meow??! (tr x fem!reader) ON...

By solstar-

70K 2.5K 3.7K

hey i'm bored and i've decided to make my own story so yeah read it or else ๐Ÿ‘น๐Ÿ‘น also i made the cover mysel... More

The boxes??
The cats povs??!
Who gets to go shopping with her
Movie night w the cats
Taylor fucking Swift
NOOOOOOO (this is not a chapter but please read it)
The gay fanfic ๐Ÿ‘น
making the cupcakes with the girls ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
the bisexual turtle
pink fluffy unicorns
what the fuck-
what is wrong with mikey.
hostage ๐Ÿ˜ง
Drag queens
la musique
what is wrong with him?


2.4K 86 146
By solstar-

(I'm sorry i didn't know what to name this chapter 🥲)

I said i was gonna post this chapter a couple of days ago but i was busy and i didn't have the time. This chapters kinda short ngl but yeah.\

(Third person pov??)

Everyone was in the living room watching Frozen since elsa is a girlboss and also cause they were bored asf. Y/n also got two days off from work since she was still a bit concerned about the catnip thing and didn't want anything to happen again. While they were watching Frozen Mitsuya suddenly remembered something. "Oh yeah didn't Y/n mention something about knowing how we can turn back into humans?" Mitsuya asks nobody in particular. "Yes, i'm pretty sure she did." Kisaki says while staring at the screen lowkey interested in the movie. "Hey Sanzu can you ask Y/n how we can turn back into humans??" Mitsuya asks. "*Sigh* fine." Sanzu says.

"Hey Y/n" Sanzu says. "Yeah??" Y/n replies confused. "Last time you mentioned knowing how we can turn back into humans how is that??" Sanzu asks. "Oh yeah when i was asking you questions last time you said your right paw was twitching and that you bit it to stop it before going to sleep right?" Y/n questions "Uh yeah." Sanzu replies "So there." Y/n says before watching the movie again. "Uhm i don't get it." Sanzu says kinda confused. "You just have to bite your right paw and then after that you can turn human and cat whenever i guess." Y/n replies while shrugging more interested in the movie.

All the cats heard what she said and decided to try it tomorrow in the morning. Everyone fell asleep after the movie since it was 3:49am except one cat. And that one cat was Izana he had a nightmare so he woke up. He crawled towards Y/n and hugged her before falling asleep again hoping he doesn't get another nightmare.


(Y/n's pov)

I woke up and felt something heavy on top of me and when i looked i saw a man with nice white hair, tanned skin and beautiful long eyelashes. I knew this was one of the cats since i saw the car ears and tail so i didn't really freak out. I shook him gently but he didn't want to wake up and hugged me tighter while mumbling something. He wouldn't let me go so i checked the time seeing it was 7:26am and decided to just go back to sleep i did have a day off of work today so i can sleep in.

(Timeskip again)

I woke up and i found a bunch of hoomans in my living room. I knew they were my cats but i wanted to make sure so i asked them to introduce themselves. Also cause i don't know who is who. "Hey everyone- " I said before getting interrupted by someone running up to me and hugging me tightly. "Y/N-CHINNNNN" He says before running towards me and latching himself on me. 'I have a feeling this one is mikey.' I thought. But i wasn't sure so i said his name to see. "Mikey..?" I said slowly still not sure if this is him or not. "AHHA YES ITS ME Y/N-CHIN!!" He yells very excided to meet me. I'm happy aswell but its still the morning he shouldn't be this damn loud. "Mikey please lower your volume." I said quietly not wanting to hurt his feelings. "Oh okay y/n-chin" He says before hugging me again and kissing my cheek. He then turned back into a cat and hugged my head.

I looked around the living room and saw the one with white hair who was hugging me earlier. "Who are you??" I ask pointing at him. "Wow so you can recognize Mikey and not me?? i'm hurt Y/n but i'm Izana" He says pretending to act hurt. "I guessed right then" i mumbled. "Okay now everyone introduce yourselves please" I said while rubbing my eyes still kinda tired. "I'm Smiley and this is Angry" The one with pink fluffy hair says pointing at his brother beside him who nods. "Im Draken." Draken says while looking away. "AHA IM SENJU!!" A pretty girl with pretty eyes says while giving me a hug. "I wanted to hug you as a person for such a long time now." She says before getting pushed away by someone with hair that looks like bananas 'heh i think i know who this is' I thought. "Move it bitch" He says before introducing himself. "Ahem i'm Kazutora Hanemiya."

