Black Meets Red

By MafiagirlVictoria99

14.4K 263 30

He's quiet with everyone but her. She's quiet with everyone but him. In which a lost boy who has given up on... More

Chapter 1 - Family
Chapter 2 - Friend
Chapter 3- Green Eyes
Chapter 5- Impossible Possibility
Chapter 6 - Muscles
Chapter 7- Stuck
Chapter 8- Reunite
Chapter 9 - Tiny Feet
Chapter 10 - Sick
Chapter 11 - Waltz
Chapter 12 - Don't Belong
Chapter 13 - Discovery
Chapter 14 - Curiosity
Chapter 15 - Past
Chapter 16 - Truth
Chapter 17 - Emotions
Chapter 18 - Distracted
Chapter 19 - Dating
Chapter 20 - Dash

Chapter 4- Actual Friends

769 16 3
By MafiagirlVictoria99


Family is not defined by genes
it is built and maintained
through love.

I hate PE!

Why just why do I have to be here in my first day of school.

Although these PE uniforms are fire, but that's not the whole point.

I love exercising but I just hate PE and I don't even know why. Okay I know why but still.

I had professed my hate for PE the time my sister called me fat in front of everyone a few years ago.

I got called fat the rest of the school year and that's when I started working out. It helped me think less of the incident. It paid off cause now I'm very happy with my body.

My sister's not. Screw her.

I enter the big hall and noticed Felix talking to the green haired boy uhm...Spencer.

I stood a distance away from them and that's when my sister walked in looking like a noodle in her PE uniform but insanely attractive.

Not a lot of people were in here but I noticed the girls were looking at me and then at Judith.

The resemblance was definitely there if not by our faces but by the hair but I still pretended to not know who she is.

I was looking at my sister who already had friends openly talking to them that I didn't notice the person next to me "Hi!"

I jumped a little at that maybe a lot and turned to face his tall figure "Woah. Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" Spencer stood in front of me with a wide grin on his face.

This will be a really good time for me to say something friendly but I do the one thing I might hit my head for later.

I pulled my hand for a handshake.

Spencer looks at me with raised eyebrows and an amused smirk on his face and took my hand in a light shake "your hand is soft and so tiny"

"Thank you" I say smiling at him and his face turns soft

"Damn you're cute" I flush at that and that's when my hair decides to fall apart again from the top bun and cover my face.

He laughs and I raise my hair with my arm to look at him.

I looked around for my hairband but I couldn't see it.

"Looking for something?" Spencer still standing here asks.

Why is he still talking to me..

"My hair band" I smile and a warm feeling spreads in my body when he pats my hair "don't worry, I know someone who has one. Wait here" he ran off and I see him talk to Felix again who was staring or more like glaring at me.

I turn away instantly.

I can't handle my heart when he looks at me.. I just discovered.

I noticed that the hall was now full and a tall sturdy man walked in and the first thing I noticed about him is his red hair like mine!

I stare at him and that's when his attention turn to me and I unknowingly drop my hair and it falls on my face.

"Shit" I curse under my breath

Spencer came jogging towards me with a smile on his face.

He's always smiling..

"Here you go Ariel" he hands me the band and I attempt to glare at him but I ended up smiling at the obvious name he called me.

"You really don't talk much do you?" He shakes his head but claps "well, I'm your fairy god brother now and I'll keep you safe" he holds his heart and place his hand on my shoulder.

I grin at that.

I have a fairy god brother!

The PE teacher called us with his whistle and everyone quickly walked towards him in the middle of the field.

"Stay close Ariel, it can get deadly out here" he squints his eyes looking side to side and I laugh and he looks at me "there we go. Laugh unlocked" he pats my head again.

He's like 6'3 or something and Felix is a tiny bit taller. Even my 5'7 frame looks tiny next to them. What do these kids eat anyway...

I quickly put my hair in a tight and secure bun this time and follow Spencer like a lost cat.

I noticed my sister trying to talk to Felix but he glared at her with a dirty look and walked away from her coming to were Spencer and I were standing.

I stiff at that.

Not at him coming over here, but him openly rejecting my sister's approach. That has never happened before.

It's amusing to watch really.

"Okay!" The coach yells making some people jump. Me included.

I felt a presence near me and I thought it might be Spencer "is he always yelling?" I ask not turning around "you'll get used to it" a bored voice answers me and I snap my head in his direction.

My heart had no right feeling weird at our proximity but it did.

It was Felix and he wasn't even looking at me "oh" is all I say and turn my attention back to what the coach was saying.

"We're climbing today!" He announces and everyone groans.

Really? I love climbing!

"Stop smiling" Felix tells me not looking at me.

What's his problem!

"Why?" I ask him "you won't like it" he answers still not looking at me.

Why do I want him to look at me?

