46 tests positive

By BreeWilmington

3.6K 101 125

Joe & Jill navigate their way through Joe's COVID-19 diagnosis More

Telling Jill
The First Night
A Long Weekend
Together Again
A Reversal
Vacation Time
Jill's Turn
Back to the Beginning

Another Reunion

292 8 16
By BreeWilmington

'Hey Jill, I left today's delivery in the kitchen for you. How you feeling? You need anything else?' Jamie asked. 'Joe will ask me questions about how you are so I need to have something to tell him ya know?' he continued, bobbing from foot to foot on the pristine tiles. 'Thank you Jamie, everything looks wonderful as always. And I'm fine. Thank you, I really don't need anything else. I'll speak to Joe later and tell him how I'm doing', Jill said kindly, careful to keep the required distance between them. Jamie scuffed his toe against the polished floor as he twisted his mouth in a grin. 'Umm. No offense but I don't think you understand how many questions he asks about you', Jamie said, 'the guy is crazy about you, does not stop talking about you!'

The young man paused for a moment before raising his eyes to meet Jill's. 'Joe's pretty cool', he said, 'I never knew my Dad, he took off when my Mom was pregnant. I wish my Dad was like Joe'. Jill smiled, it never ceased to amaze her the connections Joe could make with people, and all of this from a series of telephone calls she mused. How fortunate for them all that Jamie had answered the phone in the florists that first morning when Joe rang.

She smiled at Jamie 'he is great', she agreed, 'and I know he's very grateful to you for helping me out when I can't get these things for myself. When I talk with him later, I'll let him know you're doing a great job for him', she said. Jamie beamed at the compliment, his whole face lit up and she knew she had made his day. 'Now, let me get my purse' Jill said, 'I need to pay you for all of this beautiful produce'. 'No need, Joe sorted me out already. He'd kill me if I let you pay for this stuff', he exclaimed in horror. He turned to leave, waving as he walked out the door. 'Bye Jill, see you tomorrow', he called, waving back to her as he left, taking the steps two at a time, warmed to his soul by the compliments from Jill. If she was Joe's girl then she must a pretty amazing lady. And she did seem to be. She had taken time to speak with him, as a person, and not like he was invisible like so many others did.

Outside he saw Anthony, coming back from doing an errand. They passed with a nod at each other. Anthony was staring intently at his phone screen so he nodded distractedly and kept walking. Jamie didn't like it. This guy wasn't taking his duties seriously enough for him. He paused, turned slowly, and called Anthony. Jamie looked straight at him, keeping his voice low. 'You need to take better care of Jill with all of these guys around', he said, indicating the Secret Service agents. 'I dunno who they all are or what they're doing but Joe is my friend. He's the real deal; a straight-up guy and I don't want him or his lady messed around. Anything happens to Jill then you'll have me to answer to. We clear man?' Jamie challenged, stretching his lanky, spindly frame to his full height. Anthony just nodded, perplexed as to how exactly it had come to this, 'we're clear', he heard his own voice say. What the hell was going on he asked himself. At least they had progressed from 'chick' to 'lady', he thought, shaking his head in baffled wonder.

'Joe, stop. Please', Jill begged her husband. 'Hopefully I'll test negative and I can be back to you tomorrow, what am I supposed to do with all of this food?' she said, looking around. Jamie had delivered again. Today it was fresh lobster, beautiful greens, delicious strawberries and the latest novel that she had just happened to mention was due to be released. Of course Joe had been listening. Of course Joe had taken note of the date of publication. Of course Joe had called Jamie. Jamie had gone and bought a copy, had it wrapped in paper and delivered it to her with a query if she needed anything else. What could she possibly want or need, she had asked herself. Except, of course for the self-isolation to end but she couldn't really complain about that either. She missed Joe and her family, of course she did but, overall she had been lucky, hadn't been too unwell, she couldn't complain. Wouldn't complain.

'It won't go unused baby', Joe said over the screen. 'Now that you've tested negative once you can ring Jamie, get him to bring whatever you want and you can cook for the staff, it would be a nice thank you for them'. Jill smiled, she leaned closer to the screen. 'That's very thoughtful, maybe I'll do just that', she said, satisfied that the beautiful produce wouldn't go to waste. 'When did Jamie figure out that he had the personal cell phone number of the president?' Jill asked. 'His grandmother heard us on the phone, recognized my voice. We had a great conversation', Joe said, leaning back on the sofa in the residence of the White House, 'she's a marvelous woman, we're gonna keep in touch, she said I can call any time and she'll be straight with me about how she thinks I'm doin, if we're making a difference for folks', Joe said eagerly. 'Actually, Jamie doesn't know yet', he continued. 'I don't want him to feel he has to treat me differently; he's a great kid. Did you know he's working three jobs, going to school and taking care of his Grandma?' Unseen, Jill grinned and shook her head. That was just typical Joe. He didn't care what the polls said, believed half of what was on tv but he'd trust what an elderly lady in anywhere America told him; change the administration's approach accordingly. She just knew that, when all of this was over, Joe wouldn't forget and he would keep checking in with Jamie to see how he was doing. She sighed, what a truly wonderful man her husband was. 'I love you Joe', she said, 'and I can't wait to see you tomorrow. Hopefully.'

