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By Xvriniti

5K 275 21

Anahstacia Vaneraries, her life is nothing but complicated. But everything is soon to change once she meets t... More



150 10 0
By Xvriniti

Minor Errors, Be aware.

This week was the week of the Yule Ball. Almost everyone had dates.

Including Ivory. She took it upon herself to still go of course. Now let's just hope neither of her parents find out.

This week was very hectic for Anah. Not only did she have to make sure Harry was taken care of, but she also needed to find time to shop for a dress.

Her sister on the other hand already had plans. Since it was the day before the Ball, May had already planned to go into town to find a dress for herself and her sister.

The two went into town as they came across a small boutique that was hidden behind the other stores.

May pushed Anah inside of the shop first as she came in behind her.

"You didn't have to drag me here. I would have eventually gotten a dress." Anah spoke with her arms tucked under her breasts allowing a firm frown to shape on her lips.

"Yeah, the day of the Ball? I don't think so Anah."

The girls began to browse throughout the store going through the many dresses. Since Anah was going to the ball with Severus she felt the need to match in a way.

On May's behalf she four herself going to the ball with Igor Krakurma assistant. Zilo.

"Find anything?" May questioned from a distance while her fingers trailed over the dresses.


A lady came from behind as she quickly made her self known to the two witches. She was an older looking lady.

"Need any help darlings?" she questioned before realizing who the two women were.

"Bless my soul... You're the Vaneraries sisters!" Her face brightened out of realization.

Both Anah and May turned to look at each other. Their family was well known, so, this should have been expected.

"Yes, we are.." Anah responded as she dipped her head in respect of the older woman.

"If there is anything I can do for either of you, please feel free to ask!" The elder woman spoke. The smile remained on her face.

"Will do." May peered back towards the lady.

It took almost an eternity for Anah to find a dress. She wanted something simple, but, she also wanted her dress to somehow match Severus' formal wear.

"What do you think?."

Anah's back was turned from the changing room that stood behind her.

In the corner of her eye, she was able to get a glimpse of her sister.

When she finally turned to fully see her dress her face spoke for her.

She was in awe.

"Wow, Maykaylah. You look beautiful.."

Her smiled radiated off of the younger sister.

Maykaylah had on a beautiful lavender dress.

She looked like a princess.

May spinned around holding onto the bridges of the dress.

"Do you like it?"

The younger sister questioned hesitantly.

Anah paced over to his bringing her hand up to move her hair out of her face.

"I love it May. You look so much like mom~"

"Alright stop, don't get mushy on me.."

The comment caused the two to laugh.

"Have you found a dress yet?" May asked making her way back into the changing room.

A deep sigh escaped from Anah.

"No, not yet. Maybe I'll just wear a regular dress-"

"Nonsense my dear!" The elder woman spoke up appearing out of no wear.

"You must find something! here!"

She shoved a random dress into her hands now rushing to the poor woman to try on the gown.

"Try this on!"

Since May had finished changing, herself and the older woman waited for Anah to finish.

The door to the dressing room creaked open revealing Anah.

She stepped out of the room with both eyes glued to her.

She had on a gorgeous matted blue dress with stones that ran across her body.

When she stepped out, there was a veil that trailed behind her.

It was perfect.

The elder woman came to straighten Anah's dress out giving off mere chuckles.

"This is perfect."

Anah shook her head in agreement. She was in awe.

"It is."

May stood across from Anah giving of a grin.

She turned towards the older woman with a purse in her hand. She was ready to pay.

"We'll take both dresses Madame, Now, how much-"

The elder woman shook her head, while her hands shrugged off then statement.

"It's on the house Darling. Don't worry about it!"

Anah head turned to look at the storekeeper.

"No, we will pay you for the dresses ma'am-"

Anah's comment caused the elder woman to frown.

"You will not. Please, consider a gift. After all, it is an honor to be in the presence of a Vaneraries.."

The two sisters just looked at each other.

Who could fight against that?

The two eventually gathered up their things and left the shop. Even though the woman insisted that the dresses were free, both women left behind a hefty tip for the Madame.

