Yeah, I Heard You.

By mackeyg

14.8K 693 75

Casey is studious, stubborn, sarcastic and down to Earth. She kept only to a handful of friends and they were... More

Yeah, I Heard You.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 7

869 47 0
By mackeyg

~Casey's POV~

"All right, there is no freaking way that could actually happen," Carl said as we watched The Birds, a movie by Alfred Hitchcock where birds try and kill people, especially this one blonde bimbo. But hey, can you blame them? If I was a bird I'd go after her too, and save to world from yet another way too cheesy actor. 

"God, she is such a nit wit!" Noel said as we all started laughing when the credits rolled.

"Hitchcock did not pick her for her acting, that's for sure," I said as I started to fold the blanket that I used during the movie. 

"She wasn't that bad," Brad said as he tried to defend the movie of his all mighty Hitchcock.

"Dude," I replied as I threw the now folded blanket over the coach. "There is only one scene in this movie that she didn't butcher, and Hitchcock didn't even tell her about the scene where she walks into a room full of birds. Thats where you get the somewhat believable reaction. For them to have to do that just shows how unimpressed they were at the time."

"Points to Case," Marie said as she started gathering the trash.

"Everyone's against me!" Brad said as he flung his hands in the air and plopped on the coach for dramatic affect. 

"Yup, that's right, we are all going through every day of our lives just thinking about new ways to create new struggles for your life," I said lightly, as if I was just talking about someones birthday. "Now get off your butt and help clean up!"

"Ha!" Brad said as he stood up,"You all dream about my butt, you wish you were the coach." He started to shake around his tush as Carl made 'whoop' noises, until Marie and Noel both threw pillows at it.

"We don't want to see that!" Marie said with her hands on her hips.

"What?" Carl responded with a faked shock. "I wanted to see it, I mean, that's a pretty nice behind," Carl trailed of until we all started laughing.

I loved the way my friends and I could all just go at each other and joke around. But I knew that we were all there for each other too, not one of us would let another go through something on their own. We all made quite the team.

Speaking of the team, "Where did Tim and Bells get off to?"

"Oh," Carl said as he scratched the back of his head in thought. "I saw Tim come in when the actors were being attacked by birds in the restaurant."

"So where did they go?" Noel asked crossing her arms in front of her chest. Me, Marie, Noel and Brad had goofed off the whole movie, commenting on it and adding our own two cents to the production.

"I think they went upstairs or something," Carl said. "I saw Bells go to him and they left pretty quickly."

"Want to go ruin the mood?" Brad asked us as we all prepared to go look for them.

"Uh, duh!" Noel said as we headed up the stairs. "They skipped out on movie night to go suck face, they have it coming."

"Got that right," Marie said as the two of them shared a fist bump.

"Guys, quiet," I said when we got upstairs. I put my ear to every door to try and hear them, and three doors down I definitely heard something. 

"Okay guys," I whispered as I pointed to the door. We all exchanged nods as I took the door handle and used my fingers to count down from three. As I got to one, I shoved the door open and we all walked in, on an empty room.

"What the hell Case?" Marie said as she walked into the room.

She walked up to the bed, it was a guest bedroom, but the sheets were tossed around as if some one was just in it.


"What the hell was that?" Marie said after she jumped about a mile high.

 "You know," I said as I walked over to the bed, "Last time I checked beds don't say 'ow.'"

I motioned with my other hands for Noel to get on the other side of the bed, and we simultaneously bent down and and lifted the skirt of the bed.

"Ha!" I said when we found Bells under there with Tim. "You tried to pull a fast one on us."

"Yeah," Tim said as they came out from under the bed. "And we would have gotten away with it two, if it weren't for you meddling kids!"  

We all laughed at his Scooby Doo reference as he helped Bells up and wrapped his arms around her.

"Well," I said, crossing my own arms," I think we can see that you guys are definitely going to be a P.D.A. couple."

"Yup," Tim said smugly.

"Gosh, you two are going to turn all of us into hypocrites!" Brad said as he shook his head.

"Hows that?" asked Bells with a confused look on her face.

"Think about it," Brad said, talking with his hands as he talked. "All of these years, we have been been imitating, and laughing at all the people down Make Out corner, but now, you two, are going to be one of them."

"Truth," Noel said. "We can't make fun of you two, we kinda like you guys."

"But habits are habits," Marie said shaking it off, "So don't take it personally."

"Basically," I said. "But it's not like we're actually going up to these people and telling them, 'Ew, gross.'"

"Okay guys," Bells said with a completely red face. "we get it."

"Aww!" Carl said clapping his hands. "We made her blush!!"

"So cute," I said going next to Carl. "Those darn kids just grow up so fast." I pretended to wipe away a tear.

"Soon, they'll be off sneaking in the janitors closet and goofing around behind the bleachers," Carl said as he put his arm around my shoulders, giving off the impression of us being a married couple. 