The next morning Jill woke early. She was eager to do the test. If she was still negative this morning they could be back together by dinnertime. She was slightly apprehensive though, what if it was positive again. Only one way to find out, she thought, leaving her bed and preparing the testing kit. Joe's idea yesterday had been a great one. She would ring Jamie and he'd bring everything she had asked for. She would make a beautiful lunch for all of the staff who had been so kind and helpful over the past week. Thinking of Jamie made her realize just how much she was going to miss him. He had become a feature of her days, arriving every single day with another gift from Joe, another surprise. His enthusiasm bubbling over and his slightly goofy way of carrying on was all so genuine, so endearing.

It was a beautiful morning and she could see the sea from where she lay. She smiled dreamily, thinking back to the lazy lie-ins she had enjoyed with Joe a week ago. She burrowed further under the covers as her body responded to the thought of seeing him again. That it could be so soon. She was tentative about doing the test this morning. A negative today meant that she could be back with Joe by evening. Another positive would test her resolve to the limits. She was heartily sick and tired of Covid and their separations.

She tentatively checked her watch, 15 minutes; it was time to check. She took a deep breath. And beamed. She reached for her phone and rang Joe. 'Hey baby', he said softly. 'How ya doin? Did you sleep ok baby', he asked, his voice low, sexy. She could feel her breath catch at the sound, the familiarity filling her senses, the fact that they could be together again this evening filling her body with light and happiness. 'I did Joe, I slept really well honey but you know what?', she asked, her tone playful. 'What babe?' 'I'll sleep even better tonight when I'm back in our bed with your arms around me', she said seductively, playfully. She smiled at the pause on the other end of the line. 'You mean ... did you ... did you do the test?' he asked, urgency seeping into his tone. 'It's negative Joe', she said smiling as she heard the gulp at the other end of the line as Joe tried to keep his composure. 'Jilly I ... baby, we can be together today? You're serious?' he asked, his heart couldn't take any ambiguity. 'I'm serious honey, I can leave here today and be back in Washington ... ' 'Aww crap', Joe interjected. Jill frowned then laughed, 'what? Are you shaving? Did you cut yourself?', she asked, teasing him. 'No, I just thought though, I'm traveling today, I'm going at lunchtime. I won't be back until late ...' She cut him off, 'I won't be ready to leave for a few hours anyway. Actually, I have a faculty meeting for school this afternoon', she said, her mind working over the possibilities. 'Why don't I do that from here and I have more preparation for school I can do too, then I can fly back and meet you later?' she asked. 'Yeah, that sounds good', Joe agreed, he exhaled noisily over the phone. 'I am so looking forward to seeing you baby, to holding you, I'm gonna be useless all day', he said with a laugh.

By 5.30pm Jill was almost ready to leave when she got a call; Jamie was on the doorstep. He had a small bouquet of flowers in one hand and something else in the other. 'Jamie!' She exclaimed, 'come in. I was hoping I'd get to say goodbye', she said, showing him to a seat in the kitchen. 'Joe told me what time you were leaving, so I brought these for you', he said holding out the bouquet. 'Jamie, thank you', Jill said, slipping from her seat to give him a hug. 'That was so kind of you', she said, her face lit with a beaming smile. 'I'm going to miss seeing you, thank you for everything that you've done for me', she said sincerely.

'You were talking to Joe?' 'Yeah, he rang, said you'd be leaving t this evening. Man he's excited to see you. I woulda been late for school he talked so long, but we all got a couple of hours off today 'cause the staff have a meeting about the loan thing'. 'Loan thing?' Jill prompted. 'Yeah, the loan forgiveness. I'm a man of means now', he said proudly, sticking his scrawny chest out. ' I still can't believe it! Yesterday I owed $20,000 but the president said it's ok, we don't gotta pay it back. Jill, how do you not know about this, don't you watch the news?' he chided. 'It's really important for people like me, it's gonna make a big difference. That president is a great man. He's doin a lot for families like mine. You really ought to look up all the things he's doin. Anyway, that's how I was able to get this', he said placing a small box on the countertop. 'I got some spare money now' he explained. 'It's for Joe. Can you give it to him please?', he asked earnestly.

