Misfits (#2)

By linaawritess

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{𝘉𝘖𝘖𝘒 𝘛𝘞𝘖 𝘖𝘍 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘓𝘖𝘝𝘌𝘓𝘌𝘚𝘚 𝘛𝘙𝘐𝘓𝘖𝘎𝘠} The perfect picture of elegance. It's all Viole... More

author's note + cast
all my love


9.4K 230 346
By linaawritess

Day five of Mission Isolation.
I'm itching to leave. The gardens have become boring and I've traipsed through the halls so many times that even Leia got fed up.

It's just this stupid cut. It won't heal faster and though my eye has recovered enough for me to be able to cover it with makeup, the cut's still gnarly looking. I hope I don't have a scar but by the looks of it, I will.

I stand in my mirror and run my fingers over it, though its still sensitive to the touch. Red and ugly looking. I've never been much too insecure about my face. More my gangly arms and legs but I feel disgusting. Waves of self-consciousness pass over me every so often.

I need to leave this house. This manor. It's slowly starting to feel like the walls are closing in on me and mom's in a bad mood today.

It's Friday. Everest's soccer game has already started now that its six pm and the guilty feeling begins to settle in. I'm sure he hasn't noticed that I'm not there but I said I'd be there. I hate not keeping my word.

I can't be seen by him, though. Not yet, at least. It makes my stomach sink so I walk out of my bathroom and back into my room, sitting on the edge of my bed. My VHS tapes are scattered all over my comforter. I was doodling on the little labels.

I pick at my nails. I wish I could be there. They always have such a nice spirit to them, especially evening games. And honestly, I just want to see Everest after talking to him most nights.

There's a few knocks to the door before it opens and Sage enters, standing almost as tall as the doorframe. He's clad in a suit.

"Hi." I smile as he walks over, "Are you going somewhere?"

"Business meeting." He adjusts the cuffs of his suit but as he does, one of the cufflinks pop off and fall to the ground. I reach for it and stand up.

Notable mention: Sage is a mountain. He stands high at 6'5 and I'm 5'5. He's always been ridiculously tall so right now, I'm practically at his stomach. I take his wrist and clip the cufflink for him.

I notice his mannerisms. He pulls at his tie like it's choking him and can't seem to keep his hand still.

"What are you nervous about?" I ask him and he looks down to me, caught off guard, "What?" I smile, "In case you forgot, I know you just as well as you know me."

"I don't get nervous." He asserts.

"Uh huh. And I'm the tooth fairy." I muse, gesturing a dramatic hand to my bed, "Sit, dear brother."

He just looks down at me, that harsh natural expression on his face. After a few moments, he lowers himself and then sits on the edge of the bed.

"Is it a big meeting?" I ask as I sit by him. He nods once, "I'm sure you'll do great."

His lips tip up a little at that, "I know I will. But nerves are the bane of my fucking existence. I could feel as confident as I like and they'll still eat at me."

I know. He's poised and strong and has such a self assured manner but Sage gets nervous over the slightest things. It's always been that way. He used to have severe stage fright.

"How's your cheek?" He averts the topic, looking at me.

"I'm digging it." I lift my chin, "Kinda like Kylo Ren. But without the eye part, which is unfortunate. That's the coolest part."

He looks at me with the most bored expression I think I've ever seen.

I smile sheepishly, "It's fine."

"I'm glad." He shifts slightly, "Just- if anything like that happens again, Vy, you tell me. Do you understand? You always tell me."

I swallow, nodding. He nods back and then lifts himself up but I stand too, "Wait."

He looks down to me, waiting for what I have to say. Like I told him to. Only now I'm nervous so this is scaring me. I clear my throat and brave myself.

"I was wondering if you could drop me off at the school on the way. There's a soccer game and Aurelie's going." I say quietly, "I know my cut's not healed but-"

"I don't care about your cut as long as you're comfortable." He interjects, "Meet me in five."

I smile as soon as he makes his way out. I know Everest can't see me, even if Sage doesn't care about others seeing me. It's obvious that I was hurt in some way so I just have to not communicate with Ev. I'll be there though, silently. Even if he doesn't know it. At least, it'll appease some of my guilt.

I dig through my closet, looking for the only hoodie I have and wearing it over my skirt. I pull my hair down so it covers my face and meet Sage downstairs.

Secret Mission Numero Dos.


I weave through a couple people as I walk up the metal stairs of the bleachers, hood up over my head. It's crowded, seeing as though this is one of the bigger games of the season against some other town next to us.

