2. Blame

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It has been a few weeks since Kristen gave birth, and she was definitely sick. She had a constant coat of a particular chalky substance on her skin that wouldn't disappear no matter how many times she tried to wash it off.

The Withering sickness.

Withering is a sickness known to kill anything, even a god. But what people don't know is that, that is what the gods intended it to do. This sickness is supposed to be able to kill a god, but only one in their human form. If a god were to get it while in their godly form, it would just be like a sore throat for a day then move on with their never ending lives.

Of course, nobody actually knew that but the gods themselves.

The doctor would come in every day to check on Kristen but it was all for nothing. Phil knew what was going on, but had to keep the act because that is what his wife asked of him.

Techno and Wilbur still had hope, she brought you, Y/n into this world, why is it suddenly so hard to keep yourself in it? They didn't understand the meaning of death. Poor little Y/n was way too young to understand anything but what to do when they wanted attention. Which was cry.

But crying for you as a child was rare. You were a quiet baby. Nothing like how loud and annoying Wilbur was as a toddler. You only cried mabe once or twice ever day.  Four times if something was really bothering you.

Whenever you did cry, it was always when around your mother. It was as if you could sence how she was dieing, how you could possibly help but alas you were only at two weeks old and Life and Death was something you still couldn't understand.

The last time you were ever with your living mother was when Phil was outside with Techno and Wilbur trading for groceries. You were with your mother in her room. Kristen has been bound to the boundaries of her bed since your birth, since the sickness began.

She was taking care of you, as best she could in that certain state. The Withering was taking its tole on her and the last thing she wanted was for the sickness to take her now of all times.

She looked down at you, so small and fragile, so weak and insignificant but yet you were her world at that moment. Mostly because, that was the first time since your birth that you weren't crying in her arms.
You were comfortable, relaxed and playing with Kristin's long black hair as the life slowly drained out of her. She layed back in her pillow subconsciously, still cradling you in her arms and she smiled. She watched you and only you in her final moments. Not Wilbur, not Techno, not her dear husband Philza, you.
You were her world. And you were there when she passed. Her passing away at that moment was one thing that will forever eat away at her immortal soul.
Sadly in that body, she was not immortal. Her empty corpse, now frozen in time, her lips nolonger held a smile but a pale emotionless expression, her eyes no longer held their original happy brightened glow but instead a dull look painted on her face.

You cried. You, a child cried in the arms of you now dead mother. You cried for her hand to gently pat your head or slowly draw circles on your back. But nothing. No movement, no breathing just silence as your cries echoed throughout the empty house. You cried for something you couldn't have.

It took your father and brothers another hour to get back from the village. After trading your father put the items down on the counter while Techno and Wilbur both raced to their mother's room to inform her of their travels.

When they heard your raspy cry, they could sence something was wrong. It was a silent cry. It was raspy, and hoarse. Not something you would like to hear from a child. Phil senced it too.

They all entered the room. Wilbur first then Techno.

The two froze.
In bed was their own mothers motionless corpse, still there, as if she was sleeping, but her eyes were open. Her chest wasn't moving. In her arms was you. Tears stained your small face while you reached up for your mother's hair. In hopes to hold something of her.
Techno stared at the scene. Wilbur stumbled back a little, tears pricked at both their eyes at the sad scene infront of them.

That's when Phil entered..
He knew his wife was to die, and he knew she wasn't really dead, but that reassurance didn't help. It felt too real. It was all to real. She was gone at that moment. She was never to be seen again, in that moment. And to Phil, it seemingly crushed him.

He rushed over to his wife, he held her hand and begged her to stay with him. He knew deep down that she wouldn't come back right now and that it was impossible to come back at that moment but he begged anyway, ignoring the crying newborn in his wife's arms. That was until the newborn tugged on his dark green cloak. Your hands were shaking as you shivered. Your face still covered in red marks from crying the whole time.
That small motion snapped Phil out of his thoughts. He looked down at the child in his wife's arms. You were weak shivering and still crying.

Phil carefully picked you up and cradled you close to his chest. Tears fell down his face as he walked over to his two sons. The pulled both of them into a hug and wrapped his huge black wings around them. Wilbur cried into his father's shoulder, clinging on for dear life as it was. Techno was silent. He didn't speak. He didn't move he just, stood there. As if still processing everything, taking in every little detail.

The voices in his head blamed you for it. You made his mother weak, you made her sick. You did this to her. And so Techno blamed you too.

Simply because the first chapter was a little short,
Your welcome♡

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