13. X-Mas

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Techno & Wilbur 17
Sally 17
Y/n 12
Tommy 10
Funnel 1

(Listen to Christmas in June.. I did throughout writing this chapter.. so sorry for being late I just completely forgot)

The doctor told me I was sick, and in a coma for the past year. Which, mum had told me, it all kinda just felt like a dream, but didn't at the same time.

Mrs Joy is taking care of me. She is really nice, and always asking if I'm feeling alright. I don't know what happened to Phil or Techno, or anyone else, but whenever I try to bring them up Mrs Joy just avoids the question with a disgusted look on her face. I don't think I've ever seen her so disgusted. She litteraly works with toddelers, who do pretty weird and disgusting stuff.. but never have I ever seen that face before.

Mrs Joy was helping me regain my strength again. All my muscles were stiff and sore. My back didn't hurt anymore it just felt like a heavy weight was always weighing me down due to my wings. I doubt she'd be able to teach me how to fly. It's ok though, Dad can always teach me. He is an elytrian too after all.

''That's it Y/n! Just one more.'' Mrs Joy cheered happily. I was walking down the stairs in her home. It was bloody difficult and tiring.
Since when did walking down the stairs become a challenge!?

It was early November and snow had already begun to fall. You could see out the window the children playing outside throwing snowballs at eachother. The crows would do that the whole time during winter just to mess with you. They'd even throw snowballs at the window of your room just to get you to come outside with them.

You wondered where they were now. Probably still in the forest.

Mrs Joy's husband was a nice man. He means well but he always scared you, unlike Mrs Joy he can be rude speaks his mind and usually shouts. A lot. But he's really nice when you get to know him. All the kids were scared of him in school. Sometimes they'd dare eachother to go and run past him and if you didn't they'd call you a 'whimp' or 'scaredy cat'.

Mr Joy, he didn't bring Joy like his last name suggests. You'd usually find him drinking in the pub with his friends during the weekend. If not then shouting at kids who were blocking the road or messing with things they shouldn't be messing with. But I've come to realise it was because they'd be doing things they shouldn't be doing so Mr Joy just has to tell them off.

When you finnaly made it down the stairs, you were holding the banister for support to keep yourself upright. Mrs Joy was clapping and was still smiling.

''Well done Y/n! Here, let me help you to the kitchen, dinner's ready.'' She said happily then her husband came in.
He had black hair and a beard his eyes were brown and had tan skin, he wore what people call a 'resting bitch face' the whole time.

He looked over at you and you could see a small smirk on his face.
''Good job kid.''
Was all he said before heading into the kitchen for dinner.

It was difficult to get complements from him, let alone befriend the guy so this was enough to get your confidence back just enough for dinner and to eat with your old teacher and her husband..
yeah thinking about it sent your confidence right back down again.

Their home was small, but it was nice and cozy. The kitchen and dining area was all in one room, beside it was a hallway with stairs, a bathroom and living room. Upstairs were two bedrooms and one bathroom.
It was a nice living space.

You lived with them for two weeks, then they sent you to  the local guards house, Mr and Mrs Winston.

They were a lovely couple with two young kids. One five and the other three.
Mr Winston was a guard who usually took day duty. You would usually find him wandering around town helping kids find their parents or slowly making his was to the pub, trying to be stealthy.

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