Magi: Sindria's Prophet

By MoriMakesFanart

111K 4.9K 1.5K

I got Isekaied into Magi. Having read the complete manga many times I know what the future holds and there's... More

01 (Balbadd arc
02 (Balbadd arc
03 (Balbadd arc
04 (Balbadd arc
05 (Balbadd arc
06 (Balbadd arc
07 (Balbadd arc
08 (Ship to Sindria
09 (Ship to Sindria
10 (Ship to Sindria
11 (Settling into Sindria
12 (Settling in Sindria
13 (Settling in Sindria
14 (Settling in Sindria
15 (Settling in Sindria
16 (Settling in Sindria -Dinner
17 (Settling in Sindria -Dinner
18 (Settling in Sindria -Dinner
19 (Settling in Sindria -After Dinner
20 (Settling in Sindra - New Home
21 (Settling in Sindra - New Home
22 (Settling in Sindra - New Home -Date ;3
23 (Settling in Sindra - New Home -Date ;3
24 (Settling in Sindra - New Home -Homework
25 (Settling in Sindra - New Home
26 (Settling in Sindria -Meeting
28 - Another meeting
29-Gender, Jewelry & Flirting p1
30-Gender, Jewelry & Flirting p2
31 Final Preparations/Denial
32 Announcement Arc: Sindria's Prophet
33- Announcement Arc- Sindria's Prophet
34- Announcement Arc -Sinbad's Prophet
35 -Announcement Arc -Sinbad's Prophet
36 -Announcement Arc-Sinbad's Prophet
37 (Eye of the Storm
38- (Eye of the Storm
39 -Eye of the Storm
40 -Eye of the Storm

27 (Settling in Sindria -Meeting -And They were Business Partners

2.3K 105 64
By MoriMakesFanart

~POV Mori~

One thing lead to another and I found myself leading King Sinbad and Ja'far to my room. The conversation had shifted from the expectations for me as Sindria's Prophet to preparing for the war with Magnostadt in 2 years.

I b-lined for where I was storing the flight scroll while the other 2 entered behind me. When I turned around, both were staring down at the table -or rather, staring at the Fate scrolls that I had left drying on it. "I- uh -I had some time so figured I should write down more of your past." I know they seemed fine and even interested when I showed them the first scroll, but that didn't mean seeing their pasts written out like this wouldn't make them uncomfortable... especially considering some of parts I drew.

King Sinbad continued to look down at the scrolls. "You drew Mystras." I hadn't gotten anywhere near writing the Fall of First Sindria so I hadn't been thinking about how seeing this might affect them.

Ja'far froze as his gaze moved farther down the scroll. "You drew our time in the Valley of the Dead." He turned to me with betrayal in his eyes. "Why did you draw this part??"

I had no excuse, but did have the truth. "Because it was funny."

The General made a pained sound, and Sinbad chuckled at the two of us.

"So anyway," I pulled us back to the reason we came here, "This is the scroll I mentioned." I walked over to the table and pushed the other two scrolls out of the way for this one. "This is how to fly without magic. I'm not sure how flying magic works, but hopefully the magicians can use this information."

King Sinbad skimmed the scroll before asking, "Which of these machines are the ones you said Riem will have?"

I pointed. "This one. They will have small blimps. I don't know the specific materials they will use to make them though. Regardless, this type isn't ideal for combat since if they are too close to the ground they make easy targets, they move fairly slowly, and if the balloon portion gets damage it will fall from the sky. However, this world doesn't have functioning engines yet, so this might be the most advanced flying machine that can be made for a while -at least without magic."

After a minute of reading, Sinbad commented, "It uses fire like Kou's sky lanterns." Ancient China had sky lanterns around 200 AD/CE so it made sense that Kou would have them too.

I stepped back as the two kept reading. "Yes. They use the same sciences."

Sinbad hummed. "Admittedly, I've never seen the sky lanterns in person, so I'm not sure how much I believe it."

