Oh, Fuzz Buckets

Oleh Kittycatyellow

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You're a wizard. Your names y/n l/n, and you are exactly-wait....multiply five...carry the two...? 918 years... Lebih Banyak

How it began
Old days Camelot
Magic or pride
True power
Fixing Excalibur
A/n IMPORTANT! If you like this story that is
Camelot under attack
War pt one
War pt 2
Wizard tech
Important for the rule of comedy~
Unwanted magic
Not important, but appreciated if read.
The other side of me
Two y/n's?
It Ends Now
Oh, Fuzz Buckets
Really, really important note! About Rott!
The sequel.
I have a question.
Hisirdoux Casperans zodiac sign.

Dragons den

698 17 45
Oleh Kittycatyellow

 Been a while, I know. Anyway! Hope you like it and comment. 

(Y/n POV)

I land right next to Claire as she swings Morgana towards troll-Jim.

'It's ok, just breathe... just breathe... in and... out'

I think as I feel my heart rate rising and my body freezing at the sight of Morgana.

They crash against the wall and troll-Jim throws- literally throws- Morgana away, and faces me and Claire.

Speaking of Claire, she notices me and asks.

Claire:" what are you doing here? I can handle this."

Y/n:" so can I."

She looks like she is about to protest before I cut her off.

I push her to the side as Jim attacks us, she creates a shadow portal and says meekly.

Claire:" I won't give up on you, Jim. I'll find a way."

She says, before I look at Morgana, who makes quick eye-contact with me.

Y/n:" and I won't give up on either of you."

This shocks her, but before being able to reply, we slip through. 

And end up back with the others.

We jump back to see Merlin and Douxie cornered.

The green knight was taking off his helmet.

Green-knight:" don't recognize me, old friend?"

He takes off his helmet and it is—.....



Oh god—!

Why can't they just stay at peace?! For once!

He drops the helmet and exposed is...

Merlin:" Arthur! My king... how? Why?"

I barely paid attention to the words that left his mouth. I stood there: terrified.

Arthur 2.0:" after I fell in battle, there was darkness. But they made me anew."

Merlin:" no! It can't be!"

He says while getting up on his feet.

Douxie as well got onto his feet. All I could do though... was just... stand frozen.

Before Jim jumps down and onto them. More specifically, douxie.

He grabs him and pushes him down.

But when it comes to Douxie, I snap out of any trance I was in.

Y/n:" hey! Hands off my best friend!"

Skrael threw Claire and Steve together and froze them.

While I stood there trying to help Douxie.

Bellroc:" we propose new terms."

Skrael:" give us Nari, or he dies."

He says to Merlin and me as Douxie was still squashed by Jim and so was Archie.

Charlotte:" Archie..."

She looks at me almost pleadingly.

Merlin:" Hisirdoux!"

Y/n:" I'm sorry! This is my fault! I never should have had this idea."

Merlin:" I know not what darkness twists you, but you will not harm the boy!"

He says very angry. But they say something that chills me to the core.

Arthur:" what about the girl, then?"


I ask myself. The whole room goes quiet and all eyes are on me.

Y/n:" ha! Like you'd get your hands on me too!"

I say summoning my magic.

Skrael:" oh, but we already have... my dear."

I look at him strangely. What's does that mean? Also, "dear"?

Y/n:" don't. Call. Me. That."

Skrael:" but why not? Does a father not have the right to call his own daughter, dear?"


I drop my sword and my stance.

'The voice'

Dad:" she is my daughter too!"

'That's why he's so familiar... he's—'

I stare at him in shock. Everyone does. Before they look at me, I start to back up slowly.

I was mortified.

'Oh my god—'

I felt like throwing up. He smirked evilly, while I was in the middle of a panic attack and mental breakdown.

Skrael:" you know I am, don't you?"

I couldn't speak. I was frozen, I couldn't even if I wanted to.

Skrael:" oh, and your mother?"

I look up at him almost pleadingly, to have mercy on my poor soul.

Skrael:" is Morgana."


