Ryujin: The Boy Who Saved The...

By shilohthemagicelf

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Izuku was just 4 years old when his life crumpled to dust. Isolated from society- he only had one friend, his... More

chapter 1 ~ how the world failed
chapter 2 ~ Ryujin
chapter 3 - heroics training
chapter 4 ~ Ryujin kidnapped a child.
4 1/2 ~ Izuku and Hita-Chans quirk details.
chapter 5 ~ unforseen simulation join! a.k.a. The USJ
chapter 6 ~preparing for the sports festival!
chapter 7 ~ UAs sports festival!
not an update
chapter 8 ~ Internships!
chapter 9 - "dont trust everything you see, even salt looks like sugar"
chapter 10 - goodbye with the commission
chapter 12 - final exams
chapter 13- summer training camp pt.1
Live. (part 2 of training camp)#14

chapter 11 - new sibling

522 14 27
By shilohthemagicelf

After the downfall of the Hero Commission, villains expected the heroes to be lazy with nobody to properly pay them, so a large rampage was ordered by the League of villains, henceforth Mustafa and other neighboring city's were on heavy duty lockdown, students of UA moved into dormitories for their safety and to be able to continue schooling.

Izuku was gifted his provisional licenses, because he was required to have a hero licenses of some sort to become Vice president of the new and improved Hero Commission, his identity was kept secret and he finally got his hero name changed to Ryujin.

A̶i̶z̶a̶w̶a̶, s̶h̶o̶u̶t̶a̶, Dadzawa was not pleased when he was told he was screaming penis. Izuku was grounded from coffee for three days, and frankly he believed death was a better option.


School was pretty normal, the havoc of villains was shut down quickly due to Izukus quick planning, and many heroes (who didn't know who he was) sent emails to his new work laptop thanking him, many lives were spared and he couldn't be any happier... well-

"Izuku! Can we uhm- see if we can get an escort or something to a café? I wanna eat with you and stuff.." omg was this Kaminari asking him on a date? He definitely couldn't be happier now.

Izuku nodded, pointing at a door.

[Some guy that works in there would be happy to take us, he's been needing an excuse to leave.] He signed, Kaminari waited by the door while Izuku entered.

"Ah young Aizawa! What brings you here?" Allmight in his skeletal glory asked, blue-teal eyes glowing. (Izuku had recently "found out" when he saw Toshinori transform in a hallway, all he gained from the experience was a full rundown of the stupid heroes quirk and AFO.)

[Don't call me Aizawa. I just need an escort outa here with my uh.. date. So just come all skinny and creepy and say your some kind of secretary.] The deadpaned tone made Toshinori keep his mouth shut, and nodded polity.

"I'll meet you at the gates."

Izuku left and grasped Denkis hand, leading him to the gate.  Allmight- or rather, Toshinori waited for them, glancing at the two holding hands, he eventually put two and two together.

"Young Ai- Izuku, this is your uh.. date?" The hero asked, Immediately both boys denied it was a date- saying it was more of a hang out.

(They both totally thought it was a date.)

Toshinori just sighed, following Izuku and Kaminari would not be the best way to spend his day.

The place they went to was a lovely café, waitresses on roller-scates and an old vintage music box caught Izukus eye, hence the reason he chose this location.

"Woah Izu, this place is really cool!" The blonde stated, following a pink haired girl to a three stool table.

"Hiya! I'm Melissa, what can I start you guys off with?" Said pink haired waitress asked, doing a few circles as the three looked at the menus.

"I'll get the... strawberry blueberry super smoothie.. hey Izu, what do you want?" The blonde asked, looking at his greenette F̶r̶i̶e̶n̶d̶ C̶r̶u̶s̶h̶ friend?

[I'll have a mocha, triple caffeine please.] Kaminari ordered then turned to Toshinori, who smiled softly.

"Ah, I'll have a plain cup of coffee please, black." Atleast Toshinori had good taste.

"Allrighty! I'll be back in a jiffy with your drinks!"

