Live Fast || 𝗝. 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞

By Zari_Knowles

425K 10.5K 1.7K

"ℓινє fαѕт, ∂ιє уσυиg. вα∂ gιяℓѕ ∂σ ιт ωєℓℓ." Quotes: "𝘔𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘢, 𝘐'𝘮 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘪𝘧 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘱... More

𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧


12K 337 19
By Zari_Knowles

Edward and Jasper had made their way to the fight, Seth pushing Quinn and Ezra behind him as he sniffed the air.

"Seth?" Bella stepped forward, an evil grin on her face as she stared at Ezra. "You smell like shit."

"Fuck you." Bella sneered, more confident that she had the upper hand now that she was immortal. Foolish.

"Isabella, I will kill you if you lay a hand on her." Quinn said as she glared the girl down.

"It's Bella!" She snapped, Riley and another boy appearing on either side of her. They backed them towards the campsite, Seth growling and keeping them from getting too close.

"Riley, Sin. She's just using you guys." Ezra spoke, the two boys pausing. Neither of them expected to be spoken to, especially with such a soft tone. "Do you think either of them really care about you guys?"

"Don't listen, Riley." Victoria hissed as she appeared, completely disregarding the other boy. "I told you about their mind tricks."

"I can read her mind, so I know what she actually thinks of you." Edward and Jasper had come back, giving them the advantage again. "She only created you and this army to avenge her true mate, James. It's the only thing she cares about, not you."

"Sincere, I'm sure you don't wanna die again." Ezra spoke to the boy directly, seeing the doubt in his eyes. He looked down, trying to force himself to go along with Victoria's plans. "We can help you. You don't have to go through this new life alone."

"You're dead." Riley hissed as he lunged, Seth jumping up and tackling him. The boy roared when the wolf took a bite out of his hand.

"If you really don't wanna do this, I suggest you wait in the tent." She hadn't taken her eyes off of the boy, Sincere nodding as he quickly made his way into the safety of the tent. Ezra sighed and cracked her neck, her eyes blazing red as she appeared behind Victoria and Bella. "Pick one."

"Oh, I've got the redhead." Quinn said as her hands glowed, Ezra pushing her towards her mother. Bella whirled around, now a little frightened.

"You want her." Jasper said, Victoria freezing in place. "You want me to feel the pain you felt when we killed James. When I tore him to pieces. When I turned him to ash. Into nothing."

Victoria let out a yell as she lunged for him, being flung away as Quinn hit her with a spell.

"Yeah, you two go and comfort Sincere. He's scared." Quinn said when she heard the boy sobbing, Jasper and Edward nodding as they headed for the tent.

"Come on, hit me. You've finally got strength." Ezra taunted as she walked around Bella, the girl clenching her fists and jaw. "Do it. Pussy."

She swung out, Ezra grabbing her wrist and flinging her into a tree as she laughed. Quinn was practically fist fighting Victoria, dodging her snapping jaws as Seth dealt with Riley.

Bella snarled as she lunged for her, Ezra knocking her straight in her jaw. Her face cracked, the girl screaming as she repeatedly lunged at her sister.

Quinn screamed.

"What the fuck did you do." Ezra froze, seeing her mother slumped down and groaning by a tree as Victoria stalked towards her.

The rage she felt was intense, her now icy blue eyes freezing Victoria in place.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!" She snarled, Bella's cocky grin dropping as she stepped back. Victoria tensed, slowly turning to look at her.

"Don't focus on what's going on out there." Edward said as he heard a few trees go down, Jasper slowly sending calm waves towards the shaking boy. "Just keep telling us about you mom."

Ezra slammed Bella into Victoria, the two women screeching as she sent them flying into the side of the cliff. She heard Seth whimper, turning and grabbing Riley's arm. Jasper carefully made his way out of the tent, grabbing Quinn and bringing her back in as she healed herself.

He screeched when she threw him, his arm tearing off as she kept her hold on it. Seth jumped up again, tackling him before he could go against Ezra and dragging him into the woods.