Ja'far looked up from the scroll and asked, "How long would it take to make a prototype?"

That question and my answer of, "I don't know how long a blimp prototype would take, but I made sky lanterns when I was a kid. That can be done easily in under an hour," had all three of us heading to the Black Libra Tower.

That old magician with the beard greeted us as we entered the Tower. Yam had told me his name when he was first introduced to me, but I couldn't remember it -I felt like it started with a Y or G. Regardless, I gave him a quick summary of the experiment we wanted to do while he hungrily eyed the scroll in my hand.

"Thank you for your help, Menachem." King Sinbad expressed his gratitude as we started making our way upstairs.

That wasn't a Y or G...

We reached a labs floor, and after passing a few of them, Yamuraiha's voice came from behind us. "Your Majesty, good afternoon." We all turned to face her and her eyes snapped to the scroll in my hands. "You brought another scroll!" The water mage took it from my hands before I could register her walking up to me. Yam started to open it. "What's this one on-? Gasp," she looked over the top of the scroll at me, "Pisti said she took you shopping!" Yam used the scroll to hide her shit eating grin as she looked between me and our King, and back again. "It looks really good on you."

"...Thanks." I was 99% sure she wasn't complimenting how I look in purple.

The magical popcorn gallery laughed with Yam and made their own comments in agreement.

Ja'far coughed with purpose. "It's a scroll on flying machines and how they work without magic." He pulled attention back to the topic. "We are here because Mori agreed to make something that can prove some of the science in the scroll."

The materials were gathered, and I got to work while everyone read and discussed the scroll.

"How interesting. The way this talks about using fire to create wind is much like how type 1 magic can be used to direct air flow." ((This is what Yunan says he taught Morg. I figure other magicians would know this level of manipulation. I really like how the Magic system in Magi goes along with actual physics instead of breaking it X3))

I made a framework box out of dowels and tied the whole thing together with string. When I made these in middle school I used plastic straws and tape or glue which is much lighter, so I had to scale up the design. The sleeves on my uniform jacket got in my way, so I took it off and draped it over the back of the chair I was sitting in.

"Sails catch wind to move ships, so if people can really manipulate wind like this it may be possible."

At least they understood this much. I took the thinnest parchment they brought and wrapped them around the structure to form the envelope of the lantern. I only sewed where the edges overlapped and a little on the opposite side to counter balance.

"...Like how large kites can pick up small children off the ground..."

Kites were invented around 200 BC in China so they would definitely exist in this world already. Kite running festivals became a thing in Afghanistan around the 14 century AD/CE. It was one of the earliest Middle Eastern countries to pick it up from China. That wasn't too different than when I pegged Magi, so I wasn't surprised that the people here knew about them.

The final touch was securing the candle. I whipped this thing together very quickly so it probably wasn't the safest contraption for dealing with fire in a closed room, but there were water mages with us, and Sinbad had Valefor so even if something goes wrong it will get stopped immediately. I held the prototype in the middle of the room. "Can someone light the candle please?"

A magician pointed their staff at the candle. The air in the lantern started to heat up and after a minute or so it floated out of my hands.

~POV Ja'far~

This lantern was nothing compared to what was in the scroll, but it proved her point. Once again, the Prophet was giving them knowledge that would make Sindria undeniably the greatest country. The other night she described it as both something she wanted and an obligation she couldn't ignore. Ja'far didn't know what made Mori apprehensive about giving them more sometimes, but he was glad she moved past it.

Well... As grateful as he was for all of the new science and technology, Ja'far wasn't looking forward to making the budget for all of these advancements. The research for flying machines and even the advancements in alchemy magic could fall under the normal budget for the Black Libra Tower for now, but the advancements in medical science couldn't be acted upon slowly. The academics of the tower and the doctors were repeatedly unable to disprove the claims, and were already starting to ask to change the way things were handled around the Palace. The Palace and Public hospitals will have to have some areas rebuilt, and who knew what else as they learned more. After looking at those 'microorganisms' with his own eyes, Ja'far couldn't convince himself to withhold the changes even though their budget wasn't ready for all of this.

