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Later that night as Chrissy sat on her floor folding all the baby clothes she got from the shower, she couldn't help but look at her engagement ring on her Finger. She was genuinely happy because she gets to have Eddie has her husband one day. She gets to have a family of her own with the love of her life. If you were to tell Chrissy when she Younger she would be mom at 18 and engaged at 18 she would've told you that you were lying.

Eddie walked in Chrissy's room with the last of the bags of stuff. He sat down and smiles looking at his fiancé "She's going to very much loved baby girl when she's born."

Chrissy smiles softly and nodded grabbing her hospital bag to start packing. "She's going to be much loved that's for her sure.. I was wondering do you think maybe Maci and Gareth would want to be in the hospital when she's born? I mean Maci is my best friend."

"I can ask him baby I don't see why not." Eddie smiles softly,

It was two in the morning as Chrissy sat on her bed holding her belly as she whines quietly not wanting to wake up Steve and Robin, Eddie sat behind of Chrissy as he rubs her back. Eddie hated seeing Chrissy in pain he kisses her head softly.

"I..I Think we need to go to the hospital Eddie they are every two minutes apart they hurt so bad." She cried as she got up.

Eddie nodded as he got grabbing everything they nodded, as they got to the hospital they confirmed that Chrissy was in fact in labor. They got them in a room and Chrissy hooked up to the IV's.

Chrissy held Eddie's hand tightly as she breathed through another contraction, Chrissy was excited because she has about to meet her and Eddie's daughter, but again she was obviously scared she's 18 years old having her own baby.

*10 hours into labor*

As Eddie sat next to Chrissy in the chair next to her hospital bed he did everything he could to make her comfortable and try and get the pain off her mind, hearing her crying just broke him he knew she was in pain and there was nothing he could do. He kissed her head softly rubbing her cheek.

"I know honey I know, think soon we will have our little family, just us three just us no one else just us." Eddie whispers and smiles.

"Just us three." Chrissy whispers as tears rolled down her cheeks. She breathed through another conversation.

Eddie nodded with cute smiles then whispers again "then we will go back to school not as fiancés but as parents, Rosie will have the most amazing mother because she's beautiful and strong."

She looked up as she kisses Eddie smiles as she looked in his eyes, she was about to have his baby their own family.

*19 hours into labor*

It was 9 at night and it was finally time to push Chrissy was so scared to push as Eddie held her hand, Maci and Chrissy mother held her legs it was go time. As Chrissy was pushing Eddie kept telling her how beautiful she was doing and how proud of he was her, as she cried and screamed she heard a small cry.

"Welcome to the world baby girl." The doctor said as he held up Rosie to show Chrissy and Eddie.

Chrissy laid back and cried she just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, as she looked up at Eddie was crying and Chrissy never seen him cry. As they laid Rosie on her chest, Eddie leans down and kisses Chrissy softly.

 As they laid Rosie on her chest, Eddie leans down and kisses Chrissy softly

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Rosie Mae Munson
May 15th 1986
8 Ib 7oz 10 inch long

Chrissy laid back and cried she just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, as she looked up at Eddie he was crying and Chrissy never seen him cry.

As Chrissy held Rosie on her chest she kisses her little head and smiles softly. "Hi baby Rosie."

Eddie smiles softly seeing his fiancé and his daughter "she's so beautiful babe I can't believe she's here, our little girl our family."

Sorry for the short chapter! But next chapter should be longer. But I'm kinda back from my break but I mentally hasn't been myself so I needed a break.

But oh my god! Rosie is here guys!! I can't wait to Write more but I'm happy for the both of them.

Hope you all liked this chapter!!

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