It can't be! That can't be true! She—

... she found me in the woods as a baby...

But she never did, did she?

I am her daughter and I am his, too.

I drop to my knees in misery.

Tears slipped down my face as I give up. I'm done fighting. I'm done doing.

... I'm done living.....

I'm... done.

I could tell Merlin was furious now, at how they had treated me. 

Merlin:" not while I draw breath!"

He shouts and shoots magic from outside his force field. Locking everyone in place.

Even Bellroc and Skrael.

He tries getting Arthur, but he jumps away. He continues chaining upon chaining.

He almost had him but he jumps towards Merlin. Grabbing him by the Neck and holding him against the glass.

He was about to stab him.

But he couldn't.

Because something was holding his sword away.


I may be done with everything.

But I will NOT stand for this anymore!

Y/n:" don't you ever! EVER, come near him! Or anyone I care about EVER again!"

I start hollowing him around the room by the chain. Before slamming him against the wall.

I attack relentlessly, not showing any Mercy.

Merlin was able to get away but I wasn't.

The green knight grabbed me and chucked me against the wall.

He returned to Merlin and did the exact thing.

Hisirdoux&y/n:" NO!"

We both scream.

Right before Arthur's blade, penetrates into Merlin.

Merlin:" my friend... what have you become?"

Morgana swept in through the shadow portal.

Arthur:" our redemption."

Morgana:" it's over."

She says, looking almost sad.

I hate her. I hate her so much!


Now that I knew she was my mother, and that she lied! I hate her.

Merlin took his last breath, before Arthur slams him through the window.

Merlin's blood curdling scream was heard as he fell.

But Douxie? He had enough.

A big blue shield erupted out of him and his eyes shown blue.

Y/n:" go get him, Doux."

I whisper, the blue shield knocked everyone away.

And Steve and Claire out of the ice. The place started crumbling. He floated into the Air in a blue glowing circle.

His eyes, still icy blue.

Hisirdoux:" get out of here!"

He literally threw Archie at Steve and Claire created a Shadow portal to get out.

But I didn't.

I have stayed with you from the beginning, and I'll stay with you until the end.

He shoots at them. But I knew what he was planning on doing next.

Get Merlin.

I use my shadow powers and make a portal. But before, I look at Morgana and say loudly for her to hear.

Y/n:" I know you're my mother! Skrael, told me!"

Her face dropped. I send glares of daggers at her and jump into the shadow portal.

I saw as Douxie shot through the air and got close to Merlin.

He got him just before he hit the ground.

Before laying him down gently, I rush to his side as he says.

Hisirdoux:" hang on. Hang on, master. Hang on."

Claire and Steve with Archie come through the portal, while Charlie comes to my side quickly.

Archibald:" oh, no."

Claire:" Douxie!"

Steve:" he looks bad."

He says as Archie is still in his hands.

Hisirdoux:" hold still. I can fix this! I can fix this! I can—"

Before he can continue tapping at his bracelet, I take his hands in mine and say.

Y/n:" stop, Douxie."

Merlin does so too and says weakly.

Merlin:" no one can. Do not blame yourselves."

He says looking at Douxie and me.

Hisirdoux:" I'm sorry. I should have listened to—"

He says a she places his hands on his chest.

Merlin:" no, no. I'm sorry, I spent a lifetime serving the wrong master, trying to save this world."

Douxie shakes his head lightly as he exclaims.

Hisirdoux:" you can't! You're Merlin, the greatest wizard of all time!"

He exclaims, before dropping his head onto his chest crying.

I do thane and hold douxie, as we both cry into Merlin's armored chest.

He places his hand on mine and Douxies heads as we lift ours.

Merlin:" I saw a glimmer of greatness... of what you two could become. And the greatest thing I have ever accomplished was saving you."

He says looking at Douxie. Douxie removes his hand away from his cheek and holds it in his own, saying.

Hisirdoux:" I'll try and make you proud."

He says, still sniffling, Merlin places his hand on top of his.

I place mine on it too as he says.

