part of the family..

By Skelly167

62.7K 1.7K 551

this is about how you the reader is apart of the sbi family dynamic. After your birth your mother got sick an... More

1. the very beginning
2. Blame
3. invisible
4. new brother
5. Take a look at my girlfriend!
6. Fundy?
7. first birthday
8. Sick
9. gone
10. brink of death.
11. tides of change
12. Sally?
13. X-Mas
14. Fundy's dream
15. Birthday preparations
16. your party
17. a small realisation
18. that song..
19. Village
20. first impressions
21. Why?
22. Wilbur
all a dream
23. A brother
24. Hunting
26, the truth
27. A break

25. a tiny bit of whats too come

1.6K 53 9
By Skelly167

Wilbur Techno, 19
Y/n 14
Tubbo Tommy 12
Funnel/Fundy? 3 (15-16)

On the way back Mr Joy helped you bring back the deer Mrs Joy cut up for you. You were extatic, so excited to show Tubbo and Foolish your hunting skills! 
Foolish wanted to try a new recipe or two, maybe we could try cooking together, it would be so much fun.

''Excited to eat it?'' Mr Joy asked a grin on his own face. You nodded smiling right back at him.

''Can't wait to show Tubbo and Foolish! Foolish wanted to try a few new recipes too.'' You said happy to finnaly see the house come into view.

Mr Joy sighed, his smile only fading when he caught a glimpse of someone by the house. You turned to look, finding Phil outside on the porch looking over Tubbo, Tommy and Funnel while they play.

You don't recall Phil and Mr Joy having any problems, but you don't recall them being friends either. Somehow you felt like the smallest interaction would send them off into an argument–and if you knew anything about Mr Joy is that, he doesn't lose.

Still, you didn't want any conflict so you tried to thread very carefully.

Upon arriving at the house, Foolish was first to come over to you. His smile wide as he hugged you.

''Hey, back so soon, if I were you I would've left for another hour.'' He said, Tubbo nodded, completely agreeing with his comment.

You found these two are agreeing on more things as the days go by.
Or that could just be their joint hatred for your father.

Either way their getting along well, pity Phil and Mr Joy don't seem to be doing the same.

Mr Joy kept close, in a more protective way than anything else. It's not like you really cared much but Phil clearly seemed to have a problem with it, he just wouldn't voice that problem.


Which leads to to now, not even 30 minutes later in your kitchen, Mr Joy had only left 10 minutes ago and Phil just looked at you like he was disappointed.

''Can't wait to go to sleep.'' You muttered, helping Foolish with the cooking.

''So you can see her again?'' Foolish asked, his smile wide. It's been a while since you two cooked together. It was nice. Much better than Tubbo who always managed too make a mess.

''Yeah, pretty much.. at least she explained everything..'' You sighed, grabbing a knife from the drawer to cut the green peppers you had brought home aswell.

Foolish hummed, he had known for a while, you had told him just in case he couldn't wake you up again, just so he wouldn't get worried. Tubbo doesn't know but to be honest he doesn't need too. Maybe you'll tell him eventually.

''How is she anyway?'' Foolish asked, curious as usual.

''Alright.. a soul followed her last time and it was a little creepy..'' You shivered ''broken souls look.. wrong..''

''At least I know where I go if I die.'' Foolish said with a wide grin.

''Really? Where?''

''I'd go with you, be inside your little purgatory and live my life–after–life there.'' He grinned.

''And what makes you think I'll let you?''

''Your too touch starved to just not have me or Tubbo around.''

''I guess I'll just have Tubbo then.'' You smiled right back.

Foolish pouted.
''You don't mean that.''

You scrapped the green peppers into the pot, while Foolish waited for an answer, his arms crossed.


''I'll take it.'' He smiled again, picking you up and slinging you over his shoulder.
You let out a gasp while he laughed.

''Put me down.. please?'' You asked, hoping he would but he just stood there.

''Maybe, if you let me be in your purgatory.''

''It's not technically a purgatory Foolish!''

''Then what is it?''

''I don't know, mum didn't tell me! Don't think she even knew.'' You said pouting yourself now.
You slapped him across the head. ''Now put me down.''

''Okay, fine-no need to get violent.'' He said, laying you down on the floor, instead of on your feet.

''You think this is funny, don't you.'' Your brow twitched in annoyance.

''Oh no, no, no, I find this hilarious.'' He grinned, bending down and tapping you on the head.

''Your an asshole.''

''I love you too.'' He said, smiling all the same, knowing for a fact you don't mean it.
He always knew how to make you smile.

You got to your feet, leaning into Foolish's side, as he kept an eye on the boiling pot of water.

Of course, the moment is always ruined by Tubbo's loud gasping.

''Foolish! Just because we agree on Disliking a few people does not mean you can do this!'' Tubbo yelled out, pouting but grinning at the same time..
Oh no.

''Tubbo-'' you started but Wilbur Tommy and Funnel were already there at the door.

''He better not of Touched them.'' Tommy said the look Tubbo gave him was as if they had it all planned.

''What? I lean on you when I get tired Tubbo? What's the difference?'' You asked and Wilbur sighed glaring at Foolish who froze for a split second, then left.

You barely made out Tubbo whispering 'man down'.

''Tubbo?'' You asked walking infront of him and the other two.

''Was this planned?'' You asked his face went blank, like he had to process those words. ''Are you not going to let me be happy?''

That's what made them all go blank, and start spluttering up excuses.

''We can make you happy!''


''You don't need a Sharp-toothed shark boy that can't sew like you can!''


''I bet he can't cook either!''

''Yea-.. isn't he making dinner?'' Funnel whispered to Tommy, looking confused.

''Abort mission!'' Tommy yelled instead, grabbing Tubbo and Funnel dragging them back upstairs.

''That was entertaining.'' Wilbur said, finnaly peeking he head back around.

Foolish was minding his own business, pretending like he didn't see Wilbur.

''I'm sure.'' You smiled, ''everything okay? Phil seemed mad? Do you know what that's about?'' You asked. It's been bugging you all day. You couldn't tell what his problem was ontop of the list of previous problems.

''Jelousy is a cruel thing.'' Wilbur sighed, but he seemed annoyed aswell.
''He could have at least saved it for later instead of making a scene when you left with Joy.''

''Yeah but, I don't know why he's so mad.''
Wilbur seemed to know. And he wasn't scared to share.

''He jelous you let Joy call you n/n and not him. Don't know why, me and Techno understand but Phil just can't wrap his head around it.'' He answered and suddenly Wilbur seemed tired.
''I've had to listen to his constant complaining, all day. I'm pretty sure Techno's pissed aswell.. at me for leaving him probably..'' He smiled and you felt bad for Techno, just a little.

''Oh.. that's stupid.'' To be honest you didn't mean to say that out loud, but it happened and Wilbur looked like he couldn't agree more.

''I know, but don't worry, Big brother Wilby got it covered.'' He winked, walking past you and taking a small slice of meat from the counter.

''Phil's vegetarian, he says its because he's an elytrian but you eat meat so I realise now that's a load of bull, so I'm going to go make him uncomfortable.'' He winked walking back out with a plate of meat in which you presume he's going to share with Techno.

You looked over at Foolish who let out a breath.
''Why'd you have to make up with him first?''

''Would you rather Techno?''

''.. Fair.''

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