The Search Is Over

By blaisegellert

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There was a very good reason that Regulus Black reacted hard enough to lose his own life when he discovered t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160

Chapter 110

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By blaisegellert

Over dinner, Kreacher, Regulus and Kereston speculated heavily about how things were going with Aberforth and Ariana. Of course their own speculations were all they would have until the next evening. When Ariana came to fulfill their bargain, she would surely share. When dinner was over, Kreacher and Mortis left with Regulus, keeping him silent company while he hunted down his human meal of foul Muggle. Afterward they returned home and retired to the library until time for bed.

The evening was quiet, both Kreacher and Regulus silently mentally readying themselves to hopefully speak with the spirits of Orion and Walburga on the morrow. Of course once in their bedchamber with the door firmly shut to the world outside, all silent introspection gave way to mutual passion and the reveling in one another's company on all levels, a thing that never lost its charm. When at last the sun rose, forcing Regulus to his sleep, Kreacher fell into his own exhausted slumber across the vampire's chest.

When he woke it was past two in the afternoon. Yawning and rubbing at his eyes, he rolled out of bed, and murmured something to Mortis about going for lunch before apparating from the room and stumbling down the stairs to the kitchen. He hadn't bothered to dress because no one else was home.

Hastily constructing two ham sandwiches and a pot of tea, he readied a tray to take back upstairs. After adding a bowl of water for the phoenix, who may not be in the mood for tea, he floated the tray in front of his and headed back to his and Regulus's bed chamber. The tea smelled very good, and he could practically feel the caffeine rising from the steam and calling to him. After he and Mortis made short work of the first meal of the day, Kreacher finally got dressed. Then, simply because he wanted to, he spent nearly an hour watching Regulus sleep. At times it was still such a wonder that his beautiful Regulus had returned to him.

Eventually he apparated down to the library for a book to busy himself until sunset. He chose one on complex enchantments, with the idea of creating more items with Blaise and Gellert in mind. Taking the book back upstairs, he curled up on the bed beside Regulus to read. He was happily distracted, when, a few hours later, Regulus's husky voice murmured a sleepy, "Well good evening."

Kreacher lowered the book, hastily placing a charm on the page he was reading so the book would open to it later when he was ready to resume again. A smile spread over his face as he turned to greet Regulus. It was so easy to be happy when in his presence.

"It certainly is now that Master Regulus is awake," he murmured, bending to brush his lips over Regulus's own tantalizingly soft mouth.

Regulus made a low sound of desire as he gently drew Kreacher down, deepening the kiss. The glazed look in Regulus's beautiful blue eyes caused Kreacher's stomach to flutter in a way that made his breath catch in his throat.

"Your kisses are like sin," Regulus murmured, and Kreacher grinned, knowing by the hungry tone, that the words were a compliment.

"," Regulus continued between kisses.

"Master Regulus's is softer," Kreacher protested.

"You're dressed," Regulus murmured thickly.

"That, is very wrong."

As Kreacher completely agreed, he shrugged out of the tunic in less than a second, tossing it to the bedroom floor. With a low growl of need, Kreacher straddled Regulus's hips before bending to kiss him again. Regulus sighed in contentment as their chests made contact. Kisses and touches quickly became heated. Kreacher heard his own nearly raw moans of need as he thrust against Regulus's beautiful slender body. Arching his neck, he dragged Regulus's kissing mouth to his throat.

"Now," he commanded breathlessly, then cried out in the ecstasy he'd longed for when Regulus drove his fangs into Kreacher's flesh. Merlin's balls, but there was nothing like this, Kreacher thought, hands rising to clutch desperately at Regulus's shoulders. Far too soon Regulus was drawing back, but Kreacher was not having it. Not this time! Regulus always stopped taking the blood too soon.

With a huff of frustration, he clutched Regulus's head, sinuous fingers tangling in Regulus's black silken tresses. He arched his throat into Regulus's mouth.

"More," he demanded, voice coming out in a low determined growl.

As was often and rightly the case, Kreacher won, bending Regulus to his will, at least in the small matters. With a small sound of defeat, Regulus continued to drink. When Kreacher was too dizzy to continue to force Regulus's mouth to his throat, he didn't mind. The feeling was quite pleasant, after all. It was soft and fluffy and spinny like a drunken dream, only better.

He tried to speak, in order to explain the delightful feeling to his darling Regulus. Tried to giggle, because everything suddenly felt so...ticklish in his mind, but he was quite unable to do so. Distantly he felt Regulus moving him, and was he swearing? Why? Kreacher was far better at swearing, the elf noted silently as his eyes slid closed.

He hadn't realized how thirsty he was until Regulus began poring something warm and salty into his mouth. It wasn't tea. What was it? Ah well, right now it hardly mattered. The more he drank the better it tasted, and soon Kreacher's mouth had latched onto Regulus's wrist...Wait, his what?

Suddenly strong enough to hold open his eyes, Kreacher stared in shock at the wonderful yet currently grimly concerned face of Master Regulus bending over him. Then it all clicked into place. It looked as if he was becoming a vampire tonight. Ah well, tonight was as good a time as any, Kreacher supposed. Blood tasted far better than he'd suspected it would, which was nice. Soon Regulus was turning him back over and gently extracting his wrist.

"The change is going to hurt. I slept through mine as I was very ill from the lake water, but you are quite awake and it will hurt. I hate the idea of you hurting more than anything, so I wish to try my best to distract you through it."

Kreacher was feeling far more alert, but concentrating on Master Regulus's words was still difficult. His body was humming and tingling all over and it was quite distracting.

