Slave For You

By charmingstylinson

17.4K 427 37

AU where slavery is legal for those who can afford it and general isn’t looked down upon. Most slaves are bor... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 2

1.4K 42 0
By charmingstylinson

Louis didn’t hesitate to get Harry up to his room as soon as they arrived back home. He knew that everyone in his household, his family and their slaves alike, were eager to see the slave that the eldest of the Tomlinson children picked, but Louis didn’t want to waste time. He would show Harry off later but for now, he wanted him all to himself. Not even Niall whose mop of blond hair peeped out from behind a corner to try and catch a look could stop him.

When they finally made it to his room, Louis locked the door behind him to make sure they would be left alone. Harry was standing at the door and taking in his new surroundings. Louis’ room was definitely much larger than any room that Harry had ever been in at the agency. The bed was large and the sheets were white and puffy, almost like a cloud. There was a large window that had a wonderful view of the Tomlinson’s land that was currently covered with a dusting of white, untouched snow. “What do you think?” Louis asked, finally breaking the silence.

“Your room is wonderful, Master,” Harry said, turning his eyes on the ground and his hands behind his back.

Louis walked up to his slave, lightly grabbed his chin and raised his head so that Harry was looking at him in the eyes. “You don’t need to avoid eye contact, Harry. You may look up unless given instruction otherwise, okay?”

“Yes, sir,” he said, fighting the urge to look down at his feet.

Louis smiled in satisfaction at his slave’s ability to follow his instruction. “Good boy,” he said, petting Harry’s wild curls. “Now, we have about an hour before Niall is to bring lunch so until then, I think it’s best that we go over rules and what I expect of you, okay?”

“Yes, sir,” Harry responded. Louis didn’t think he would ever get tired of hearing the younger boy’s smooth voice saying that.

 Louis walked over to his bed and sat down on the edge, motioning Harry to follow. “I want you to sit on your knees in between my legs, please, Harry.” Harry obeyed immediately, much to Louis pleasure. “You can rest your head on my knee, if you wish.” Harry did just that and Louis couldn’t help but stroke his fingers through the boys soft hair. “So as I said at the agency, you are to address me as ‘sir’ or ‘master’ and that you’re only allowed to talk to me directly unless I tell you otherwise.” Harry rubbed his head against his master’s knee, making Louis sigh happily.

“Good,” he continued. “As I hope you’re aware, my parents bought you to be a bed slave so you’ll be expected to perform um, sexual stuff whenever I ask.” Louis’ cheeks were burning up but Harry seemed completely unfazed. Louis supposed Harry probably had known this information since he matured and was common knowledge to the boy. “We can, um, figure out an exact schedule as we go but eventually we’ll have you on a set schedule. I um, know that slaves like having instruction, especially born slaves.”

“Yes, master,” Harry said, nuzzling his cheek against Louis’ knee. “I would like that very much. Thank you.”

Louis’ dick practically jumped in his trousers at Harry’s actions but he had to calm himself down. He didn’t have the time to break his new slave in. Niall was always on time which is why his parents had kept him even after he reached proper age where it is typical for slave children to be separated from their parents. Niall was never late with his daily tasks and Louis knew he definitely wouldn’t be late today in order for a chance to be the first to see Louis’ new bed slave.

“As for sleeping arrangements, you will sleep in bed with me unless you are in punishment. If you end up breaking one of the rules or going against me in any way, you will sleep on the ground but I am already seeing that this will be a rare occurrence,” he said with a chuckle. “When you eat, you are only to eat from my hands unless I am at school. Then you may eat without me. You don’t get to sit on any of the furniture outside of this room but I will provide you with your own personal pillow so you may sit at my feet.”

Louis leaned down and kissed atop of the younger boy’s head and breathed in his intoxicating aroma. Harry smelled like a mix of cinnamon and something that was just uniquely Harry. Louis couldn’t wait until he could wrap himself up with this boy and get lost in his scent. He had to shake his head in order to clear his thoughts. “And the day after tomorrow, we will go and pick out a collar for you so everyone knows it’s me you belong to.”

 Harry purred, actually purred at the thought of having the weight of a collar around his neck. It was something that every slave longed for. It was the ultimate sign of being owned, that you were cared for and Harry knew that Louis would give him only the best. “Thank you, master,” Harry said, smiling against Louis’ knee. “I can’t wait to wear your collar.”

Louis stroked Harry’s hair and smiled at his slave. There was no doubt in his mind that Harry was definitely the right choice. “Now come up here,” he said. “I think we’ve gone over most of the basic rules and Niall should be here soon with lunch so let’s relax before he bombards us.”

 Harry crawled on the bed and curled his body next to his master feeling completely safe and cared for in his embrace. Yes, Harry was definitely going to enjoy his life here. “Master?” he asked cautiously. “Who’s Niall?” Even though it was none of his business, Harry secretly hoped that Niall wasn’t another one of his master’s personal slaves. Harry wanted to show that it was him, not any other slave that could fulfill all of Louis’ needs.

 “Niall is one of my parent’s house slaves’ son. We kept him once he became of age,” Louis explained. “You’ll love Niall. He’s very nice and besides the fact that my family owns him, I consider him one of my closest friends.”

As if on cue, there was a knock on the door signaling Niall’s arrival with lunch. “Come in,” Louis called, refusing to remove himself from his embrace with Harry. Besides, Niall was the only slave that could unlock Louis’ door so he could let himself get lost in Harry’s scent for their last few moments alone.

“Hello again, sir,” Niall said in an overly cheerful voice. “I hope your birthday has been going well for you and this must be your new addition!” Niall set the tray with Louis’ lunch on the nightstand to observe Harry who seemed to be trying to move closer to Louis’ side even though that was hardly possible.

“Yes, Niall,” Louis said, rolling his eyes at the other slave. “This is Harry.”

 Niall smiled excitedly and offered his hand to Harry. “Oh, he’s a cute one, master Louis! Good work,” he said, winking at the other boy. “My name is Niall, you’ll probably see me more than you like but I’m sure we will be great friends!”

Harry looked at Niall’s hand and back at his master, unsure of what to do. Even though Louis had said great things about this Niall person, he never gave Harry’s permission to speak to him.

“Oh!” Louis said, sensing Harry’s dilemma. “You can speak to Niall. He’s definitely an exception. Always.”

Harry nodded and took Niall’s hand then and introduced himself. Harry wasn’t really sure of what to think of the blond. He was definitely as nice as his master made him out to be, but Harry had never really had a friend before. The boys at the agency weren’t really allowed to mingle with each other. Their only goal in life was to become the perfect slave and nothing else.

“Alright, Niall,” Louis said. “I’d like alone time with my slave before you pester him into become friends with you. I’ll send for you if I need anything, thank you.”

Niall bowed his head at the order. “Of course, sir. I won’t come back to clean until you send. Enjoy your first day, Harry.” And with that, Niall was gone.

Louis sat up and kissed the top of Harry’s curls. “Sorry about him,” he said reaching for the tray with their lunch. “He’s wonderful but I didn’t want him annoying you so early in your stay.” Louis chuckled and picked up a grape that was sitting on his plate and bringing it to Harry’s lips. The slave took the grape into his mouth without question and Louis couldn’t help but love the way Harry’s lips moved around it. He definitely couldn’t wait until those pink lips curled around something else but again, he had to wait.

The older boy found that he actually quite enjoyed feeding his slave and Harry seemed to enjoy it as well. It was intimate without being overwhelmingly so. He fed Harry until both of their stomachs were satisfied and put the tray aside. Now it was time for the real master and slave bonding to begin.

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