
By PhantomAce9083

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Paxton Iustus' American Dream is to finish university and work her ranks up to becoming chief of the NYPD. Wh... More

CHAPTER 1: Falling into You
CHAPTER 2: Me or the mob?
CHAPTER 3: A Frightening Offer
CHAPTER 4: What Detour?
CHAPTER 5: Recruitment
CHAPTER 6: Beaumont Pitch
CHAPTER 7: Status Report
CHAPTER 8: Busted
CHAPTER 9: Interlude
CHAPTER 10: Be With Me
CHAPTER 11: Respite
CHAPTER 12: Queen's Palace
CHAPTER 14: Ladies' Day
CHAPTER 15: Monumental Day
CHAPTER 16: Learn a Lesson
CHAPTER 17: Masquerade Ball
CHAPTER 18: Go Home
CHAPTER 19: Reconciliation
CHAPTER 20: A Former Friend
CHAPTER 21: Stage Two
CHAPTER 22: Investigation
CHAPTER 23: Independence Day
CHAPTER 24: The Stray
CHAPTER 25: Ambush
CHAPTER 26: This Is Not Heaven
CHAPTER 27: Awake
CHAPTER 28: Answer Her
CHAPTER 29: Prepare Yourselves
CHAPTER 30: The News
CHAPTER 31: There Is Hope
CHAPTER 32: Cavalry
CHAPTER 33: This is Who I am
CHAPTER 34: She's A Nightmare (Part I)
CHAPTER 35: She's A Nightmare (Part II)
CHAPTER 36: Coming Soon
CHAPTER 37: Fight For Gold
CHAPTER 38: Aid and Litter
CHAPTER 39: Eulogy
CHAPTER 40: Strength in Hearts
CHAPTER 41: Absence of Mind
CHAPTER 42: Friend Family or Foe

CHAPTER 13: Field Day

140 6 0
By PhantomAce9083


I wake up the next day to Paxton drawing the heavy curtains from the windows, exposing the blinding beams of the sun. I roar at her like a lioness because she knows that I hate waking up early. She ignores me and fuels my anger by heaving me over her shoulders. I protest but tire out my arms, letting her haul me to the loo. After we both freshen up separately, we go to the dining room for breakfast which includes fried tomato, mushrooms, black pudding, sausage, toast with butter, and a sunny-side egg. Of course, for myself, Bennet already brewed me fresh-ground coffee which awakened me with its caffeine. Nicole and Paxton are chatting gaily together beside me. However, my attention is strictly on the man in front of me. I avoid his piercing gaze that I know is on me and pretend like the china plate had fantastical secrets to share.


"Nice friends you got there," Stephen said snarkily, walking out of the passage in just his grassy green bathrobe and boxers. Ugh, he has no care for his dignity as usual. Cover up, no one wants to see his infant carrot and jungle mangled chest. I literally tell him every time that it makes me vomit, but he says women love it. I can't say I agree with those women's tastes.

My taste...I can't say because this barbarian of my step-brother is painfully distracting me. Ughhh, so annoying.

"Yes, Stephen they are," I muttered without expression.

"You shouldn't get so attached to them. Like all frocks of the world, they won't stay unless you pay them or they skip away into their own Wastelands," he stated bluntly.

I crossed my arms and narrowed my brows at the preposterous insult, "You don't know them as I do. They are compassionate, loyal, dependable, and so much more I hope to find."

"See, baby. You depend so much on them and this unhealthy attachment will get you hurt. Like all people in this world, they are disposable. You can fire them and they can quit you for something new," he frowned, holding me by the arms.

I glowered at him pushing him off, "Don't touch me. Come on, that is so not true. It's okay for me to have friends."

He nodded, "Yes it is, but I just want to warn you once more. Because you mustn't forget the former incident."

I cringed and held back the brimming tears.

"Nothing happened," I spat.

He placed his thumb and index finger on the bridge of his nose, "Baby, your last 'friend' left you rolling in the mud. For days you were ripped apart as they just kicked you in the face and denied your relationship and existence. They left for university in Cambridge to want to obtain unobtainable intelligence, god knows how professors fared with such a swank. And where are your previous American friends, now? At least they were rich."

