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It's been two months since Chrissy lost her virginity to Eddie, nothing has changed besides having sex here and there or when uncle Wayne is home and they can't wait until later that night. Chrissy was laying on the living room floor some doing homework as she heard the door open seeing Eddie come back from a drug deal.

"Good deal?" Chrissy asked without looking up.

"Yea it was a good deal got more money this time around. Hey do you work tonight? I know it's a weekend that's why I ask." Eddie sighed sitting down.

"I do work tonight actually. Four to midnight I'll probably just walk home because I think you might be asleep when I'm done." She said getting up off the floor putting her work away.

"No no I'll come get you love no problem." Eddie smiles as she sat down next to him.

Chrissy bites her lip looking at him "what are we?"

Eddie looked at her and sighs. "Friends with benefits?"

"So we just fuck? No strings attached? Because last night we didn't use a condom for the first time since having sex for the first time two months ago. Where we always use condoms." She said as she leans back on the couch.

Eddie pulled her legs on his lap as he looked at her as he leans back on the couch to. "Your the first person I never used a condom with, your different Chrissy it's hard to explain but your different in a good way. I feel comfortable with you I feel something when we cuddle have sex. Hell even when we talk I feel something but I just don't or didn't know if you felt the same way about it."

"Eddie I love you like really love you. What I felt with Jason wasn't love it the feeling of being wanted, with you it's real love and I would love to be your girlfriend. I don't care if you play a bored game or sell drugs. I love you because your you." She said softly looking at him.

"Chrissy Mae Cunningham will you be my forever and ever?" He asked with a smile.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend Eddie." She giggles softly playing with his fingers.

Eddie leans over grabbing her neck as he pulled her in for a kiss, Chrissy kisses him softly as she smiles in the kiss. They pulled away as Eddie's uncle came in the trailer.

"I see smiles and whatever, wait she's not pregnant is she? boy because I swear to god." Wayne said looking at the couple.

"No she isn't pregnant We use condoms all the time, I asked her to be my girlfriend finally." Eddie looking at his uncle.

"That's amazing I'm proud of you kid! I'm happy for the both of you." His uncle smiles softly.

Chrissy looked at the time as she walked in her and Eddie's room get ready for work. Eddie follows behind her as he closed the door. He grabs Chrissy putting on the dresser as he kissed her deeply holding her hips, Chrissy moans in the kiss as she wraps her arms around his neck pulling him closer wrapping her legs around his waist. Eddie pulled away from the kiss as he kissed her neck bitting softly.

"B-Babe I got to get ready for work." Chrissy said bitting her lip.

"Yea? But I also want to have a quickie with my girl before work." Eddie said pulling away from her neck looking at her.

"Mmm there is always after work then we will have the trailer to ourselves your uncle will be at work and you won't cover my mouth because your uncle won't be home." She looked at him with a small smirk on her face.

Eddie bites his lip as smirks shows on his face "mmm I like that idea baby girl."

Chrissy got off the dresser as she got dressed for work, she wasn't happy about the uniform for work but she was making money to get a place for her and Eddie soon. As Chrissy put her hair in a high ponytail as she fixed her make up. She sighs softly as she turns the light off in her and Eddie's room.

"I get to work with um Gareth's girlfriend what's her name um Maci. I like her she's pretty cool." Chrissy said sitting in front of Eddie getting her shoes on.

"Maci? Yea I like her to she makes Gareth happy. Hey I called the hideout today and they have some open spots for bands? Do you want us to play Tonight?" Eddie asked playing with Chrissy's shirt.

Chrissy nodded with a smile as she kisses his cheek softly "Yea I'll put you down for 5:30. I like listening to the band play."

Later that night Chrissy and Maci were both working the bar for the night. Eddie's band was already there getting the stage set up for their show. Chrissy was so excited to listen to her boyfriend's band play,

"Babe can you play kiss tonight? Chrissy and I love that band so much." Maci asked Gareth as she was playing with his hands.

"That you will need to ask Eddie not me, his the one who made the band I'm just a dummer." Gareth smiles looking at his girlfriend.

Chrissy smirks walking over to Maci "you know what they say about dummers?"

Maci smirks at her friend "what's that?"

"Dummers pound harder when having sex." She smirks laughing.

"That's a true statement there Chrissy." Maci laughs as she high fived Chrissy.

Gareth chokes on his drink looking at the girls who were laughing hard. "Eddie!" He yelled.

Eddie looked at him weird "why are you yelling I'm right behind dude the fuck."

"Get your girlfriend or something what did you do to her she's never this dirty minded." Gareth said looking at Eddie.

Chrissy picked up the food that was for one of her tables "It's called he popped the cherry Gareth, and tell him what you did to me last night since he wants to know." Chrissy laughs waking over to one of her tables.

Eddie smirks looking at at girlfriend he loved her new attitude it looked sexy on her, "it's time for us to get on stage anyway, and yes we will play two kiss songs for maci and Chrissy."

As Eddie's band started to play maci and Chrissy were dancing behind the bar as the supportive girlfriends they are.

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