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As those two pink lines showed up clear as day Chrissy lost it she was pregnant at 18 She didn't know how to react. She walked out of the bathroom wiping tears from her face.

Wayne looked over at Chrissy he knew he just knew the test came back positive. He walked over and hugged her tightly "We will figured this out together. When Eddie gets home we will talk about this, I'll make you a doctors appointment."

After a few hours Eddie came home wearing the family video vest he sighed opening the trailer door as he walked in. He saw his uncle and Chrissy on the couch with the pregnancy test in her hands.

"What's going on? Has she been crying?" Eddie asked rushing over to Chrissy.

"Eddie.. I-I'm pregnant very much pregnant," Chrissy said as she wanted to cry once again. 

Eddie stood there as his face went white he wanted to throw up he was scared, he was only 19 years old he wasn't ready to be a father.

Later that night Chrissy was sitting in Robins room with Robin and Steve, After telling Eddie she was pregnant they got into a very heated argument Chrissy packed a bag for a week then called Steve to come and pick her up.

"So What all happened with you and Eddie?" Steve asked Rubbing Chrissy's back.

Chrissy sighs softly "I'm pregnant and Eddie said I'm trying to baby trap him and I'm not his the one who hasn't pulled out and before you said anything yes I know I should've been on birth control we are both stupid and not thinking right." 

Robin held her best friend tightly "he doesn't mean it. Your staying here until I know you and him are okay. Steve you can stay the night here to."

The next morning Chrissy was getting dressed for school she turned to the mirror seeing a small bump starting to show, She wasn't sure how to feel or react to having a little baby in her belly. she was excited yes but if she was going to do this alone then she doesn't know how she's going to do it. The ride to school she was quiet Steve held her hand the whole way as Robin was talking about her new girlfriend Vicky. As they got to school Chrissy got out the car seeing Eddie by his Van with the hellfire club. She wanted to walk over there but she didn't.

As Eddie stood by his van smoking his cigarette he couldn't help but look at Chrissy as she talked to Robin and Steve, he wasn't happy on how he reacted after finding he was about to be a dad. He sighed softly as he looked at his boys as they were talking about D&D

"You need to talk to her Eddie she's pregnant with your kid you can't be this childish with her," Jeff said as stood next to mike.

"Yea I agree Eddie you love her right then go talk to her and make it right." Mike said pushing Eddie over to Chrissy.

Eddie bites his lip as he walked over to Chrissy "hey can we talk?"

"Y-Yea." Chrissy said bitting her lip walking away from Steve and Robin.

Eddie followed her bitting his lip as they got behind the school she turned around facing at Eddie.

"How are you? Like are you feeling okay?" He asked looking at him.

She laughed a little trying not to cry once again "oh yea Eddie I'm just great you know, not like your accusing me of baby trapping you and saying that I planned this pregnancy, when I know for a fact I didn't. We weren't careful Eddie I told you multiple times I don't care if I'm allergic to latex I kept saying wear a condom you kept saying no. I need my boyfriend right now but instead you want act like a child. You think you're scared I'm terrified Eddie I am pregnant at 18."

Eddie stood wanting to cry he looked at Chrissy not sure what to say. "I'm about to be a dad at 19 Chrissy, I'm so sorry that I'm not ready to be a dad okay!"

"Then what are you saying Eddie!" She yelled at him.

"That we shouldn't be together anymore! I'm not ready and I don't want to be with you anymore." He yelled.

Eddie stood there regretting what he just said he didn't mean it, it was heat of the moment he didn't realize what he said until Chrissy pushed pasted him. He tired to stop her but he Felt a burning sensation across his cheek as she slapped him. Chrissy walked off as she wipes the tears from her cheeks as she walked up to Steve and Robin.

"Chrissy? What happened why are you crying." Steve asked as he pulled her close to his chest.

"He break up with me Steve he said he doesn't want to be with me anymore." Chrissy cried in Steve's chest.

(Little time time skip sorry didn't know what to else to Wright there.)

It's been two months since Chrissy's and Eddie's broke up, Chrissy has been living with Steve at his new place. After Steve asked Chrissy to live with him he got an apartment for the both of them so she didn't need to worry about Steve's parents. Chrissy being four months pregnant she was very much showing. Chrissy and Eddie weren't talking still but she would slip ultrasound pictures and notes about the baby in his locker so he was still in the babies life.

Chrissy sighs walking down the hall at school she knew everyone was looking at her big belly but she didn't care anymore she was the first pregnant teen at Hawkins high. As she walked up to her locker she saw the one person she never thought would be there.

Eddie saw Chrissy coming he smiled he held the bag in his hand. Since working at family video Eddie started to buy things for Chrissy and his unborn daughter "hey Chrissy.. I uh have something for baby girl."

Chrissy looked at him then smiled softly taking the bag from Eddie. "Thanks Eddie.. I'll put it in my room when I get home."

"Uh actually do you think you could come over tonight? Uncle Wayne and I miss you and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come for dinner?" He asked bitting his lip.

Chrissy couldn't say no she really missed both Wayne and Eddie. "What time do you want me there?"

"I can take you after school we could um hang out and talk about us.. then maybe I don't know talk about getting back together." He said taking her hand in his.

She looked at his hand holding hers she was still very hurt with what went down with her and Eddie but she wants have him back in her life as her boyfriend she really missed Eddie.

After school as Chrissy sat in Eddie's trailer waiting for his uncle to get back from the store. Eddie kept Rubbing Chrissy's belly as he talked to the baby, it was to cute Chrissy smiled as she wanted to cry he was actually excited to have a baby.

"I kinda have a name picked out for her but it's not for sure, But remember when you picked the name Rosie Mae?" She asked looking down at Eddie.

"I do remember that I loved that name I thought it was beautiful and it would fit our daughter one day." He smiled as he sat up looking at Chrissy.

"Well Rosie Mae Munson is what I have picked and I wanted to see if you still wanted that name for our daughter." She said softly looking at him.

He smiles not caring if he and Chrissy we're not together anymore he kissed her softly in the lips and whispered "Rosie Mae Munson is her name."

Sooo Eddie and Chrissy? What do you think so far? I have a BIG plan coming up soon and I'm really excited for you all to see it.

What do you guys think of the name they picked out? I love it like really do.

Also I will be writing a second book to this once I finished with this book! I have a name picked out for it and everything!!

Also I have changed my name! Please Call me Skyler or Skye!


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