"Stop it," I quivered, my head swimming with memories. Good and bad, but still it gives him no right to say blasphemy against someone he only knew through rumor.

"And you know who was the only one there for you. Not her or your schoolmates. Me. I was there for you. Let me help you realize again that all you need is your family. Friends come and go, but family is eternal. I am your family," he said with sultry conviction.

He began leaning in towards me, trapping my body against my bed's headboard, his hand wandering up my stomach. I gripped his chest and turned my face away from him. With a swift blow, I brought my knee straight into his prune which was repulsively erect. He crouched over hugging himself and sobbing like the true baby monster he is. I ran into the passages, but heard him call a final time, "You'll come back to me and know I am right!" I fled and navigated myself through the distantly familiar tunnels and found her room. I needed my defender and knew that with her, what he said is just a bunch of his twisted mind games; lies.


"Hey, Chrysos. What's this?" Paxton said, snapping me out of my tormented thoughts.

Nicole and Paxton pick up the black pudding with their forks and look baffled at the hot treat. I chuckle and open my mouth to answer, but am disrupted by... him.

"Americans, that is black pudding. It's a traditional breakfast staple originating from Ireland and the UK. It is made from pork blood and bits of oatmeal. It is quite riichhh," he said, popping a piece in his mouth and swallowing it. When he finishes, he looks directly into my eyes and drags his tongue across his teeth. Someone, please give me a knife. Or a mallet so I can bludgeon his face into a sausage and throw his bits into a processor.

"I think it's... strange. An acquired taste," Paxton said, forcefully swallowing hers.

I stifle my laugh in my throat and it came out as a brief cough. I use my fork and eat it for her.

"Mryyy, my. You're right, it is good. Reminds me of that time on the farm when my foster parents would make us sausages..." Nicole goes on a whole spiel about her sausage-making history.

While she tells her tale, I zone out as I am really rattled by Stephen's audaciousness and sudden burst of ego. When we were younger, we had become very close and he was the first to welcome me into the Morris family when I was just five. We grew up together, playing games, learning, messing with the servants, and just being siblings. But I should have recognized that he must have wanted more from me when I went to grade school and he began university. He didn't like the friends I had brought home and scared many of them away by playing as what he calls 'protective brother'. When I left for America to pursue my interests, I hadn't heard from him and didn't question anything out of the ordinary, till now. My suspicions have been confirmed and now I must tread with caution around him. I have no interest in believing anything he says and certainly will NEVER court him. Once this vacation is over, I will make a note not to have him near me ever again.

"So, baby sis. What's your schedule like for this lovely vacation? And how long do you plan to stay?" Stephen obviously has to ask.

I force a smile and try so hard not to roll my eyes, "Well, Stephen, STEP-BROTHER... The LADIES and I are hoping to enjoy our time together for a LADIES vacation," I hint to get it into his mind. "Today we shall enjoy the fresh air. The thirteenth is raining, so indoor leisures on that day. The fourteenth would be a good time for sightseeing and the rest of the days are pure relaxation."

"Great. And I am sure I can tag along for some, right? I am your step-brother whom you haven't seen in a long time," he fake pouts and I hold my fists underneath the table, but smile fraudulently, "Of course, Stephen. It'd be nice to have a spangled mutt following us around."

Nicole and Paxton begin laughing at my witty joke and I smirk when Stephen grumbles and mutters curses under his breath.

"Cum îndrăznești, prostule," he snaps in Romanian.

"Sau ce? Nu sunt a ta. Dacă vrei să vii cu noi, te vei comporta," I warn.

He glares and is about to retort when Nicole comes to the rescue.

"Y'all be leaving us stuck in a fence. Does the garble of neighs have translations?" Nicole scratches her head.

"Hahaha, perdon madam. We...".

"It was Romanian, not horsish. I was just telling him he can not pull childish pranks or else he is banished. And we will all have a great time. Right, Stephen?" we all eye him earnestly and he submits, "I promise."

"Magnifique! I want to show you guys the gardens and fields," I said excitedly.

