Athelinda : The Forbidden Nam...

By Elenatia

143K 6.4K 959

"BEHEAD HER!" When a commoner names her child 'Athelinda', a name for the heir to the throne, her actions are... More

Ch 1 : Athelinda
Ch 2 : Cassandra
Ch 3 : Cassandra (2)
Ch 4 : The Youngest Princess
Ch 5 : Tea Time
Ch 6 : The Ravenette
Ch 7 : Book of Lies
Ch 8 : Dinner
Ch 9 : Snake
Ch 10 : Fool
Ch 11 : Bad Day
Ch 12 : Challenge
Ch 13 : Zuri
Ch 14 : Father
Ch 15: Side effects
Ch 16 : Test
Ch 17 : Disappointment
Ch 18: Emperors
Ch 19 : Apology Gift?
Ch 20 : Prolonged Anger
Ch 21 : Hide and Seek
Ch 22 : Permission granted
Ch 23 : Anastacius
Ch 24 : Goodbye Obelia
Ch 25 : Ronald Wickens
Ch 26 : First Class
Ch 27 : Rosalia Heinrich
Ch 28 : Isabelle Quweez
Ch 29 : Music Class
Ch 30 : Exams
Ch 31 : Accusation
Ch 32 : Visitors
Ch 33: Princess
Ch 34 : Friends
Ch 35 : Dinner with Arlanta's Royals
Ch 36 : Stars
Ch 38 : Differences
Ch 39 : Naive
Ch 40 : Last Day's Boredom
Ch 41 : Empress
Ch 42 : Back to the Academy!

Ch 37 : Trial

1.4K 88 55
By Elenatia

It was the day the of trial. The royal courtroom was huge. A spacious area for the trial to take place and on the walls of the courtroom were rows beyond rows of seats for any audience to sit in. The seatings were divided into sub sections to allow full comfort. Though, there weren't any nobles inside the courtroom. This was an unofficial trial.

But of course, Isabelle sat somewhere among the seatings, with a maid standing behind her and a knight.

And at the front of the trial area, was an elevated platform for the judge to be seated. Since this matter involved a high ranking noble such as the Duke of Quweez and a member of the royal family of a neighbouring kingdom, the trial was arranged in the royal court and the judge would be the Emperor himself.

A few feets above the judges platform was the imperial family seatings. And that's where Athelinda and Nicholas were sitting. Claude was at the front most seat, while the royal children were behind him.

This trial wasn't a normal trial and thus it wouldn't proceed normally either. It was more of a discussion of sorts. And so the trial began with Lucas standing on one side and the Duke of Quweez on the other.

Esteban began by repeating the statement of Isabelle Quweez, regarding the accusation. And then a magician from the Academy proceeded with the answer sheets, to show that the princess's fingerprints were there.

Lucas asked to examine the answer sheets, and within a minute he declared, "These papers already contain traces of magic. These fingerprints were forged with magic. I'll trace them back to the owner of the magic."

The mage from the Acdemy stepped in to confirm Lucas's claims and it took some while for the Academy magician to see the thin layer of magic spread around the papers.

Meanwhile, up in the imperial family sittings, as the magicians discussed the traces of magic, Nicholas spoke up, "Its obvious your gonna be proven innocent."

"How do you know?"

"Magicians from the Academy can't be bribed. All that's left now is to trace the magic back to its owner. They've already proven the fingerprints were forged."

Athelinda gave a small sigh in relief. "That was so much easier and quicker than I had anticipated."

"How can magic be used on the papers within the Academy!? This must be a mistake!" complained Duke Quweez.

"Do you wanna get some fresh air?" Nicholas gestured to the door behind the seatings.

"Ah, but the trial is still. . ." Athelinda looked at Lucas, who had a confident smile on his face.

Nicholas grabbed Athelinda's hand and stood up. "Hey all that's left is complaints from the Duke. It'll be boring."

"I want to see the look on his face when he gets caught."

"We'll be back in about fifteen minutes."

Athelinda stared at Nicholas, and then at the trial taking place a few feets below. The Magicians were arguing with Duke Quweez and Emperor Esteban was about to say something to stop the fight.