"Victoria! Victoria!" He pleaded, being ignored.

"You should've taken the offer." Ezra coldly said, her eyes snapping to his before he disappeared. Victoria and Bella pounced, Ezra vanishing before Bella was slammed head first into the ground. The sickening sound of metal screeching heard as her head split.

Victoria tried to make a run for it, Ezra thrusting her hand out. A wall of ice blocked her, slamming down on her as she screamed. Bella groaned, Ezra reaching down and pulling her head off.

"This is more gruesome than I thought." Quinn winced, peering out of the tent to watch her fight. "She just ripped her head off."

"Oh my god." Sincere shakily said, also looking out the tent. Ezra's hand glowed red, burning Bella's head as Victoria punched through the thick wall of ice.

"I didn't teach her that...."

Her arm made it out of the ice, the woman screaming as Ezra ripped it off. She dissovled the ice, pulling Victoria up by her shirt.

"M-mercy..." She pleaded, Ezra's head tilted as her eyes went back to red.

"No." Victoria screeched as she felt the fire burning inside of her, clawing at Ezra's hand. She screamed one last time, bursting into flames.

"Ez." Jasper called out as he moved from the tent, going to her side as she went back to her normal self. Everyone left the tent, Sincere nervously standing in front of her.

"We're helping him. He didn't choose this life. Hell, none of them did." Ezra said before Seth came running back to them.

"Something's wrong." Edward said. Quinn and Ezra grabbed all of them, motioning for Seth to come over. They appeared in the clearing, Sincere hiding behind Ezra when he was met with growling.

"He's with us. What's wrong?" Ezra asked, pushing Sam's head away when he stalked up to them.

"The Volturi are on their way." Alice said. Fires were all around them, all of the vampires they were fighting now dismembered and burning.

"How long?" Edward asked, heading over to his mate.

"A few minutes, maybe ten."

"They timed their arrival well." Rosalie said, wrapped in Emmett's arms.

"Probably hoping the newborns took a few of us out." The buff man remarked, Edward's eyes scanning the area.

"What's she doing here?" He asked, looking at the sobbing girl.

"We offered her safety if she stopped fighting. She took it immediately." Esme said softly.

"Sin, come on." The boy trailed behind her like a lost puppy, Ezra offering her hand to the girl. "I'm Ezra. This is Sincere. What's your name?"

"...B-Bree." She shakily said as she took her hand, her scared eyes bouncing around the clearing. "I heard you up there. Are you going to kill me?"

"No. I'm offering you a chance to not go through this new life alone." She gave her a kind smile, Sincere nodding when Bree looked at him.

"I can turn you guys somewhat back into humans." Quinn spoke up, bringing their attention to her.

"The pack needs to leave." Carlisle said, Quinn smiling as she decided to wait. "The Volturi won't honor a truce with the wolves."

Jacob and Paul emerged from the woods, both of them pausing when they saw Sincere and Bree.

"Perfect timing! A happy ending for all!" Ezra said as she pulled the two of them forward. They were about to meet her, a snarl disrupting the mood.

Leah had cornered a newborn, charging at him. The newborn twisted out of her way and grabbed her scruff, yanking her off the ground. Jacob charged at him, leaping up and taking him down. He bit a chunk off of his face, the newborn roaring in anger as he wrapped his arms around him.

"NO!" Sincere yelled, Ezra disappearing from his side. A dark feeling spread over the clearing, Jacob being removed from the newborn. Carlisle and Edward were at his side as he shifted, Ezra and the other wolves tearing into the newborn angrily.

"The bones on the right half of his body are shattered." Carlisle informed as Sincere dropped down at Jacob's side. "I need to set the bones before his accelerated healing kicks's already starting."

"Hurry up!" Sincere said, Ezra smacking the back of his head.

"Calm down, he'll be fine." She said. Sam shifted back, a few members of the pack following his lead as they helped pick up Jacob. He cried out in pain, Ezra screwing her eyes closed as she held on to Sincere. "He'll be fine."

"They're here."