Toshinori wanted to gag when all Izuku and Denki did was puppy dog eye eachother, having half the mind to scream profanities at them for being homoxexual f*gg*ts.

(Oop- homophobic Allmight 😨)

Izuku clearly read the look on Toshinoris face, because his once soft gaze turned to silent rage as he glared down the number one hero. Toshinori would never admit it, but he was scared out of his mind.

"Here's your coffee! If you need anything else just ring that conveniently placed bell right there and I'll speed on over!"

Kaminari happily took his smoothie, slurping on the straw and melting into the heavenly taste.

"I'll just take my coffee and go, we're not far from UA, your clearly capable of taking care of yourselves and you have phones." Toshinori said, standing and leaving a five on the table.

Kaminari blinked confusingly as the skeleton man left.

[Probably a meeting.] Izuku lied, smiling softly at the blonde. Kaminari nodded and continued to drink his smoothie.

Izuku happily drank the extra caffinated drink that he knew he wasn't supposed to be drinking, since he was still grounded and all.

'Bzzt bzzt' Kaminari glanced up as Izuku checked his phone, eyes lighting up slightly.

Nezu: hello Izuku, I've got news! I know your currently being left unattended in a café with your dear friend Kaminari. Overhaul, a highly wanted Villain has been spotted in the area, I'm giving you permission to use your quirk to fight him. Kaminari is aloud to use his to defend himself.

Thanks Nezu sir, won't let you down!

Nezu: I know you won't. :)

Don't do that ever again 😨

Nezu: okay, but on another note.. how did you get that tiny face? It's quite fascinating.

Izuku just shut off his phone, chugged his coffee, and placed a 20 on the table.

[Hey, you up for a quick criminal arrest? Nezu gave permission.] Izuku signed, Kaminari smiled determinedly and stood up, following Izuku out the door.

Wandering the streets, Izuku kept his eyes and ears sharp, glancing around the entire road, noticing the quickly approaching feet of a child, presumably 5-6.

Turning and crouching down, he opened his arms and let the girl run to him, wrapping his arms around her protectively as another set of feet approached.

[Kaminari, hold her] He signed, dumping the girl into the blondes arms, she shifted slightly to look at them

"..Help.. me.."  the girl whispered, tucking her head into Kaminaris neck, her light blue- almost white hair falling like a curtain.

Izuku was already gonna do that.

Maybe Aizawa has room for one more kid...

He was gonna force Aizawa to make room anyways.

Maybe her and Anahita could play dress up with Mic, since Kota never wants to.

Yea, that would he nice.

"Im so sorry about my daughter, she throws tantrums like this all the time.." the strange man, probably Overhaul, said, reaching his arms out expectantly.

"Eri, come on now, let's go." He said, tapping his foot in the ground like a scolding parent.

"  I'm sorry sir, uh- you see... me and my friend here are Heroes in training. We're required to ask a few questions to ensure she's safe. You could surley come with us if you'd like, infact you'd need to pick her up from the station anyways." Kaminari said, trying his best to act naturally.

"We simply don't have time for this. Now come along Eri, you wouldn't want to... waste these kind heroes' time.".Overhaul said, Eri squeezed Kaminaris neck impossibly tighter, only shifting a bit to look at Overhaul.

Noticing her gaze, Overhaul reached down to pull off one of his white gloves.

"Sir, if your planning on using your quirk I advise you not to, our hero- uh, Elektra, the one we're interning with- is just ahead... and that's illigal, so we'd have to arrest you." Kaminari said, trying to defuse the situation. To prove his blonde friends point, Izuku pulled out a set of high quality quirk erasing cuffs (that he definitely didn't steal from Tsukauchi.) and waved them around.

"Oh don't worry, you wouldn't even have a chance to stop me." He whispered the last part, Izuku easily heard it.

"Nice mask, is it for a cosplay?" Kaminari asked, Izuku taking a moment to push the small SOS button he he regularly carried around.

"Ah, no, I don't like germs is all." Overhaul answered, God he really wished he had Shinsous quirk.

"Anyways, I really would like to be on my way. So if I could have my daughter back that would be nice.." Overhaul said, stepping closer.