Jill blinked, she had to hide her grin when he was talking about the president but to think that with his spare money he had bought her flowers and a gift for Joe, just brought tears to her eyes. 'I just wanted to say thank to him 'cause he trusted me to look out for you and I know you're super important to him and no man has ever treated me with such respect before and I don't even know the guy I could pass him in the street and I wouldn't know so I just wanted him to know that I appreciate it' he said in one rush before pausing to take a breath. 'No offense Jill but you probably don't understand. It's a guy thing. To ask another guy to look out for your lady is r-e-s-p-e-c-t- man', he said so seriously she had to hide her mouth with her hand again. She gathered herself together, 'thank you Jamie, I'll give this to Joe later today. I know he will appreciate it. 'It's a Satchel Page baseball card', he said, unable to contain his excitement. 'Joe told me a long story about him, how he admired him and ... well he talked so long I missed some of it but I think he'll like it', he said looking earnestly at Jill, seeking reassurance that he'd gotten it right more than anything. She placed her hand on his scrawny one, 'I know he will treasure that, what a thoughtful gift', she said, delighted to see the huge smile on Jamie's face. 'Well I gotta go Jill, I have to make dinner for my Gran before I study. So, I guess I gotta say goodbye.'

Joe just couldn't stay still. He shuffled and tapped his fingers incessantly on the ride. He checked and rechecked his watch, pulled out his phone, checked the messages, slipped it back in his pocket. Repeat, repeat, repeat. By the time the motorcade pulled into the National Guard base and onto the tarmac he was ready to jump out of the car himself. It took every ounce of self-restraint he had left to stay as he was, sitting in the back and looking some way presidential and not like some kid waiting for his date which is exactly what he felt like. He sighed in exasperation, pulled out the phone again, checked the messages, slipped it back into his pocket, and tapped his fingers. The agents up front passed a sidelong glance and grinned. The president was like a coiled spring all day. Dave nodded to Tony.

'Sir', Tony said, turning to look at his special passenger. 'The First Lady's plane is on schedule, she's due to land in five or six minutes', he smiled at Joe's reaction; his face lit up in a smile, his eyes beamed. Tony had a weird moment when an image of Dark Brandon firing lasers from the same eyes popped into his head before popping back out just as quickly. Tony blinked. They all needed the First Lady back, he thought, the week had been long and testing. The president had been in great form but there was an edge to him all week, a worry gnawing at the edges of his mind Tony would wager. Every time Tony called to check in the president had been tense, jumped up whenever he saw Tony approach, and immediately braced as if for bad news. He guessed that with the president's life experience every phone call when your loved one was sick and far away could be decisive, life-changing. 'What direction will her plane come in from? Do you know?' Joe asked. Tony paused, the question catching him off guard, the hope and expectation in the president's voice punched a little hole in his own gut. 'Let me find out for you sir', Tony said sincerely.

'There, there it is' Dave called excitedly. The three men in the car leaned towards the right side, looking back where Dave was pointing. 'See it sir?', Tony asked, looking into the back of the vehicle. He saw the president's eyes search the sky, sweep left and right, and saw his expression change as he caught sight of the tiny spec. Saw the smile pull at the edge of his mouth, saw the rise and fall of his chest as he exhaled deeply, saw his jaw jut out, lips pursed, he knew the tells by now. Tony turned back to face the front, he knew that if they made eye contact he'd see the president's eyes would be glossed with a film of unshed tears. Happy tears, but tears nonetheless. The man had such little space for privacy, Tony thought as his own eyes swept the tarmac around the vehicle. He couldn't fumble putting his jacket on or become unbalanced on his bike, stumble for a second, hell the man was even judged by how many times he coughed. He couldn't make any tiny perceived mistake, or misstep without it beaming across the world, setting off torrents of ugly comments and unfair criticism. Tony put his hand on the door handle, stood out, and blocked any view of his precious cargo from the eyes of others. He'd be damned if this reunion was turned into anything less than what it was. A beautiful homecoming for the First Lady, and a happy and wonderful reunion for the First Couple.

Joe sighed in relief as the plane landed, he set his head back against the headrest and took a moment to gather his thoughts and try to sort his feelings. He had been scared, lonely, determined, and anxious all week. He'd tried to keep Jill going, the whole family. Of course, she had been marvelous with everyone but, she did admit, just to him, how really crap she had felt some days. He was so sickened that he just couldn't be with her, hold her close and reassure her, tell her he was there for her. Be her messenger boy, fetching and carrying anything she needed, wrapping a blanket around her, making hot chocolate for her, and getting all of her favorite treats. He knew he was the lucky one too, he'd had to make do for seven days, Jilly had to do it for fifteen just before. They were both heartily sick and tired of Covid and being separated. But, at the same time, they knew they were the lucky ones, vaccinated and boosted, the chances of any long-lasting health implications were low, hopefully. He could set all of that aside now.