Merlin:" you already have... son... daughter."

More tears escape our eyes as I felt happiness and sadness at the same time.

He inhaled one last time.

Before slowly dropping his hand off our faces and and closes his eyes.

Hisirdoux:" no. No, you can't go! No, please. I'm not ready."

He begs as he picks him up and hugs him, I hug Douxie as we cry.

But I see Merlin's body starting to fade into dust.

And he was gone.

Merlin. The greatest wizard of all time... was gone.

Steve and Claire come to our sides as we hug each other.

Claire:" Douxie, y/n. I'm so sorry."

They both kneels down next to us, while I...

I don't even know what to feel.

I learned that Arthur is back from the dead, I learned Morgana is back from the dead.

I figured out that Arthur was my uncle and Morgana was my Mother.

My father is the one who helped kill my father figure and wants to destroy the world.

He also is the one who corrupted my friend, and made him a monster.

And now, my father figure died. Just like that. Dead.

I knew... I wasn't going to recover. The emotions of tonight were bad and this as defiantly the worst day for me... in existence.

Archibald:" I—i cant believe he's gone."

Charlotte:" after everything we've been through, he—"

The dust floats away, while everyone looks at it drifting off, I feel pain and nothing.

At this point, I don't even wanna live anymore.

I'm related to three monsters.

One, bigger then the others.


We look down to see a book.

He brushes the dust away and picks it up.

Holding it close to his chest, Steve asks.

Steve:" what is that?"

Hisirdoux:" its all we have left to guide us. Other then that... we're on our own."

He says as he wipes his cheek.

I get up and look into the direction of the black-flying-castle.

I could feel all eyes on me as my back was turned their way.

Hisirdoux:" y/n... I—"

Y/n:" did you know?"

It was silent.

Claire:" what?"

I turn around, now very angry as I slightly raise my voice.

Y/n:" did you know? Did you know that Morgana was my mother?"

I ask louder then before, a hot tear streaming down.

They all look at me guiltily and sorrowfully.

I scoff and chuckle in disbelief, before running my hands through my hair.

Y/n:" so you did know!"

I say, disappointment and hurt evident in my voice.

They knew what I was going through, they knew how terrible I felt. They talk about being there for me but don't even tell me the truth.

Tears ran down my cheeks as they advance. Mainly Douxie.

Claire:" we only found out recently."

Steve:" wizard-coach, told us..."

Y/n:" Merlin knew!?"

I ask in disbelief.

I chuckle again grabbing my hair in desperation.

Y/n:" this just gets better and better!"

Douxie comes closer to me and I wave my hands before him saying.

Y/n:" no. Don't—"

Douxie gently grabbed my arm which is when I shove him back, hitting his arms shouting.

Y/n:" don't touch me!!"

He steps back a little, I was hurt and I was disappointed.

Y/n:" I don't want you near me! Any, of you! You talk about being there for me when in truth, you're lying behind my back!"

I was full on sobbing now. I could tell they were so, so, so guilty and so, so sorrowful for me.

I had been through so much, I have given up.

Life, officially, is torture.

Y/n:" I can't believe this... everyone knew! Except me! Does Toby know?"

Claire and Douxie shake their heads... but Steve doesn't.

He scratches the back of his neck, and looks down guiltily.

Y/n:" what's is it Steve?"

He looks up at me and says.

Steve:" I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean too! It just sort of slipped out."

Claire slapped him.

She slapped him across the face.

Douxie was absolutely furious, and I could tell he was trying to hold it together.

Y/n:" do the other know too?!"

He he shamefully nodded his head.

I look at them in shock, and disappointment.

I felt so much hurt and betrayal in my heart. How could they? 

Y/n:" I can't believe I thought you cared for me."

I stated simply with a chuckle of realization.

Hisirdoux:" that's not true! We do care—"

Y/n:" don't talk to me. We're not friends, and we're not anything else. I'll help all of you until we are done. But I don't want anything else to do with you."

My words shocked them. Hard.

I've had enough, in my eyes, they are traitors.

