Kingdom of Roses | Stray Kids...

By elena24aly

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What a cruel fate was destined for the heir of the Kingdom of Roses, Han Jisung, and his future lover, the Kn... More

First encounter
Thank you, hyung!
The letter
The prince of Liliac Kingdom
The rules
Was the kiss necessary?
3 candles on a grave
Like air
Son of Ragana
Write that down
The witch
I'm here to help
My beautiful forbidden fruit
Like a rose in the moonlight
The wolves
History repeats itself
Your hand in marriage
I missed you
The Penelope scheme
He stayed
I'm sorry for liking you...
What if
The younger brother
The older brother
Last man standing
The third one
Would you take care of it?
Wet dream
Are you falling for me?
Let's talk
This means war
I forbidden you to fight
Doomed love
Sunday in a hospital
Bring it on
I respect his wish
My mistake
Don't play with the dead
Welcome to the fam
You are my king
Burn the witch
I'm here
I think I like you
It's over
The crown
The Han dynasty
The red string of evil
Dead man can tell no story
A man in love is a mad man
I love you in every lifetime! (the end)
New project?!

I can see black

1.8K 134 39
By elena24aly


Hyunjin opened his eyes and felt a weight pressing on his chest.

He was covered in sweat and blankets were thrown on the floor.

He looked down and saw Seungmin peacefully sleeping, snuggled into his chest.

-Min? Hyunjin gently shook the boy awake.

The younger rubbed his eyes before remembering where he was. He looked at Hyunjin in shock and jumped on him, burying his face in the crock of his neck.

-You're awake! he yelled in Hyunjin's ear.

-I am, the latter chuckled. What happened? Why are you here? When did you return?

-Yesterday. I found you passed out and Jeongin told me you had a cold, so I stayed awake all night to watch over you.

-You did that? For me? Hyunjin asked in disbelief.

-Of course! I'm so glad you are alright, Seungmin let out a sigh of relief.

He looked at Hyunjin who was staring at him in comfortable silence.

The older took Seungmin's chin in his hand and pressed their lips together. He bit Seungmin's bottom lip before parting, making him shy.

-What was that for? Seungmin asked trying to stay composed.

-I just love you, Hyunjin smiled.

-Oh... I just love you too! Seungmin chuckled.

When he was about to get off the bed, Hyunjin saw how much he has been sweating that night.

His t-shirt was soaked and his hair was greasy and wet.

He could barely stand up and his head was pumping.

Seungmin noticed how Hyunjin stopped at the edge of the bed to lean on the nightstand, so he went to the closet and picked up clean clothes.

He placed them on the mattress and kneeled before the older.

-What are you doing? Hyunjin smiled at the view.

-Pervert, Seungmin snorted. Hands up!

Hyunjin follow the instructions and let Seungmin take off his shirt, leaving the older's chest fully exposed.

Seungmin was blushing hard and he didn't even try to hide it.

He helped Hyunjin dress in the clean t-shirt, then crouched down to the pants level.

-I can take my own pants off, Hyunjin said, refraining himself from laughing.

-Can you? Seungmin raised an eyebrow. Hyunjin, you can barely stand up. Let me take care of you, Seungmin leaned above Hyunjin with a smirk on his face, making the older's back touch the mattress.

Now that Hyunjin was laid down again, Seungmin pulled his pants in one try, making Hyunjin blush.

-Damn! The sex must be rough with you, he blurted out, receiving that sweaty pair of pants right in his face.

Seungmin dressed Hyunjin in the new pants and helped him walk to the bathroom.

-Let's wash your hair!

-I'm scared, Hyunjin whined.


-You work with hot liquids. I don't wanna be burned.

-I'll be gentle, Seungmin smiled.

-Yeah, I saw what you call "gentle" earlier.

Jisung woke up confused.

He definitely wasn't in his bed.

He recognized the smell.



Did he stay with him all night?

He did.

Did he forget to go back to his room?

He did.

Did he have a plan?

He didn't.

Maybe if he sneaked out now he wouldn't have had to explain the awkward situation to no one.

-Morning! Minho's voice rang through Jisung's ears like a bell.

Well, shit.

Jisung looked up and saw Minho smiling at him.

-Morning, hyung! I'm sorry! I should go!

-Oh, don't worry!

Jisung jumped off the bed and bowed before exiting the room in a rush.

He pumped into Jeongin on his way to his room and they both fell on the floor.

-I'm so sorry! Are you alright? Jisung helped the younger to get up.