An hour passes by as we ladies stroll through the Elysian Gardens stopping at each fruit tree, grazing every single petal with affection, and dipping our hands into the pond with our fingers to pet the koi. I really need a breath of fresh air and I can tell my friends do too. And there is no better place in the world that it can be spent than in a garden designed by infamous architect Frederick Olmsted. Most families would settle for a few houseplants or a little experimental vegetable garden, but the Morris family prides in having a green thumb. I am a green thumb and was proud of my work in helping the gardeners to grow each seedling like it was my child. Nanny Jo would scold Stephen and me every time we came back inside the house covered in mud and dirt. He was usually hunting with his horse while I was in the garden running barefoot in the fresh grass. When I left England, I was distraught about leaving my precious garden behind. Without friends, the gardens were my shelter of solitude from elegance and duty.

"I had to learn a few things to keep this place intact. But, it is not the same as when you held each leaf and stem," Stephen smiles, actually genuinely.

Nicole and I are laying on the grass under the chestnut tree while Paxton is sitting to the side playing catch with herself, throwing a chestnut up and down.

"I can't believe you did this. I'm glad I didn't come home to shambles," I sit up and Stephen sits beside me.

"Well, I missed you and couldn't watch your life's work fall to the weeds. I am truly sorry for last night and shouldn't have come out as a..."

"Douche," I finish.

"All I want is the best for you. I love you, Chrysos. So I want you to have the best week here. Erase all memories of my crude acts. Let's have a fun time," he said jubilantly.

I can't erase his antics, but if we can move past it and look for a better start then sure.

"Fine. What did you have in mind?" I sigh. 

He stands up and runs off somewhere, but returns a few minutes later with sporting equipment.

"Ladies. I would like to introduce you to another English tradition that is highly coveted among our youth. When Chrysos and I were growing up, we didn't have a gym or American football field to play with our friends. But, today you shall enjoy some of the sports we dallied in our spare time," Stephen said.

"FIELD DAY!" Nicole squeals. Stephen lets out a laugh and nods, "First, we have archery which was Chrysos' expertise. Then, we have swordplay. I sparred with a few of the servants during their off-time and trained under a teacher when I was in primary and secondary school. And lastly, if you want we can go to the outer grounds for a trek on the horses that we have. Maybe even hunt or for those who don't hunt, there is an archery course."

"No way I loved to hunt. In Texas, we would have competitions in hunting deer and squirrels. I didn't enter comps, but I still consider myself an acute shot," Nicole brags.

"Awesome, you and I can hunt. Here in England, we hunt for deer. So, don't be shy. I will set up the targets and help yourselves to a quiver and bow. Friendly rule: don't notch your arrows until the entirety of the field is cleared of humans. We don't want any accidents," Stephen warns the guests.

"You hear that BENNET! Don't jump in my way, again! Or you'll end up on the skewer of my arrow," Paxton shouts to Bennet who is napping under an apple tree. He shoots an eye open and lets out a laugh, waving at us to have fun.

We each grab a bow and I am elated to find my childhood English longbow that I crafted myself when I was fourteen. Feeling the cool ash wood sends waves of nostalgia in me. Oh, I am going to enjoy crushing my companions.

"Arrows at the ready!" Stephen calls out in his lane and we all notch our arrows.

"Release!" And in unison, there is a twang of wind whipping through the air and snaps as each arrow hit their marks. We shoot two more arrows each before Stephen yells, "Clear! Set your bows down and retrieve your arrows." We all put our bows down and inspect our marks. Unsurprisingly, I got near perfection; two centers and one just on the second inner ring.

"DANG, American. Well, done," Stephen gasps and we all look at Paxton who is shyly covering a blush. She had gotten a bullseye and two inner rings. Nicole had gotten two inner rings and one tertiary ring. Stephen is close to mine and got two bullseyes with one tertiary ring.

"How?!" we all look at her and she shrugs lightly, "I was a Katniss Everdeen fan and studied Olympic Archery. I was weird growing up."

I grip her shoulder and shake my head, "Stop being modest, you are good."

