pressed on.

Camila swallowed hard, a lump of emotion now building up in the back of her throat, she also felt tears now stinging her eyes.

"If it's meant to be, it's meant to be..." Camila started and took in a lungful of air before continuing. "I will not force something that is not meant to be for me and if that one thing that I have to set free comes back around in 5, 10 years after then I think I would be able to say that one thing is mine and only mine." Camila smiled weakly to hide the hurt and other mixed emotions that she's feeling inside, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand before the tears fall freely, Camila then let's out a small chuckle almost echoing around the house.

"What an idiot..." Camila laughed and wiped at her eye again. "Look at me crying for no reason." She then gestured to herself and shrugged her shoulders.

"Mila..." Dinah started.

"I don't even know why am I even affected by that question." Camila added, looking up and fanning herself to somehow stop the flow of the tears from falling, again.

Dinah placed a comforting hand on Camila's shoulder, slowly bringing her friend into a hug. Once Dinah successfully wrapped her arms around Camila's smaller frame, her friend bursts into tears almost instantly, Normani and Ally shared a look with Dinah before saying anything.

"Just don't overthink it." Normani started and thought about what she's going to say next to prevent from hurting Camila. "You will never have to let her go, you will never have to set her free just to see whether or not she's the right one for you because from the way that she looked at you since day one, I know for a fact that she will never want to let you go." Normani stated, honestly and stroked Camila's hair comfortingly.

Normani then shuffled around from the sofa to lean in closer to Dinah and Camila.

"Remember what you told me a few nights ago?" Normani asked, this time Camila broke her hug from Dinah to look at Normani, she lightly nodded her head in approval and wiped the tears from her eyes. "You told me that you were certain to love the rest of your life with her whether she'll be the one or your friend. The love that you have for Lauren and the love that Lauren has for you is something that most people would envy. Your love for one another is strong and it can and will take you anywhere but trust me when I say that Lauren will not have the guts to leave you nor hurt you, she loves you way too much to let those things get in your way." Normani stated.

"I'm just scared of what's to come." Camila said, her voice broke a little.

"I know you are but you cannot assume things in the future."

Camila took in a deep breath and tried to compose herself for a while to end the scenario where it is. She needed to stop thinking about the negative things that might happen once Lauren wakes up and tell herself that things will be just fine, Lauren will not leave her, ever.

A couple of days have gone by after their movie night and Camila break down, again and they were back to their old routine, visits to Lauren and waiting for to regain conscious once more.

Camila have decided that she will come around the late afternoon that day to take over the night shift of watching over Lauren at the hospital. Since she decided that, Dinah and Camila herself, decided that they should both enjoy each other's company by going to the mall. The two girls now have no problems, whatsoever of how to get to their planned destinations.

On the way over to the mall, Dinah took over the stereo of the car, as Camila drives both of them to their location.

"Turn it down Dinah." Camila shouted against the blaring music coming out of the car stereo.

"What?" Dinah asked, not quiet hearing what Camila said.

Instead of saying anything, at the stop, Camila turned the knob of the stereo in order to lower the volume of the music being played.

"Hey! That song is my jam." Dinah pouted and tried to turn the volume up once more.

"And my eardrums are about to fall off." Camila rolled her eyes at Dinah.

"Just turn it up a little then." Dinah turned the volume knob of the stereo but not blasting out the music to its maximum volume.

"Leave it alone." Camila groaned and stepped foot on the gas pedal to move off the intersection.

Soon the two friend finally reached the mall and parked at the nearest vacant spot near the entrance. Camila turned off the car engine and hopped out of the vehicle, Dinah following suit.

"I think I want to go shopping for new clothes." Camila quirked up an eyebrow at the thought.

"Don't you have like a lot of clothes already?" Dinah asked, walking closely with Camila.

"Yeah but a girl has needs and what I need is new clothes and good food." Camila smiled at Dinah.

"If that will help you float your boat then go for it." Dinah chuckled and followed Camila around the mall.

Camila walked into various shops to buy a few new clothing, while Dinah just followed her giving her suggestions on what she should buy.

Then Camila walked into the kasi store to buy a newly released album. She scanned through the pile of new CDs busily until someone walked up to her.

"Hey there." A deep voice greeted Camila, who instantly broke her attention away from the CDs in front of her.

"What are you doing here?" Camila asked, shocked.

"It's great seeing you too." He chuckled and leaned against the shelving.

"Hey Mila do you..." Dinah stopped in her tracks seeing who Camila is talking to.

"What are you doing here?" Dinah asked and moves closer to Camila.

"I see you're still friends with Dinah."

"What do you want?" Camila asked.

"I'm just being friendly, I'm not trying anything with you." He stated.

Dinah was about to say something but get cut off by Camila instantly.

"Hey Dinah do you mind?" Camila asked sincerely and gestured for Dinah to leave the two of them alone for a while.

Dinah threw a look at Camila and walked away slowly.

"What do you want Anthony?" Camila asked once Dinah left the scene.

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