Y/n:" I've been in love with you since I met you, Doux. But I'm done, not anymore. I've seen you as a little sister, Claire. But I guess not. I thought you were a really good friend, Steve. But I thought so."

They all stand there frozen. 

Y/n:" I thought you were there for me... but you aren't. I'm related to a monster and you guys go behind my back when I need you the most."

I shake my head, before opening a portal, and going through it.

But before I do, I stop saying.

Y/n:" I thought you were family."

And jump through.

(Time skip)

At broken down Camelot, Douxie looks down in misery as I watch from afar.

Hisirdoux:" I messed up. I can't believe I was stupid enough, not to tell her. She had a right to know!"

Claire:" we all were dumb for not doing anything. I can't believe everything she has to go through."

She says as she holds her stomach places a hand on her forehead to prove her point.

Steve:" I can't believe she's... y'know, the daughter of... that guy."

Hisirdoux:" I am a terrible friend! I need to find her. I need to tell her I..."

He started but trailed off.

Claire:" I can't believe it either. Y/n, is nothing like that guy. She's the opposite of him! And we hurt her like that, we should be there for her. But no! We're not! We betray her like that."

I listen to their conversation as I silently sit in one of the trees.

Hisirdoux:" god, she must be so hurt and disappointed. I can't even imagine how she must feel, she found out her father is him! And that Morgana is actually her mother and is alive! Arthur is alive as well! And she's his niece!"

He says dropping down and placing his hand on his forehead as he puts Merlin's staff down gently.

Hisirdoux:" and on top of that, Merlin... Merlin is—"

I cut out of this conversation as I realize they might have had a good reason.

'No! Y/n, no! They lied to you. You deserved to know and they lied'

I drop out of the trees, earning a lot of attention.

Hisirdoux:" y/n! I—"

Y/n:" don't. I'm still not talking to you, any of you. Let's just get this over and done with. What do we do now?"

I ask, remembering Merlin's death.

He drops down, with his legs folded, while Claire, Steve and I approach.

Claire" we'll get through this, together. We need you, Doux. The world, and our friends are in danger."

She says, kneeling down and giving hi: the book.

Archibald:" and the Order's about to tick off an arcane apocalypse."

Hisirdoux:" Merlin didn't tell me anything! And of course, he gave us a book that I can't even read. I mean, what is that supposed to be? Orcish? Elvish? Naga snake tribe?"

Both Charlie and Archie gasp as Douxie stops questioning and stops at one page.

Archibald:" it looks like... ancient Draconic."

He says as they back up.

Steve:" Draconic? *gasps* Dracula! Oh, no, Dracula!"

Claire:" no... as in dragons."

Hisirdoux:" as in..."

Archival day:"Charlemagne the devour and... 

Charlotte:"... Crysta the destroyer..."

Steve:" a love pair of dragons? Aww, cute."

Y/n:" unfortunately, there is nothing cute about them. No, they're not a love pair, last I checked tat is, but they are supposed good friends."

Hisirdoux:" Charlemagne, the devourer and Crysta, the Destroyer. Keepers of the most sacred stones and treasures. Vicious dragons."

 Archibald:" which is why we shouldn't trouble them. Maybe someone else can translate."

Charlotte:" yeah! Let's stay... very, very... far away."

They say as they are sitting on a roof of one of Camelot's defenses.

Hisirdoux:" come on, Arch! Charlie! This is clearly about the genesis seals—"

Y/n:" and if the order finds them first—"

Realizing that I found finished Douxie's sentence, I look at him with a blush, but he was smiling at me... that was before Charlie cut us off.

Charlotte:" yes, yes, yes, we're all doomed. I suppose we'll have to pay those two a visit."

With that, we call the ship But before we get on...

Claire:" what about Jim? I need to find him."

She asks advancing a little.

Y/n:" go back to Hex Tech. Research any dark magic that could help him."

Claire:" Okay. Let's go, Steve."

Steve:" aw—! But the dragon quest!"

Claire:" what're  you going to do, get eaten again?"

