WAR //yautja x human reader\\

By xsaice

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*y/n joined the army, with the dreams of adventure. she sure did get an overwhelming amount of adventure wit... More

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By xsaice

He gave your plate to you and with his now spare hand, he opened the door.

Rushing past him as the plate was hot, you sat it on the bed to give your hands a break. Then you sat on the bed yourself while the dish cooled down

He sat down on the other side of the bed and placed thr plate next to him. Then he brought his hand up to press a button on his mask, resulting in it clicking off.

And there was his face, a scar went across his neck but nothing else.

He noticed you looking at however it didnt bother him, he had many females looking at him before.

Gobbling some food, he then began to speak "If you are to stay here, you will have to prove yourself worthy again, i doubt you will have to fight an zenomorph again, rather, something worse"

You stared him, what could be worse than an xenomorph.

'Though, it will be up to the elder, what do you wish to do Oo'man"

You chocked on the slimy bit of food you tried to eat when he was talked, you could frel it moving in your throat as you swallowed it. You swear you heard a chuckle.

Looking up at him you burst out "im sick of you calling me oOmAn, and you havent even once asked for my name, where is your respect yautja."

He didnt move as he studied you, the sudden outburst in confidence made you subconscious and doubtful of your actions.

He shifted a little closer, little did you know, he was intrigued by what you had done, no one had really challanaged him like that before, especially not a Human. Had this been any other human, they would have been butchered like a pig. 

"What is your name" he breathed, suddenly his face was closer to yours and you could frel his breath on your nose,


He chuckled and leaned back, knowing he had intimidated you.

"Y/n" you whispered, he wasnt meant to hear it, it was more so under your sigh.

"Y/n." He stared off in space.. then he jolted.

"I intend to stay."

"For what reason."

There were many reasons, you wanted to find out more, earth sucked anyways, and

"I want to hunt, at a level above a normal human could do." You finished as you reached for another slimey thing, thry tasted surprising nice if they didnt move.

"I could train you" he added without thinking.

"Hmmm i dunno. I dont think your good enough."

At first he didnt mean to actually say that, it just came out, but now that you were challenging his hunting skills. He clicked his mandibles together.

"Are you challeging me?" In your eyes, he had somehow become bigger and scarier than he was before, however you puffed out your chest.

So what if I am. You suddenly got up and threw your plate at him, there was little food left on it for you hsd eaten most of it before hand. He quickly caught it with his hand and his great reflexes, throwing it to the side of the room. At this point you took a step back trying to put distance between you and the large monster stand in front of you. Although the monster was a little staggered from your fast movement, so you took your chances now. You lunch at him with all your might and you ended up jumping on the bed then onto his shoulders. It was here when you grabbed one of his tendrils and yanked at it, earning a growl from the great beast.

His muscular arms gripped your thighs and yanked you off his head and throwing you onto the bed. To keep you down he threw his self on top of you pinning your arms above your head. Letting out a chuckle he brought his face closer to yours, at this point you couldn't do anything but stare at him. He was closer than he was before.

"Are you done Y/N". He challenged. Letting out a small power as he got even closer to your face. You looked at him and didn't give a response, you were thinking of ways of how to get out of this pinned position. Although it wasn't looking good. Then one idea came into your mind, he wouldn't kill you right? Bringing your knee up you had him as hard as he could in between the legs, you guess that would be a painful point if it was anything close to human anatomy.
He let us know as he wrote off you suddenly holding his area down there, chuckling you bounced off and got on top of him, straddling him. At this point you were sitting on his lower arms and stomach. You looked at him and then challenged,

" Do you give up now?"

He pushes Hands upwards throwing you off balance, and use this opportunity to get a hold of your hips. He sat you down hard on his arms and chuckled, he really had you now. On this point and you know he was worthy from the start but he had just proving it to you. T This made you chuckle, he'll do.

Looking down at him u put your hands onhis broard chest, earning a purr from him. You felt it rumble through his chest, you blushed a little, werent you oushing your luck with a massive killer alien?

You didnt let your face fall at the doubtful moment but yout heart did pick up its pace, you werent sure if it was because you were scared or because of something else.

"I think youll do."

"Oh you think?' He gripped harder, earning a small squeak from you

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