We volley arrows for the next hour and with consistency, I hit all centers along with Paxton. My step-brother and Nicole sit at a comfortable secondary and tertiary ring. We take a lunch break munching on cornish pasties, and marmalade sandwiches and sipped iced lemonade.

"This tastes amazingggggg. I love English cuisine," Paxton said with her face stuffed.

"I gotta agree, English flavors. EXQUISITE!" Nicole wraps her arm around Paxton's neck and begins rubbing her head childishly.

Stephen and I laugh as the two tumble around yelling nonsensical things at each other. Most of it is Paxton telling Nicole to 'shut up'.

"Alright, lady and children. Let's move some of that energy to our next activity. Swordplay," Stephen lays out armor and variations of practice swords on the grass.

"As you may all be new at this, ladies. Let me show you how to wield this. This is the hilt and the blade is blunted so no harm can come to each other," Stephen begins explaining, and as if she read my mind, Paxton and I groan, earning a bitter look on Stephen's face, "What?"

I let Paxton speak first, "I need no lecture." And I nod my head picking up a rapier while Paxton picks up two short swords.

"Alrighty then. Since you're such an expert..." Stephen steps off and mocks a bow.

"With pleasure, dude," Paxton smirks, and we clear space for her.

And like a master, Paxton performs an entire routine fit with graceful-leaf motions, a tornado kick, and an aerial twist. I am captivated by her. She looks incredibly confident in her abilities once her feet take off and land back on the ground again like a ladybug. When she bows to us, we clap and cheer for her.

"Brava! Brava," I whistle and clap.

She laughs and wipes her head from the sweat, her face red with passion.

"Uhhhh, I am still stuck in the mud!" Nicole raises her hand and Stephen guides her separately while I toss Paxton another foil.

"En garde, Paxton," I salute, pulling down my fencing mask.

"En garde, Chrysos," she salutes back, and together we lunge at each other.

We go back and forth for ten rounds. I land eight hits on her and pump my fists in the air, "Come on, you were not even trying."

"That is so unfair. I have never fenced in my life. If I could have it my way, I would take that longsword and land you on your back," Paxton huffs, taking off her mask and shaking her hair which made those cute little multicolored beads clink together like chimes.

"Hey, would you like to? We can do a mock tourney. You and I," Stephen said as Nicole and him begin walking over.

Nicole and Paxton trade their weapons.

"REALLLYY? Awesome, I have always wanted to try on armor," Paxton said with giddiness.

I eye him in suspicion, "You better not kill her, or I will decapitate you with an ax."

He winks, "Chrysos, darling. It's just a game. No harm in it. Just victories for myself and sours for the unlucky lady."

I grumble and go to Paxton who is having trouble with her plates. I help her into the chain mail, then fasten the overcoat protection, and lastly the plates and gauntlet.

"Paxton, you don't have to do this. I don't really know about this," I said wearily.

"It will be fun. Don't worry I won't hurt him," she winks and I slap her helmet visor down, "I'm not worried about him, you oaf. I'm worried about you. He is mental sometimes."

She lifts the visor and holds a gloved hand on my shoulder, "Do you trust me?"

I roll my eyes, "That's a stupid question. Of course, I do. I don't trust him."

She smiles confidently, "You don't need to worry. I am confident in my abilities which he doesn't know. Now trust me in my battle, my queen."

"Ughhh. You're not my knight in shining armor. I find you foolish for engaging in a fight against my step-brother," I smack her visor back down, but couldn't help but smile.

"I thought that was the tradition in Europe. A knight would prove their worth to their queen with a fight against their kin," she lifts the visor again.

"You don't need to prove your worth to me. You've already done so in saving my life. That's chivalry already," I place a hand atop her shoulder and she pats it with her gauntlet, "That was the honor of an American summer guard. Now let me be your gladiator for a day. I will fight for you every day, but entertain you today."

This time I gently pull her visor down and slip my slider charm bracelet on her right arm. It was something I made during my youth. It is made of purple and gold string and has a sunflower in the center.

"If you want to play knight, then I might as well be your queen. A token for my honorable fool," I said, handing her broadsword and shield. She stands there in stunned silence but gives me a respectful bow.