-I'm fine. Why are you in such a rush? Jeongin asked concerned. And why are you blushing? a smirk crept on his face.

-I am? Jisung asked genuinely scared.

-Did you just come from Minho's room? Jeongin's excitement increased, as well as the pure horror in Jisung's eyes.

The older had no choice but to run again, leaving Jeongin speechless.

When he finally got to his room, another surprise was waiting on his bed.

A passed-out Felix cuddling with Changbin.

-What the hell happened last night? he whispered to himself.

Changbin woke up and the moment he saw Jisung staring, he jolted, almost falling off the bed.

-Jisung! Morning! What brings you here?

-In my room? Jisung asked still shocked.

-Right... Ahm... I have to go to work! Changbin excused himself and stumbled to the door.

Felix was now awake, sitting on the edge of the bed with his head bent down.

-What happened? Jisung sat next to him.

-He helped me get here and he stayed to talk. I was scared to be alone.


-Can you show me your hand? Felix turned left, assuming that was where Jisung was.


Felix took his hand and stared at it, trying his best to see the shape of it clearly.

-I think... I think my sight is getting back.

-How is that even possible? Jisung asked amazed.

-That's the problem. I have no idea. I can see black and a little grey. I can tell apart shapes. But not faces or details. It's weird.

-But it's a good thing, right? Jisung tried to cheer him up.

-Not if this requires a price to pay, Felix sighed.

Later that day the party was gonna take place and everyone was trying to look their best.

Jisung opened the door and saw Minho in his red prince-like attire with gold details.

Jisung didn't even realize he was holding his breath until Minho placed his hand on his shoulder.

-Ready? Minho asked with the brightest smile ever.

-Yeah, Jisung nodded, feeling his palms sweating.

-You look... Minho started.

-Weird? Jisung cut him off.

-Beautiful, Minho finished.

Jisung was wearing a blue royal-like blazer with ornaments and silver stones. Something Minho picked himself, of course.

Minho took Jisung's hand in his and the younger could feel the white silk of the gloves brushing on his skin.

It was for the better.

Holding hands with Minho without the gloves was probably gonna make Jisung freak out. He was already terrified anyway.

-How do I look? Jeongin asked.

Chan made him do a pirouette and enjoyed every second of it.

The younger looked stunning in a baby blue suit with his dark hair styled on the back.

-Breathtaking, Chan said completely hypnotized.

-You look very handsome yourself, prince Bang Chan, Jeongin said fixing the grey blazer on the older's body.

-Grey is not really my color, Chan rubbed his nape.

-Any color is your color, Jeongin reassured him before pecking his lips, then clinging to his arm.

-Are you sure you wanna go? Seungmin asked worried.

-Minnie, I'm perfectly fine. You already did a lot this morning. Let me take you to dance, Hyunjin replied from inside the bathroom.

-Ok. But if you don't feel alright, we can leave and go to a hospital! I am concerned about your health. Just don't force yourself! We can waltz slowly or just sit down at the minibar.

The door opened, revealing Hyunjin with his white suit and his ponytail.

Seungmin's mouth slightly opened, but no word could have described how he felt at that moment.

-Too much? Hyunjin asked shyly.

-No. It's perfect, Seungmin came closer and glued their foreheads together.

-Is this your way of checking my temperature? Hyunjin raised an eyebrow.

-No. I just feel safe this way.

Hyunjin smiled at the younger and admired the purple suit he was wearing. A perfect fit for Seungmin.

-Let's go, alright? I promise to tell you if something bothers me, Hyunjin said.

-Good, Seungmin smiled back and took his hand.

Changbin knocked at the door before opening it.

-Hey! Sorry for coming uninvited, but Jisung said you have something to show me, Changbin said before laying his eyes on Felix in a yellow attire.

As bright as his hair, the suit was fitting his body perfectly, highlighting his waist.

-Is still available? The offer? Felix asked gulping in expectation.

-Yeah, a smile crept on Changbin's face. You look so beautiful, he said, his eyes softening.

-I wish I could say the same, Felix smiled weakly. I don't even know what color are you wearing.

-Black. You know what it looks like. So it's perfect, Changbin said brushing his digits to Felix's hand, letting the younger know where his hand was.

It was his decision if he wanted to take it or not.

And he did.

He took his hand and let himself be led by Changbin to the room where the party was already taking place and where all their friends were waiting for them.

Just a sweet chapter since it was a lot of drama lately.

Thank you for reading!

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