Random Fandom Oneshots

Galing kay AisyDaisyDew25

10K 83 10

Just a pile of oneshots from my Fandoms, aot, bnha, voltron, Mandalorian, and The Witcher. Some will be x rea... Higit pa

Why Bother?
Meeting the New Girl
Meeting the New Girl (Part 2)
No Regrets
Living With Regrets
Foggy Memories
Electric Love (18+)
Studying (18+)
In Our Dreams
Perfect In My Eyes
Lovebirds (18+)
Adding to the Nest
Our Happy Life (18+)
Our Happy Family
Our Perfect Mate
Precious Time
Mine (18+)
Our New Life (18+)
Wonderful Life (18+)
Starting Over (18+)
First Date
My Kitty (18+)
Punishment Games (VERY 18+)
My Baby Girl
Mi Cariña
Cherry Bomb
Revenge (TW)
Frozen Heart (TW)
Taken Too Soon (TW)
In Shock (TW)
The Witcher and The Healer
My Witch
All Tied Up (18+)
Rewrite the Stars (ver. 1) (kinda sad)
Rewrite the Stars (ver. 2) (Kinda sad)
In Loving Memory
I Am Not Okay
The Wolf, Moose and Squirrel
Ink and Roses
The White Wolf
While it Lasted
Wedding Theme Photos
Moving On
House Theme!
The Final Straw
Back in Your Arms
The London Institute
A Tour of London
Her Lips
Ravish Me
New York City
Never Trust a Duck
Until We Meet Again
I'm Sorry
I Miss....
C.ai out of pocket stuff pt. 2

Letting Go

26 0 0
Galing kay AisyDaisyDew25

Hey guys, just when you thought you got a break from me, I'm back! With another part to the Ink and Roses series! It may or may not be the final part. We'll see! Enjoy!


~Geralt's POV~

I sigh, looking through pictures of me and (Y/N) on my phone. That's when I got a message from Lambert. As much as I was thankful for him looking over (Y/N) for me, it sucked that he was actually building a relationship with her.

I open the message, seeing a picture of (Y/N) holding up a bouquet of pink and blue flowers, a hand on her large belly.

"Huh, gender reveal I guess." I mumble, hovering my fingers over the photo.

'Only five weeks to go!' read the message.

"Fuck..." I mumble, getting up and getting dressed, going to work.

The day went by quickly and before I knew it, I was done with my appointments. I cleaned up my station for the last time of the day, going out of the building and saying goodbye to Coen, my brother and also the owner. I exit the shop, walking over to (Y/N)'s flower shop, walking in to see Triss instead of (Y/N).


"Geralt. I was just closing up. And you just missed (Y/N). Lambert just picked her up."

"Oh... okay."

"You know, you coming in here every time you can only hurts her more... right?"

"I know..."

"Then why, if you truly love her, why do you keep doing it?"

"Because I wanna hope that one day she'll take me back... I know I hurt her pretty bad, so bad her soulmate mark is gone... but mine remains... I may not be her soulmate anymore, but she's still mine... I'm going to try to win her back."

"She won't take you back." Triss warns.

"We'll just have to see about that." I say, leaving the building.


A few weeks passed since then and I was leaving the shop when I heard a cry come from the alleyway. I rush to the source of the cry and see (Y/N) crouched down in the alley behind the shops.

"(Y/N) what's wrong?" I ask, rushing over to her.

"The babies... Th-they're coming!"

"B-babies?" I stutter. She glares at me.

"That's all you fucking gathered from that?!" She growls, slapping me. I bow my head in shame.

"Sorry love."

"You don't—ngh— get to call me that!" She grits out, her hands balled into fists as the contractions ripped through her.



"Give me your keys!... please." I whisper the last bit, looking her in her (E/C) eyes.


"Yes!" I shout, grabbing her purse from where it fell and grab the carabiner with the keys off of it. I then grip her by her shoulders and lift her to her feet, scooping her up before carrying her to the car. I unlock the doors and place her in the passenger seat, shutting the door. I run over to the driver's side and get in, buckling myself in and turning the car on, pulling out of the parking space and driving to the hospital. (Y/N) sobbed in pain, gripping her belly.

"(Y/N)... why are you working when you're this far along?"

"I was just... checking in on the shop!" She grits out.

"And where's Lambert?"

"He had to work... stop with the stupid fucking questions!" She shouts. I nod.

"We're only about fifteen minutes out... Do you think you'll make it?"

"No! They're coming now!" She grunts out, pushing.

"Fuck! No no no no no... can't you hold it in or something?"

"I oughta kill you for that!" She screams. I purse my lips, pulling the car over and putting on the hazards, stepping out of the car and walking over to the passenger side, opening the door. I removed my jacket and my hoodie, holding the hoodie under her. She pushed again and I gasped, seeing the head.

"I can see the head! Just one more push!" I say, looking up at (Y/N). She glares at me, taking a deep breath before she bore down again. The baby slips out and into the hoodie, a cry leaving her lips.

"It's a girl!" I exclaim. She breathed a sigh of relief before she gasped in pain, bearing down again. I set the baby in the footwell, preparing my jacket to catch the next one. After a few pushes, the second one was born, his screams filling the air. I gasp.

"It's a boy!" I exclaim, holding him close.

"The cords... hafta cut the cords..." (Y/N) slurs, her eyes drooping shut.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N) wake up!" I say, gently slapping her cheeks. She gasps, opening her eyes.

"I feel... woozy..."

"Hold on love, I'm gonna get you to the hospital." I say, shutting her door and running to the drivers side, practically speeding to the hospital. Once we got there, I carefully situated (Y/N) and the babies, carrying them inside.

"Help! My wife!" I gasp out. The staff rushed around us, taking (Y/N) and the babies back into a room.

