bad guy {Finn Mikaelson} SLOW...

By -dracarys--

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The Vampire Diaries AU pretty much Finn Mikaelson x OC More



1.8K 71 2
By -dracarys--

Kol walks in "Sister...Look at this! You're even worse than Klaus." Rebekah looks at her brother "Kol, finally. Did you bring what I asked for?" Kol shoves Shane into the library. Rebekah smirks "You must be Shane."

Lily looks at the three with interest because she wants to know exactly what Shane knows about Silas. Lily follows Kol and Rebekah out of the library, Rebekah looks at her as Kol shove Shane into a janitors closet. "what are you doing?" Lily smirks "I wanna see what the professor knows and the only way that's gonna happen is if I follow you and your brother"

Rebekah pauses for a second then shrugs "fine" and the two girls step into the closet with Shane and Kol.

Rebekah tries to compel Shane "Where's the cure?" but it doesn't work "Compulsion won't work. It's a little trick I picked up in Tibet." Rebekah looks at him "Right. Well, we'll just have to do this the old-fashioned way."

Kol smiles and Rebekah looks at him "Beat him until he tells you where to find it" Rebekah walks out of the room, leaving Lily, Kol, and Shane there. That is when Kol notices Lily is even there he gives her a look "who are you?" she smirks at him "I'm Lily.... don't let me stop you, by all means, find out what he knows" Kol looks at her shocked but shrugs it off and starts torturing "WHERE IS THE CURE?!"

Kol shoves Shane's head into a sink filled with water, holding him there for several seconds. Kol yanks Shane's head back up, and Shane gasps for air. Lily rolls her eyes getting tired of nothing happening "you know... this could be going so much better if you would just talk"

"She's right you know? now, where is the cure?" Shane is breathing heavily and doesn't reply. Rebekah walks in. Smirking, Kol shoves Shane under again. In the lab, April beings to cough, and Bonnie stares at her. The shots alternate between Shane being drowned and April coughing. In the closet, Kol yanks Shane up, and Shane is gasping for air.
Rebekah looks at Shane "You're human. Why do you want it anyway?" Shane smirks "That's the beauty of this. You can have it. I just want Silas." Kol holds Shane up by his shirt."No. What do you know about Silas?" "He's the world's first immortal being, who just happens to be imprisoned with the cure...and I want to free him." Kol looks at him wide-eyed "No!"
Lily rolls her eyes at him "you are a complete nutcase if you think that is even a remotely good idea" Kol shoves Shane under the water again. In the lab, April's coughing worsens and Bonnie notices.

Bonnie looks at her "April?" April grabs her throat, trying to breathe. "What's happening?" Bonnie rushes over to April. Water pours from April's mouth.

Rebekah looks at her brother "Stop!" Kol brings Shane back up for air. Kol lets go of Shane. In the lab, April stops coughing, and she breathes heavily. Bonnie helps her to her feet.

Rebekah glares at Kol "He's of no use dead." Kol gives her a look "Did you not just hear what he said? Silas will kill us all, sister." Lily blows out a breath "finally somebody with some sense" Kol look at her "you know about Silas?" Lily smirks "yeah"

Rebekah interrupts them "Silas does not exist. He is a-a fairytale made up to scare children into eating their vegetables." Shane looks at her "Silas is very real. I know where he's buried, and soon I will have the spell that wakes him." Lily smirks to herself 'not likely because I have it, when I found Qetseiahs journal I found one of her grimoires and it just so happened to be the one with that spell in it and I keep that spell locked away in a safety deposit box cloaked with a spell that I created myself because I know how dangerous that spell is' not even my sister can break the spell I have on the box. she is no doubt helping Shane and that is why she's been so dodgy with me so I won't suspect it.

Kol looks at Shane "Wait a second, you're lying. You can't get to him." Shane cuts him off "Without his tombstone? Dozens to die in a blood sacrifice? Believe me, I know. I've done it. Those massacres are a pain to engineer." Rebekah looks at Shane "You're the one who got the council blown up." he shrugs "It was a noble sacrifice...and temporary, because once I raise Silas, Silas will raise the dead. He will bring back every last soul who died on his behalf." Kol picks up a thin metal pipe and drives it through Shane's stomach. "No!"

In the lab, April is bleeding where Shane was stabbed. She and Shane are linked from Bonnie's spell. "Oh, my god." The shots alternate between the lab and the closet: Shane falls to the floor. April is dying. Shane appears to die. Bonnie looks up as if she realizes what she has done.

Shane is still lying lifeless on the ground in the closet Kol looks at his sister "You should be thanking me."
Rebekah glares "You killed my only chance at finding the cure." "Silas on the loose would be hell on Earth. Frankly, sister, I don't think you could handle it." Lily looks at Kol and again says "finally somebody who knows that this is a bad thing"

Kol pulls out the white oak stake. Rebekah looks at him in shock "How did you get that?" Kol smirks at her "Way too easily." Kol walks out of the closet, leaving an angry Rebekah to follow him out.

Lily walks out and catches up with Kol before he can use his vampire speed to get out of there "you know you didn't have to kill him..... there is no way he can get his hands on the spell to wake Silas" Kol looks at her "and you know this how?" Lily smirks at him "because I'm the one that knows where it is and I'm the one that hid it there"

"How do you have it?" Lily's smirk widens "well let's just say I was a nosey teenager and while going through my Grams attic when I was like 17 I found a journal and a grimoire they belonged to Qetseiah the witch that imprisoned Silas in the first place and I kept them without Grams even knowing that I had them. It's how I know what I know about Silas and when I realized how dangerous that spell was I hid under a cloaking spell of my own creation and that cloaking spell is not even written down I have it in my head and you need to know the original incantation to even undo the spell hence the reason I never wrote it down"

Kol looks at her "you're a witch?" she nods "a Bennett Witch at that and I am nowhere near as naive as my baby sister is, I've been at this for a lot longer than she has." Kol looks at her "how old are you then?" Lily smirks at him "27"

Ohhh I smell another brotp here with Lily and Kol XD anyway we didn't get an interaction with Finnly in this chapter :( 

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