"Bree, Sin. Behind me." Ezra commanded as they joined the Cullens, the two younger teens following her order.

"It appears you've done our work for us." Jane spoke as they appeared out of the smoke, taking in the scene. "Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude."

"We were lucky." Carlisle ground out, Jane scoffing as they came closer.

"I doubt that."

"It appears we've missed an entertaining fight." Alec, the only one Ezra didn't know, spoke up. "We have watched the newborns from afar."

"If you'd arrived half an hour ago, maybe you would've fulfilled your purpose." Ezra snarkily replied, bringing their eyes to her. And the two vampires cowering behind her.

"Pity. You missed them." Jane mock pouted.

"We offered them asylum in exchange for surrender." Carlisle said.

"That wasn't yours to offer." Jane snapped, stepping forward. Ezra stepped forward as well, blocking her view of the two behind her.

"If you hurt either one of them, I'll take you down myself." She hissed, Jane looking at her before catching Sincere's eyes. He went down with a scream, Bree panicking as she tried to help him.

"Why did you come?"

"You know why, blondie." Ezra snapped as she moved closer to her.

"Who created you?" Jane broke her stare when Ezra was three feet away from her, her eyes glowing gold. She took a step back, her brother's brows furrowing.

"Not so fun, is it?" Ezra asked as her eyes went back to normal, standing up straighter.

"We don't know!" Bree answered her, Sincere crying as they hugged. "Riley wouldn't tell us! He said our thoughts weren't safe!"

"Her name was Victoria. Maybe you knew her?" Ezra inquired as she stepped back, putting distance between them. Jane smiled, which was a little unnerving to see. The rest of the guards went behind her, Felix and Demetri avoiding looking directly at Ezra.

"If the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria, they would've stopped her." Carlisle said, not wanting to see Ezra take on the Volturi guards. "Isn't that right, Jane?"

"Of course. Felix." The man hesitated, noticing that Quinn was now standing beside Ezra.

"You're gonna kill two humans?" The woman asked, everyone pausing. They turned to show Bree and Sincere, the two of them shivering as they cried in fear. Their hearts were pumping with fear, cheeks flushed and brown and green eyes wide.

"Take this into consideration." Ezra hummed as she stepped back into view. "If you make a move to hurt them, I'll send Aro your heads in a box."

"The Volturi doesn't give second chances." Jane hissed, snapping her fingers. Felix moved towards them, freezing in place when Quinn appeared in front of him.

"They are under my watch. Since they are no longer vampires, your rules don't apply to them." She hissed, glaring coldly at him. Ezra gave Jane a toothy smile, the blonde huffing in annoyance as she turned and stalked off.

"I'll see you next time I visit Italy, babe!" She called after her, Jane giving her the finger in return. Ezra clapped her hands as she spun around, grabbing Sincere and Bree. "Let's go visit Jacob."

"I've got Doc." Quinn said, the five of them vanishing. Ezra came back, kissing Jasper's cheek before leaving again.

"They could've at least taken us home." Emmett grumbled, Rosalie and Jasper laughing as they started their trek home.

"Oh my god." They were sitting outside of the Black household, Billy trying his best not to cry as Jacob screamed in pain. Sincere was holding onto Ezra as he sobbed, his tears soaking her shirt as she comforted him.

"He'll be okay." Paul said, holding onto Bree as she cried silently. Ezra looked up and blinked away her tears, taking a deep breath.

"Why'd he have to butt in? I could've taken that tick-"

"Let it go, Leah." Ezra said, the girl's mouth snapping shut as she kicked at the ground. "He was doing what any good friend would do."

They all turned around when the front door opened, Carlisle and Sam leaving the house.

"The worst is over. He'll be alright." Ezra let out a sigh of relief, Sincere's sobs dying down. "I gave him some morphine, but his body temperature will burn it off soon. I'll come back to set up a drip."

"He wants to meet you." Sam said to Sincere. He nodded, looking up at Ezra.

"I'll go with you. But if you two start making out, I'm gone."

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