She asks, just before opening a shadow portal underneath him and whoops... he's gone.

I snicker a laugh, earning a small smile from Claire.

Just before she opens her own and jumps through, sending a quick smile at us before going through.

We get onto the ship and he says.

Hisirdoux:" well, let's hope we get some answers... before the Order does."

And with that, we're off. 

Off into a manic dragons nest. With two serial killer dragons.


Suddenly, I feel a change in the shadows.


Y/n:" I'll be right back. There's something I need to do."

I say before I make a shadow portal and jump through.

Y/n:" I can't stay long. He needs me... wait! Why would I care? He lied to me, he can do this on his own."

I look around, but nothing is there. I cross through the shadows, but I see something.


Y/n:" gotcha!"

I say as I grab her and twist her arm shouting.

Y/n:" explain!"

But it wasn't Morgana.

Claire:" woah, hey! Argh, that hurts! Let go."

Y/n:" Claire!? Oh my god, I am so, so sorry. I thought you were—"

Claire:" Morgana?"

I let go of her arm, nodding.

She turns to me and says.

Claire:" I know you're mad at me. But I'm still here for you if you need someone."

I nod my head and say.

Y/n:" you're here for Jim."

She nods.

Claire:" if I can't find his sole in our world, then I can find it here."

I nod again, I look around saying.

Y/n:" I came here for Morgana, but I need to get back to Douxie... but I guess he can wait a few more minutes."

She smiles and nods, floating off to look for him.

I float with her, causing her to look at me confused.

Y/n:" I'd rather help you find a friend, then a traitor."

I say the last part with venom and disgust lacing my voice.

We continue looking before we both gaps at the same time and go near somewhere.

There, we see a burning yellow/golden blob making its way to us.

But I knew what that blob was.

Y/n:" Claire, get behind me. I'll handle this. You go look for Jim."

She nods and does so.

But it wants Morgana. It was her power.

I shove Claire aside and stop her fire ball from hitting us, by directing it right back.

Morgana:" handmaiden!"

Oh, so she only saw Claire?

Oh, right.

It's hard to connect to my magic and trace me if we have the same.

She shouts, attacking Claire. But Claire grabs her-yes, literally grabs her- and throws her against a rock.

Claire:" you here for a fight?"

Y/n:" cause I'll defiantly give you one!"

I shout, her eyes drop on me and her entire expression softens.

Y/n:" whatever the orders planning, I won't let them win!"

Morgana is about to attack Claire again but I stop her and we come face to face.

Morgana:" I'm not here for the order!"

Y/n:" let me guess. Arthur?"

Her expression softens again and she nods her head.

I kick her away from me and create my dagger while she creates hers.

We fight for a little bit while I say.

Y/n:" but I still don't believe it! You're always up to something."

Morgana:" I don't have time to quarrel with you, child!"

Claire:" don't you mean, you're child?"

Everything stops. My expression hardens again and Morgana's drops.

She had her dagger against my neck and I show her who's boss by pressing it against her stomach.

Morgana:" I must know if my Arthur still exists."

Y/n:" you want to save your brother. Claire what's to save Jim. Truce? We'll hold off killing each other until after we find Jim and Arthur's souls."

She makes her dagger poof and mine poofs too. Claire comes closer to us while Morgan's says.

Morgana:" wise. I always said you and I are more alike then you know."

I create my dagger again and point it to her saying.

Y/n:" trust me, I do know now, and that so happens to be the reason I'm here. For you."

She looked at me a little surprised, I put my dagger away and say.

Y/n:" you owe me an explanation. Now. I'll help you find Arthur, but only, if you help me."

Morgana looked saddened of the way I spoke to her, but she nodded her head. She turned around and started floating off into the distance.

Claire and me following close behind.

We float endlessly through the dark, I was calm and at peace here.

Morgana:" I can sense your calmness."

'I can sense your tenseness'

Y/n:" I can sense your tenseness."

Morgana:" I wouldn't be, had the order known I was here for Arthur. They will have my head if they find out."

