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By heetual

24.6K 1.2K 2.4K

a depressed mute boy, desperately wanting to end it all. until a popular guy witnesses the boy trip over hims... More

thirty (end)
not an update ๐Ÿ˜ญ


850 44 142
By heetual

no one's pov
(a week later)

all sunoo was thinking about was him. jungwon this, jungwon that. he couldn't get jungwon out of his mind and whenever he tried, the flashback of him and jungwon almost kissing makes him almost cry from how much one scene replays in his head.

but there is another reason jungwon is always on his mind. the black haired boy hasn't come to school for a week and its worrying the hell out of sunoo. he hasn't been replying to sunoos texts or calls. one theory is that he got grounded by his father and maybe got his phone taken away.

another reason is maybe he just doesn't want to talk to sunoo anymore and is purposely avoiding all contact with him. the last time sunoo saw him was when they went to heeseungs house, but he just ran out right after.

of course, he went around all week asking students if they had seen jungwon or knew about his where abouts but just got the same solid answer of a 'no'. he was on the verge of killing a specific someone after he got an answer that ticked him off a little.

"why are you even looking for him anyway? he's annoying and is just an attention seeker. we all know he can talk."

jaeyun laughed with a lollipop sticking from his mouth as he saw sunoo slowly turn around from the direction he walking in the hallway.


sunoo bit his lip angrily and walked back to the still-chuckling boy slowly.

"say that to my face."

jaeyun raised his eyebrows at the seriousness emitted from the younger but he smirked.

"i said, why are you even looking for that son of a horse? son of a horse— pfft, i mean DEAD horse."

jaeyun laughed and so did his friends and other students that were making their way to their classes. sunoo dropped his backpack on the floor while cracking his knuckles.

"why are you looking for a way to get my fist on your face, huh?"

sunoo felt confidence rise up his chest when he heard a bunch of students 'ooh' at his comeback.

"aww.. look at him. jungwons little faggot boyfriend is coming to pick a fight."

sunoo felt his blood boil at the comment the blonde haired male made and suddenly bolted to the unaware boy, swinging his fist towards his face but his hand was stopped and clutched in a grip.

sunoo furrowed his eyebrows and felt his lips agape when he saw the frail boy grasp his fist tightly to prevent sunoo from knocking jaeyun out. the black haired boy trembled slightly with a few scars on his face and shook his head lightly to show that he didn't want anything to happen to the both of them.

sunoo sucked his lips in at the boy in and looked around to see cameras with the flash on hovering everywhere from people hands. he picked up his bag from the ground and dragged jungwon a bathroom that was nearby.

out of frustration, he slammed the stall door, startling the already tearing up boy. he pushed jungwon against the wall and leaned his head on the others shoulder while lightly inhaling and exhaling all of his worries out.

"where have you been..? it's been a week and it worried the hell out of me so much."

jungwon pushed sunoo off and looked at sunoo with a deadly stare. it had been the first time jungwon had ever looked at sunoo like that, since all the times were cute little stares or flustered ones.

jungwon shook his head before opening the stall, but before he could go out, his arm was grabbed and slammed against the wall with a little groan escaping from his lips.

"why are you pushing me away?! did i do something wrong?"

sunoo tried to embrace him, but jungwom once again pushed him harshly, causing him to trip over his backpack and fall against the wall. jungwon showed no emotion in his eyes and proceeded to unlock the stall, walking out with a backpack strap hanging on his shoulder.

sunoo bit his lip and shook his head, slightly getting embarrassed at the way he tripped and fell infront of jungwon. this was the strangest way jungwon has ever acted to sunoo, despite only knowing him for a few days.

he sensed something was off because his eyes were screaming for help silently but he just couldn't say anything to let sunoo know what was going on. sunoo, out of frustration, punched the stall door with all his might which caused a dent to obviously appear to where he punched. his knuckles were now sore and red from how hard he punched the door but he couldn't care less.


no ones pov

"i don't want you and your faggot of a boyfriend to even talk to eachother!"

his father landed a fist on jungwons face, a big bruise now evident on his cheek that was already cut up from his father's attempt from trying to break his jaw.