His phone pinged in his hand. A text from Jill telling him she had landed safely and would see him soon. He hadn't told her he would be meeting her at the plane. She thought he was at the White House, just back from his trip. Instead when he had landed the motorcade had taken him to a smaller airport at the National Guard base where they could easier control the press access. He hadn't told her in because he hadn't wanted to get her hopes up, even get his own hopes up in case anything had delayed him. He tapped in another text and pressed send. Time to put his homecoming plans into action. He texted her back, telling her he couldn't wait to see her, asked how she was and refrained from the temptation to call her in case he gave the game away.

Jilly deserved a beautiful welcome.

A welcome fit for a First Lady.

His First Lady.

His love.

His Jilly.

He felt the excitement bubble in his chest, butterflies seemed to have invaded his tummy as he stood out on the tarmac, her plane having halted just at the perfect spot. The light had faded and it was dusk now. He fixed his collar, closed his button, tugged at his jacket, and reached back into the car for the bouquet of yellow roses he had brought with him. He watched as the attendant opened the door of the airplane, his heart starting to race a little. 'She's almost ready sir, she doesn't know you're here', Tony said, having checked in with Jill's team. 'You ok to have her come out, they're just holding inside out of sight of the steps', he explained. Joe nodded, not trusting himself to speak. He took a few steps forward, careful where he stood, to take his position just out of sight, away from the end of the red carpet Joe had asked for. He pulled his shoulders back, as she told him to do a million times, and stood to his full height. He turned to face Tony for a moment. 'Ready', he said 'and ... thank you, for this and for everything you've all done for us these past few weeks. I mean it. We owe you guys, every one of you', Joe said sincerely. Tony smiled. 'Thank you sir. I'll pass on your thanks to the whole team. It's not me you need to be looking at now though sir', Tony said, with a grin and nod towards the plane. 'Dr. Biden will be out in just a second sir.' Tony slipped off a few steps away, as for as he could be to give them space, near enough to step in if needed.

'Ready to go, ma'am, sorry for the slight delay', the agent said, stepping back from where he had been standing, strategically blocking the first lady's view of the tarmac. The scene was stunning. He grinned inside, the first lady would be so surprised, it had all been timed perfectly. The dusk was just giving way to darkness, making everything so much more effective. The president was one romantic guy, he thought, they could all learn a few lessons from him in how to treat their partners.

Jill stepped out and stopped immediately, her face transforming into an expression of confusion and then wonder. Joe stood stock still, waiting in the shadows, just out of her view at the opposite end of the display. Candles lined both sides of the red carpet, their spacing getting closer the nearer they were to Joe before ending in a huge heart picked out with bright flames encased in storm lanterns. Jill's eye was drawn directly to the heart, she placed her hand on her breast, over her own heart. 'Oh Joe', she whsipered. Her eyes searched but she couldn't see him. Maybe he wasn't here but had it set out for her. She looked again, peering into the darkness, the soft glow from the candles making everything outside of them just too dark to see.

Back at a distance, unseen, he watched as she stared for a moment, he could read her face perfectly. She was delighted but a little confused. He could tell she hoped he was there but wasn't sure unsure of what she was expected to do. He took a deep breath, the moment they had longed for was here, and his heart skittered in his chest. He stepped forward from the shadows, carefully stepping through the candles into the heart's center. He stood for a moment, looked towards her, waited for the realization to dawn, and felt his heart swell with love as he saw her eyes settle on him. She smiled. At the same moment, they both began to move forward. Move towards each other. Propelled by the force of their love, their longing to be together.

To touch.

To kiss.

To hold each other.

Joe's face beamed with happiness as he strode down the lush carpet, towards the end of the steps, towards Jilly. Nothing else mattered at that moment.

He wanted to feel her lips on his.

Hold her hands in his.

Feel the soft touch of her skin.

Look into those beautiful eyes.

Be surrounded by her aura.

Enveloped by her love.

An overwhelming rush of emotion swept across Jill's body. Every hair on her head seemed to tingle, every nerve, every sinew, every fiber of her being propelled her forward.


He was here.

Her Joe.

She couldn't believe it.

Her need to touch him.

To hear his voice.

To feel his arms slip around her.

To hold her close.

Was almost overwhelming.