When Regulus drew Kreacher's body across his chest and sank his teeth into Kreacher's throat again, however, the sensation was so wonderful that the elf quite forgot about the odd feelings in his body.

"Oh yes," he murmured, hands tangling in Regulus's hair as he arched against him, sighing out his mingled need and pleasure.

"You will need more," Regulus murmured.

"Take me. I want you inside of me. We'll get through the change together."

That sounded wonderful. Kreacher hastily reached for the cream on the bedside table, mind at last processing that Master Regulus had made mention of the change hurting. Though it wasn't something he was looking forward to, anything was worth being with Regulus always. Still, distracting his way through it sounded marvelous. Master Regulus was always the smartest most beautiful...

But all thoughts faded as he slipped inside of Regulus. As they began moving together, Regulus still drinking in small tantalizing sips from Kreacher's throat, the pleasure nearly drowned out the pain when it kicked in like knives tearing his entire body from the inside.

In truth, Kreacher was uncertain himself, if his cries were of pain or pleasure as he drove over and over into Regulus. Eventually Regulus encouraged Kreacher to drink from his throat, and that was when the elf noticed that he actually had fangs now to do so. Regulus's skin under his mouth felt amazing, and now he was fully aware so could savor it. They took turns drinking from one another for at least an hour, their bodies straining together on the bed in a haze of ecstasy. For the most part, Kreacher was truly distracted from the pain and when at last they climaxed, his body was only mildly uncomfortable as it slumped in exhaustion across Regulus's own.

"We must go feed now," Regulus said.

"We're both weaker than we should be until we have sustenance. What I gave you wasn't enough."

Kreacher couldn't imagine moving right then, but Regulus must have understood because after he dressed himself, he began tenderly to dress Kreacher.

"Kreacher loves Master Regulus so much," the elf murmured and Regulus kissed him gently.

"I love you too...More than anything in this world, Kreacher, and I always have."
"Kreacher knows," the elf murmured, winding his arms around Regulus's neck.

Scooping him into his arms, Regulus carried him from the room.

Not until they'd left the manor, and Kreacher felt the night air on his face did he realize that he and Regulus were draped in an encompassing black cloak. Sighing with contentment, Kreacher snuggled into Regulus's chest, feeling well hidden and protected. He wasn't feeling up to being alert and visible at the moment. Everything was still so new and as Regulus had said, he was not yet up to his full strength. The idea of walking on his own wasn't in the least appealing.

"You may sense the thoughts of others. In fact you surely shall," Regulus murmured suddenly.

"I need you to think of constructing shields, mental blocks to shut them out. I will teach you in greater detail later, but until then, I wanted you to have at least a concept of how not to have your mind mentally bombarded by the thoughts of any random wizard on the street."

Kreacher made no reply because he had no idea what to expect.

Soon enough, though, he began to understand all too well. Like silent voices several thoughts poured into his mind at once, as they passed a gang of young wizards on the way downtown. They were looking to shag some Muggle girls, the foul pigs.

"Kreacher wants to eat one of them," he suddenly decided.

"Kreacher," Regulus chastised softly.

The open reproach in his tone caused Kreacher to frown in annoyance.

"They're in too large a group to bother with for one, and for another, I don't think they're criminals."

Kreacher snorted.

"That depends on who you ask."

Though his point was a valid one, Regulus chose to ignore it. Instead, he apparated them to Knocturn Alley. With Kreacher still cradled against Regulus's chest, they waited behind one of the shops. Kreacher knew from the lack of activity, that Master Regulus was using one of Dora's tricks and calling prey to them. That was good, because as it happened, he was getting very hungry...Or was it thirsty now?

Soon a large scruffy wizard approached them. The brute of a man practically radiated anger. It seemed Regulus's call had interrupted a murder he was planning. Was it that easy to find foul people, Kreacher wondered in some mild disillusion. Apparently it was. The fact he could now sense so much of a person's mind made this along with many other things, all too obvious.

"We shall share him," Regulus said.

Kreacher's lips curved as a small chuckle bubbled up.

"How romantic," he murmured.

Regulus chuckled in return, taking one of the man's wrists and offering Kreacher the other.

"When you feel the heart stopping, do not drink more or you will be ill," he warned firmly.

Kreacher bobbed a quick nod, not at all eager to feel unpleasant anymore. He drank his fill, still cradled against Regulus's chest, held by his free arm. The man's blood tasted utterly delicious, and he decided that Regulus was right. It most definitely took the place of food with no trouble what so ever.

It was when the man's lifeless body slid to the ground, and Kreacher realized that he'd just taken his first life that he remembered Ariana. Perhaps it was the connection of ghosts and dead bodies, but suddenly he was realizing that they'd quite forgotten their appointment with the necromancer!

"Ariana," he exclaimed, as he incinerated the body.

Using the man's life for food had been all too easy, but watching Regulus hunt for a few years had accustomed him well to the process. He'd thought participating himself may feel different, but psychologically, it hadn't at all. Maybe he would think about that later, and maybe he would not, but at present they had an appointment to keep.

"Yes," Regulus said.

"I'm sure Kereston is keeping her company if she has already arrived. She doesn't seem the sort to mind waiting a bit."
"How can Master Regulus know that," Kreacher challenged.

"She seems even tempered enough. That's all," Regulus said with an amused chuckle as he apparated them back home.

"If she is vexed, though, I shall certainly tell her the story of how you practically forced my hand in turning you this night."

Though Regulus's tone was mock grim, the light in his eyes was warm and amused. Kreacher grinned, completely unconcerned.

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