"from now on, i want you to be late to school by an hour, and yes, i have informed the school that i 'don't have time' to let you go and they have blindly accepted the excuse."

the old, chubby man sat down comfortably while watching his own son suffer through pain and fighting to not let a single sound from his mouth slip out. the boy knows that any sound he makes, the old man will punch him again and again until he passes out from exhaustion and the pain.

"have you learned not to be gay now? it's all just a phase, real men like women and not some filthy feminine little boys."

jungwon didn't react to what he said, he just let the old man shit talk sunoo even though he has no clue what sunoo and his reputation can do to ruin their lives.

"if i catch a single piece of evidence of you and that boy together, you'll never see the light of day ever again. do you understand?"

jungwon weakly nodded his head, finally crawling away when his father diverted his attention from him and to the tv that was playing the latest news of a thunderstorm that is going to occur on the weekend. jungwon finally made it to his room, shutting the door quietly to not bother the older male in the home the slightest way.

he crawled to the bathroom, stood up with his knees shaking a little, and started to tear up at his bruised face and cuts tattooing his neck and arms.

he hated it.

he hated his dad.

he hated himself.

his black hair fell over his eyes which gave an eerie vibe to how he was staring at himself in the mirror, but quickly snapped out of his little staring contest he had with his reflection. he grabbed a few bandages from the cabinet drawer and didn't bother cleaning up his wounds, jabbing the band-aid on his cuts.

he lightly whimpered when he covered up the scars on his face but quickly was distracted by a little 'ting' coming from his phone.

'ksun_oo has posted a photo!'


@ksun_oo posted a photo.

me to jay when he told me i can't go out unless riki comes with me 😭😭

liked by nishiriki, heeheeseung, bluejays, and 722 others | 127 comments


@bluejays i ain't lyin
@nishiriki omfg not again
@heeheeseung whatd you do 💀💀💀
@yangjw i wouldn't mind riki coming over
@yangjw replied to @bluejays oh..
@ksun_oo replied to @yangjw FUCK WHY WOULD YOU EXPOSE ME LIKE THAT😭


jungwon rolled his eyes with a damp towel wrapped around his bare torso, small droplets rolling down to his chest and a few going into the wounds he has not yet treated. he painfully hated how much he let that blonde haired boy eye him down every single time he makes an appearance and always finds a few to point out one of his insecurities.

he despised it.

he also hated himself for liking someone that he doesn't even know quite well. he can be a serial killer for all he cared but he wouldn't really care.. that's what he hated.

a few minutes into talking with himself about all of his problems, he once again heard a 'ting' come from the rectangular device that was on the floor for some reason. he unlocked his phone with his thumb, forgetting to check the notification but it was already too late when he saw a post that he really did not want to see.

it was a picture of sunoo and jungwon face-to-face, nose-to-nose, about to kiss. someone took a screenshot of it and posted it onto the app with the caption saying "two faggots, one frame 👬".

'i really joined the live thinking it would be my sunoo and sunoo only but the other face beside him ruined my day 😐'

'jungwon really came out of nowhere to come mess with us'

'guys.. i have his personal info 💀 10 bucks'

'didn't his dad walk in and start beating the living shit out of him on live infront of sun lmfao'

'i bet sunoo was holding back a laugh bc who wouldn't 😂'


jungwon threw his phone onto the floor, throwing everything off his bed along with the beanie sunoo forgot to take back. he grabbed his hoodie that was hanging on his chair, and barged out of his room through his window since he isn't allowed to go out at all besides to school.

he silently walked through the leaves that were on the floor, finally arriving on the hard pavement that barely made any noise with his sneakers tapping on them. he jaywalked across the street and to the park that was infront of his house..

he had his hands in his pockets while inhaling the fresh air. he walked towards a nearby tree, sat on it, and faced the small playground with a few children swinging on the bars like monkeys.

he was mentally exhausted with the constant yellings and beatings just by doing one small thing wrong. it's almost as if his dad was just finding a way to get mad at him or he just wanted to unleash his anger out on someone.

but that's just too cruel.

he felt his eyelids droop by the sudden calmness in his surroundings and didn't move an inch to try to stop himself from sleeping. he leaned his head on the tree bark, hugging himself for warmth.

it was finally the first time he had slept in such a peaceful condition. no interruptions, nightmares, or anything bad in general that stopped him from his nap.

but nothing can ever go his way.


jungwon pretended to be asleep to make the stranger go away- stranger?

he opened his eyes and immediately recognized who was kneeling infront of him with concern laced in their eyes. jungwon waved tiredly and closed his eyes, leaning his head once again on the tree. the dark brownish haired male chuckled silently, and shook jungwon fully awake.

