Curing More than Cancer

Da Nerdyyyyy1

22.3K 791 124

"Dr. Kieran is ready to see you," Jess says politely. "Thank you," the blonde responds. She moves to follow t... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18


1.1K 42 10
Da Nerdyyyyy1

It is several months into their very healthy and happy relationship when Lena notices that Kara's not eating as much as usual. She tries to keep her fears in check, but then she notices Kara napping more, having a harder time waking up. The first straw was when Kara complained about some discomfort in her stomach.

"Would you come to my lab with me today?" Lena asks softly over dinner.

Kara is just pushing food around her plate. She gives her girlfriend a confused look. "I mean... sure? Is their a reason?"

"I- I just." Lena wipes her mouth. "I just want to run some tests."

"I just had my check up a few months ago."

"You're eating less. You're tired. You have abdominal pain. I- I just want to be sure."


"Please." Lena doesn't care how desperate she sounds.

"Of course." Kara reaches across the table to take one of Lena's trembling hands in her own. "I think I'm just coming down with a stomach bug or a cold or something."

"I'm sure that's what it is, but it would just make me feel better to do some tests."


Lena barely sleeps that night. She spends most of it listening to Kara's breathing and watching her sleep. She knows the check ups are there for a reason, but she knows she would feel terrible if they didn't catch the signs of the cancer returning the moment it's back. She needs to take care of her.

The first thing the next morning, Lena drives them both to her private lab. She takes some blood and preforms her own physical. Kara sits with her as they wait for the machines to finish up the tests.

"You're right, darling. You are showing slightly elevated white blood counts with no evidence of cancerous cells. You probably just have a bug. I'm sorry for wasting your time and worrying you."

"Hey, hey. Come here." Kara holds her arms open to hug the woman. "You never have to apologize for taking care of me or worrying about me. I love you so much."

"I love you, too."

"Let's both take the day off. Sounds like I'm about to get sick, and I may need you to play nurse for me."

Both women call in and head home. They cuddle on the couch. It's about ten hours later that Kara starting vomiting and breaking out in sweats. Lena stays with her every step of the way: running a cold bath, holding her hair back, rubbing her upset stomach.

"You should be staying away," Kara says weakly. "I'm going to give you this."

"I probably already got it before you actually got sick, darling. And even if I didn't, it would take armies to keep me from taking care of you."

Kara lips twitch into a smile before she pukes some more. Lena stays up all night listening Kara's breathing and watching her sleep. The blonde woke up a few times during the night with intense nausea, and Lena was right there to provide comfort. She scratches Kara's scalp just the way she likes and holds her close.

While Kara feels absolutely terrible physically, Lena feels terrible that Kara's feeling so awful. She wishes that she could take away her pain. She hums some tunes to hopefully distract the woman she loves from all the discomfort and pain she is feeling.

"Darling, you need to get some fluids in you. Think you can drink some water or a sports drink or something?"

"I- I can try."

"Alright. Just stay put. I'll go grab one from the fridge."

Kara nods. She holds back a whimper of losing the comfort of being in her girlfriend's arms. It doesn't take long at all for Lena to return. She cracks open a drink full of electrolytes and calories. She helps Kara sit up.

"Here you go, Kara. Drink what you can."

When Kara inevitably spills some down her chin, Lena lovingly wipes it away. She pulls Kara back into her arms to keep her vigil while the blonde slips back into sleep.

It takes two more days of Lena 'playing nurse' before Kara's recovering. Her appetite remains off, but she's back to feeling mostly better. Kara does try to milk all that Lena's doing for her, and while Lena knows it, she does it anyways - happily. Somehow, she manages to dodge coming down with the same illness. Kara makes sure to spend the next week worshipping every inch of the woman who so lovingly took care of her.

"Hey, baby. Are you ready for tonight?"

A deep breath with a heavy sigh is all she gets in response.

"It's okay to be nervous."

They wrap themselves together into a tight hug. Tears threaten to spill if they delay any longer.

"Darling... I- I can't thank you enough..."