[R-u-n] Izuku signed with his free hand, putting the cuffs on his belt. Backup would arrive shortly, so if he could just stall the man...

"Oh yes, I know you, the green kid from the sports festival. What a powerful quirk might I say, very flashy."

Izuku stayed silent, staring intensely at Overhaul, almost like a deer in headlights.

"Not a talker? Thats okay, I just- Eri?" Now noticing the missing blonde and the girl known as Eri, his eyes quickly flashed over to rage, removing half of his glove.

"I am the villain known as Overhaul. Your going to tell your little friend to come back or I'll kill you both, an example-" The man reached out, glove fully removed. Grabbing Izukus shoulder, pain erupted quickly and he pulled away, not daring to glance at his source of pain.

"I just took your shoulder, tell me where they are and I'll put it back." He said, smiling sadisticly. Izuku, still running high on caffeine and with added adrenaline- flipped the villain off, leaping forward to attack the unsuspecting man.

"Augh- brat! I'll kill you!" The villain growled, jumping forward to use his quirk again. Izuku now knew better and flipped himself backwards, landing in a Spiderman pose (>:3)

"Cocky are we? Hah.. you. Just see." Touching the office building next to him, the walls shattered and threatened to fall, Izuku in response released Purple flames, holding the building up. By now the police had arrived to to a report of a street fight- not expecting a UA Student to be fighting the Yakuza leader.

"Ryujin!" Ah, Aizawa arrived.

"Oh! So your the infamous Ryujin who nearly killed one of my men, how pathetic you are now, missing an arm.

Okay, now Izuku had to see- no, no he didn't. He didn't not have to see.

Trying to ignore the image implanted in his brain, he pointed to the building, many police began evacuation precautions to get civilians safely away.

"Ryujin! Your hurt! Surrender and give me Eri else I'll kill everyone here!" Overhaul yelled, more Yakuza arriving behind him.

Izuku decided he wanted to use his voice.

"Tis but a scratch!" He said, wavering a strange accent.

"Your arms off!" The villain yelled back, eyes widening slightly at the teens words.

"I've had worse." Izuku smirked, black fire magically growing back said arm, this one not lined with scars like the other.

"God kid, you'll be the death of me." He heard Aizawa mumble, fighting with a Yakuza. Multiple heroes, including Elektra, arrived, Denki nowhere to be seen, probably a good thing.

Cementos, who had appeared randomly- stabilized the building. Overhaul was not giving up, spikes of cement launched from every angle, forcing the heroes to evade. Izuku simply jumped closer and closer, Overhaul could not control the direction they grew in, only the place, and he'd use that to his advantage. Overhaul wouldn't risk making spikes so close to himself.

He technically had a lot of advantages, all of which involved burning the guy alive.

Using his well known corpse flower trick, he got close enough and literally spat on Overhauls face, some of it getting in the man's eyes.

Said man was enraged, fuming, prying disinfectant wipes from his jacket and cleaning himself, hives erupted from the man's skin.

He didn't just not like germs, his drawback must be that he's got a weak immunity to bacteria... lucky for Izuku...

Izuku had many talents, things he taught himself to do whilst isolating himself. On command barfing? That was one of them...

Getting closer was going to be the tricky part, Overhaul must already have an idea of what Izuku was planning anyways.

"Your willing to let these heroes die? For a stupid little girl!? So you could play hero!?" Overhaul screamed, even more large spikes sprouting around the battlefield.

"Ryujin! Let me take-" his fathers voice was cut off by a blood curdling scream, looking over, Kaminari was on his hands and knees, protecting Eri with his own body and a large Yakuza member stomped away from the building they had taken refuge in, Eri was the one to scream.

Denki was bleeding, a lot, and Izuku needed to help him.

Using jail fire, along with his black fire, he shielded Kaminari from the buff man's attacks.

"You can barely protect your friends, I can see the strain your putting on yourself! Your letting these heroes die for NOTHING!" Overhaul screamed, swiping an arm at Izuku who quickly dodged.