"...we could make a ship fly with this." One of the magicians commented to the group.

Mori confirmed the idea. "In the future, Sindria's leading export will be both cargo and passenger flying ships." Sindria was already a leader in exports and trade. If they controlled the very means of travel they'd control every global market. "Everyone that originally works on them is either already here or will start arriving in about two years."

In two years was the war with Magnostadt. They were going to gain access to that county's magical knowledge by having a hand in ending the war. Sin had talked to Ja'far in private about potential ways of preventing the war, but that was before they found out that it had nothing to do with Actia. One glance at Sinbad proved he was thinking the same thing. Letting the war happen so Sindria and the Alliance could step in would be very beneficial.

~POV Mori~

If only I had entered this world as a magician. "I don't know how magic works, but I do understand science so wrote that down."

Menachem stroked his beard. "Even so, your help can't be overestimated."

The way Sinbad sauntered over, the smile on his face, the tone of his voice, it all pointed to him trying to flirt again. "He's right, you know?"

"Oh?" I smiled back at him. This was nothing compared to the advancements in magic that Magnostadt has been making.

"I mean it." King Sinbad was definitely trying to seduce me again with the way his eyes smoldered. "I wonder how I should reward you this time."

If Sinbad wanted to reward me for this, and bribe encourage me with more flirting, then he definitely wasn't upset from earlier. He almost looked distraught when I told him his guess about the war was wrong. Giving the flight scroll must have made up for it.

Was Sinbad planning to give me more jewelry? He'd said as much the previous day. Treasure was nice, but I wanted a source of income I could actually use. I felt like I couldn't ask for that until I had received everything he already planned to give me. Of course, I could always sell the treasures if I really need to...if I wasn't so sentimental. I brushed my hair back to draw attention to the earrings he gave me barely a day ago. "I wonder..." I teased back.

~POV Ja'far~

"There really is pink Rukh around the King. You weren't joking."

"To think that she'd already be dressed in purple though."

"The Rukh never lie, you know?"

The one regret Ja'far had was deciding not to wait for Mori to try and find clothes that weren't purple. If only he knew that they would visit the Black Libra Tower. This was going to fuel rumors no matter what they did. He groaned while watching the two flirt on the other side of the room. They were digging their own graves, and even if he managed to stop them now, it would only fuel the rumors more. But... if Sinbad was in love with her then he had to be causing the rumors on purpose, right?

"Keep up the good work everyone." Sinbad was waving a hand in the air while walking out of the room with Mori ....without Ja'far. The General followed the two out of the room and down the hallway.

With a better understanding of the weapons Riem was preparing, they returned to the King's office. Sinbad had a controlled smile, but Ja'far could see that he was really enjoying himself deep down.

Sin stayed standing, as he looked back at them. "Now that it's just us," He started, "Mori, what is your real answer?"

"To what?" She asked back.

"How you'd like to be compensated." Mori's eyes went wide, but she didn't answer. Sin continued, "I could see it in your eyes that you had something else you wanted to ask for, so please tell me." Sin was try to make it harder for her to leave SIndria by raising her compensation.

Mori's face went a bit red. Ja'far didn't think she was the type to ask for anything unreasonable. It took her a moment to prepare her answer. "Many things will be invented from the information I've already given as well as what I will give in the future. The impact of these advancements can't be measured. They certainly aren't things that can easily be paid for in one installment..." That was becoming undeniable. Mori's knowledge would change life on a macro and micro scale, as well as profit them more than they could ever hope to predict. Was it even possible to put a price on it?