"You don't need to thank me. Without your strength, without your fortitude and support, none of this would be possible."

"Okay. Okay, I'm ready. Let's not be late to the ceremony."


"It is with great honor and privilege that I am able stand here before you and introduce the woman of the hour. I also have the great pleasure of dating said woman of the hour." That gets a little chuckle out of the crowd. "I may be biased in my introduction, but do not let it take away from the incredible work she has accomplished. She has been my rock, and so many other's rock, all while overcoming insurmountable odds herself. This is no minor accomplishment, and she absolutely deserves all the praise and accolades that come with her success. Without her- without her I would not be standing before you as the woman I am. So, please join me in congratulating the Pulitzer Prize winner, Kara Danvers!"

Lena wipes away her tears before she claps loudly with the rest of the audience. Her girlfriend practically sprints up the stairs to embrace her. Lena whispers her congratulations in Kara's ear as Kara whispers her gratitude in Lena's. They linger together as the applause continues. Lena pulls Kara in front of the podium and steps off the side of the stage.

Kara keeps her eyes locked on her loving girlfriend. She lets out a happy sigh before she turns her attention to the people gathered in her honor. "Thank you. Thank you all so much. I honestly never expected to be standing here, accepting this award. While I know I earned this by my writing, I would not have had the story to write without the people in my life. I'd like to thank Cat Grant, Andrea Rojas, and Catco Media for allowing me to pursue this story. I'd like to thank my sister, Alex, along with my crack team at Catco, James Olsen, Winn Schott, and Nia Nal for their contributions in the investigation. Finally, I would like to remind my boss, Ms. Rojas, that I did not forget that promise I made so many years ago. I absolutely need to thank Dr. Lena Kieran Luthor. I owe her so much, and I hope with this story, I have done her justice. I met Lena at a difficult time in my life, and she was the most supportive and compassionate woman I could have met. She cured way more than just my cancer, and I would not even have this story to tell without her." Kara lets out a heavy sigh and give Lena a sad smile. "When I met Lena, she only went by Lena Kieran. Hopefully, you all actually read my article," Kara waits for soft chuckles to die down. "But if you didn't, it was time for the families and friends of the victims to learn the truth of what happened on that unfortunate and tragic day. It was time to expose the lies that Lex Luthor, Lillian Luthor, and the U.S. Government fed us. I may have told the story, exposed the truth, but I did not make the story. Now, I may be biased by singing her praises, but the story and evidence speaks for itself. Lena also deserves recognition tonight for her heroic actions. Without her vital involvement and incredible risk by turning in and exposing her brother, who knows how many more would've died. She is the one who made this story possible. To quote a wise woman, 'without her I would not be standing before you as the woman I am.' Thank you."

Kara's speech earns a standing ovation. The blonde waves Lena back over so they can hug and stand in front of the audience together. Lena whispers in Kara's ear, "I should also mention that I remember our bet. I get to call in my blank check."

Kara does her best to hide her blush, but she hides her face in Lena's shoulder. After they step off the stage, they are approached by many, shaking both of their hands. Kara gets so many congratulations, and Lena gets so much gratitude. Lena has to wipe away tears of joy for most of the night. The women stay close with their arms wrapped around each other.

"Ms. Grant!" Kara exclaims.

"Oh, please, Kiera. I think by now you can call me Cat." The woman wraps up the reporter in a tight and brief hug. "Ms. Luthor, I often wondered where you disappeared to after all that drama."

"Please, it's Lena." The doctor holds out her hand to shake, but she lets out a a surprised huff when the woman also wraps her up in a hug.

"Well, Lena. I'm glad to see that you landed on your feet after everything. I owe you a debt of gratitude for keeping my best journalist alive and well as well as preventing so much potential devastation."

Lena smiles at the woman when they part. "Let's just call it even, then. Afterall, you let her run the story."

"Ah, but you were brave enough to let her pursue it in the first place. I understand why you wanted to stay hidden, but I am glad that you get to live in the light again. You will continue to do great things; I just know it." Cat quickly strutted away on that note.

