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Eddie and Chrissy have been hanging out for three weeks straight, Chrissy is like kinda moved in with Eddie and his uncle Wayne doesn't mind it. Eddie likes having someone over at the trailer with him all the time. As Eddie walked to the parking lot after school Chrissy was already in the van wanting for him.

Eddie opened the driver side door as he got in kissing Chrissy's cheek "Well hi there I thought you would be at the cheer thing happening?"

"I didn't feel like going because since the break up with Jason the girls look at me differently and talk about you and I won't stand for it." Chrissy said taking her hair down from the ponytail.

"They talk about me? What did I do? Its not like we are having sex. Yes we sleep in the same bed but we aren't doing anything because one your getting out of a relationship and two I won't make you to feel like that's all I want." He said as he started the van backing up from his parking space.

"See! That's what I try and say they just won't Believe me because they stuck up spoiled little girls, oh and I got a job I forgot to tell you!" Chrissy said exactly

"Oh you did! What will you be doing?" Eddie looked over at Chrissy generally happy for her.

"I'll be working as a waitress at the hideout, The nights you play with your band and other nights as well" Chrissy smiles softly looking at him.

"Just be careful please I don't want any drunk guy putting his hands on you, because if anything happens to you then I could never forgive myself." Eddie said getting overprotective about her.

Chrissy sat there with those little butterflies in her belly, she couldn't help but blush and bit her lip at Eddie getting overprotective about her. "I promise I'll be safe and if anything happens I'll tell you."

As they got to the trailer Eddie's uncle was sitting outside but smiles once he sees Eddie and Chrissy get out of the van.

"Hey kids how was school?" Wayne asked as Eddie sat next to his uncle.

"It was alright just same old drama about Eddie and I's friendship." Chrissy sat as she sat down next to Wayne as well.

"Like we aren't even doing anything sexual, yes Chrissy and I sleep in the same bed but we don't do anything but sleep and sometimes cuddle that's it." Eddie said irritated by everything at school.

Wayne shakes his head and rolled his eyes "That's just so stupid like really can't a male and female be friends without anything sexual happening, like yes you both love each other but not in that way."

"That's what I'm saying uncle Wayne it's so annoying and stupid they are just bored with their own lives they need make drama." Eddie said lighting a cigarette.

Chrissy sighs softly getting up walking in the trailer walking to Eddie's room getting into more comfortable clothes, she closed his door as she laid down in his bed. Eddie walked in after his cigarette to check on Chrissy. He walked in seeing her awake laying on his bed.

"I'm okay Eddie I just needed to get out of my cheer uniform and get into sweatpants I'm wearing your shirt if that's okay?" She said sitting up.

"It looks good on you actually and I don't mind, do you mind if I lay down with you?" He asked looking at her.

Chrissy shakes her head as it was his bed before she came along. "After all it's your bed not mine." She giggles softly.

"Ours." He corrected her taking his jacket off laying down next to her as he faced her.

Chrissy faced him as she put some of his hair behind his ear and smiles softly, she bites her lip softly she wanted to kiss him but she didn't know if he felt the same. She leaned in as she kissed him softly. Eddie kissed her back as he wraps his arm around her waist pulling her closer as the kiss deepens.

She pulled away a little bitting her lip "I-I'm sorry I didn't know what else to do but I have always wanted kiss you."

Eddie shakes his head as he pulled her in again and kissed her once again. Chrissy laid on her back pulling Eddie on top of her. Eddie slowly put his hand under the shirt she was wearing as he cups her right breast in his hand. Chrissy pulled away as she takes his shirt that she was wearing off. Eddie looked at her in shock on how beautiful she was.

"Your so beautiful I can't." Eddie said as he kissed her again taking his shirt off as well.

Chrissy ran her hand down his chest as she leans up kissing his neck bitting softly as Eddie moaned quietly bitting his lip. Eddie pulled her away softly as he leans down kissing her neck as he felt her legs wrap around his waist, he ran his hand down slowly pulling her sweatpants off,

"E-Eddie we should stop before it goes to far and we regret something," Chrissy said breathless.

Eddie nodded as he pulls away looking at her "I didn't do do anything right? If I did I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"No no you didn't do anything honey I just don't want us to go to far and regret it later down the road.. it would be my first time." Chrissy said as she sat up putting her hand on his cheek,

Eddie got up grabbing their shirts he handed the shirt Chrissy was wearing back to her then leans in again kisses her neck softly.

He looked over at her kissed her softly "If anything were to happen between us Chrissy I would never in my life regret a thing? I'm not a virgin but I would take it slow for you."

Chrissy put the shirt back on and smiles softly bitting her lip. She gets on her knees kissing his nose "Maybe one day."

Eddie smiles rubbing her cheek "One day it is love."

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