"you shouldn't be out here alone, especially while you're sleeping."

jungwon groaned and finally opened his eyes and rubbed the tiredness away.

oh.. it was heeseung.

"c'mon. let's get you home."

heeseung was about to grab jungwons arm, but he quickly scooted back to avoid the boy touching him. heeseung furrowed his eyebrows and once again tried to grab him, but all he got in return was jungwon pushing him away.

"don't you want to go home instead of being out here alone? it's kind of chilly too."

jungwon shook his head and raised his hoodie to cover his head in an attempt to ignore the guy infromt of him. heeseung sighed subtly before putting down his backpack and taking out a small picnic blanket and placing it on the moist grass.

he sat his bottom onto it, also leaning onto the tree with jungwon slightly shivering from how cold it was outside. he heard a small rustle come from the boy next to him and was suprised by a notebook getting shoved in his face.

'you should go.'

said the writing.

heeseung crumbled the paper in his fists, trick shotting it into a nearby trashcan. he shook his head in response and ignored him and went on his phone to watch a video.

jungwon rolled his eyes at him and got up from the tree and started to walk away while patting down the grass bits from his pants.

once again, nothing can ever go his way.

he stopped in his tracks after seeing the familiar wad of brown hair appear infront of him with one of the familiar smoke sticks in between his lips. he could smell the stenching weed coming from the smoke and it caused him to clog his own nostrils with his fingers. he could never understand while people smoked.

"i'm not going to leave you alone until you go home. i promised sunoo.."

he mumbled the last few words as he looked down to his feet as if it was the most interesting in the world. jungwon raised an eyebrow at the newfound information but continued his path to the slides and bars to atleast do something productive. he still felt the presence of the boy behind him but it didn't bother him enough to diss him out of his sight.

he climbed up the small stairs leaning forward a bit since he was tall and started to play with the small toys that were built in the small jungle gym. heeseung sat down at a nearby bench, watching over jungwon as if he was his son. he can see why sunoo was so protective over him, despite only knowing eachother for two days.

he was small, childish, and cute. heeseung smiled to himself while listening to the small giggles the boy was making. but, he quickly changed his facial expressions when he saw a group of students, all male, walk towards an unaware jungwons direction.

they looked like hobos that live down the street judging by their sagging pants and dirty tank tops hanging off their shoulders. he heard the deep chuckles coming from the males as he cautiously eyed their every move they made to jungwon.

"ooh~ isn't this the new student? we didn't quite finish what we were going to do because of your bOyfRiend.."

they all laughed but when they tried to grab the boy, heeseung already basically teleported to the scene with a scary glare.

he yanked their arms off jungwon while backing up slightly.

"back off."

an accusing look was now evident on his face as he tried to keep jungwom behind him and not let him run away or else those horny guys will chase him down.

"who are you? are you another one of jungwons boyfriends?"

one of the males asked, his thick eyebrows almost poking heeseungs nose from how short the guy was and bushy his eyebrows were.

"nah, but i can assure you his 'boyfriend' will not like you guys trying to potentially rape him."

"is that so? then where is his so called boyfriend so we can have a little competition on who can have him—"

his nonsense of words were cut short when an angry pink haired male who pulled up to the scene not too long ago punched him on the side of his ugly face. his body fell limp onto the hard pavement following with a light thud and a hand already rubbing on the spot where he was hit.

"oh so you're the boyfriend.. fuck."

the guy said with a light groan escaping from his lips, a hand placed on his jaw in some sort of way to stop it from hurting.

heeseung shrugged his shoulders with a small smile plastered on his face.