"He's right. Your stupid for thinking you could win."

'Shut up.' 






Dodge left, foot swipe.


Jump, get closer.

"There's a reason your called problem child!"

Keep dodging, your getting there.

"You left us!"

Shut up, Dodge right, jump, kick, Dodge.

"Killer! Your a murder!"

Leave me alone, jump, Dodge, kick, just a few more inches..


Jumping upwards, on cue his lunch and breakfast spewed all over the villain, causing the man to gag violently as he tried to wipe away the vomit.

"DISGUSTING! YOU TRULY HAVE NO DIGNITY!" The villain screeched, falling to his knees while wiping away the puke.

Izuku shrugged, but Overhaul was right, he was truly straining himself to his max, purple fire spread around to help Cementos in stabilizing buildings, black fire repeatedly being sent out to heal the injured, his jail fire was protecting the downed Kaminari, who was still holding the frightened girl. His various other colored fire was assisting heroes in defence, also using his icy cold fire at -10 degrees (the warmest he could manage) as a wall to keep press and curious civilians away.

He was exhausted, his head was pounding and his new arm sore- his throat tasted of bile and vomit as he wiped some away from the side of his mouth. Pondering on what Inko and Hisashi had screamed at him, no matter the amounts of times he hears those words, no matter how many times he reminded himself those people were not his parents, he still had half the mind to listen to them.

He was a killer.

There definitely was a reason to being called problem child.

He was turning into a monster.

He didn't notice when the villain stood up, or when he placed his bare hand on the cement bellow him. He only felt the strong shove that threw him a good 4 feet, glancing up, he saw Sir Nighteye, a past sidekick of Bitch Might.

"Your future, you save many lives, I cannot let it end now." The hero said, the large spikes impaling his body sucking back into the ground.

'Shit fuck' Izuku rushed to the man's side, spreading black fire across the limp man's body.

"It won't work, he's already dead." Overhaul laughed, Izuku continued to attempt to heal the man.

"ERI! COME HOME! IF YOU LISTEN... HELL BE THE ONLY ONE WHO DIES TODAY, YOU CURSED CHILD." Overhaul screamed, said girl cried, freeing herself from the exhausted and nearly unconscious denkis grip.

"N-no! Don't hurt them please! I'll go with you!" She cried out, forcefully pushing out of Izukus jail fire which had substantially weakened over time.

The girl rushed over to her captor, grabbing his pant leg and crying.

"That's a good brat, you cursed child. Look what you've caused, you've caused death Eri, this is all your fault."


"Excuse me?"

"Eri, listen to me, it isn't your fault, it'll never be your fault, we're doing this because we want to help you, to save you, because your not cursed, your amazing, and I'm going to save you, I'll be your hero." Izuku said, scoring his bright smile.

"...my... my hero?" The girl whispered, Overhaul growled.

"Eri, you don't deserve a hero. Your cursed, all you do is hurt people." Izuku scowled at the man.

"How, how can a child such as her be cursed!?" He basically yelled, only loud enough for Overhaul and eri to hear, anyone else was to caught up in their own battle to listen. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Electra pick up denki, whispering "great job, I'm so proud of you." And carrying him to a medical booth.

"Her quirk, she can't control it, it rewinds things back to non-existence! She killed her own father! She's cursed!" The man hissed, grabbing Eris wrist harshly.

"Is that what you've been telling her? Bullshit. You never taught her properly! You've been lying! Hell, your not even her real father! Your a sick jerk! You bastard!" Eris eyes were glossy and wide, red meeting green.

She wanted a hero, she wanted to be saved.

Overhaul, ripped his hand away as Eris quirk activated, she ran and swung her arms around Izukus neck, who happily held her close and jumped away.

"She'll kill you! Don't you see!? I'm the only one who can control her!" Overhaul yelled angrily, Izuku chose to ignore the man as other heroes jumped in and took his place, next to him was Sir Nighteye.

"Eri," he whispered "can you calm down? Can you focus your quirk on this man?" Izuku asked, Eri shook her head.

