22. Wilbur

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It was tiring. Even though Foolish forced you to get some rest, even after sleeping for a good few hours.. you just didn't feel rested. You were awake. Contemplating going downstairs or not. Did they ask about you?
You wondered if Tubbo and Tommy were getting along.

Well, might as well find out. Slowly you got up, stretching your wings and arms until you heard satisfying pops.

You wondered where Phil had been..

You ignored that thought, getting dressed for the evening in comfortable cloths. Even if you were much more comfortable in your Pj's.

You came out of your room, Heading down the hall and then downstairs.
You caught Phil in the kitchen. Probably cooking.
You seen Technoblade sitting on the couch reading, but he seemed less focused on the book.
Wilbur had a guitar in hand, trying to tune it. But he was getting frustrated when it didn't make the sound he wanted.

Foolish came through the door, looking around. You came to the bottom of the stairs both Techno and Wilbur noticed you. Wilbur sent a small wave. While Techno seemed to stare.

Foolish walked over to you.

''Y/n, you can go back to bed if you want.'' He offered you shook your head.

''I won't be able to go back to sleep anyway.'' Your wings ruffled up, and were twitching a little. You never understood why they did that. Nobody here really knew about hybrids, let alone Elytrians.

Foolish sighed, then nodded. Philza had come out of the kitchen.

''Y/n, I'm glad to see your awake.'' He smiled, almost sadly. You nodded, not really knowing what to do in this situation.

Loud cursing came from the door. And when it opened Tommy revealed himself dragging Tubbo and Funnel behind him. You smiled at that. They seem to be getting along well. But you'd have to ask Tubbo, just to be sure.

''Y/n! Tommy showed me how to use a knife!'' Tubbo exclaimed proudly.

''Yes, I am the best.'' Tommy claimed just as proud as Tubbo. You smiled.

''I had a feeling You'd get along. Foolish you owe me five gold.'' You grinned. Foolish groaned in response. Tubbo had blushed a little and was now messing with the feathers on your wings.

''Yeah yeah..'' He sighed going towards the storage room, which was the extention Phil was making before he left. When Foolish came back he handed me five gold peices.

''Y/n, be nice to Foolish.''

You swear the look Tubbo gave Phil could kill a man.

''Tubbo it's fine-''

''No! It's not fine! And you shouldn't think that it is.'' He raged on. Glaring at you now. Tommy seemed confused while Foolish tried to calm Tubbo down.

''Don't worry Tubbo.'' You spoke softly. ''I'll be fine. Aslong as your fine okay?''

He took a deep breath and nodded. Before mumbling curses, clearly aimed at Phil who had already left back to the kitchen. Then Phil called from the kitchen.

''Y/n can you set the table?''

You shot tubbo a glare, knowing he was just about to shout back a retort.

''Fine.. I'm fine..'' He mumbled and you smiled ruffling his hair. You turned to go set the table.

''I'll help Aunty Y/n.'' Funnel claimed walking along side you towards the kitchen.

You smiled at her.
''Thank you Funnel, sorry I don't have a present for you. I can't remember where I put it last.'' You apologised but Funnel shook her head.

''It's fine! I don't mind. I really missed you.. and-I'm just happy your here.'' She said honestly. ''Your wings look really cool by the way.'' She spoke in awe of the midnight coloured feathers while you took out the plates.

''Thanks Funnel'' You flushed, slightly embarrassed for some reason. You plucked out a feather from your wings and placed it behind Funnels ear.

She beamed at the feather which made your smile grow.

When you were done setting the table, Wilbur came towards you, an unclear emotion on his face.

''Y/n? Can I .. talk to you for a minute. In private.'' He asked looking down at you. You looked towards Funnel who nodded going back over to where Tubbo was still raging on in silence beside Tommy and Foolish who were talking to eachother.

Foolish raised a brow at you expressing his concern, your face felt warm at his concerned gaze and just smiled back. Your attention was then back on Wilbur.

''S-sure.. um, we can talk in the chestroom.'' You offered he nodded while you lead the way towards the chest room.

The room was small, well looked small. Most of the space was filled with cabnets and chests to store all kinds of things.
Wilbur closed the door behind himself leaving you and him inside the room alone.

Your nerves were eating away at your finger tips. Wings presses tightly agenst your back while you waited for Wilbur to start talking.
He seemed to stare at the room, having never been in this room before. It was the spare room Phil was previously building.

''U-um, Wilbur?'' You asked snapping Wilbur out of his trance. Your wings twitched a few times.

''Y/n.. um. I-I haven't been the best brother.'' He started. He seemed nervious, scared even. You weren't entirly sure.
''And I..  I wanna make it right. I want to be the brother you can depend on. Keep you safe if you ever need to. If.. if you let me. I just want to make it up to you.. please. And I'm really sorry for what I did to you. It was stupid and blaming it on my youth is not a good enough excuse. So I wanna make it up to you anyway I can.. ''

Your.. your not sure how.. or what or.. God you don't even know what happened. You never knew what you wanted from your family. First it was to stop ignoring you. Then it was to stay as far away from them as possible but.. it never felt right to you. Just saying 'hi' wasn't enough in your mind.
Neither was just running away.
But.. you felt like this. An apology something you've never gotten from them before.
That's what you wanted. And you felt like crying when you heard the words escape wilburs mouth.

So you did. You let your tears fall infront of Wilbur. You don't think he even expected it. But he seemed sympathetic. A shadow cast over his face. One that let his more true expressions show. He pulled you into his chest, and you cried into his cloths.
Like he didn't care about wet drips of your tears on his cloths. No-he didn't care about that.
For once, you felt like he cared for you.
And you can't help but think that, that's all you've ever wanted.

A shoulder to cry on. A brother to care, to be there. And you felt happy in your brothers arms.
Even if it was the least likely person you thought would apologise first.

Wilbur didn't do much, he practically froze at the sight of you tearing up, but regained himself. He wanted to be a better brother, he'd start here.

''I'm so sorry.. you deserve so much more..'' You crumpled, never have you heard something so sincere come from him, and for him to mean it.
''Shh..'' His voice was soft, ''its alright.. I promise I'll try more.. I'll be better.''

You nodded. Hoping this wasn't a lie.

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