"told you so."

sunoo turned to look at jungwon for a split second but immediately got tackled to the grass by a male that was angry for his friend. jungwon immediately moved from his spot after being frozen and jumped ontop of the tackler and dragged the crazy guy off of sunoo.

jungwon, being a previous taekwondoist, started to choke him in a bruising grip which made the male panic under his grip and squirm around like a bug caught in bug spray. sunoo watched jungwon slowly choke the guy but he was dragged off by another guy, getting punched in the rib in return.

sunoo felt his heart drop at the cry jungwon let out, finally getting the strength to bash in the guys head. he ran up to the guy who punched jungwon, and pushed the guy to the fountain that was running with dirty brown water.


heeseung got up from the dude he was beating up and went to go help out sunoo who was struggling with one of the bigger guys.

jungwon, meanwhile, went to go hide behind a tree to catch his breath and the searing pain coming from his lower chest. he already had been injured there by his dad, so it hurt twice as much it was originally supposed to hurt.

sunoo was on the verge of getting choked to death but avoided it by placing his knee in between the guys crotch and crushing the man's nutsack with maximum strength. he yelled outloud like a girl and started crying.

"hyung, run! i'll get jungwon."

sunoo got up from the floor in pain but ignored it just to find jungwon that was paralyzed in fear. he picked jungwon up bridal style and ran towards the direction of where heeseung was running. despite being paralyzed, jungwon was blushing madly at the way sunoo had a firm grip on his body and it made him feel so many things at once.

he discreetly checked out sunoos sweaty face and the blood coming out of his nose while wiping it with his index finger. sunoo looked down at him with a small smile and returned to focusing on where heeseung was leading him.


heeseung opened the door to his small apartment that was located next to the small citys' downtown area. it was kind of cramped, but sunoo couldn't care less because all he was focusing on was jungwon.

he went to the couch and placed him on the soft cushions and adjusted his head comfortably on the big pile of clothes heeseung had.

"are you okay!? oh my god, i'm so sorry!"

sunoo cupped jungwons head with his sweaty palms but was pushed away by heeseung because he had brought the first-aid kit.

"i'll do it hyung, go take care of yourself."

sunoo smiled at the older male reassuringly and watched him raise him an eyebrow but reluctantly walked away with the biggest bruise on his back since he had taken off his shirt. jungwon was on the verge of passing out, judging by his dizziness and hazey vision he was experiencing.

he tried to get up, but got pushed back down in return.

sunoo opened the first aid kit and immediately started taking out the stuff he needed for the bruises on his cheek and the busted lip he had. he pulled out a cotton swab with alcohol on it and dabbed the areas that were bleeding.

sunoo didn't realize how he was slightly hovering with a hand resting on jungwons chest for support. their faces were a few inches away and jungwon sensed it even through his dizziness. he sluggishly opened his eyes only to see sunoo trying to get a specific part of his face cleaned up.

it never felt so, euphoric, in that moment.

sunoo finished with his job and tossed his trash into the garbage bin that was next to the television. he clapped his hands in delight, but realized how jungwon was now that he sat up for some reason. sunoo discreetly looked around to see if heeseung was lurking around because he's always nosey, but he saw no one.

he looked back down at jungwon, finally taking the chance of being alone and in a peaceful environment. he pushed jungwon down on the couch with his arms supporting his weight over the younger male, tangling his legs with him also.


sunoo awkwardly leaned forward while jungwon felt his breath hitch at the close proximity their bodies were at. his chest was pressed against sunoos, making him hear sunoos rapid heartbeat as he leaned in closer and closer..

it happened.

jungwon was shocked and he was was gripping tightly to the back of sunoos hair as he felt the soft and luscious lips sunoo had. he went limp, finally accepting that he was kissing THE KIM SUNOO. the president of the school. the guy everyone could die for. he was right there, kissing him.

jungwon however had no experience in this since it was all new to him so it came to him sloppily devouring sunoos lips in a kind of aggressive way. sunoo found it cute that jungwon was trying to make it seem that he had experience in it, but was obvious that he had none.

