Deep end

By Wintershadowassassin

126K 11.4K 2.8K

Jimin is an upcoming solo singer with a passion for the sea. When his Grandfather goes missing when a storm h... More



1.4K 180 29
By Wintershadowassassin

"Normal" - Jimin's language
"Mer" - Merman's language
"Sign language" - both understand


Author POV

Hyun clutched the potion to his chest. This was the make or break. It could potentially bring back Jimin's hearing if he has mer blood that is. If he does not, then the likelihood of the potion working on him was close to impossible. 

He handed it over with reluctance to Namjoon, he knew this was important, he could practically feel the anxiousness the younger mer was exuding in waves around him. Namjoon glanced at the liquid in the bottle, that was one of the good things the humans had dropped into their home, they could hold many potions now, it was better than anything they could conjure up in their underwater world.

The potion was a bizarre colour, but if it did the job that did not matter. Namjoon took off, Hyun following behind him. The silver tailed mer slowed his pace so the elderly yellow tailed mer could keep up. Both were silent for the journey, it was like an anticipatory atmosphere had settled over them and words would break that fragile moment of time.


Jimin had a silent morning, he was still unused to the silence that was now his life. He spent the morning cleaning his home, being away for a month and a bit had allowed dust and filth to build up. But eventually when the hottest part of the day had concluded did he decide to head down to the bay.

He found he felt more anxious without something to busy his mind, or without the mer around. The silence he now felt was isolating, while the world was full of sound it had been alive, now Jimin felt detached from the world. 

So slipping on his boots and taking some food to snack on in his backpack he headed out of his home on the cliffs and headed down to the bay where the nervous mermen awaited his arrival.


Usually when Jimin got to the bay it was empty and he would have to stand in the waves to alert the mermen of his presence within their domain. But this time they were awaiting him, they were silent, their mouths unmoving. They usually talked amongst each other, their hands weren't moving either. So for them all to be silent sent a wave of worry over Jimin.

He rushed down the beach, dropping the backpack at the cliff base, he cupped the cheeks of his mer when he got to their side. Signing out questions about their health, well being and out of concern for them. They assured him they were fine, many hands moving to inform their human that they were all well and uninjured.

At the reassuring confirmations Jimin allowed himself to fall to his knees on the beach, facing his mermen so he could see when their hands moved to communicate with him. 

"Why do you all look nervous?" Jimin asked.

Six sets of pitch black eyes blinked at him. They all turned their heads to Namjoon, as if they wanted him to explain their issue alone. 

"We want you to have this?" Namjoon reached out, pulling a bottle from the water, clearly he had been hiding it. 

"What is it?" Jimin looked to the bizarre liquid, it almost seemed luminescent. 

Jimin saw the mermen take deep breaths, clearly this liquid was very important if they were thinking carefully of how to word their answer. So Jimin waited patiently, if this was important he would give them his full undivided attention.

"It is a potion brewed in our world." Jin began. 

"What does it do? Is it another courting present?" Jimin asked. 

They all shook their heads, so not a courting present then, with the reason for the potion unknown, Jimin's curiosity was peaked. 

"Your Grandfather is a mer now, your Grandmother is a born mer" Namjoon signed.

Jimin's eyes widened, so when he had first discovered the book that had the signed language that allowed him communication with the mer and a black and white photograph was shown. That had been his Grandmother. She had seemed familiar at the time, now it clicked into place with a gasp of realisation. 

"I didn't know that" Jimin signed with shaking hands. 

Was his Grandmother alive beneath the waves like his Grandfather now was. The thought alone made him shake, someone he mourned for may still be alive and he had been unaware.

"Your Grandfather told us, so there is a possibility that you have a mer's blood in you" Namjoon informed him. 

Jimin's mind was reeling from all the information that was being thrown at him.

"Potions only work on mers, so we believe if you do have mers blood it may work on you" Yoongi piped up. 

"What does this potion do?" Jimin finally mustered up the courage to ask when his brain finally started to work after the onslaught of information. 

"We hope it may return your ability to hear" Hoseok revealed.

If Jimin could hear the intake of breath he took it would have sounded painful, like someone who was hopeful but afraid of that feeling. 

"But it is a small chance since you aren't a complete mer" Namjoon told him the harshness of the truth. 

Jimin wanted to allow himself to be hopeful, wanted to grab onto that small flag of hope and wave it, but the reality made him hold his hand to his chest, afraid to reach out. 

"I see" was the most he could muster. 

The mermen who had watched Jimin's facial reactions as they delivered the news watched with bated breath as Jimin lifted the bottle to examine the liquid with a critical eye. With a new found sense of confidence, he popped the lid off the bottle. 

He took one last look at the liquid before he downed the bottle.


So what do you think is going to be the outcome? Will Jimin have his hearing back or not?

I hope you liked the chapter.




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