"Ugh! Sop!" Stephen yells, overconfidently leaning on his longsword.

Nicole and I stand a few meters away as the two of them circle each other in attention. In agonizing silence, they tap and test each other. I watch with bated breath waiting for my step-brother to make his first attack, knowing his hunger for glory.


Inside the helm, I am breathing heavily and take a moment to get accustomed to the metal plates. They are different from the ones I was given during the Renaissance Fair in New York. Yeah, I participated in tourneys whilst in college. Asher and I were beasts! But I have a feeling by how Stephen is seriously prowling at me like a predator that I might need to protect more than just my arms and legs. Maybe Chrysos was right, this may not have been a good idea.

Too lateeeee....

"AHHHHHhhhhh," Stephen yodels, swinging his two-handed longsword straight at my head. I fall into a bridge and use my broadsword to parry it to the side. He swings again and again, but I defend myself and wait till he tires. The difference between us is obvious. He has brute strength and I feel the crushing blows when hits landed on my stomach, my arms, and thighs. It almost knocks me flat on the ground, but I can take it. He is strong, but not as strong as Asher who has done that to me many times. He thinks he can knock the wind out of me, but I let him swing and clash with my shield. As expected, I watch his arms begin to droop and his 'battlecries' decrease. This gives me the opportunity to go on the offensive. His longsword is around ninety centimeters in length therefore he relies on thrust and distance. I close the distance by stepping in closer to him and begin whacking his legs and arms in rapid volleys. He starts becoming agitated and abandons his calculational strategies. I take that to my advantage when he over lunges and I roundhouse kick his unprotected face. He goes reeling over, sword flying to the floor. He looks up at me stunned as I point my blade to his chin.

"Do you concede?" I said, ripping off my helmet.

He has burning storms in his monsoon blue eyes and I can't help but grip the hilt of my sword tighter.

"Horseshoes! That was entertaining. Wow," Nicole hops to us.

"That's enough, you two. Shake hands," Chrysos said.

I shake myself awake and offer my arm to Stephen who slaps it antagonistically.

"Come on, it's just a game bro," I offer again and he shakes it tightly.

"Yes. Now allow me respite for I suddenly feel acrimonious. Must be dehydration. I will meet you all at the stables for our trek," he excuses himself and tears off his gear.

Nicole and Chrysos help me out of my armor, but when they hold my arms over my head, I grimace and clutch my stomach. When they asked what was wrong I shove them away and said it was nothing at all. I stand with my back straight to persuade them I was fine and went to collect a quiver of arrows and the Mongolian bow that I used during the archery. Chrysos shoulders her longbow and quiver as well. Instead of hunting, I think the archery course will be more suitable for me. We all meet Stephen at the stables where he was awaiting us, two hunting rifles leaned on the wall and I shut my eyes to ignore their deadly presence.

"Alrighty, we have four horses and one dog. This is Quest, an English thoroughbred horse, and Timber, an American mustang. Nicole, you and I will use Quest and Timber for our hunting exhibition. They are a perfect breed for maneuverability and stealth. And this handsome boy is Spade, a one-year-old Belgian Malinois. Chrysos, you, and Paxton will be taking Flint and Angel. Flint is the black caviar horse and Angel is the Arabian white horse. They're both equally fast and have enough stamina for you guys to complete your course. Here is a flare gun in case something happens or you get lost," Stephen thoroughly informs us and hands the guns to Chrysos and Nicole. We all saddle up our horses and begin a trot to the paths. Once we hit the fork we say our goodbyes.

I hadn't told them it was my first time riding a horse and didn't want to feel like a burden. Maybe it'd be like a motorcycle and I can wing it, but it wasn't. I had no idea how to click my tongue and instead made Flint agitated with me. Chrysos caught on immediately and while we trudged down our path alone, she finally spoke up.

"You've never ridden a steed," she states.

"It's that obvious?" I flush with embarrassment.

"It's okay. You should have said something," she said and I nod.

"Well, now we are even. You have seen me fail horribly on your motorcycle and I get to see you act like a broken rocking chair. Here, just loosen your grip on his reins," Chrysos helps me and I did as she said which worked and I can steer him a lot easier.