"I can't control it! I'm sorry mister Rijin!" She said, he ignored the mispronounced name and grasped her shoulders, looking at her.

"Yes you can, I believe in you, Eri. just think real hard 'kay? Think about this man, your not a curse Eri, your a blessing, and I truly believe you could heal this man.. you could be his hero, just like I am to you." Izuku said, sincerity and softness lacing his words, Eri closed her eyes tight, scrunching up her nose as she placed a hand on Nighteye's shoulder.

Instantly the gaping hole in his stomach dissapeared, blood seeping back to where it came from. His eyes shot open and he sat up, looking around and fixing his glasses.

"Thank you, young lady, your my hero." Nighteye said, stern but kind. He stood and walked away, most likley to to be checked by a doctor.

"Eri, can you turn it off now? Can you make your quirk stop?" Izuku asked, Eri tried and failed, Izuku could feel himself rewinding, but didn't show the pain one bit.

"Just keep trying, I believe in you Eri, I trust you can do it." The girl, teary eyed, looked up at him.

"Mister Rijin... I don't wanna go back to Chisaki..." Eri said, tears spilling.

"Hey, hey, you won't go back, I won't let him have you, and after all this, you'll meet my little siblings, Anahita and Kota, they're really sweet and they'd love to meet you." He said, holding the girls hand.

"Can I be your little sister too? I don't want you to go away.." she said, Izuku smiled softly.

"Yea, I'll be your nii-chan, my name is Izuku, Hita calls me Izu-nii." Eri smiled, it was small, but noticeable.

"Do I get to have a mommy and daddy now, Izu-nii?" She asked, Izuku chuckles, noticing the scars that had once littered his body dissapearing.

"Even better, we get two dads, and see that man" Izuku pointed to Aizawa, who had just finished fighting the Yakuza member, "that one, he's one of our dads, we call him Dadzawa, or Eraserdad. He's really nice, and we have three cats. Do you like cats?"

"I've never seen a cat, Izu-nii.." Eri stated sadly, Izuku squeezed her hand tighter,

"That's okay, I'll make sure you meet the cats, and I'll make sure your happy forever. Because that's what Izu-nii is here for!" Izuku said, pumping his free hand into the air, Aizawa was approaching quickly, erasing Eris quirk.

By now all but one scar had left Izukus body, the very first scar he'd ever gotten.

A small scar thar spit his lip, a reminder of the fire in his childhood, caused by the broken glass of the window his mother shoved him through.

He kinda sort of looked normal now.

"Izuku, this is the girl right? I'll take her to the medics- but Kamui Woods and Edgshot aren't looking to well, Overhauls worn 'em down good." The ravenette said, tone soft in the presence of the girl.

"Izu-nii said you were dadzawa! You have kitty cats!" She cheered, luckily she wasn't panicked anymore.

"Izu-nii... Dadzawa... Izuku-" but before he could scold his son for picking up yet ANOTHER child, the greenette rushed off to battle Overhaul.

"Welcome back, brat, here to watch more heroes die because of your insolence?" Overhaul greeted Izuku, spikes shooting towards the exhausted heroes, a strong wave of the hottest blue fire melted the spikes away, and purple serpents dragged the heroes away, not protests and fight showed the heroes truly did need a break.

"Ȟ̴̹͖̪͖͎̂͝ẹ̷̻͕̙́̆̿̌̇l̴̼͎͙̳̼̍͗͘l̸̜̳̞̝̜̽͘ş̴͚͈͓͗̉͒̅̕ ̷͆̀̈ͅr̸̳͖͓̫̋̚ư̷̗̬̪̪͚͋͝l̷̡̖̼̘̟͐̋͝e̸̤̖̝͖̱͗͂̌" He said, eyes glowing as fire

horns sprouted from his hair, fire tendrils floating around menacingly as Izuku lifted into the air, his wide- cheek tearing creepy grin plastered on his face.

"What the fuck-" Overhaul said, being cut off by a tendril launching forward, nearly burning Overhaul through his stomach.

The kid wasn't playing around.