I manage to snag a spot on one of the back bleachers alone and close my legs together, wrapping my arms around myself. It drizzles slightly and the clouds are grey above but I'm sheltered under a canopy.

I need to be on guard. Aurelie will be around here somewhere and I need to stay away from her too. I lean up slightly and look out to the field, where the game is in full swing. They're at a tie right now. Two goals to both teams.

It isn't long before I catch sight of Everest.
Jones. 19.

He's in the centre, chest heaving and hair wet from the rain. For a second, he crosses his forearms behind his head and remains in his position.

Jesus christ.

That shouldn't be that attractive, right? But he's in his soccer kit. Black fitted t-shirt. Black shorts and rain sliding down his skin and arms. His hair's all messy and sticking to his forehead but he doesn't care for it, glancing over his shoulder and speaking to one of the guys.

Abruptly, the ball's kicked over and instantly, his whole posture changes. Focused. His legs move quicker than I can really comprehend, slipping around the ball and darting down the pitch. Three players are around him immediately and the crowd crackles, as soon as they see him smile.

My fingers are digging into my palm. I didn't think this would be so freaking tense but I really want him to get that goal.

He outruns the three and dribbles around another one that comes after him. Once he has enough distance, he brings his leg back to kick and it flies. Right into the top corner of the net.

The crowd erupts and Everest's lips tug upwards. My smile is wide and big and jesus, he's talented. When he's got the ball, I've never seen his focus so narrowed. The rain comes down harder and his team crowds him, hands ruffling his hair and arms locking around his neck.

I probably should be focusing on the play. But right now, he's just pretty. It's all I can really focus on. It enraptures me and I don't know what to do with the feeling in my stomach when he smiles like that.

It's been days where we phone every night. He asks me when I'm coming back. I say soon. He says its not like I miss you or anything. And I smile whilst wrapped up in bed. I imagine him smiling too, that smile there.


I think I physically startle and then I freeze up completely. Nobody's supposed to see me. But Valencia's sat right by me, smiling so softly.

Thankfully, she's on the side without my cut so we should be okay. I smile as soon as I see her too, her wavy hair wild from the rain, "Hi, Val."

"I didn't mean to scare you." She apologises, "I honestly didn't know it was you until I got closer and I saw you smiling. You have a pretty smile. Sorry. I didn't- that was meant to stay in my head but whatever." She shakes her head at herself.

"Thank you. Well, I'm glad you came up to me." I say quietly and she lights up a little.

"So," She muses, bouncing her legs, "Who were you smiling at?"

I flush, "Nobody. Well, just at the tension. And stuff. Tense game."

"Uh huh." She nods but is fighting a smile, "The Everest Jones sort of tension?"

I snap my head to her, "No."

She sends me a look, amusement in her bright eyes. When I blush harder, I roll my bottom lip in between my teeth and look away from her. A little laugh breaks from her chest and she nudges me, "Hey, he's pretty."

"Yes." My eyes find him again, only now he's peeling off his t-shirt, "Very... yes, um. He's pretty."

She puckers her bottom lip out and gasps, "Are you crushing, Violet?"

"No." She doesn't look like she believes me, "I am not. I could say the same about you, Mrs Tempest."

Her jaw drops dramatically and she spins completely to face me, "Take it back."

"Nuh uh." I lift my chin, keeping my gaze away from her.

"I do- you- I do not! I tried to renounce him yesterday." She rambles, outraged and now I'm the one finding this a little funny, "Oh, you little- stop smiling."

I tuck my hands under my thighs and my lips lift a little higher.

"I didn't know you liked punksters." I say and smile sweetly, tilting my head, "It's a bit of a switch from a painter-"

She shoves me lightly, "Yeah, well when you and Everest make a load of babies, I'm gonna say I told you so. Repeatedly. And I'll announce it."

I blush even at the thought so I banish all thoughts. She points at me, "Ha!"

I slap my hands over my face and groan, "I blush at everything. Relax."

She tsks, "Karma. For pairing me with a demonic creature-"

"Speak of the devil, then."

We both jump out of our skin.

"Oh my god." Valencia's eyes widen, "We literally summoned you."

My eyes are a little wide too as I look up to Hudson Tempest. Valencia's eyes narrow and then she smacks his stomach that's in front of her. Just like that.

Hudson's dark eyebrows furrow, "What the fuck was that?"

Valencia's eyes narrow, "So you're literally here. Great. My day hath been ruined, Shakespeare."