"He's not like a cycle. You have to be meek and gentle. He doesn't know you and if you're uncomfortable, he can sense it. Maybe we don't need to do archery if you're not up for it. I understand," she suggests but I shake my head.

"Nah, it's cool. Let me just get to know this big fella. We can do the course and see how well I fair and coming back we can just trot," I said and we both fasten the leather lead that will allow us to stay mounted without falling as we will be using our hands on the bows.

"So, these targets are a lot smaller and unevenly spread out. Your main focus is to hit the big red dot. There aren't any rings or anything," she shows me the first target as an example which is nailed into a tree.

"Okay," I nod and we both hinge our first arrow. I keep a steady grip on Flint and follow Chrysos' lead. She canters quickly and at the first target, she lets go of her reign and her first arrow flies into the dot. I follow her behind and with fear of falling off and not having my hands on Flint, my arrow nicks the bark of the tree.

"Awwww. Poop," I frown.

"Come on, Paxton. We got more to go," she heads off and I tread lightly behind. After a few more practices, I manage to hit a few targets. But I gotta say, Mongolian warriors are impressive. This is so hard.

We reach the end of the course and we are both out of breath. We collect our arrows slowly taking them out of the targets or for mine, out of the brush.

"Not bad, Paxton. Wanna go for a gallop?" she dares, shouldering her bow. I eagerly nod, "Lead the way, my liege."

"Hyah!" she clicks.

"Tskkk," I egg him on and crouch low into Flint's mane as he chases after Angel.

Tired and out of breath, Chrysos and I reel to a halt at the stables, unsaddling the two beauties. While Chrysos poured them grains, I give them firm pats for well done. Out of nowhere, I see something flying at my head and thank god for reflexes because I caught it before it can give me a concussion. It was a horsebrush.

I glare at Chrysos as she represses her laughter, "Sorry." I put my hands on my hip, "Sorry? You could have knocked me unconscious. A heads up would have been kind."

Chrysos walks off to put Angel in his pen. I begin stroking Flint who is busy eating his oats. For such a massive stallion, he is very gentle and patient with me.

"You're such a good boy. I am so glad you didn't throw me. Your mama would kill me if I sustained another injury. Don't tell her. I don't want her to be angry with her step-bro. It was an accident," I whisper to him and he snorts boredly, only focused on his food. I let out a laugh and pat him one final time on his thick chest.

I lock his pen and join Chrysos who is waiting outside the stables for me. I give her a weak smile and dawdle beside her as we head back to the house. Inside the kitchen, Nicole and Bennet are already prepping dinner.

"Hey, you're back! Guess what. We got venison for dinner. Stephen is out back prepping it," Nicole said.

I shift uncomfortably at the idea of trying fresh deer and excuse myself promptly, "I'm sorry. I feel kinda tired from today's activities. I will be sleeping early today. Enjoy."

Before they can say anything to me, I run up to the bathroom and fling myself into the tub. Stay strong, Paxton. You're safe, just relax. After the hot bath, I sorely climb out and begin drying myself. I go to my room to retrieve my clothes. I put on my short shorts and bra, but that's when I can clearly see bruises in the mirror on my upper thigh, a massive purple spot on my stomach, and a few scrapes on my arms. Holy candy! That didn't all happen from the duel, did it? I toss my t-shirt back into the drawers and begin rummaging for a long sleeve and sweatpants in my luggage when I hear a gasp behind me. I forcefully about-face and am struck in horror to see Chrysos standing at my door, her mouth hung agape. I literally take whatever my hand is on and use it to hide as best as I could; it was a pair of jeans. That's just brilliant.

"You liar! How could you?" she seethes, snatching the jeans from me and tossing them somewhere. I back away from her and eye the bathroom door, but she continues pressing herself closer to me, her eyes never leaving my body. SLAM! "Aghphh," I bite my lower lip, shut my eyes, and clutch her arms when my back hits the wardrobe.

"He did this to you! He hurt you! I'm going to kill him," she screeches, her eyes flaring murderously.

She starts to stomp away, but I grip her wrist, "Please, it wasn't his fault. It's my fault that I chose to engage in combat with him. Please, don't be upset with him. He's your step-brother."