Overhaul was forced to dodge, using cement as sheilds as Izuku relentlessly attacked, each of them threatening to take Overhauls life. There was no jail option, only death.

Finding one of his downed Yakuza, he quickly united them as one, giving himself enhanced strength and two extra arms, not that it really mattered, He would still die in the end.

Tendrils flying at high speeds, purposely missing the target, only grazing his shoulder, ankle, wrist, Izuku was going to torture the man to make up for all that he'd done to his poor precious Eri.

After a good 15 minutes of sloppy dodging from Overhaul, Izuku was beginning to get bored.

"Tell me, what exactly did you do to Eri." He asked, Overhaul looked over to the greenette, burns littering his clothes and skin.

"In order to turn her quirk off, I'd kill her and put her back together." Overhaul said, almost proudly.

Izukus malicious smile sent a shiver down the villains spine, cheeks spreading madly as blood creased his now dagger like teeth. realizing why the boy had wanted to know.

Quickly, Overhaul was trapped within jail fire, strength impenetrable in the Ȟ̴̹͖̪͖͎̂͝ẹ̷̻͕̙́̆̿̌̇l̴̼͎͙̳̼̍͗͘l̸̜̳̞̝̜̽͘ş̴͚͈͓͗̉͒̅̕ ̷͆̀̈ͅr̸̳͖͓̫̋̚ư̷̗̬̪̪͚͋͝l̷̡̖̼̘̟͐̋͝e̸̤̖̝͖̱͗͂̌ state.

Overhaul threw himself against the walls, screaming and cursing, his quirk simply did not work on fire.

Izuku slowly flooded the room with his yellow fire, burning Overhaul to a crisp. The man was still alive, but very close to dying.

Izuku would not let him die. He would not stop until forced.

Healing the man with very minimal black fire, he repeated the process over. And over. And over.

"You truly are a monster."  Hisashi hissed in his ear, turning, the hallucinations were standing near him, both had small daggers. Strapped to Hisashis back was a baseball bat.

"A monster you created." He hissed back, now using his ice fire (-100°) to torture the man.

"Ah but did we? We are not real hm? You killed us. You killed the commission soldiers. Your going to kill this man. You are a monster of your own will, you became a monster the day you left us!" Inko screamed, throwing her dagger and slicing Izukus cheek, he didn't bother dodging.

"Izuku!" Oh, we're these ones real?

"Yes. We are here. But you soon will not be, you do not deserve to walk the face of the earth, your a burden to those around you. THE ONLY REASON YOUR TEACHER ADOPTED YOU WAS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF GETTING KOTA AND ANAHITA! HE DOESNT WANT YOU! HE KNOWS YOUD NEVER GIVE THEM UP! IM SURE HES PRAYING FOR YOUR DEMISE! We'll happily give it to him." Hisashi yelled, raising his bat over Izukus head.

Overhaul was now trapped in a tiny box, healed just enough to live.

Hisashi swung the bat, it had enough force to kill.


Izukus hair, usually green and vibrant, had completely turned to fire of different colors, almost rainbow. The bat melted Immediately after making contact with the flame, Hisashi was forced back due to the shear heat radiating off the boy.

Heroes all stopped to gawk at the boy, rainbow fire/hair glowing so bright, it rivaled the sun.

"What the fuck? You truly are a monster!?" Inko screamed, heroes all prayed the woman would die.

Izuku ignored her, effortlessly dodging Hisashis fire breath.

Yelling was heard in the background, Overhaul was arrested. Eri was safe.

But... Inko was sneaking over to her.

She will NOT harm her.

With speed that rivaled even the fastest of heroes, Izuku decapitated Hisashi, speeding past and straight towards Inko, who had forcefully snatched Eri from a paramedics arms, heroes unable to stop her.

"Back off! You'd hurt the gi-" being cut off by a large wave of the colorful fire, Inko was Immediately consumed, screaming and cursing.

Izuku lept in, unable to see through the flame and relying on his hearing, he quickly located the uninjured Eri.

