
By PhantomAce9083

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Paxton Iustus' American Dream is to finish university and work her ranks up to becoming chief of the NYPD. Wh... More

CHAPTER 1: Falling into You
CHAPTER 2: Me or the mob?
CHAPTER 3: A Frightening Offer
CHAPTER 4: What Detour?
CHAPTER 5: Recruitment
CHAPTER 6: Beaumont Pitch
CHAPTER 7: Status Report
CHAPTER 8: Busted
CHAPTER 9: Interlude
CHAPTER 10: Be With Me
CHAPTER 11: Respite
CHAPTER 12: Queen's Palace
CHAPTER 13: Field Day
CHAPTER 14: Ladies' Day
CHAPTER 15: Monumental Day
CHAPTER 16: Learn a Lesson
CHAPTER 17: Masquerade Ball
CHAPTER 18: Go Home
CHAPTER 19: Reconciliation
CHAPTER 20: A Former Friend
CHAPTER 21: Stage Two
CHAPTER 22: Investigation
CHAPTER 23: Independence Day
CHAPTER 24: The Stray
CHAPTER 25: Ambush
CHAPTER 26: This Is Not Heaven
CHAPTER 27: Awake
CHAPTER 28: Answer Her
CHAPTER 29: Prepare Yourselves
CHAPTER 30: The News
CHAPTER 31: There Is Hope
CHAPTER 32: Cavalry
CHAPTER 33: This is Who I am
CHAPTER 35: She's A Nightmare (Part II)
CHAPTER 36: Coming Soon
CHAPTER 37: Fight For Gold
CHAPTER 38: Aid and Litter
CHAPTER 39: Eulogy
CHAPTER 40: Strength in Hearts
CHAPTER 41: Absence of Mind
CHAPTER 42: Friend Family or Foe

CHAPTER 34: She's A Nightmare (Part I)

59 3 0
By PhantomAce9083


It's been twelve days of hell. Poor Chrysos is bouldering mad at the King who is not how I expected him to be. He is just a normal dude on the inside who isn't fully evil or fully good. He loves his riches more than anything but isn't a completely deranged serial killer unless he loses his patience, then I or someone nearby takes the fault. And although he fancies Chrysos, he doesn't care about her. He lets her do her own things and is just waiting for the day they.... I don't want to think about that. I escort Chrysos everywhere from her dates with King to her dress fittings, her walks in the gardens, or just to chat with her when she's feeling sad. I try to be there for her as much as I can, but even I have my limits. I switch with another guard I don't know the name of and they take the night shift while I take the mornings.

However, there is more. Just because I am basically stuck at Chrysos' hip, as long as I lock her door, I can roam around the estate and am tasked with helping everyone else either train or plan the wedding. Most times, I don't interact much and I can listen in on the conversations between everyone else. But, that all ended when someone noticed me.


I am eating outside in the gardens where Chrysos and I commonly hang out, away from the prying eyes of the SS Tribe members. This is also one of the few places that gives me a place to breathe and relax away from all of the chaos. While I am eating a sandwich underneath a tree, watching the sun go down, a knock startles me and I grab Shard's mask and tie it in place.

"Shard, was it? Fancy finding you here. And I thought you would be playing with the bride at this hour," a woman with black jeans, a tank top, and an iron staff in her hand. She has midnight black hair in a braid and her narrow brown eyes flash mischievously at me.

"Not my type," I said simply. Who is she? She doesn't have the SS Tribe tattoo. Even I have a temporary one on my back, just like the real Shard does.

"I see. And you noticed," she pointed at her shoulder and I look away. Fortunately, she can't see my face.

"I'm not a goon. I'm a guest. My father was invited and made me tag along. He's the leader of the Foreign Fighters. We aren't like you guys. Not doped on whatever substances you guys traffic," she said.

Foreign Fighters... I recall they are ruthless martial artists and trained assassins. Some go on to serve in their regime's military while others look for the thrill of the bounties. She is bold to admit such a claim. If I was in my other uniform, I doubt she would be so eager to tell me this.

"Have you come here to commit treason to our King and his empire?" I expertly recite dauntingly.

"No. I am bored. And the only one walking straight is you and two other lads. The other two seem to be all hush baba, so I figured I'd bother you," she said, balancing her rod on the back of her hand.

I noticed that too. Dilitírio is here and he and Maximus have been all buddy-buddy with one another. I have been trying to eavesdrop on what they are planning, but their meetings have been extremely confidential. Not even the gossip can help me.

Great, exactly what I need. Some strange woman to bother me. I don't need this right now. I get off the grass and begin walking back, but a hard whack on my arse spins me around.

"Hey!" I yell at her and she snickers. "Come on, spar with me." Nope, just ignore her and go back inside. She isn't worth the energy and I can't risk her finding out my identity. I shake my head and begin walking again. "Come on!"

She kicks the back of my leg and I fall to the floor. I sweep my feet and land back up, perfectly. Her staff comes for my head, but I spin and kick. It goes flying into the flower beds. In America, Taekwondo and Karate are the dominant martial arts. However, my father sent me to China throughout most of my childhood summers to study Kung Fu and have a private education. She gets into a classic karate fighting stance, feet grounded and fists raised to her eyes. I dodge her attacks and wait for her to tire.

