The Search Is Over

By blaisegellert

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There was a very good reason that Regulus Black reacted hard enough to lose his own life when he discovered t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160

Chapter 80

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By blaisegellert

There was one more person who should be present, for the event to be perfect.

"Mortis," Regulus called and in a few seconds the black phoenix came coasting into the library like a dark cloud. He circled the room once as if taking stock of the situation, then landed on Regulus's shoulder.

Regulus watched as Kreacher followed Raislen down the long center isle of the library. It was then that it truly hit him that he was actually getting married...Well as married as he could get without it being technically legal. Of course he was the one to ask Kreacher, but it was nonetheless surreal that it was actually happening, right now! He'd have liked to give Kreacher better than a wedding in their home, but the elf hadn't been thrilled with his fancy Christmas gifts, and the last thing Regulus wanted was to make him feel uncomfortable. The fact Kreacher was pleased to own Orion's ring was a relief, because Regulus very much wanted to shower him with nice things. Perhaps starting slower than a huge wedding was wise, though.

When Kreacher reached his side, Raislen flicked his wand in an arch in the air ending with a flourish that very much resembled a musical note. As he did, he murmured a spell that caused the room to fill with the sound of the wedding march. Regulus wondered if the spell came from the old wedding scroll Raislen had brought along because the music had an old sound to it. The traditional organ carried the main part of the song but flutes and drums played supportive roles that tugged at some ancient instinct in Regulus that thrilled him. He and Kreacher had always believed that old magic was better after all.

As they faced one another down the long center isle of the library, Kreacher and Regulus's eyes met. The excited light in Kreacher's gaze as he swayed slightly to the ancient sound of the music made Regulus suddenly very happy he'd asked Raislen to do this for him. Raislen was the go to Slytherin for rare books and strange magic for sure, but Regulus hadn't expected any of that today. Today he was just counting on Raislen's general good nature to do a friend a favor, but he'd gone above and beyond and without leaving out the rare strange magic.

Suddenly getting married at home, in a library no longer seemed underrated. Instead it felt brilliant and perfect. This was magical and even fated as silly as that may sound.

The wedding nerves didn't hit Regulus until Dora put a hand on his arm.

"Let's go," she hissed urgently into his ear.

Yes, he had to walk...To join Kreacher and Raislen with Dora. Only his knees were suddenly so weak that when he took his first step forward, they wobbled. Clutching Dora's arm he allowed her to draw him forward.

"It's fine," she murmured soothingly.

"You'll do wonderfully."

Gods he hoped so! He hoped he'd be able to make Kreacher happy and not ruin things again.

As they proceeded down the isle, Regulus kept his eyes on Kreacher who watched him approach almost shyly. The open raw love in the elf's gaze settled Regulus's nervousness like a soothing balm. By the time Dora and he reached Raislen and Kreacher, Regulus was nearly relaxed.

Raislen swept his wand through the air again and the wedding march came to a close. Its final note was played on a flute, and echoed through the large high ceiling room for a few seconds. Not until it faded completely did Raislen speak.

"We are gathered here today to join these two in holy matrimony. We ask that their union be blessed by the gods, for if a love ever deserves to be celebrated, it is this one. These two have gone through more pain than most see in a lifetime to be together.

At that, Regulus drew in a slow careful breath, struggling not to grow emotional over the past, because now wasn't the time. He was touched by what Raislen had said and appreciated the recognition of what he and Kreacher had suffered. They were celebrating today, though, and in spite of all they'd suffered they were here to do that. That was how Raislen intended his words and Regulus would take them as intended without allowing memories of the past to drag him down into despair.

"Marriage is a joining of two souls that have chosen to walk the path of life as one," Raislen continued.

"Do you have rings?"

Regulus nodded, hastily reaching into the right pocket of his robe where he'd placed the rings earlier after Kreacher had sized them. His hand was shaking slightly as he extended it to Raislen with the gold and emerald rings glittering together on his open palm.

"Great," Raislen smiled.

"Heather, would you come and hold these rings?"

Heather quickly rose and hurried toward the group of four at the far end of the library. Smiling and murmuring "Thanks," Regulus handed her the rings. Taking them, she smiled back then moved to stand beside Raislen.

"Regulus Black, do thee take Kreacher to be thine everything as long as ye both live," Raislen asked, glancing down briefly at the scroll in his hand.

Regulus nodded, then swallowed, hoping his voice wouldn't shake when he spoke.

"I do."

"Elf Kreacher, do thee take Regulus Black to be thine everything as long as ye both live?"

Regulus was unable to look away from Kreacher's face as the elf drew in a shuddering breath, tears filling his eyes that caused tears to spring to Regulus's own.

"Kreacher does."

The words came out on a sob that made Regulus struggle to keep it together.

"You may exchange rings and personal vows now," Raislen said.

Heather extended her hand between Regulus and Kreacher so they could take the rings from her palm.

"Kreacher, take Regulus's ring, and Regulus, take Kreacher's," she directed softly.

They did and she resumed her seat as they turned to one another.

"Kreacher," Regulus began, and he no longer bothered to keep his voice from breaking. Tears streamed unabashedly down Kreacher's cheeks, after all, and there was no way Regulus could look at him and keep it together.