I scoff with Claire.

Claire:" not a chance, you're hard to kill, trust me—"

Y/n:" we would know."

And with that, there was silence. A long silence, which lasted for three minutes, before Claire stopped and turned around to somewhere else.

Claire:" wait. I can feel him."

We float the other way, and with that, we see a glowing image of Jim at the bridge of Killahead.

Claire:" there!"

Morgana:" the bridge, it binds his human soul—"

Y/n:" his inner torment, manifested from the physical realm—"

Claire:" I know. You did this to me once."

I stare at her confused, but realize she's referring to Morgana.

Y/n:" wait, what? You did?!"

Morgana:" ah, yes. We had fun."

Y/n:" you seriously think that's supposed to be fun?"

I ask, angry.

She looks at me sadly, but my vision starts to blur and a new one appears.

'Ugh, here we go again'

Charlemagne:" careful, boy, you're playing with fire!"

He declares as he fire his fire around to prove his point.

Douxie was fired up as Another dragon comes and says.

Crysta:" destroying Merlin's staff is the only way to save the world."

Archibald:" dad, Douxie, play nice."

Charlotte:" please, mom, give him a moment."

My vision starts to blur again and very quickly, I see clearly again.

I face Morgana as I say.

Y/n:" I need to go."

She's turns to me with a soft face.

Morgana:" where to?"

I scoff.

Y/n:" non of your business. I may not have gotten the answers I want now, but you will give them to me. Tomorrow, at twelve, right here."

I say sternly before facing Claire.

Y/n:"do you think you've got this alone?"

She nods her head, I nod in understanding and start moving away.

I open a portal to where I'm guessing Douxie is and jump through.

But I couldn't believe it.

Charlemagne is Archie's dad?!

And Crysta is Charlie's?!


Never mind.

I jump through and land right in front of both dragons.

Archibald:" oh, dear."

Charlemagne:" never challenge a dragon."

Y/n:" uhhh, I know I have a lot to catch up on, but please don't singe my best friend!"

I say holding my hands out in surrender.

Everyone stops what they're doing and look at me.

Crysta:" and who might you be?"

Charlie comes to me and says.

Charlotte:" mom, Charlemagne, this is y/n."

Crysta:" ah, you are my dear Charlie's wizard master! Correct?"

I nod my head.

Crysta:" lovely to meet you, dear. I am Crysta. I'm sure Charlie ha stood you much about my smart-brain pies."

I glare at Charlie.

She shrugs sheepishly and smile sat me too.

She told me that Crysta the Destroyer made pies out of brains, not pies that concentrate the brain.

Y/n:" no, she conveniently left that part out."

I say sarcastically.

She flies off my shoulders and Charlemagne says.

Charlemagne:" well, maybe you could convince your friend here to destroy the staff in order to receive the Genesis seals."

Y/n:" wait, what? Destroy the staff?! No! It's the last piece of him."

Crysta:" you have a world to save! No time to waste."

Y/n:" no! You can't rush us."

Crysta:" don't challenge me."

They are about to open fire and so was I before Charlie and Archie say.

Charlotte:" mom, Charlie, Douxie, y/n, i miss him, too. But you know, Merlin's not the only family you had."

We drop our stances and sigh, Douxie sits down while I sit down next to him.

Charlemagne:" she's right. Family isn't only who you have—"

Crysta:" it's also who you're with."

She turns around and takes a picture of a table.

Charlemagne:" did you know, Archibald and Charlotte used to be the cutes little dragons you've ever seen?"

He says, showing us a picture of two eggs and our familiars.

Archibald/Charlotte:" father/Charlemagne, please! Burn that."

They say at the same time, while me and Douxie snicker.

They fly up to it and try to tear it from his claws.

Charlemagne:" Archie and Charlie always wanted to explore the world, even if they took their first forms—"

Crysta:" and when they chose cats, that broke our dragon hearts. They became familiars— a lower profession. But if a cat is what they want, a cat is fine with us."

She says as she snuggles against Charlie and Archie against Charlemagne.