"I was here before you, Rapunzel. You can't seem to get my name off your lips, huh?" Hudson raises an eyebrow and then sits to the other side of her, though it doesn't look like he wants to. It's one of the only seats left.

"It's not my fault you just appear." She grumbles, looking away from him. I stifle a smile as I silently watch the both of them. God, I ship them so much. Look at them. They're such stark contrasts.

Valencia's practically leaning off the bleacher and bouncing her legs. Blonde hair braided but messy. A pastel pink and blue shirt around her.

Hudson's slumped with his hands in the pocket of his leather jacket, legs spread. His dark hair peeks out from under his black beanie, accentuating every sharp feature of his.

Hudson flicks her hair, "You braid your hair to fulfil prophecy, Rapunzel? Or to please me?"

"I would rather shave it all off than ever do anything with the intention of pleasing you." She retorts, not looking at him.

I blurt, "You look adorable when you're mad." That was supposed to stay in my head. But she does.

Valencia narrows her eyes at me, "Are you taking the devil's side?"

I hold up my hands, "Team Val."

Her grin is so immediate and bright, a ray of sunshine lighting up a path. I smile also at the sight of it and Hudson leans forward to catch my gaze, as if just realising I'm here.

His eyes are piercing and slightly terrifying but I don't look away for a second. God, there's something about him that I can't place. I'm sure I've never met him before but every time I look at his eyes, there's a familiarity. Somewhere deep and hidden within that blue and I don't get it. I've never spoken to him before that day on the field.

The way he looks at me too, its as if he just has reign to. Like he's analysing me with every slight movement.

I look away when the crowd erupts in disdain. The other team managed to score too so they're at a tie again. 3-3.

"There's only five minutes left." Valencia says, antsy.

"I didn't know you were a soccer fan." Hudson grumbles from besides her, "Surfers and soccer don't make sense."

"You surf?" I chime in, looking at her.

Her lips tip up a little, "Every weekend since I was a little girl. My mom got this beach house on the coast and I love it there-"

"It was a yes or no question." Hudson cuts in. Valencia frowns. And then she reaches into her bag and rifles through it just to pick up a pen. Just to toss at his head angrily. It bounces off and he slowly turns to look at her.

"You throw like a princess. Isn't that ironic?" He smiles as if he knows that'll rile her. It does because she lets out this guttural groan and clenches her fists.

She surfs. That's awesome. Now that I think about it, she has the look for it. Blonde wavy hair that reaches her back, apple of her cheeks a light pink and always having a sort of sun kissed look.

"For fucks sake." Hudson grumbles and I look over to the pitch. There's a small crowd of players right in the centre, arguing, "I'll bet a hundred that's sunshine's fault."

"Everest's?" Valencia asks.

"He pisses off the other players on purpose." Hudson yawns and then pulls out a small pill bottle. He takes one and swallows it dry.

I look back to the pitch and Hudson's statement stands true. Everest stands tall above a shorter player on another team and telling by the cocky grin on his face, he doesn't seem to be making friends. The referee pulls them apart.

Everest walks away, bare shoulders rippling as he goes and rain streaming down his skin. He looks out to the crowd that roars for him. As soon as his gaze skims near to me, I duck.

"Shit. Shit, shit-" I pull the hood over my face more and lower until I'm practically folded over, out of sight.

Both Hudson and Valencia stare at me and both of them ask confusedly in unison, "What are you doing?"

"Nothing. Just," I clear my throat, "Ducking. From the rain."

"We're under a shelter." Hudson furrows his eyebrows.

"You never know when it could collapse." I meekly answer back and remain lowered until the whistle blows, signalling the game starting again.

Slowly and hesitantly, I lift myself up and relax when I see number 19 is not looking our way. There's only five minutes left until the end of the game so if one of them don't score a winning goal, it'll be a draw.

For a while, the ball nears the other teams net and Kilned High finds it hard to defend. The players are tired and the rain makes the grass slippy but the tension's at an all time high.

Soccer's always been the main sport in Kilned, the one the papers always focus on. I've heard that Everest's the team's star and seeing him play, it's clear this is where his talents lie. He assists his other team players, defends flawlessly and is unimaginably fluid within his movements.

Valencia huffs, "I'm getting those little peanut snacks." She stands and is rushing away down the stairs, in a fit of tension.

I swallow now that I'm left alone with Hudson Tempest. He's fidgeting with his fingers languidly and somehow just manages to look deadly, whilst sitting there.