Hours went by before they came out and told me that she had hemorrhaged but they had found the source of the bleeding and were treating her with IV fluids. Lambert rushed in.

"Sorry, I got here as soon as I could. Work didn't understand the situation."

"It's alright. They have everything under control."

"Thank you... for finding her."

"It's no problem. She hates me though... But, she can have visitors... I just don't know if she wants to see me."

"I'll go in and talk to her... Don't worry brother." He says, patting my shoulder.

"Here, I'll take you to her room." I say, standing up and walking to the room. Lambert followed me, walking into the room once we got there.

"Here..." I say, sitting in the chair outside of the room. Lambert walked into the room.

After a few moments, I heard (Y/N)'s voice call for me and stood, taking a deep breath before walking into the room. I look at (Y/N), seeing tears in her eyes.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Mere..." She says, holding the babies. I walk closer, stopping a few feet away. She glares at me.

"Fucking hell, Rivia come closer or I'll rip your nuts off." She scolds. I yelped softly and walked closer until I was next to the bed.

"I... I want you to meet your son and daughter."

"But take this in because this is the most you're ever going to see them." She says, those words ripping a hole through my heart. But I understood where she was coming from.

"I understand... C-can I hold them?"

"Once." She says, handing me the babies. I nod and take them carefully, holding them close.

"What're their names?"

"You don't get the privilege of knowing them." She says, another shot to the heart.

"O-okay..." I whisper, looking at my son and daughter.

"I love you two... and your mommy... but daddy's done some unforgivable things... so we can't see each other... just remember that daddy loves you." I whisper, tears rolling down my face. I handed the twins back to (Y/N), standing and leaving the room without another word.


~(Y/N)'s POV~

It's been about nine years since the twins were born and they've grown so fast, both of them being taller than the average child their age. And of course they both looked so much like their father. Coral had her father's ashen hair while Coen had his amber eyes.

"Okay you guys, mommy's going to the shop! Who wants to go with?" I ask, looking at my children. They both hopped up.

"Me!" They chorus. I chuckle.

"Get your shoes on, let's go." I say, grabbing my purse, phone and keys. They scramble to put their shoes on, tripping over each other. Lambert walks into the room.

"Heading to the shop?" He asks, wiping his hands on a rag.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna check up on it. Like I do every other day."

"Alright. Well, have fun you three." He says, walking over and giving me a kiss, ruffling the twins' hair. They groan loudly, batting their father's hand away. I lean forward and kiss Lambert's cheek.

"Have fun at work, love." I whisper.

"I will. You guys have fun too." He says, pulling away and walking to his truck. I nod and walk to the van, getting the kids situated before climbing into the driver's side, turning the car on and pulling out of the driveway.

Once we arrived at the shop, the kids ran to their favorite flowers, picking up a pair of shears each and trimming the dead leaves and flowers from the healthy ones. Triss spots me and grins.

"Hey (Y/N)! How have you been?!" She asks, hugging me.

"Triss, you saw me the other day. It hasn't been months or anything."

"I know, it's just weird still. Going from seeing you every day to hardly seeing you."

"Hey! I come by every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!" I say in protest. She chuckles.

"See? Hardly seeing you." She says, pulling away from me.

"Has he stopped in recently?"

"No. But he stops in about every three weeks... so he should be coming in at some point this wee-" She cut off, looking behind me when the shop bell rang. Her soft gaze turns into a scowl.

"Out!" She says, walking around me to shoo the person away. I turn around to see... him.

"(Y/N)!" He says, his golden eyes lighting up. I take out my pepper spray as he walked closer, aiming it at his face.

"Not another step." I say.

"(Y/N)..." He says. I take in his features. His normally toned body was sort of chubby and he had dark bags under his golden eyes which had lost their shine. And his normally well kept hair was thrown up in a messy man bun. His scruff had turned into a full blown beard and he smelled like old pizza.

"Geralt." I say coldly.

"I haven't seen you in years... h-how have you been?"

"Better... Lambert and I are married... and the twins... well you don't get to know how they're doing." I say.

"Fuck... how many times do I have to say I'm sorry? Love, it's killing me not having you by my side."

"Good... because it killed me to see you in bed with your fucking ex!" I shout. The twins run up to my side, each of them taking a hold of my shirt.

"Coral, Coen, go back to your flowers."

"Mommy, is this a robbery?"

"No... this is just... an old friend... who hurt mommy badly."

"We were married! I loved you! Still do!"

"Who fucking ruined our marriage? It sure as hell wasn't me!" I say, my lip trembling.

"I know I fucked up... but please... Please give me another chance!"

"No... because unlike you... I am loyal to my current partner... not my ex." I spit out the last word like it left a bad taste in my mouth. He flinches, turning his head down before turning and walking out of the building.

"Fuck, that was intense." says Triss, walking over to me.


"Mommy... who was that man?" asks Coral.

"Yeah, and why do we look like him?" asks Coen.

"My loves... that was mommy's ex husband... we were only married two months, which was long enough for us to conceive... that was before he went back to his whore ex girlfriend..." I say, kneeling down in front of my children.

"So, he's our actual dad?"

"No, Lambert is your actual dad, he raised you... Geralt just... hurt mommy badly so we don't speak of him like he had any contribution in creating you two." I say, standing up.

"Alright, that's enough excitement for one day. Let's get you two a couple flowers then get home?"

"But mom..." They whine.

"No buts... we're going home." I say, leading them to their favorite flowers and picking one out for each of them, going to the counter and paying before we left.


I hope you guys liked it! The future timeskip where the children are older was curtesy of someone on AO3 by the name of ImMyOwnDefender . Should I try and do another part? Maybe continue it into it's own book? Comment below!

Luv Y'all,
Aisy Daisy

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