They arrived back at Hogwarts in enough time. The evening was coming to an end. After all the sisters spent an entire day together.

The door to May's temporary room creaked open as both bodies rushed inside.

"So, did you want to get ready with me?"

May asked while pacing over to the wardrobe that was pressed against the wall.

"I don't mind, I'm pretty sure Severus would have insisted that I did."

Anah had draped her dress over the chair that was pushed against the oak desk.

"Speaking of Severus. Have you told father?"

The younger sisters' back was faced away from Anah.

A heavy sigh escaped from her.


There was a silence that unraveled between the sisters.

Anah hasn't spoken to her father since He cursed her. There was no need to.

He banished her anyway.

"You know..."

May slowly whirled around to stare at the other woman.

"He talks about you a lot. I know what he did was wrong. But Anah, Father was only-"

"Only what May? He did everything thing out of hate. He made me miss out on my daughter's life. There's nothing that will ever make up for it."

May knew Anah was right.

"Have you at least spoken to Mother?"

Anah gave a simple nod.

"Yes, she tells me what I need to know-"

"So you know He's ill?.."

Anah rolled her eyes. Why should she care that the man is sick? Well, he is her father.

"So. He'll get over it eventually."

Anah's comment caused May to frown.

"Anah. I understand your anger towards him. I do, But you have to understand. Everything had to ha-"

Anah ushered her hand to silence her. This wasn't something she needed to ponder on. God, not now.

"May, I don't want to talk about this alright? Let's just.. enjoy this time we have together. Please?"

May could have argued with her, but Anah was always right. Who knew the next time the two sisters would see each other again.

- - - - - -

The day of the Yule Ball approached.

The halls of Hogwarts were filled with modest decoration and teenagers that were all dressed in formal wear.

There was a aura that lingered amongst the castle.

Anah was still in the process of getting ready. Of course, she would be late.

"Anah, could you come on? My date is waiting for me-"

The annoyed sister groaned in annoyance. She was already dressed and ready.

Anah sighed as she gave herself one final look into the mirror that was laid against the wall.

For the ball she decided to straighten it. After all, it had been a while she's she freed herself from the tangling mess she would typically wear.

"Alright, Fine. But, Do you think.. Ivory's still upset?"

May shrugged her shoulders giving her a nonchalant look.

"It was just a date to the Yule Ball Anah. It's not like she's dating the boy."

A groan escaped from Anah.

May would always take Ivory's side.

"Nevermind. Let's go, We're already late.."

"Oh now you're concerned about being late?!"

And like that the sisters were off.

- - - - - -

Ivory and Catalina had just arrived in the Great Hall.

Ivory told Catalina about her mother not allowing her to go. But, the two enacted amongst themselves that she would.

So Cat would sneak her in without Anahstacia noticing. But not only did Ivory have to look out for her mother, but she also had to look out for her father.

"Cat.. I don't know.. Maybe this is a bad idea-"

"Relax Ivory, It'll be fine. See here comes Draco now. Over here Draco!"

There was a large smile plastered on her face as she signaled her bother over to the two.

Draco arrived with his usual gang. There was a smirk on his face as he then gave off a slight grin.

"Don't you look ravishing?"

His question made Ivory nervous. There was a red tint forming on her mixed skin.

Since Ivory wasn't allowed to go to the ball, she didn't have access to a formal dress. But Cat came to the rescue as always. She was able to get her parents to send her two dresses of her liking with no questions asked.

Out of the two, Ivory picked the dress that was less attractive in her opinion.

She had on a baby blue ball gown. There were sheer sleeves that covered her arms, as the pears trailed across her premature chest.

Her hair was curled up, enough to cover her face. She did have pretty thick hair.

"I um, thanks." She responded clinching onto the gown that rested on her sides.

"I think this is everyone.. Let's go inside." Catalina spoke.

Draco held his arm out quickly getting the attention of Ivory.

It took her a second to react. She quickly latched onto his arm now following him inside of the Hall.

Ivory was in for one hell of a night.

Slowly and surely everyone began entering the Great Hall. All of the teachers were gathered at the front of the Hall as usual.