I clear my throat and brave myself, "Thank you. For checking up on me that other day."

His midnight blue eyes look to me and then back to the field. He shrugs. I graze my eyes over him. Tattoos peek out over the collar of his jacket, covering his neck and also his hands. All dark, no semblances of colour apparent. Under the sleeves of his jacket, I just about manage to make out a tattoo.

I narrow my eyes to see if I'm making it out correctly, "Is that a bluebird?"

Almost immediately, he pulls his sleeves over it and his gaze turns harsh once he sets it on me, "Do you always stare?"

"Are you always meaner to everyone else than you are to Ria Romano?" I snap back and then my eyes bulge out of my head. No. I can't believe I just said that.

I want to hide but now he properly turns his attention to me, smiling in this bitter way that makes him a lot more terrifying.

"Do tell, Amory. Since you seem to know me so well." He grits out.

"Nope- I'm good. Peachy, actually. You can just wipe that whole statement from your memory." I pull the sleeves of my hoodie over my hands and fight back the urge to bury my head between my knees.

He scoffs, "So you can let Everest almost fuck you on a bleacher but can't own up to what you said?

"And you can walk all over people just because you're high?" My tones harsher than I'd expected, even as I cower, "Being unnecessarily mean isn't anything but embarrassing. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say it."

Don't sink into yourself, Vy. Or hide. Even when he's looking at you with those creepy blue eyes that might steal your soul or something. Stay. Put.
Own it.

It's clear he's intoxicated somehow. Whites of his eyes lined with red and it didn't take me much to decipher that those pills aren't good news. And I've seen how he treats Ria Romano at the very few parties I've been to. There's definitely some sort of soft spot or something. That's what everyone else says anyways.

I did not mean to blurt that.

Eventually, we both look away from each other. Both of us silent and both of us still a little pent up with anger.

Valencia returns but just as she's about to sit between us, she bolts upright again and spills all her peanuts. She doesn't pay it any mind though, far too focused on the game whilst repeatedly tapping my shoulder, "Your boyfriend's about to win the game."

I look out to the field but everyone's starting to stand now, my view obstructed. I try to stand on my tippy toes but that doesn't work either.

"Here." Valencia takes my hand and then hops up onto the bleachers. I follow, standing besides her as she stands behind Hudson, "Ohmygod. He can do it, right? I mean if he doesn't, I'm sure there are more mortifying things. Like-"

She scratches her arm as she tries to think of one. Hudson sits beneath her and is glaring. At nothing, really. I'm guessing the bubbly girl above him doesn't go with the whole I'm so cool and grumpy thing he's got going on.

The crowd starts to erupt again and I look to where Everest swiftly tackles the ball and dribbles around all the players. He's speeding down the pitch, the crowd booms for him. A blur of black and blonde hair, lean and fast and driven as he darts towards the goal.

"Come on." I mutter, "Come on, come on-"

"He's gonna make it." Val nods repeatedly as if trying to convince herself.

I look at him and I know he's got it. That he's already won the game and when he kicks the ball with speed and force, the same cheers erupt from me and Valencia when it hits the target. We cup our hands around our mouth, half laughing when we meet eyes and tilt our heads back, in support of him.

Immediately, the whistle for the end of the match sounds and his whole team practically tackles him. Rain comes down on all of their grinning faces as they all pile up on Everest, stuck at the bottom.

He tries to lift up but one of them jump on his back, all of them collapsing in a fit of laughter. Once they all get off, he stands and the crowd screams for him.

He's a picture of victory and prettiness. Grass and mud smeared on his torso, blonde hair dark and ruffled, a tired smile on his lips when he tilts his head back in the rain. My stomach is screwed. The butterflies return with a vengeance.

But I freeze up because it doesn't even take him scouring the crowd for those blue eyes to meet mine. My breathing catches in my chest, in the midst of the chaos around us. I don't know how but he knows I was here. He had seen me.

His lips tip upwards slightly, eyes right on mine when slowly, he drops to his knees.

The crowd erupts further. It just looks like he's tired, resting but he's looking up at me through his eyelashes, full of mischief and cockiness and this sweet, sweet smile. I try to fight it but my own smile comes out. When Valencia cups her hands around her mouth and cheers, I do the same. My eyes on his.

A full blown grin splits his lips.

His team surrounds him once again and the air crackles with this excited electricity now that they've won the game.

Valencia grasps my hand, "We're going down there. Come on."

Before I can say anything, she's pulling me down like some others that are going out onto the pitch. My face falls, stomach sinking when I realise.