Lena and Kara squeeze each others arms as they look deeply in each other's eyes. They are both trying to hold themselves together. They are only interrupted with a clearing of a throat.

"I'm glad you didn't forget that promise," Andrea quips.

"I could never," Kara says smiling.

"You are both so disgustingly sweet," Andrea scoffs with a roll of her eyes. "Take some time off. We can check back in a couple weeks time."

Kara's jaw drops at the unexpected announcement from her boss. She can't even formulate a reply before her boss slips into the crowd to rub elbows.

"Darling, you are going to catch flies that way," Lena snickers. "I guess I better take off the next couple weeks off, too. We can celebrate together."

"Sweetie, congratulations!"

"Eliza!" Kara wraps up her adoptive mom in a hug. "I didn't know you were coming!"

"Of course I wasn't going to miss this! Don't be ridiculous." Eliza steps back from her daughter to wrap Lena up in a hug.

"Mrs. Danvers. It's so good to see you again."

"Lena, dear... How many times am I going to have to insist you call me Eliza?"

"My apologies, Eliza."

"Your apologies will be accepted when you drop the Mrs. Danvers bit," Eliza quips with a smile.

"How long are you in town?" Kara questions.

"I will be in town for a couple days. I'd love for us to go out on a family dinner. Including Alex of course."

"I'll have Sam keep us a table," Lena mutters. "How does tomorrow night sound?"

Kara leans into her girlfriend and kisses the side of her head. "Perfect. Thank you."

"It'll be good to see Sam, too. Makes sure she knows that I want her to join us, not cook for us," Eliza says.

"Kar! Wow, that was one hell of a speech!" Alex makes her way through the crowd to hug her sister.

"Alex!" Kara exclaims.

Alex smiles at her and moves to hug Lena. "Congratulations to you both."

"I know I've already said this, but thank you so much, Alex. Without you pushing your superiors... this would have never happened." Lena starts to tear up.

Alex's eyes start to look a bit misty. "Don't you dare start. You've thanked me enough. You've done enough. You deserve happiness."

Lena's phone dings with a notification from Sam. She smiles. "We're on for dinner tomorrow night. Sammy will join us." Lena turns to Kara. "Sam apologizes again for not being able to break free. Ever since she opened her second location in Central City, she just hasn't had much free time."

Kara scoffs, "She needs to quit apologizing. I completely understand. Tell her that her better half is here to represent her."

Lena rolls her eyes. "You can tell her that at dinner."

"Well, we won't hold you up. I look forward to seeing you both at dinner tomorrow," Eliza says quietly. She grabs Alex's arm and pulls her along.

Kara and Lena keep making the rounds, accepting congratulations. They are exhausted by the end of the night. They plop into the backseat of their town car, completely drained. Kara rests her head on Lena's shoulder, her eyes slipping shut.

"I will never be able to thank you enough, Kara, but I will spend the rest of my life trying to."

Kara kisses the exposed shoulder beneath her. "I don't you need to thank me, Lee. Maybe we should call it an even slate between us."

"God, I love you." Lena kisses the top of that blonde head.

Kara smiles, "Now that I will accept."

There's a comfortable silence as they just enjoy each other's company. Lena whispers as they approach the penthouse that they now share. "So, maybe we should talk about that blank check you owe me."

Lena smirks when she realizes that Kara is fast asleep on her shoulder. Her heart swells with the amount of love she feels for the woman. Lena's hand wanders down to her clutch. She pops it open to look a the little, black box that's in there. She's been carrying it around for a while now, and she doesn't have a plan. She trusts that she will know the time when it comes. As the car pulls up to a stop, Lena snaps her clutch closed. She whispers and kisses Kara's head to get her to wake.

"Darling. We're home. Come on, let's go up to bed."

Kara grumbles slightly as she tries to cuddle deeper into Lena's side.

"What if we take a bath together?"

Kara immediately perks up. "Bath? Yes, please."

Lena gives her a knowing smile. It seems that the two can never share a bath without some wandering of hands and minor risk of flooding.