"Says who? I'm good at climbing" I smile again and he finally looks at me but he rolled his eyes at me.

He has pretty eyes

"Find yourself a partner and oh we have new students with us..Uhm" he looks at the binder he was holding and look through it "ahh yes"

Can we not do this again?

"Judith Harper and ....Rosy" he frowns and looks directly at me.

He wasn't glaring just looking at me, observing almost. His eyes diverts to my hair.

He clears his throat and I know everyone noticed the awkward staring competition we just had "Rosy Harper"

I looked over at Judith who had a frown on her face.

Same sis..

"You're twins...aren't you?" Felix asks surprising me.

I look up at him and nod. He was looking at me intently, he just nodded.

"Rosy, you're with Felix. Judith you're with Spencer.." and he went on till everyone got partners.

Spencer didn't look okay but he'll live.

He walked up to us "Felix, you know we've been friends for a really long time, please switch partners" he begged while looking around for my sister probably.

So they're best friends..

"Fuck no" Felix answers with a frown.

" dear-

"Fuck off" Felix pushes him away from us and I can't help but laugh at that.

"I'll get you for this! Mark my words" he glares at us and walked to were my sister was smiling flirtatiously at him.

Wasn't she trying to flirt with Felix just now?

"Come on" Felix leads the way and we went to the bouldering wall we're supposed to climb.

We put on the shoes and tied the ropes firmly around our waists.

I used to go rock climbing whenever I visit grandma as a kid. I became pretty good at it so this should be easy.

"You know what, it's the first day of school so let's make it fun" Mr Wilson smirks and everyone groans.

"This can't be good" I heard Felix mutter, placing his fingers on his nose and shaking his head.

"It's a competition now. First pair to climb all the way up wins and gets free food for lunch today" murmuring started as everyone got ready.

I heard Felix sigh and I feel the light breath on my neck and a slight shiver run over me. Or maybe it's just the wind...

"On my mark.." he hesitated for a few seconds before his whistle goes off and I subconsciously hold Felix's hand but he lets go and holds mine instead running towards to the wall.

Woah. Okay heart, what are you playing at?

We start climbing and surprisingly he's really good at climbing so I don't hold back.

We climbed and he made sure I was ahead.

He must be enjoying the view....stop!

We were almost there but I slipped trying to look at Felix's face from all the cake he was seeing.

I yell as I wait for the fall but I feel a hand under my butt and I turn a bright pink looking directly at Felix who looks like he's being strained so I quickly hold on to something.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, I just wanted to check on you. Are you okay?" I ask quickly.

He looks red. He clears his throat "I'm fine. Hurry up we're almost there!" He continues climbing and I do the same.

We eventually got up there first and and then swing down.

"That was so hot!" Spencer gushed and Felix flicked his head "what the fuck man" Spencer exclaims and rub the back of his head glaring at Felix who turned around and walked away.

"What's his problem..." Spencer rolls his eyes after him and I laugh at that.

"Dang...I saw how you almost fell and that pig caught you. Sick!" He exclaims excitedly and laugh at the name he called Felix.

I like their friendship.

Mr Wilson did buy us lunch.

Spencer called me over making eyes shift my way but I look down and walked over to him and an annoyed looking Felix.

Does he not like me around or is he just naturally mean?

"Rosy?" Spencer calls out and I realize I zoned out.

How fitting.

"Uhm..sorry. You called?" I ask him quietly "yeah. Have lunch with us...Felix insisted" he grins

"No I didn't" Felix answers nonchalantly chewing his burger and I sigh as I proceed to sit next to Spencer but he pushed and nodded to the seat between him and Felix.

We talked about different things like his younger brother who loves older women and then the girl next door who he has a massive crush on.

I laugh a couple times but what made me laugh really loud was when he mentioned Felix "he picked his damn nose to save me from those bullies! That's when I knew we were meant to be. Fucking soulmates." He sighs dreamily and I laugh holding my belly.

Apparently they met in kindergarten and were friends for a couple of months but Felix suddenly moved and didn't come back till junior year.

"That is so hilarious" I hold my mouth while laughing and turn to Felix who was staring at me but looked like he was in a daze.

He quickly frowns and looks away. I was now the one doing the staring. He is very handsome.

He has a really nice side profile and I just love his eyes so much "you're being creepy Harper" he tells me and I look away. Spencer chuckles next to me.

"I have a question. Can I ask?" I turn to face Felix and Spencer

"No" Felix replies

"I'll ask anyway. Where can I find the mall?" He looked at me like I've grown two heads and Spencer gets excited.

"Dangg Miss girl" he fakes an over exaggerated gasp holding his chest to add to the drama.

Felix gave him his famous eye roll.

I'm getting used to that.

"We're going shopping this weekend! It's a date" he announces and I don't miss the glare Felix sent him.

I'm going on a shopping date with actual friends!


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