I can't. I need to go because if he gets close enough, if there's any slip up, he'll see my irritated and blatant cut. I manage to just slip out of Valencia's grasp and before I know it, I'm losing her in the crowd of people.

I slip out my phone and start to look for Colton's designated number. I need to go home now before anybody catches me. Especially before Everest can.

I glance over my shoulder as I start to stray hurriedly from the people and spot his team lifting him onto their shoulders. He rises high but his eyebrows are pinched and he's scouring the crowd beneath him. Looking for—

His eyes flit to mine but I'm quick to turn back over my shoulder and keep walking. I pinch my eyes shut. God, I hope he doesn't think I'm running running. I am, technically but only because my face is horrid.

I keep walking. I hope he doesn't think it's anything to do with him because I wish I could stay. I wish I could congratulate him.

But I can't. So I keep my hood up and speed walk off the pitch and towards the empty car park. I can hear the distant bustle of the after-game excitement as I continue getting further. I ring Colton and he tells me he'll be there soon.

I slide my phone back into my pocket and rock back and forth on my heels, the cold and rain nipping at my skin. I hug my body over the hoodie and try not to focus on how dark it is around here. The street lamp's a little while away but does enough to enlighten the area around me. So I can spot oncoming serial killers.

Colton doesn't take as long as expected and as I peer down the long road, I spot the Bentley turning the corne-


My eyes widen. I don't look back, rooted in my spot as I clutch my arms tighter. Rain spills down and through the sound of it splashing onto the tarmac, I made out that voice.

"Violet? That's you, right? Cos I don't wanna approach a stranger and give off serial killer-ness." He's out of breath and getting closer. I screw my eyes shut and stay utterly still when he asks quieter, his footsteps slowing now that he's behind me, "Vy?"

My shoulders sink in regret. I don't know how to get out of this. I don't know why I got myself in this situation and especially with Everest. He doesn't know how to leave people alone and I doubt this is gonna be an exception.

I want to turn around. I want to see his face and speak to him but knowing I need to run away is so conflicting that I'm frozen.

"Are you-" I hear him step closer so I step further away. My stomach sinks. I don't want to hurt him but I can't get near him and I hate this, "Violet, are you okay?"

"You should go." I try to mutter quietly.

"Are you feeling any better?" He asks, gently, "I'm- I looked for you. Throughout the game, I mean."

I slowly shut my eyes, trying to stop the shaking of my hands. How do I get out of this? I can't let him see that cut and my eye still lightly bruised.

I can't let him see. Because it'll let him in. Vulnerability that I've never let anybody witness nor bear the burden of. I can't.

The Bentley pulls up a little while away in front of me and I don't look back to him as I say, "Just go. Your team's waiting."


"Go, Everest."

My bottom lip starts trembling. I hate when I sound angry. I hate that tone of my voice and I've spent my life trying to avoid it. Because it sounds so much like my mom. That terrifies me more than most things.

"Come on, Violet. Is something wrong?" He sounds confused but remains gentle,"You can tell me-"

"I don't get why you're here-"

"Because I looked for you." He raises his voice slightly and outside of me and him, the rain falling around us is the only sound. The only light being the headlights of the Bentley and that distant streetlamp.

He continues, anguished, "I looked for you, okay? In most fucking classes and- and, I don't know why. It's scaring the shit out of me but yeah, I waited until I'd see you in the shitty cafeteria again. Or the library or at the back of Mrs Danes stupid class."

I sink into myself as if trying to hold my body together, the pieces that are left.

"I look for you now." He steps closer until I can feel the warmth of his presence, knowing he stands tall enough to encase me, "It's scaring me. As much as it might be scaring you but you said you'd try to stay."

I'm fighting hard to not let the tears well up. I want to stay this time. This time's not my doing. I want to scream it and shout it and I want to turn around to him but he'll see the repercussions of a mother who hates me. He'll see an ugly scar and he'll want to know what happens and I'll never let anybody see into the remnants of my broken home.

I want to stay. I wish I could stay here.

Because when he slowly steps closer until my back's against his chest. When slowly, he slides his big arms around my smaller torso as if he's holding the shattered parts of myself up too, I feel safety like I've never known it. Like I've always chased.

"Everest." A whisper. My head arches against him and I succumb to the way he holds me under the relentless rainfall.

"Something's wrong." He says back, holding me closer and leaning down when I drop my head between my shoulders to hide from him, "Don't tell me. Just don't hide from me."