"I would die without you in my life and I want to spend forever making you happy. You are my best friend and always have been. You know me like no one else ever will and I love you so much! Thank you for forgiving me my mistakes, and for loving me. I vow to live serving you in any way I can and to build a life with you that will make us both all we want to be. We will grow together and I promise to spend every day showing you how much I love you."

He reached for Kreacher's left hand and slid the ring onto the elf's third finger in front of the large glittering black diamond he'd given him earlier. Kreacher clutched his hand for a moment before releasing it and taking a deep breath.

"Regulus," Kreacher said, and Regulus grinned because Kreacher left off the honorific Master.

"Kreacher is a better elf for having you in his life. You are a beautiful soul, and a good and wise wizard. Kreacher is proud to be yours always and forever and he vows to love and protect you always."

The elf spoke slowly and solemnly, obviously making an effort with the careful construction of his words. Vows were heavy things, magic in nature and they left a mark on the world when spoken. The air felt thick with the weight of the vows Kreacher and Regulus had just exchanged, and the weight was a comforting one. Regulus felt safe and secure, wrapped in the energy of the love he shared with Kreacher. With this love between them, everything would always come out right in the end no matter what. He knew it would.

Kreacher tenderly lifted Regulus's left hand and slid the ring onto his third finger.

"Very well then," Raislen said.

"I must cut each of your palms just a little and then you shall clasp hands."

He withdrew a small ornate dagger with a pentacle on the blade from the belt of his robe and Regulus and Kreacher presented their open hands.

"You shall have to be quick as mine heals fast," Regulus warned and Raislen nodded briefly in understanding.

He cut Kreacher's palm first and though the elf watched the process carefully, his expression remained implacable. Next Raislen moved onto Regulus. The pain was sharp but brief when Raislen's blade cut into Regulus's palm. As he watched, blood welled from the small wound.

"Now clasp hands so that your blood might mingle," Raislen instructed, glancing down once more at the scroll.

Regulus was nearly hypnotized by the two emerald wedding bands sparkling together as he and Kreacher clasped hands.

Raislen withdrew a green ribbon from his robe pocket and tightly bound their wrists together.

"Regulus and Kreacher Black, I pronounce you forever joined by soul, by heart, and by mind in eternal love and oneness. What you have joined this day, no one or nothing can ever tear asunder. And so it is now and always."

As Raislen spoke, a golden light flashed over the ribbon on their bound hands, sealing their commitment with ancient magic.

Gesturing to Regulus and Kreacher he stage whispered, "Now repeat that last line together."

"And so it is, now and always," Kreacher and Regulus said in unison.

As they spoke, they gazed steadily into one another's eyes, and it was plain those words were a vow as well.

"You may kiss and embrace and love one another now," Raislen read from the scroll.

With their hands still bound, Kreacher and Regulus embraced, Regulus bending to kiss Kreacher as they did. When their mouths met, they nearly forgot anyone else was present. In spite of the emotional moment, or perhaps because of it, their hunger rose and one kiss didn't feel nearly enough.

"I think the love one another bit refers to the marriage bed, so should we all leave now," Heather asked hastily.

"I mean I'd love to stay and celebrate but..."

"Aren't people supposed to watch and ensure the bedding actually takes place," Dora teased.

"I think it already has," Raislen said dryly.

Kreacher and Regulus laughed, still clinging together.

"It's your wedding night, boys, so what do you want," Heather asked.

"We can grab some food for Kreacher and ourselves and return while you and Dora go hunting, Regulus. Then we can all celebrate together. We'd leave in plenty of time for you to have your wedding night before sunrise. Or we can just leave you to a nice long night alone and celebrate together another time whenever you would like."

Regulus looked to Kreacher to decide.

"What would you like, Love," he murmured and in answer, Kreacher kissed him again.

Everyone gave a rousing cheer that made Regulus blush, then with hugs and congratulations the WestCravens took their leave. Dora kissed them both on the cheek and embraced them, assuring them that she would be fine reading on her own for the evening.

Normally Regulus would feel a pang of guilt at abandoning a house guest for the entire evening, but Dora was a solitary creature, so he knew she was telling the truth and would enjoy the time alone with the Black family's book collection. Scooping Kreacher into his arms he made short work of getting them upstairs and into the bedroom they now shared.

Not until placing Kreacher down onto the bed did Regulus notice that the green ribbon still bound their wrists.

"Kreacher thinks we should put it somewhere special," the elf said, and Regulus nodded as he carefully untied it.

"I agree. It's nearly as important as our wedding rings."

He kissed Kreacher, unable to stop smiling.

"I can't believe I just said wedding rings! It feels so wonderful to have an even deeper and more formal commitment to our relationship, Kreacher."

The elf nodded, smiling back, his eyes full of love as they met Regulus's.

"And just think," Regulus said with a chuckle.

"I only had the idea today when you vexed me yet again with that Master Regulus business."

Kreacher chuckled, gently removing the green ribbon from Regulus's hands and placing it carefully on the bedside table.

"Master Regulus is always wise," the elf said huskily, reaching for Regulus's robe and making short work of removing it.

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