She whirls around to face me and yanks her wrist off, "So? He hurt my friend. He always does."

"I'm fine. No more fighting from me, okay? Just please don't make a big deal out of this," I plead, bending down to meet her gaze.

"Paxton, how can I believe you? You lied to me and now you're lying again. You're not okay even when you say you are," she sighs looking away from me. I hang my head in shame, "I'm sorry. You have every right to be upset with me, but please don't do anything to Stephen. I don't want to be the reason you have enmity with your step-brother. He just didn't have enough self-control. It happens in the heat of passion."

She brings me up and takes a breath, "I am upset at the both of you but fine. I won't stake him in his sleep. But you shouldn't deflect responsibility for his bad behavior onto you. He is a man and should own up to it himself. So, don't you dare hide any of this. Don't you dare hide from me. He is going to apologize."

She rummages through my drawers and takes out a Hufflepuff t-shirt. I hold in my pain as she helps me put it on.

"I don't deserve this. I'm sorry," I spoke softly, tears waiting to brim out from the guilt in my chest.

She lets out a deep sigh and latches her arm around my arm, "Truth and nothing but the truth. Got it, Miss. Justice?"

"I solemnly swear."

We go down to dinner and everyone is already partaking by the time we get down. Chrysos brutally demanded her brother to apologize to me and reprimanded him like she was his mother. He immediately squabbles back at her that he has an equal amount and he deserves the apology. He begins lifting his shirt to show her, but she wouldn't have it. In the end, he mutters an apology in front of everyone and dinner resumes in tension. I have no desire to eat anything, especially with the venison in front of me. I bow my head and when my tongue feels the roast chicken, it was dull. I force myself to finish the rest of my entree and subtly left everyone chatting about what they wanted to do during the fifteenth through the sixteenth of June. And the seventeenth we will leave back to America.

After brushing my teeth, I collapse in bed, gripping the sheets. I feel like a traitor by how Chrysos looked at me today. I feel like a snake for making the two step-siblings yell at each other at the table. It's my fault that they fought. Paxton... PAXTON... PAXTY!!!

"Paxton! Wake up!" Chrysos is shaking me by the shoulders and my entire upper body shoots up in alarm, smacking myself right into Chrys' open arms. I wipe the sweat from my forehead and cheek. I look at her in worry, "What's wrong? Are you in danger?"

"Are you? What's going on? I came to check on you and you were squirming like an eel," she props me up and brings my head to her shoulder. I shudder as she grazes her finger just barely over my arm, bringing it up and down.

"I-I f-feel terrible," I can barely speak.

"Figures. If you had been smarter instead of being a feral wolf. Actually, no. You were trying to be smart and that landed you flat. Stop being reckless. I need you in one piece or who's going to give me cuddles?" she flicks my forehead and I chuckle.

"I'm sorry. I will try and restrain myself from impressing you," I smirk and she rolls her eyes, "Shut up. I'm tired, so scooch your arse over." She pushes me and I open the duvet for her. Once she is comfortably curled up, I shut off the bed lamp and wait for her to cozy herself into my chest. Gingerly, she lays her head down and lightly swats the beads in my hair, each one jingling in tempo like Newton's cradle.

"You really like to play with my hair," I chuckle.

"And you like to watch me play with your hair," she yawn, bringing her arm over my stomach.

"Wow, touché. Goodnight, Chrys. Let all fears in you disappear. Pleasant dreams, my queen," I tuck her hair behind her ear.

"Goodnight, Paxty. What fears? I'm untouchable when I am with you," her lip rising in tranquility.


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'Avatii Miller'. A 22 year old detective and lawyer, she loves her job and so do the people in her family, because she clean their dirty work happily...
727K 29.5K 36
Diana is looking forward to finally finishing high school. Stay out of trouble. Focus only on art. This is Diana's grand plan - until she is assigned...
19K 237 13
Hey this is a 18+ fan fiction if you are not 18 or above I suggest you don't read this WARNING: NSFW CONTENT [ BAD SPELLING AND CRING] P.S. THIS IS...