~POV Sinbad~

Sinbad laughed. "I agree that your knowledge is worth far more than a mere pair of earrings." In hindsight it was presumptuous to think he could satisfy her with something so cheap -even though everything he was giving her was enough for a family to live off of for years. Mori had said she would bring the technology from her world into this one, but they didn't understand at all. 2000 more years worth of advancements. It was probably worth more than all the treasure he'd taken from the 7 Dungeons he captured. "So, how would you like to be compensated?"

The Prophet seemed less nervous with his reassurance. "I was thinking that receiving a cut of the profits from everything made from my scrolls would give me the most accurate amount of compensation." She touched her earrings again. "I won't deny that what you gave me is acting as a nice down payment during this research and development stage."

Sinbad crossed his arms. "That's a very reasonable suggestion." This way most of what they would give her wouldn't come from Sindria, but from the merchants and countries that bought from them. However, a split of the profits was something anyone could give; he'd need to find something greater to keep her in Sindria.

~POV Mori~

I didn't want to barter, but even before that, "I don't mind getting something from luxury and basic advancements, but it feels wrong to me to take from medical supplies and other necessities. I grew up in a country that put such a high price on life saving medication, and quality of life tools that choosing between medicine and food was common. I don't want to add to the chance of that happening here." I had been trying not to think about that.

Sinbad's smile faltered. I couldn't read the expression that was quickly covered back up. "I promise, I won't let that happen."

"Okay," was all I said in response.

Sinbad let out a sigh that was just as much a laugh.

Ja'far gave a suggestion "We can make it so that you'll get less from anything medical, and more from luxury goods. Would that work for you?"

"Yes." Again I gave a one word response.

I wasn't actually sure what more I could say. I had a basic idea of what a gram of gold was worth in American dollars, and I had studied six pence in history, but my understanding of how much things were worth in this world was limited to non-existent. Even talking in percentages wouldn't be enough since I don't know what is considered normal for the area. I confessed as much, so the other two started explaining some basics. They gave some suggestions and even said they'd be willing to renegotiate after 6 months or so when I have a better understanding of things. It felt like I was staring wish fulfillment in the face. "I'd prefer if we could have a contract written up sooner rather than later." I didn't want them changing their minds, and I wanted a reminder for myself.

"Oh?" Sinbad smiled.

I tensed. "I know a good deal when I see one." And so did Sinbad... Was I under pricing?

The King laughed. "You have my word that it won't change. And we have Ja'far as witness."

I glanced at our witness before agreeing. Ja'far normally took Sinbad's side, but he also held him to his word. I've been burned too many times by commissioners that backed out on paying full while still wanting product. I didn't think these two would try to swindle me after everything. But if they did, they'd have an angry Prophet on their hands who knew all of their secrets I'd take my knowledge elsewhere... not that I had many options.

Sinbad offered his hand to me. "May I?"

A hand shake would suffice until we could actually get signatures involved. "Okay, but I still want it in writing-" I placed my hand in his, but instead of shaking it, he brought my knuckles to his lips and turned off my brain.

"Sin." The General groaned.

Sinbad chuckled. He lowered my hand, but didn't let go of it. His thumb caressed over my knuckles. "I had to seal our agreement somehow, didn't I?"

Why... why was he flirting? We were discussing business, weren't we? ...My livelihood.

Ja'far looked as exhausted as I felt. "You don't have to put up with this if you don't want to, Lady Mori."

Sinbad loosened his grip on my hand so I could take it back. I looked at it, still not understanding why that happened. I repeated the last thought I could remember. "I want the agreement on paper now."

The contract didn't take long to write up. Sinbad signed first, then me, and then Ja'far signed as a witness to notarize the agreement.

The three of us left the office together. A few guards stood at every doorway and hallway. Ja'far was the first to split off to file the agreement. King Sinbad offered me his hand to escort me to the entrance 'personally.' It was unnecessary; I took his hand. When we reached the entrance there were a few people in uniform loitering -seemingly on break.

