Run to you ||Eddie X Chrissy...

By Mrs_Corey_Haim

4K 58 26

Chrissy and Eddie have always had feelings for each other ever since middle school, but they are both very mu... More

Face reveal
Not update sadly


161 3 3
By Mrs_Corey_Haim

It's been a little over a week since Eddie and Chrissy have graduated, Wayne had wanted to throw them a grade party because he was so proud of them both. As Chrissy was helping set up the tables. Max was running around the other kids as Rosie was with Eddie in the house with Jeff and Gareth.

"So have you and Eddie picked a date for the wedding?" Robin asked as she set the tables.

"Yea we do, but we will announce it later today and we also have something else to say as well. So you will have to wait and see." Chrissy smiles softly.

As Eddie was in the house helping make the sloppy joe meat as Jeff was cutting up some fruit.

"So how's the wedding planning going?" Gareth asked as he held Rosie on his lap.

"It's going good, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be one my groomsmen." Eddie smiles as he looked at Gareth,

"Yes of course man I would be honored to be in the wedding." He smiles kissing Rosie's little head.

"Hey Jeff do you want be one of my groomsman?" Eddie asked as he looked back at his best friend.

"Of course man!" Jeff smiles softly.

Dustin walked in with Steve behind him as they talking about whatever Steve was complaining about.

"Hey Eddie." Steve smiles as he walks over taking Rosie from Gareth.

"Hey Dustin I have a question for you." Eddie looked at Dustin as he stopped cooking the meat.

"Uh hi. I'm scared what do you want to ask me?" Dustin asked hesitantly.

"Don't freak out man it's nothing bad, but I wanted to ask if you want to be my best man at the wedding? And do you want to take cover hell fire for me?" Eddie asked as he watched Steve play with Rosie.

Dustin smiles as he nodded "yes of course man I would love to be in your wedding."

As Chrissy as outside with Robin talking about Chrissy and Eddie's plans now that they are out of high school.

"I mean I got into a college but it's here it's in New York and I'm not if I want to go, I mean it's always been my dream but I don't know how to tell him." Chrissy sighs softly as she sat down.

"Chrissy NYU is the most prestigious college ever you should go! He could follow you and you both could live in New York." Robin replied as she looked at her best friend.

Chrissy looked at Robin yes she wanted to go by she didn't want to leave Max behind, Max and Chrissy have gotten close like mother and daughter close and she didn't want to mess that up by leaving. "And max?"

"You could get legal guardianship over Max easily her mother is drunk and max doesn't feel comfortable being with her mom." Robin said softly as she looked over at max.

Later that day as the party was going on Chrissy had to tell Eddie about NYU, he had the right to know as her soon to be husband.

"Babe can you come here for a minute?" Chrissy asked walking over to Eddie.

Eddie nodded telling his uncle he will be right back as he follows Chrissy in the trailer. He seemed nervous from how ever body language is right now, he was worried she was about to tell him she didn't want to get married anymore.

"What's wrong? Is it the wedding? Are you getting cold feet?" He asked softly.

"No no, I want to get married still but uh a little bit before I found I was pregnant with baby Rosie I applied for NYU and I was accepted.." she said as she bites her lip.

"Baby that's amazing! You should go like honestly I remember you always wanting to go to New York when you were in middle school." He smiles as he hugged her tightly.

"Come with me? I don't want to go alone I want you to come with me, then we can fly everyone out to New York for our wedding." Chrissy said as he hugged back.

Eddie nodded with a smile on his face as he pulled away from her "yes of course I'll come with you, max is coming to I'm not leaving Red behind, the kids can come see us on break. Dustin can even live with us during the summer. But you aren't missing this opportunity."

"Let's go announce our wedding date our plans on adopting mine and my NYU acceptance." She smiles softly kissing him softly.

Eddie nodded kissing her back as they walked back to everyone else. "Can we have everyone's attention please."

As everyone turned to look at the couple max grabbed Rosie walking up to them as she stood next to them.

"I first want to thank each and everyone one of you who, came out to celebrate mine and Chrissy's graduation. But we do have some announcements first off A few weeks ago we asked Max if she want to become a Munson and she has agreed! So we are officially adopting Max is just under a week!" Chrissy smiles softly as she kissed Max's head.

"And our second announcement, is that we have decided on October 24th of This year for our wedding date. We will be getting married in October but that now bring us to our last announcement, Chrissy was accepted an NYU as a full scholarship and she will be studying law. So we will be moving to New York." Eddie said as grabbed her hand holding.

Everyone clapped and congratulated, there were some people upset about the move mainly Dustin and Micheal. But everyone else is excited for them.

Later that night Chrissy had laid Rosie down for the night. Eddie was in the living room talking to max about the adoption and the whole last name change.

"So I'll be Maxine Munson? Not mayfield?" Max asked softly looking at Eddie.

He nodded softly "yes so you will Maxine Munson and if you want to we can still have Mayfield on the paperwork as well."

Max thought for a little bit as she shakes her head "no I like Munson it's more short and I want to same last name as you Chrissy and baby Rosie."

"That's fine sweetheart but I just want you understand everything that will happen, it's going very long." He smiles softly.

"I'm very excited I'm happy that I'm going be a Munson with you and Chrissy! But I'm going to head to bed I love you.." max kissed Eddie's cheek as she got up walking to her room.

As Eddie smiles he walked in his and Chrissy's room seeing Chrissy laying on their bed passed out, he smiled to himself as he changed her into one of his hellfire shirts, he covered her up as he changed out of his clothes turning off the bedroom lights, he laid down kissing Chrissy's head,

"Goodnight Mrs Munson I love you so much."

I know the ending is very crappy and rushed, I'm just so busy now! I'm now a manager for my job. I also have a new Chrissy and Eddie book coming out.

Love you more you know. Thank you for the love and Support with this book. It means more then anything.
-Love Skyler

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