"Izu-nii?" She asked, reaching out to the greenette.

"Yea, Izu-nii. I'm sorry it took so long to get to you." He apologized, Eri hugged him.

"She looked like you Izu-nii, but she was so scary!" Izuku chuckled a bit.

"Yea, she scares me too. But I had to protect you, Eri-chan." The two exited the fire that was slowly dying down, both smiling.

"Izuku! Eri! Thank god your okay!" Denki yelled, when had he woken up?

"Yea! Izu-nii saved me!" Eri cheered, other heroes congratulating the boy.

"You did great problem child, I'm proud." Izuku winced at the name, noticed by the hero instantly.

[Thanks, dadzawa.]

The hero frowned, "what did they tell you?" He asked, Izuku sighed, glancing at Kaminari who was happily showing Eri how to play subway surfers.


"Okay, let's get Eri to her new home. I'll have Zashi pick up a bed for her." Aizawa then grabbed his phone from his pocket, dialing the loud blonde.

Izuku watched Eri, the once frightened girl was safe with his C̶r̶u̶s̶h̶ friend. He really had a knack for kids huh.

He blinked furiously, trying to focus his blurring vision. Swaying on his feet, he couldn't tell who was who anymore, black spots clouding his vision.


Then it was silent. Ah, the new ability must've burned him from the inside.

He remembers feeling hot inside.

Like when he fought Inko and Hisashi last time.

He must've over shot it.

Oh well, maybe he'll be left alone when he dies.

Maybe he'll be at peace.


Kaminaris panic alerted Aizawa, who also slightly panicked when he saw his son exhaling smoke collapsed on the ground.

"Sensei! Is he-" he shushed the blonde, picking his son up and rushing him over to the ambulance.

Nobody could've predicted this outcome, not even Nezu.

And now, his son, his problem child, was dying, burned from the inside.

Eri and Kaminari were crying hysterically, both holding one of his hands, Aizawa squeezing the other.

"Your gonna be okay problem child, you have to be." He whispered, ignoring the tear that fell from his dry eyes.


Alright! Angst! Also I guess Kaminari and Izuku didn't really do any bonding other than the date but- oops? ANYWAYS!!! I managed to squeeze in saving Eri cuz I couldn't just leave her ya know? Anyway- Nighteye is alive for the soul purpose of the fanfics ending, of he wasn't necessary I would've left him😋

Anywaysssssss I kinda regret making Izuku start talking so I might just go back and edit it to when he's fighting and only the villain can hear him and stuff.

But making him sign everything is so complicated cus what if the person can't see or isn't looking at him😭

But wtvr, I'll just leave it.

3 chapters and a short aftermath and the fic will be finished! Thanks for sticking around!

Also, the story is short because of the shear amount of words I write, most longer stories (not calling anyone out, nor am I trying to offend anyone) tend to be shorter- easier chapters, I also sort of tend to rush scenes which I deeply apologize for- I'm pretty new to the whole writing thing.

I also like to randomly edit chapters after I post them :') I apologize for that aswell...

Anyways- I'll shut up now I talk to much..


Word count: 4545

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Izuku was alone for most of his life. He had one beautiful quirk but never dared to show anyone his quirk. He had one incredible ability. He could he...
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๐—Ÿ๐—ผ๐˜ƒ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ฟ ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐˜€ ๐—น๐—ถ๐—ธ๐—ฒ ๐—ฝ๐—น๐—ฎ๐˜†๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐˜„๐—ถ๐˜๐—ต ๐—ณ๐—ถ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ, ๐—น๐˜‚๐—ฐ๐—ธ๐—ถ๐—น๐˜† ๐—ณ๐—ผ๐—ฟ ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ฟ, ๐—”๐—ป๐˜๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐˜€ ๐—น๐—ผ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ ๐—ฝ๐—น๐—ฎ๐˜†๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐˜„๐—ถ๐˜๐—ต ๏ฟฝ...
325K 13.8K 51
[Completed] Loosing his mother when his quirk finally manifested, Izuku was on the run and changed his name when he bumped into others just as misfo...