19. Village

2K 61 9

Techno Wilbur 19
Y/n 15
Tommy 12
Funnel/Fundy, 3, (15-16)

Wattpad why you break work pls
This is my 6th try to publish
Pls work
thank u.

It was an early morning. The sky had cleared its stormy clouds and left behind the more calmer ones. The grass was still wet from the night before and puddles of water were left behind as reminamts of the storm.
When Foolish woke up he felt well rested and awake. Completely unlike the day before.

When he got up Tubbo was fast asleep sprawled out on the opposite end of the couch. He wanted to take a picture just to mess with him later, sadly he didn't have a camera at the time. Tubbo was snoring loudly and as he looked away he seen you walking around the kitchen with a tired look in your eyes.

''Y/n?'' Foolish called walking towards you in the kitchen. You turned around and you had a smile on your face.

''Morning, how do you feel?'' You asked putting a plate on the table that had scrambled eggs and toast on it.


You laughed, he was always tired in the morning, then again, so were you, but he always managed to complain about it.

''If your tired go back to bed, the doctor will be here soon.'' You said walking back into the kitchen and grabbing two more plates of food.
''Oh, and could you wake up Tubbo for me?''

Foolish nodded and walked over to where Tubbo was snoring sprawled out on the couch. Foolish ripped off all the blankets and yelled.

Tubbo jumped up scared by the loud noise, he looked up at Foolish who had a wide smirk on his face.
''Fuck you.''
And Foolish laughed.

''Come on, Y/n has food ready.'' Tubbo begrudgingly got up and walked over to the table where Y/n had placed plates of food out for them.

Y/n yawned before taking a seat and began eating.

''How come you didn't get sick?'' Tubbo asked mouth full of food.

''Don't know-'' You yawned again ''-i guess I have a stronger immune system.''

As you could tell, you are extremely tired. You were running all around the house ensuring they had their medicine and you also had to clean up whatever Tubbo puked out and when they were asleep you were brewing potions.

''You need sleep.'' Foolish claimed looking over at you.

''I know.''

There came a knock on the door, you got up and opened it. In flew a crow, and you recognised it, and looking back out the door Dr. Taylor was there.

''Hello Y/n, found this guy stuck in the storm. Thought you might know him.'' He spoke softly. You turned to look at the crow who had a peice of paper in its mouth.

''Hello Lee, funny seeing you here, thought you left me.'' You joked but inside you felt like it was true.
You let Dr Taylor inside and he looked towards Foolish and Tubbo, while Lee landed on your shoulder and snuggled up to your neck, cawing at the sight of your wings. You smiled softly at the bird who complemented your wings and apologised for being gone for so long.

''It's fine Lee, now, who's that from? I'm guessing Tommy?'' You asked and the bird cawed loudly handing you the letter. You closed the door and sat down on the couch while Dr Taylor went over to Tubbo and Foolish to check up on them.

The letter was poorly written and it seemed like he was in a rush writing it. The ink was also smeered due to rain.

Hey Y/n

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