"Yeah i know" I said. "I- what?" He says looking confused. "The banana hair makes it pretty obvious." I said not thinking he would get offended. I was wrong. He got offended. He got REALLY offended. "WHAT MY HAIR DOESNT LOOK LIKE BANANAS HOW DARE YOU?!?! THEIR STREAKS. S-T-R-E-A-K-S. AND I PERSONALLY THINK THEY LOOK REALLY GOOD ON ME." He says while huffing. "I didn't say your hair looks bad" I said while chuckling "But take it however you take it" I said before walking off. Next was Kakucho he walked up to me before bowing and introducing himself. "Im Kakucho Hitto, but i would prefer if you don't use my last name and just call me Kakucho." "Alright but why are you bowing 😅" I said wanting them to be more comfortable. "To show my respect after all you did take all of us in and you took care of us. You even missed work for us." He said. "No no its fine please don't bow." You said while sweat-dropping. "Okay." He says before walking away to get water.

"I'm Rindou Haitani-" Rindou gets cutoff while getting pushed away by 'Rat'."I'm Ran darling its a pleasure to finally meet you as a human." He says before sending a wink to me not knowing the words that are about to come out of my mouth. "WAIT YOUR NAMES RAN??!!?" I yelled feeling kinda stupid for calling him 'Rat' all this time. I did find the name 'Rat' strange but i didn't want to judge him so i just went along with it. "THIS WHOLE TIME I THOUGHT YOUR NAME WAS RAT?!?!" I yelled in shock. Ran's smirk then drops as he stares at me while his brother was behind him wheezing on the ground. While Ran was standing there in shock i decided to get a quick drink before continuing with the introductions. When i turned around i bumped into someone's hard rock chest and i looked up to see a man with blue and yellow hair he looked mad but at the same time calm.

'Holy shit he's tall.' I freeze staring at him in shock. He chuckles before saying "Taiju Shiba's my name don't forget it." He then walks away and i turn around again and that's when i realized there are a lot of tall men in here. 'I'm just realizing how tall draken and ran are.' I thought. I was in the kitchen drinking my glass of water before i heard someone shout. "MWHAHHAHA I AM HERE" I thought someone broke in so i grabbed the closes thing to me which was a chair and smashed it onto the guys head with my eyes shut. I slowly opened my eyes to see a very muscular man on the ground unconscious and that's when i realized 'THAT MIGHT BE ONE OF MY CATS!!' I grabbed his head and put it on my lap and began to cry. "IM SO SORRY" I yelled out even tho he wouldn't hear me.

"Don't worry dear he's only unconscious i'm Hanma by the way." A tall lanky man says while kissing my hand. "Oh and by the way i'm still going to complain on how you disrespected me by calling me fucking 'hannah'." He says while pouting. 'Big man-child..' Is all i thought before i heard someone say "Me as well." Someone walks towards us he has blond hair and black eyes. "You did call me Shinobu after all and shiton wtf is that. My hand writing isn't THAT bad." He mumbles the last part and introduces himself as Shion before leaving. "Ahem." I hear someone say. I turned around to see a tanned man with glasses on 'he has a lot of gel in his hair..hanma does as well. one day ill get the both of them to take it off.' I already had an idea of who this was because of the glasses and i was right. Its Kisaki Tetta.

We were going to shake hands until a blond man with blue eyes came in and pushed me out of the way saying something about 'danger'. He said he was Takemichi and gave me a hug before walking away. While all of that happened Kisaki was just standing there watching everything go down. He sighed and walked away. I was looking around and i saw 3 girls coming up to me. "Hi, i'm Hinata Tachibana but you can call me Hina if you'd like!" She says while giving me a warm smile. "I'm Yuzuha Shiba." "And i'm Emma Sano." We spoke for a bit before they walked off. "HEY!" I flinched when i heard someone yell right behind me. "..He hurts you doesn't he." The guy with shiny black hair who almost gave me a stroke said. I just stood there staring at him. He laughed and said he was Baji Keisuke and his friend was Chifuyu.

(okay i'm sorry but this is getting tiring just pretend that everyone introduced themselves.)

"Huh what happened." 'South' says looking around. "Oh wow he's not yelling for once." Mitsuya says while rolling his eyes. "HEY!-" "You jinxed it Mitsuya." Hakkai mumbled. Mitsuya was sketching and Hakkai was bored so he was watching Mitsuya.

Meanwhile with Smiley and Angry

"*Sigh* the gays are back at it again.." Smiley mumbles staring at Mitsuya and Hakkai not knowing they both already have a crush. "Brother.." Angry mumbles while sweat-dropping. "I'm going to make a gay fanfiction just for them. And they will be my gay stars." Smiley says. Angry was gonna stop him before he took it too seriously but he was too late because the peach-haired boys was already making plans and ranting. Angry tried his best.

The end

I'm ending it here but the next chapter is going to be about Smiley's fan fic and yes he was being serious about it. Very serious. I wanted to end this chapter a bit early just so i can write the next one about the gay Mitsuya x Hakkai fanfic. I don't ship them but this is for entertainment and motivation purposes.


You love me, i love me we all love me 🥰

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