"We can't be late for your own ceremony, Lee!" Kara practically whines.

"Relax, darling. We have plenty of time."

"Not if you don't stop distracting me."

"I'm just getting dressed. How is that distracting?" Lena says with a wink.

Kara lets out a sigh as her eyes wander up and down the expanse of smooth, pale skin on display. "Because it's you."

Lena struts over to invade the blonde's space. She hovers her lips just a fraction of an inch away from Kara's. Once the blonde tries to starts to lean in, Lena places a firm hand on Kara's sternum to push her away while side stepping.

"Now, darling. We don't want to be late."

"That was just cruel."

"Sometimes my Luthor genes just shine right through," Lena chuckles. She steps into the dress that Kara picked out. She slides it up her body slowly, never turning around. Kara steps up behind her to wrap her arms around Lena's now covered stomach.

"I love you," Kara whispers before kissing her shoulder.

Lena hums and leans back. "I love you, too. Zip me up?"

"I'd rather rip this off."

"Behave," Lena mock threatens.

"Or what?"

Lena reaches down and behind to dig her fingers into Kara's thigh. "Now, now, darling. You were doing so well."

Kara whines. Her hands trail to the base of Lena's spine to start pulling up the zipper... slowly.

Lena gives her a playful glance over her shoulder after Kara finishes pulling the zipper all the way up. "Thank you."

Kara plants another little kiss to her shoulder and steps a shade closer to the woman, pressing her front into Lena's back.

"Darling... careful. As much as I love your current outfit, you need to finish getting dressed."

Kara smirks. She has lingerie with her dress shirt completely unbuttoned and nothing else. "Alright, alright. I'll finish getting dressed."

Lena turns around to watch as Kara buttons up her shirt. Lena bites her lip when Kara turns to bend over and slip her feet into her pants. She could watch Kara dress and undress all day. Unfortunately, she doesn't have that time. Kara gives her a little smirk as she grabs Lena's clutch for her. The doctor has a moment of panic that Kara might sense what is inside and hastily grabs it from her.

"Let's get going," Lena whispers.


"It feels like it wasn't that long ago that I was standing here with this amazing woman introducing me. Now I have the honor and privilege of introducing the woman of the hour. Many of you know her history. Dr. Lena Kieran Luthor has accomplished life changing and life saving things in her life. Tonight, she is the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for finding the cure for cancer and sharing it globally for free. This is just another in a long list of examples of her philanthropic and humanitarian efforts. She's saved countless lives in so many ways; she absolutely deserves this recognition not only for this prestigious award, but also for her selfless endeavors in various facets of her life. Since coming out as Lena Luthor, you now all know about her research publications, donations to clinics, founding of Dòchas, other breakthroughs in medicine, and her volunteerism on multiple boards. I cannot think of a more worthy recipient. Please join me in congratulating and welcoming Dr. Lena Kieran Luthor." Kara claps and smiles widely as her girlfriend approaches her with open arms. Much like Kara's award ceremony, they hug each other tightly with whispers of praise.

Lena waits patiently at the podium for the applause to die down. "Thank you. This is... surreal. Not only did I doubt that I would find the cure for cancer, but I never dreamed I would even be nominated for this award. It's truly an honor. I've had time to prepare this speech, but I have to say, I'm still rather speechless." The crowd chuckles lightly. "So many people helped me accomplish all that I've accomplished: Sam Arias, Jess Huang, Dr. Hamilton. I have to thank the lab teams that put up with my frustrating tendencies to strive for perfection in science. I need to thank all the other dedicated scientists working just as hard as I have been, those that came before providing the building blocks for my research. I of course need to thank the Pulitzer Prize winner and my girlfriend Kara Danvers. She gave me strength. She gave me strength to keep working after each and every failure. And let me tell you, there were many failures." More chuckles break out. "This extraordinary woman pushed me to be honest with myself and pursue my goals without hesitation or fear. As I said at her award ceremony, she is my rock. I would not have been able to accomplish this without her. Thank you."