"You think we'll need to give them 'The Talk' soon?" I asked, putting quotations around 'The Talk.'

"I think we'll have to, God knows soon they'll be on each other like rabbits."

"Ooh, mommy, give them the talk!" Noel said, acting like a little kid.

"Yeah mommy," Marie said, which was followed by a "Plleaase," from Brad. The three of them all sat around in a semi circle around us like it was story time.

"Okay, okay," I said, patting the closest person's head, which happened to be Brads. "Well, Bells, when a boy and girl love each other.'

"Don't have to love each other," Carl said, cutting off my sentence.

"This is true," I said, nodding my head. " Correction, when either a boy or a girl lust for the other."

I started, only to be cut off again, this time by Tim.

"Okay, okay, we get it," Tim said, holding his hands up in surrender. "No glove no love, use the pill if you want the dill, all that stuff."

We all soon started laughing at that.

"What the hell?" Bells said, tears coming out of her eyes."Use the pill if you want the dill?"

Tim started blushing, which only increased our laughter. Once the laughing died down, Bells decided to lessen his blushing by giving him a kiss on the cheeck, which of course made us all go "Aww!" 

After a while we all decided it was time to head to our respective homes. I caught another ride with Marie, and she dropped me of at the end of the driveway. 

It was around 10 o'clock as I headed up my driveway, so it was pitch black out side, but the lights of the house illuminated my path. I started to make my way up the driveway, when I heard something, a footstep maybe? 

No, Casey, stop being paranoid! I shook my head, trying to keep my imagination from going crazy, but, of course, thats exactly what happened.

My mind immediately went back to one of my childhood fears of Dracula and his vampire friends coming out after me. I mean seriously, you would think that after a few years that fear would evolve into a group of guys trying to mug me, or someone robbing the house, but nope. No sir-ee. It's Dracula and his goons or nothing.

"Gosh Casey, calm down, sheesh," I said to myself, shrugging my backpack higher up on my back as I picked up my pace.  

All of the sudden, the noise got louder, almost as if someone had started running.

"Hey, anyone there?" I said as I spun around, only to find that there was no one there. "Congrats Casey, you have now progressed to full on paranoia, your parents must be so proud," I mumbled as I continued on my way up the drive way, when I heard they noises again. Only this time it was accompanied by a series of grunts and what I assume sounded like someone rolling around. 

"I swear, if that's some on having sex in my yard, I'm getting my Dad's gun," I warned as I neared 10 feet of the house. "Uh! Whatever," I said frustrated as I practically ran the rest of the way to the house. Gosh, weirdest day ever.

~Payne's POV~

'I knew it, I just effing knew it,' I thought as I reached the perimeter of Casey's house. I just knew that damned prick was going to be here, damn it! I knew that Shawn would be here.

And before anyone gets too creeped out about how I never knew who Casey was until today and all of the sudden I know where her house is, it's a small town. Even if I didn't know who she was, I still know her parents, which yes, is more than a bit odd. Her dad has treated a lot of the human football players who sprained their ankles, or whatever, and needed physical therapy, so it wasn't hard to find out. Plus, her scent is everywhere here. Come to think of it, I can even remember her mom, she used to do a lot of PTA stuff at school. So why can no one remember her? 

Okay, lets get back on track, there's a gigantic douche stalking my mate! 

I eyed him as he stared at her while she started to head up to her house. Her driveway isn't too long, but it's a decent length. Suddenly, he started to stalk towards her, like he would his prey. He deliberately made sure that he was heard, he was playing with her as if she was just some rabbit or deer to hunt!

I was faintly aware of Casey shouting a few things over her shoulder here and there, but my wolf was too busy zeroing in on Shawn. I saw him start to crouch down, and it's almost as if something in me snapped, and I swear on my life that I have never run that fast before. One second I was in the tree line watching Shawn geting ready to pounce, and the next I was on top off him as we started to wrestle on the ground. As I fought I heard a door slam, which at least gave me the peace of mind that Casey was safe inside. Once I was reassured of her safety I partially shifted so that I was in a stage in between wolf and man. 

"Shift," I said in a harsh tone so that he would have no choice but to submit to me and my wishes. He shifted underneath of me. "What the hell are you doing back?" venom was laced through my voice.

"Will you just relax?" annoyance came off him in waves, liked I gave a rat's ass. For going on my mate, you can rot in hell. "I'm not even here for you, god dammit!" he half shouted, trying to be some what quiet while we were in Casey's yard.

"I'll say this one more time," I warned. "What are you doing back here?"

"Oh, as if I would ever tell you, but just to sooth your aching heart, don't worry, I'm not here for you or your dumb ass pack."

"Then what are you doing at this house?" I asked, getting more frustrated the longer I talked to him.