"You are such a poor sport. Give me something, Shard. You're playing like a 肥猪," she mocks. She just called me...Fine, she's not giving up. I won't either. I wait for the momentum of her attacks, parry, then strike the body's weakest points. She falls to the floor and wipes a scrape on her arm. 

"Finally. Let's play."

With her slightly shorter height and light physique, she is very fast and nimble. She can lift off the air more easily and bounce faster than me. But, I am more grounded and even with her swift hits, I can take them or dodge them. I study her and strike when I find an opening. Most of it, I struck her back and her arms. I am waiting patiently for the opportunity. A crowd forms as the commotion definitely can be heard from afar. They cheer for Shard, while others taunt me about how I am losing to a girl. I drown their hollers and focus on the spots that will render her defenseless.

There. I pry her arms to the sides as they spread out like an angel and bash my open palms on both sides of her neck. She falls to the floor, momentarily breathless. I draw out the glass knife in my side belt and press it against her neck.

"Yield!" I command. She gives me a weak smile and taps the ground. Everyone begins cheering and clapping me on the back, but I just want to get out of there. I sheath my blade and begin walking away before I hear someone calling out.

"Zhan! Zhan! Hey, you hurt her?!" a man in a business suit comes to her aid and picks her off the ground, his hand holding out his firearm.

"Ba, it's fine. We had fun. Right, Shard? I will be seeing you around," she winks, leaning on her staff. I don't answer them, but bow low and walk away.

"He's something," I hear her whisper.


After that duel or whatever, Zhan has been like a little leech stuck to my waist. Now I got two ladies stuck to me. Normally, I would love it and I mean come on, I am a catch. But having a panicking Chrysos trying not to kill the King and a Foreign Fighter princess at my side every second is a menace. It's overwhelming. The only way I can get peace around here is by taking Timber to the woods so I can eat my dinner. As I am laying out here, watching the stars and listening to the night critters, the sounds of hooves make me jump to my feet. I reach for my mask, but her rod scoops it up in one swift swoop and I take off my shirt and wrap it around my face.

"Well, that's one new way to get a man topless," she chuckles, dismounting from Quest, and looking at my exposed chest. How did she find me?

I glare at her and reach for my mask, but she tisks at me and holds it away.

"Ah, ah. I don't think so. You humiliated me in front of my father and you think that you're some hero in front of your gang. Glory be to fooling with women. So, pathetic, shy, and weak. I will teach you a lesson, on my honor," she spits. But, that's all wrong. She is wrong.

"No!" I stop her.

She scoffs and laughs, "No?"

"No. I don't fight. I honored you by respecting you as an opponent and letting you live. The only reason I fought you that time was that you forced me to. 去远," I warn her.

"Or what? 你会怎么做?" she questions.

"No, 我不打你," I make clear.

"Then, don't fight me," she smirks. What?

"Don't resist me. Just be with me," she invites. I'm sorry, what did she just say?

"You want your little mask so bad, then you earn it," she said, patting the grass beside her.

"I'm sorry, what? I won't do anything for you. I can just take it from you," I remind her.

She laughs, "Then, you are a hypocrite. You try and take it, then we will fight again."

"I will not sit with mine enemy," I seethe.

She lets out a loud gasp, "Your enemy? I am your guest or is there something you wish to enlighten me about." I smack myself internally about how I could let that slip up, "Of course. My apologies."

"So, come on. Sit," she pats the space beside her and I sit next to her. We sit in silence and I watch as the sun goes down. As the night gets darker, I start to get colder and begin to shiver.

"Can I have my mask back now?" I ask.

"Soon. Lie down with me," she lays on her back and with a groan, I follow her. The grass and brush underneath me are so prickly and I am still very cold. Could this night get any worse? Apparently, it can. She lays her body on top of me and covers us with her jacket. I shove her off me and yell at her, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Um, ow. I thought you were cold, so I give you some warmth. I am not going to hurt you, so stay still," Zhan said.

"No. I don't want you touching me. Hell, I think you are a curse to my existence right now," I say angrily. She throws her jacket and mask at me and every leaf and stick in her vicinity.

"Shame on you and your parents, and your ancestors, and your god-awful spirit. All I did was lie with you with gentility and you curse me. You might not treat superstition seriously, but I do. You should be ashamed," she chastens me and I bonk my head against my legs.

"I'm sorry. I am. I shouldn't have said that." I apologize. I pull on my shirt and my mask and grab her arm to stop her from running off.

"放手! I don't want to be anywhere near you again. You cursed me and I'm going to suffer because of you!" she shoves me and rides off on Quest.

I get the feeling I am going to suffer the consequences too. Oh, Asher, what have you done?

I click my tongue and urge Timber forward. Once in the stables, Zhan is nowhere to be found. Should I go after her and apologize and see what I can do to undo my actions? What am I saying? She's so annoying, a nightmare of my days. This is a blessing. 


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