meanwhile, heeseung was struggling to rub the alcohol on his back because there was a massive wound he couldn't reach even if he had long arms. he halted in his actions when he heard a small moan coming from the other side of his door.

he rolled his eyes, and plugged in his earbuds into his phone to ignore the sounds coming from the guys making out on his couch.

back to the couple, sunoo was almost eating jungwons face with a desperate look on his face. he bit jungwons lower lip softly, making the other gasp slightly, allowing sunoo to slide his tongue inside. he adventured around jungwons mouth while listening to jungwons whimpers and cries from the new types of pleasure he was experiencing.

sunoo was running his hands around jungwons legs and torso while sucking on jungwons neck, leaving fresh hickeys that would let anyone know that those were certainly not bugbites. but, jungwon was afraid of the outcome and was embarrassed by being new to the concept of kissing and/or making out passionately without stopping.

the way he didn't know how to kiss correctly, making sounds he didn't even know he could make, and the new emotions he was introduced to in the span of 2 minutes. he detached sunoos desperate lips from his own, shoving him off his body while running out the door to god knows where.

sunoo didn't care though.

he felt accomplished that he had finally tasted the lips of the one he has been craving for the past few days. he wiped the apple flavored lip balm smeared all over his face off with his sleeve that was still covered in blood and happily squealed at the cuteness of the other.

he loved jungwons chapstick, especially when it was smeared all over his lips.

he was sprawled all over the carpet with a smirk on his face, replaying all the events that just occurred in his head. at that same time, heeseung finally came out of his room from giving up from trying to heal the big fat bruise he had on his back. he spotted sunoo on the floor but jungwon was gone with the door wide open.

"where did jungwon go? close the door."

heeseung still had no shirt on so the chilly air from outside made his body sting a little from being weak.

"hyung.. i kissed him."

"i know. i'm pretty sure my neighbors heard you guys."

heeseung rolled his eyes as he poured milk inside the bowl before putting in the cereal.

"what the fuck. you put milk first?!"

heeseung shrugged at sunoos exclamation.

"i'm sorry, we can't be friends anymore."

sunoo dramatically pretended to flip his non existent hair as he was walking to go sit down at the couch.

"what's wrong with putting milk first?!"


no one's pov

"hyung.. are you really sure we should be doing this?"

he nervously followed the male around the alleyway with an unconscious jungwon slung over his shoulder. he really didn't think the plan would turn into knocking out a guy with a pot.

"yes i'm sure, don't you remember our deal?"

a chuckle escaped from the older males lips as he walked to a secluded area behind a club and hopped the fence because jungwon didn't weigh anything at all.

"yeah but.. i didn't think we would physically take him away—"

"look, i know what i'm doing and if you want to call off the deal, go ahead. i'm still going to have my little jungwonnie."

the younger male sighed in regret from all the past events he had done. meeting up with jungwons enemy, making a deal with him, and doing some unspeakable things that he had never thought of doing.

after a few minutes of walking, the older male halted in his tracks and looked at a door that was to the left of them. it was all beat up and scratched as if a cat was trying to get in. he took out a key from his pocket, and unlocked the door.

it was dark inside of the building they were inside in, rather it looked like an old and not cared for apartment complex. he went to an elevator that was also beat up and looked unsafe to go on but he got on either way.

the younger male slowly followed like a lost puppy while fiddling with his fingers to show he was anxious.

'what would sunoo do if he found out i basically kidnapped his crush?'

was the one thought running through his mind when the elevator slowly made it way up.

"i know this place is shitty, but i can't afford living in a better place."

the older boy suddenly spoke into the awkward atmosphere which startled the younger. the squeaky metal doors finally opened and showed a long dark hallway that looked like the ones that appeared in horror movies.

"come on."

they walked and walked until they made it to a door that was at the end of the hallway. there were no windows, just plain darkness and silence. the older opened the door to his apartment and immediately, the younger saw how messy and unorganized the room was.

clothes scattered all over the floor, bags of chips laying on the ground, water bottles, pieces of torn up paper, and it smelled horrible too. the younger boy tried so hard not to be rude but his scrunched up nose and disturbed face was enough to let the other know it was really bad.

"yeah, this is where i live."

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