She had just texted him. She thought he was at the White House, waiting for her. She had imagined meeting him there, had visualized herself walking in the door, up the staircase, into the residence and slipping into his arms. Never in a million years did she expect him to be at the airplane. It was like something out of a book or a movie. But then, she thought, that's exactly what Joe would do in his most romantic, most loving way. She grinned and slowly shook her head. He was absolutely amazing. How the hell had he pulled this off, she wondered. She stopped her descent and looked around but couldn't see any press. She loved him even more at that moment. He would love to have their reunion beamed across the globe, she would hate it. As always he had thought of her needs. It would be nice to have a photo of all this she thought but it was magical as it was. Her mind was spinning, she couldn't wait to get to him.

She had to stop herself from rushing down the stairs. Instead, she held the handrail tightly but looked straight ahead, into Joe's beautiful face, into his loving smile, into his adoring eyes as he strode ever closer. Eyes that guided her directly to him.

He got to the end of the stairs first and waited there for her, his smile growing with every step nearer she came to him. At the last one she stood still, the step brought them directly eye to eye. He leaned in, the smell of her perfume sending sparks through his brain, lodging in his groin, he raised his hand, just craving to touch her. Softly, as if afraid he could hurt her he placed his fingertips on her cheek, leaned towards her, and placed his lips on hers. A little sigh of sheer contentment escaped her as they kissed softly. She raised her hands, placing them palm down on his face, and rested her forehead against his, looking into his eyes through her lashes in that way that drove Joe totally crazy for her. 'Hi honey', she whispered with a smile, 'hi baby', he whispered back, his smile mirroring hers. 'Welcome home', he said, neither of them moving. 'Thank you Joe', she replied. 'These are for you', he said quietly, presenting her with the beautiful bouquet', she kissed his lips. 'They're beautiful', she said her voice low, intimate. 'They're perfect', he said, cupping her face, closing his eyes, and pressing his lips to hers, reveling in the soft, familiar contact, 'just like you', he finished. She grinned.

Suddenly Joe stood up straight and wrapped his arms around her, lifted her clean off the final step, and twirled her around in his arms before setting her feet on the carpet and wrapping her hand in his. Guiding her towards the end of the carpet. 'This is amazing', Jill said. 'Wow, you really outdid yourself this time', she said, playfully bumping him with her hip. 'Yeah well, I guess it looks ok', he said coyly. Inside screaming with joy that he'd pulled it all off for her. He knew she loved it. He guided her into the very center of the heart outlined by the candles and wrapped her hand in his, bringing it between them as he pulled her close to his body, wrapping her in a hug with his other arm before kissing her.





She felt like she was falling over a cliff, falling into space. Wapped securely in his love. She gave herself fully to the moment, reveling in the contact of their bodies ... Joe pulled away a little, reached out, and delicately moved her hair back from her face. He pulled her into him so her head fell slightly onto his chest, 'smile', he said and she did. 'What was that all about?' she asked after he dipped his head and kissed her then seemed to look up into the sky. 'Ah nothing I just had all of our little reunion recorded by a drone is all', he said nonchalantly. 'Come again?' 'Well there's no press here, obviously, and I thought it a pity not to have some photos but who the hell wants a photographer standing there so Adam suggested he'd use a drone', Joe said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. She threw her head back and laughed.

What a wonderful reunion.

What a wonderful man.

Her man.

She leaned her head on his shoulder, hand resting in place on his back. He kissed the side of her forehead gently. 'Ready to go home?', he asked. She nodded and smiled up at him. 'As long as we're together', she said, 'I don't care where we go. He nodded, leaned down, and kissed her.

He walked her 'round to her side of the limo, holding her hand as she stepped in, waiting, hovering until she was settled. He handed the bouquet to Anthony who had appeared by his side, preempting what was required. Joe slipped into his seat, reached for her outstretched hand, and moved as close to her as possible in the enclosed space. When the heavy, bulletproof, bombproof door was closed. When everyone was settled and the car quietly glided from the tarmac the interior space was silent, no outside sounds permeated the area. Tony discreetly raised the privacy glass between the agents and the occupants. Let them have some time together. Alone. Unobserved.

In the back, the first couple kiss. They kiss and touch and whisper to each other. Words of love. Words of desire. With gentle fingers, they explore each other's faces. With wonder in their eyes and love in their hearts, they feast their eyes on the other. Their fast-beating hearts begin to slow. Finding the rhythm of its partner. Settling. Calming. He caresses her hair. Pampers her face with kisses. They embrace. She holds onto him for dear life.

They feel alive.

Life is good.


To be continued ...

With special thanks to my friend Madam Flotus; you know what you did!

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