Charlemagne:" We realized we had to let them go, so they could spread their wings and soar. And accepting that set us free."

Douxie and I release shaky sighs. 

Charlemagne:" and right now, your people look to you— to stand up, to lead."

He says encouragingly, as some mist they fire surrounds us and creates the people we know and care for.

Crysta:" I know you're still grieving. I know this is too much. But in order to save your family— to save the world— you must let him go."

He says, we both sigh one last time, before he sticks up the staff and says.

Hisirdoux:" do it. Destroy it."

A hot and deadly fire is shot at Merlin's staff and we grunt and, at times, scream in the deadly heat.

Merlin's staff cracks and splinters off, until it completely cracks with a big explosion. We get thrown back with a scream.

There is green glowing dust around us, and we look around frantically. We pant heavily as we get up.

Douxie offering a hand, which I deny and get up myself.

Y/n:" where-?"

I was cut off by looking around and realizing, this was Merlin's chamber in Camelot.

We start walking towards it, in dead silence.

He picks up the time map and I am reminded when he and I first met.

I was running around the halls after playing a prank on the knights.

Merlin:" it was real magic, even if put to wrong use."

 He closes it and we look around some more.

The plans to build the troll hunters amulet lye there as we probably had the same flashback.

Merlin:" carry on, and don't—"

Hisirdoux&y/n:" but, master—"

Merlin:" "but, master" me."

 But the memories come spiraling out of control we both seemed to be overwhelmed with them.

We pant and seem in a panic attack of kind.

We grab our heads and walk backwards, before we both hit the wall and slide down, head in knees as we hit the floor.

We walk towards the painting as we find courage again in us.

Hisirdoux:" you weren't perfect, old man... —"

Y/n:" but at least you tried."

We lay our hands on his picture in the painting as his voice recites in our heads, smiling at his words.

Merlin:" the greatest thing I have ever accomplished was saving you."

As those words leave our heads, we slide our hand off the painting. I turn to Douxie and say.

Y/n:" we may have had our ups and downs, but we will always have each other."

We smile at each other as Douxie grabs me gently and pulls me into a comforting, gentle- yet firm- hug.

Hisirdoux:" I've been in love with you since the first moment I met you, and after all these years, after everything we've been through. That never changed...—"

Y/n:" Merlin may be gone, but together, we'll be just as strong as him. Yellow/gold and blue...—"

Hisirdoux:" make green. We'll be stronger together, we are two halves of the same whole, and he... he brought us together, he is our whole."

After that was said.

Douxie gently placed his lips on mine, a gentle and loving kiss, one that was long overdue.

As he places his hands on my waist and mine on his neck, we both put all the emotion we've felt these past centuries into it.

Merlin and Morgana were both different, but in the end were the same, both had a passion and love for magic.

Like we do, but that is not the only thing we have a love and passion for.

We have a love and passion....

For each other.

As we release from the kiss. We look at the painting.

Hisirdoux&y/n:" goodbye... master."

Behind us, the locker that Merlin had opened up. Showing us what we needed to see.

We open it and take out what was in it.

It was a chest.

We open the chest and a blue, purple, magneta dust is in it.

Douxie, leans down and takes out what's in it.

And it is the Genesis Seals.

Hisirdoux:" I'll find a way to protect this world, master. My way."

I take his hand and say.

Y/n:" we. We, will find a way."

And just like that green glowing dust surrounds us. And we are back at the dragons den.

We get up and hold the Seals, which were still in Douxie's hands.

Archibald:" Mordraxe's miracles, you found them!"

Crysta:" well done! I knew you two would do it, little buddies!"

We look down, and I think only now, we realize what we actually have in our hands.

Hisirdoux:" the Genesis Seals."

We say as we look at them, we side glance each other and connect our pinkies.

But one thing was still bad.

One thing was still very wrong here.

And it needed to be fixed...


'I want some pie!'

Yeah, been a while again. All I can say is hope you liked it and have a wonderful day/night!

Love you guys!

Don't smoke.


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