Kara doesn't hesitate to rejoin Lena, wrapping her into another hug. They go through similar motions. They are approached by many. Sam, Alex, Nia, Eliza, Jess, and Dr. Hamilton all make a point to congratulate the women again. They make a deal to all go out together the following night to Reign. They were both surprised to see Cat Grant attending, but they were accosted for assuming that she wouldn't be in attendance.

"Let's sneak out early," Lena whispers into Kara's ear.

"What do you mean? This is your own celebration!"

"I know, but I don't want us to be tired out. I'd love to go out for a walk in the park."

Kara lets out a defeated sigh when she sees Lena giving her pouty expression with such sad eyes. "Alright, let's sneak out the back way."

With minimal disruption, they slowly make their way out back. Once they get into the alley, they giggle like school girls sneaking out after curfew. Lena leans heavily into Kara. The blonde immediately knows that Lena's cold. Kara shrugs out of her jacket and wraps it around Lena's shoulders with a soft smile. They meander to their favorite park. The fountain is lit up with the night sky filled with the city lights. Lena holds onto her clutch tightly. She guides them to the front of the fountain and sits down on the edge. She wordlessly taps the bricks next to her to get Kara to sit down with her.

"I'm so proud of you, Lee."

Lena tries to hide her blush, but it's still there. "I'm proud of you, too. I love you so much, Kara, and I meant every word tonight. I could not have done any of this without you." Lena grabs her her clutch and pops it open. She slides off the edge and gets down on her knee. Lena focuses on keeping her hands steady as she opens the little, black box. "You are the love of my life, and I want you for the rest of my life. The only thing that will make this night even better is with this. Will you do me another honor and marry me?"

"Oh my.. yes, of course yes!" Kara's crying happy tears, and she throws herself into Lena's arms. They are both kneeling on the ground, holding each other tightly, and crying with the biggest smiles. "I love you; I love you so, so much, and nothing would make me happier than to be your wife."

"Darling, you are the light of my life. Thank you. Thank you." Lena leans back and disentangles herself to pull the ring out of the box. Her hands tremble as she delicately slides the ring onto Kara's finger. Once it's in place, she kisses the back of Kara's hand and stares at the ring on the finger of the woman she loves.

Kara leans forward to press her forehead to Lena's. "Thank you, Lena. I'm so grateful every single day that you stuck with me. I love you."

"I love you, too. I will love you for every moment of every day until my last breath."

"Why are you so perfect?" Kara stands up and helps Lena do the same. She pulls the woman into a breath taking kiss. She holds onto Lena's face so lightly as her lips demand more and more.

Lena fists Kara's shirt to pull Kara's body fully into her own. She kisses the woman for all she is worth. Lena's sure that this is the happiest night in her entire life. She's sure that the only competition will be her wedding day.

They only break apart when they need to breathe. They stay wrapped up in each other as they heave. Kara looks up through her eyelashes before smirking. "Let's go home."

Lena gives her a loaded look. "Lead the way, darling."


"We are gathered here today to bring these two amazing and beautiful women in holy matrimony. I'm not even going to insult them by asking if anyone objects to the union of these two because they are the most loving couple I have ever had the honor of knowing. I will however, take a moment to brag. I believe I have earned the right as I am the one who brought these two together. While I knew they would be good for each other, I had no idea this would be the end result. Lena needed a reminder of why she was doing the work she was doing, and Kara needed support that she was refusing for herself. So Kara landed a consult with my remarkable colleague and friend, Lena." Dr. Hamilton's speech brings forth a few chuckles and some happy tears from the small group in attendance.

They kept the ceremony small. So many were vying for invites, but they wanted an intimate affair. Kara and Lena hold hands as they stare lovingly at each other. Both are struck by the other's beauty in long, flowing white dresses. They keep the ceremony short and sweet, mostly wanting the reception, which was just an excuse to have a party with the ones they love. With the open bar, it doesn't take much to get everyone inebriated and dancing. They were able to slip out early to head off to their honeymoon in Spain and Portugal. Lena promised Kara all the food and drinks she could want.

They both know that this is just the start of a full and very happy life together.

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