"Why do you care? It's not like she's part of your pack, as far as you know she's just some stupid human," As he said this my wolf let out a growl at the disrespect he's showing my mate. He gave me a weird look, but then it's as if something just clicked in his twisted head and he smirked at me. "Of course, it couldn't be because she's your mate?"

I growled even louder in response and his smirk only grew.

"Oh, this is too rich!" he said, almost giddy with joy.

I shook him and banged his head against the ground, trying to inflict as much pain as I could while on grass.

"Why the fuck were you after her?" I was so pissed, and to be truthful, I was about to blow up with this pent up frustration. I was so close to just ripping his head off, and my wolf urged me on, but then I would never have an answer to any of my questions.

"Because," he said, still with that stupid smirk on his face. It looked as if he was only too happy to tell me the news of why. What could the answer possibly be? "She's a-"

He was cut off as all of the sudden both of us were torn apart by some iinvisible force. I was slammed against a tree, and couldn't move. I looked over to find Shawn was stuck against another tree in my same sate.

"What they Hell is going on?" yelled a girl with dirty blonde hair. Again, I had no memory of her, but she smelled like Casey, maybe they were related? She looked to be, perhaps, a few years older. Maybe she was Casey's sister, or a cousin? Wait, how is she holding us to these two trees like this? I've never known of a werewolf being able to do that.

All of the sudden we were again smacked against our trees. "I asked a question, and I expect an answer," she said, looking incredibly pissed. "You can either A, answer my questions, or B, I can call the police to come and take you away for trespassing on private property. And, don't think that you can get yourself away from the cops, you do any of your werewolf tricks and you'll be outing your entire species!" 

"Who are you?" I asked, feeling that she at least owed us a name if she was going to threaten us. 

"Wouldn't you bastards like to know?" she crossed her arms and out on a creepy smile, as if she thought my question was funny.

"Alex?" we heard as the door to the house opened. The girl turned around in shock, and before I could even attempt to make a sound, it was as if some kind of  hand covered my mouth, preventing me from speaking out to Casey. Casey walked a few steps out of the door, crossing her arms as a breeze blew by. It was then that I noticed what she was wearing, and I was glad I couldn't be heard, because my wolf let out a vey, lets call it a 'possessive' growl, at the sight. She was wearing only a white tank top, that showed a bit of dark blue bra hiding beneath, accompanied by some pink and black plaid girl boxers. 

"What are you doing out here?" she asked the girl she called 'Alex.'

"Nothing Case, just getting Beauford. He ran out in the trees again, probably chasing some squirrel twice his size," she said, the lie brushing off of her tongue easily. 

"Oh, well there he is!" Casey said pointing to the back yard, and sure enough, a small reddish-orange dog that didn't even come up to my knee in height was  cowering behind an old play ground set with swings and an old slide. I guess he knew we were here, and knew that he didn't want to get mixed up with us dominant werewolves. He probably was just scared of us, like most animals. "Come here Beaufy!" Casey said as she patted her thighs, which did nothing to calm my, or my wolf's hormones. After one last look in our direction, he ran over to Casey and jumped on her legs. She scratched behind his ears and petted him with a smile on her face. "He must have come around back."

 With that she walked over to the door to let in the dog, but didn't go back in herself. Instead she turned back around and looked at Alex expectantly.

"You coming in?" she asked.

"In a little bit, you go ahead. Dad also told me to make sure Buster and Brandy had all there stuff together."

"Weren't you supposed to do that two days ago?" Casey asked with a smile on her face as she crossed her arms again.

"So I procrastinated, what else is new?" Alex replied back.

"Girl, you put the pro in procrastination," Casey said as she went back inside.

"Yeah, yeah," Alex threw over her shoulder before the door shut completely. Once she was sure Casey was inside she turned back to us, and I felt that I could talk again.

"What did you do  to us?" Shawn asked in an extremely aggravated voice.

"Relax you wuss, it's nothing that will cause permanent damage or make you not able to reproduce," she said as she rolled her eyes. That's what told me that she was definitely related to Casey.

"Now, I don't know what you're doing here, but I pretty much get the hint that it has something to do with Casey. However, since I now don't have the time to properly deal with you, how about I make you a deal?" she didn't wait for our response. "Good, so, I'll not nuder you, if you stay away from here and my sister. Get it, got it, good." With that she released us and walked back into the house. 

Once we were released from whatever the Hell she did to us, Shawn ran for it, and I had no hope of ever catching up to him. I sighed out my frustration as I looked to Casey's house with a new confusion. 

As I was about to leave and find my way home, I saw a light go on in one of the rooms, and Casey walked in. Then, she started dancing around her room to some music the I could faintly make out from 100 yards away. I smiled to myself as I turned and made my way home with my mind made up. Everything will come out tomorrow, everything.

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