"Close your eyes." I lean my head towards him.


"Please." My desperation is clear, "Just for this moment."

He's quiet for a second, "They're shut, sweetheart."

Slowly, I peel away from his grasp and then I turn around to face him. He runs a hand through his wet hair and though his eyes are shut, I'm finally standing in front of him.

Slowly, I feel my body beginning to cave. I guess I'm still hiding by not allowing him to look at me. But it's the only way I'll feel okay, even as my chest sinks and my face falls.

I've been trying so hard, for the past five days to do anything but think about it all. I don't know why it's collapsing so suddenly.

I've done anything but think about how much I'm starting to realise my mother hates me. How I don't know how to help and how she hurts me like I'm nothing more than a thing for her to toss around. I've wanted so desperately for her to love me.

But she saves her affections for others and scars me instead.

I've done well. At not thinking about it so I don't know why, when I stand here, I feel like I could fall to my knees and sob. I don't know why my defences fall around him but somehow, he makes me feel so safe.

So instead of speaking, I approach him. I take a couple steps and look up to him, my eyes welling. As if he can sense something, his hand gently reaches for my wrist. A slight, tender tug towards him.

I apprehensively rest my forehead against his chest. It only takes me a moment before I slowly sink against him. So, so tired. His arms wrap around me without any hesitation and I slip mine around his waist. He doesn't ask, he doesn't speak and my body shakes as I try not to sob.

I won't tell him. I'll continue to keep that burden to myself but for now, I'm seeking comfort that only he seems to give me. It's bad. It's making myself vulnerable but he holds me regardless.

His eyes are closed. He won't see my scar.

It feels as though I'm silently letting myself be thrown to the slaughter in that manor. But these quiet moments with Everest Jones, where he doesn't ask anything of me, like the hospital closet, like his embrace in that classroom; they're beginning to be the only moments where the world around me feels like one I can brave.

Everest Jones is silently saving me. All it takes is this, him, right here and holding me. He doesn't know it and I don't think I really do either.

My face is turned into his chest and he holds me close, as if he doesn't want to let me go either. He whispers raggedly, "Violet."

I shake my head but he rests his chin atop my head and asks anyways, sounding pained, "Who makes you so sad, sweetheart?"

How do I tell him it's the only parent I have left? The one that should protect me?

I just shake my head once more and he doesn't pester, holding me close to him. After a moment, I peel myself away from him even when he holds my hands between our bodies. He whispers, "Let me see you."

"You are seeing me." I wipe at my eyes, "This is me. Drab, isn't it?"

He shakes his head now, "If this is you, I still find you as beautiful as I did when I first saw you."

He shouldn't be able to make my chest feel so light, so easily.

I bow my head, looking at our twined hands, "I need to go."

"Will you not tell me?"

I step away from him, gently opening the back door to the Bentley and stay quiet for just a second. Instead, I quietly say, "Don't drink at the party. Just call me if you feel like you want to."

Meaning no, I'm not telling you. I don't think I could if I tried.

"Ev?" I hear a few guys calling his name, distantly. It was a big win and he was the player of the night so like tradition, there'll be a big party at Taylor's tonight.

He doesn't look back over his shoulder and the silence between us, it's brimmed with unspoken things. Filled with desire to reach for one another. Stifled by me pulling away, for now. Consumed by the way I succumbed to him like a safe place, when we're not supposed to be anything.

"I need to go." I say it quieter. Colton isn't a patient person.

He nods tersely, "As long as I see you again, Violet Fawn."

"I'll try to— stay. I will."

My voice is a little shaky and uncertain but he smiles anyways, softly, "And I'll be there. Just to chase you in case you try to escape."

I turn my back to him and a small smile splits my lips before I slide into the Bentley. I hesitate before shutting the door and I look up, watching his blue eyes open. The windows are heavily tinted so he can't see me, even as I smile back to the little puppy grin he lets out.

His friends find him, crowding around him but as they tug him back, he waves and calls out as I start to drive away, "Fuck, you're killing me, sweetheart!"

I turn and look back to him as we drive away, remembering when he'd said it across the car park after he'd kissed me. Then, I didn't know him well. I still don't. Not as deep as the layers to him go but I'm starting to, the ins and outs.

God, he's breaking me down. Killing me too.

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𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘣𝘰𝘥𝘺 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘣𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯, 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘶𝘴𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦...
93.1K 4.6K 57
Have you ever wondered what more you could be missing when you have everything? Well, Michelle Reynold who is 17, a senior, blond and beautiful, have...