My escort stopped just short of the main doors. "Actually, Mori, would you spend a bit more time with me." The Womanizer of the Seven Seas was smiling with a blinding radiance. Since kissing my hand, he looked like nothing could spoil his fun.

How could he ask me something like that right after giving me an assignment? He let me step away from him; I didn't let go of his hand as I turned to face him. "I don't have time to play with you. I have to get ready for the meeting with the rest of the Generals that we just agreed to." I was definitely going to need time to mentally prepare myself for who and what I was dealing with. And I wanted to figure out how to bring up my gender at the meeting.

Gold eyes blinked down at me, unaccustomed to being turned down. "I wanted to thank you for the prophesies you gifted us today..."

That's playing dirty!! "Even so, I won't be able to focus on anything else until after the meeting." I'd had 29 years to learn how my brain functions, so I knew if I didn't get started right away I'd forget something really important. "I'll be all yours after we form a plan at the meeting."

A smile cracked out of Sinbad's confusion. "Promise?"

"Yes. You can thank me then." My words gave the key to have him release my hand. As I exited the White Capricorn Tower I felt like everyone was watching me thanks to Sinbad causing a scene.

I was tired when I got back to my room but there wasn't time for that. I checked to make sure the Fate scrolls were dry before rolling them up to make space for another to write down everything I could remember. Once I had a new scroll situated, it was time to get comfortable. The uniform coat would get in the way so I'd take it off to wri-... "AH"

'I forgot my uniform in the Black Libra Tower!!'

No wonder everyone was staring at Sinbad and me at the entrance way. The magicians seeing the Rukh turn pink around me was bad enough, and now there were definitely going to be rumors in the White Capricorn Tower too! Not to mention whoever saw me yesterday in the Purple Leo Tower. Why didn't I push harder to change after Ja'far warned me??? I couldn't go around in purple for a third day no matter how much I wanted to. Where was my brain earlier??? Luckily, my new clothes would start coming in tomorrow. The meeting wasn't going to be until at least mid morning. That should be plenty of time for me to pull an outfit together that isn't purple. I was able to have some items left purple for my personal use, since I agreed to have most dyed over with a darker color, or dyed something else if they weren't dyed purple yet. This was a blessing in disguise. Black wasn't a common clothing color in Sindria, but some purples can only be covered with black. I normally wear black at home so this was going to be better for me.

((Sorry these chapters are taking so long. The economy and other factors are causing so many problems. A few of my friends just cut out toxic people; I've been helping them survive those people and now I'm helping them recover. Another friend just became houseless; we've been doing everything we can to help. So many medical bills too ;-; Writing and drawing helps me recharge, but I've been so exhausted I haven't been able to do much of anything. I promise it hasn't all been bad; I have discovered Splatoon and it's been lot's of fun. Also, the extra time allowed me to realize ways to make this and future chapters better.

So everyone knows, I make updates on my tumblr (morimakesfanart) in-between chapters where I talk about my progress and answer questions. Sometimes I post my concept art for Mori's outfits, and sketches+ with Sinbad. I explained over there that after posting the previous chapter I realized that I had completely forgotten to write the meeting with Spartos and the other Generals. I had to rearrange the next few chapters to be able to fit it which took a lot of time. I'm still not done writing the forgotten chapter but I got it far enough that I was able to rewrite the end of this one to move into it better.

One last thing, I've gotten asked publicly & in DMs about my opinion of J.K. Rowling & Harry Potter. So no one needs to ask again: I do not like JKR or Harry Potter. I was never a big fan of it while growing up for a variety of reasons. I only read the books because of my mom & friends. The creature & clothing designs in the movies were neat and fun, but I refuse to touch it with a 30 mile pole at this point. My one outlier to this is the fashion crossover with the Japanese Harujuku fashion brand Ozzone. I have one of the witch hats from it and you will have to pry it from my cold dead hands. I didn't know it was a HP partnership when I bought it since the HP logo was no where on it.))

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