She looked at the nobility seatings hoping to see the look on Isabelle's face but noticed she wasn't in the seatings.

Did she go out?

Athelinda sighed before standing up. She first went up to her father and asked for his permission to leave.

Claude stared at her for a while before stating, "The trial has already been decided. It'd be best not to waste any more time over them. You don't need to return either."

"Oh, alright then." Athelinda decided before leaving with Nicholas.

As they were outside the courtroom, they began walking, Nicholas in the front.

"So, where are we going, Prince Cherry?"

Nicholas shoulders shook a little at the name, but he answered quickly.

"Wherever Princess Banana feels like it."

"Oh, but you seemed to have something you wanted to show me, which is why you wanted me to leave, no?"

"Well. . . I'm not sure if you'd be interested, but the weather is nice and I was hoping we could go for a walk in the gardens." Nicholas slowed down as he spoke, before stopping completely, waiting for the princess's answer.

Athelinda noticed his ears were turning pink. She suppressed a chuckle.

"Gardens sound nice."

Nicholas just nodded before walking again.

They didn't talk for a while, but Athelinda broke the silence. "You go to the Academy as well, right?"

"That's right, pardon me for never coming to greet you."

"Oh no, that's not what I was saying, plus the campus for first years and second years are quite far."

"It's not so far, I'll come meet you if you want."

Athelinda's brain froze for a moment. She looked at Nicholas who was still walking forward and noticed how his feet were speeding up. And then she noticed how pink his neck had gotten.

Ha, it couldn't be? could it?

Athelinda gulped. "Wouldn't that spread needless rumours?"

"Rumours? Like?"

"Like how your father suggested a political marriage between us. If the trial succeeds as well, it will look as if emperor Esteban favoured Obelian's imperial family. Furthermore us meeting on Academy grounds would fuel rumours to spread regarding our friendship." Athelinda explained.

Nicholas's steps slowed down and almost stopped, Athelinda was about to say something, but she noticed they were at the Garden already.

The garden was unlike anything she'd seen in Obelia. A different variety of flowers and plants. Unique leaves and colors. It was truly refreshing, combined with the clear blue sky above it.

"This is. . . breathtaking." Athelinda took a few seconds to stare at it from a far, but Nicholas grabbed her hand and began slowly walking inside.

Athelinda was too busy admiring the flowers and how well they had been taken care of, to notice the expression on Nicholas's face.

He was smiling, but not as he looked at the flowers. He was smiling as he looked at Athelinda.

Their peaceful moment was soon destroyed when they heard a yell from somewhere deeper in the garden.

"My lady! You can't!"

Athelinda and Nicholas shared a glance before carefully speeding to the sound.


Ah, the annoying voice of a dead duck.

"N-No my lady, I would n-never, but you-"

Athelinda and Nicholas appeared at the scene and saw Isabelle inches away from slapping her maid.

Athelinda and Nicholas moved at the same speed, yet it was Nicholas who grabbed Isabelle's hand in time. Athelinda went up to the maid on the ground and asked if she was alright.

Isabelle seemed surprised by their appearance and stepped back a few steps.

Nicholas looked around at Isabelle to notice a few flowers broken from their branches and petals on the ground.

"Your Highness, I-This- it's-"

"Lady Quweez, I don't remember giving you permission to enter the imperial gardens. And I also don't remember allowing you to damage said garden in any way." Nicholas's voice sounded intimidating.

Isabelle's legs began shaking and Nicholas let go of her hand after squeezing it tightly enough to leave some pain.

He turned to see Athelinda, with one knee on the ground, asking the fear-struck maid on the ground about what happened.

Nicholas went to Athelinda and held out a hand to help her stand and looked at her with a questioning look.

"Lady Quweez was taking her frustration out on the flowers and breaking them as she walked through the garden. The maid tried to warn her, but instead was about to be slapped."

Nicholas sighed and Athelinda simply observed him. She didn't know the shy prince had this side to him. The intimidation in his voice and the way his face looked cold. All his previous expressions had disappeared.

"S-So what! They're just flowers!"

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Btw, what would you guys like more,


[Nicholas x Athelinda]
[Cherry x Banana]



[Ijekiel x Athelinda]

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