While Anah strode down the aisle, her eyes quickly met with Severus.

He froze in place.

How could someone as beautiful as her, be his?

The veil behind her glazed across the floor as she approached Severus and the other adults that stood amongst her.

"I must have outdone myself. For a second it looked like I took your breath away.." She spoke with a cocky tone.

A grin formed on his lips. While he took Anah's hand in his quickly kissing the top of her hand.

"Maybe you have." He said low enough for her to hear.


May had disappeared from Anah's sight. Her date must have found her.

"Anah, my dear." Minerva greeted her with her typical bright smile as she approached them.

"Well dressed as always.."

Anah chuckled at her comment.

"Thank you, professor."

Minerva looked over at Severus who did his best to avoid eye contact.

Anah noticed and was highly confused about what was transpiring. Why did he look so nervous?

The room settled only for a second until the doors of the Great Hall opened.

The champions of the Triwizard Tournament and their dates marched down the isles until they've reached the center of the room.

Harry was incredibly anxious and unprepared. He never did practice any of the dancing techniques that were taught.

His eyes fell on the first person who only hoped to save him from the embarrassment.

His Godmother.

He had to admit, she was well dressed and elegant.

The music started fill the room.

It was the moment of the waltz.

Everyone watched as the champions paraded around the large circle that was formed. Harry on the other hand couldn't keep up.

More and more people started to join in with the waltz. Teachers included.

When Draco pulled Ivory to dance she panicked.

He kept a distance while they danced of course, after all, she was 12 and he was 14.

Every time he swung her around or even picked her up she ducked her head to avoid being seen by either of her parents.

Anah gave Severus a mere glance. She knew he wouldn't dare step onto the floor, even if it was for her. She didn't complain. Severus knew he had to make up for the dance. But he had something in mind that was even better.

The calm waltz quickly turned into a raging concert. Dumbledore had hired a band on behalf of the students. Once the ceremony was done, everyone wandered off through the castle.

Teachers were assigned to patrol, and less to say watch out for the teenagers.

Some were.. capable.. of doing things that they shouldn't be doing.

Severus was in charge of the Carriages. With Dumbledore's permission, he invited Anah to join in.

The couple stood outside the stillness yard where the carriages sat.

The snow was beginning to fall. After all, it was Christmas day.

Their arms were locked with each other as they searched the vehicles.

"Are you.. Enjoying yourself?" He questioned while walking at a slow pace. The sound of snow crunching settled amongst them.

She shook her head before giving off a soft sigh of relief.

"Believe it or not, I am."

He knew she was. Even when it's just the two of them, she couldn't lie and say that she didn't enjoy Severus's company.

"Are you now?" A grin formed on her lips.

He turned his head towards her before giving off a gentle smile. He kissed the top of her forehead head, soon pressing his against hers.

"Yes.. I admire moments like these. Where I can look upon a beautiful jewel.. such as yourself.."

She chucked a bit.

"Severus Snape are you flirting-"


A tall broad man rushed up to the two interrupting the mood.

It was the Head Master of the Durmstrang. Igor Karkaroff.

Severus took a step back from Anah, holding onto her hands, applying his typical strict smug.

"Yes, What?"

Karkaroff peered to look at Anah while he  turned to now look at Severus.

"Do you mind?" The older man ushered towards Anah who cocked a brow in return.

Before she was able to pull away from Severus he tightened his grip keeping her in her same position.

"Whatever you must say, can be said in front of her." Severus voice was shallow and dark.

He wasn't fond of the man.

Igor ignored the fact that she was there.

"It's happening again Severus. The dark mark is moving again-"

"And why come to me?" The raven headed man asked bluntly.

Igor glanced at Anah again.

"Must she be here?" He grumbled which caused the woman to frown.

"Do you have an issue?." Her attitude spoke all throughout her words.

Igor did his best to ignore her. From the looks of it, he already looked pale. Maybe he's seen a ghost.

"You-know-who will return Severus.." It sounded like he was afraid, and if we're being honest.. It looked like it too.

"I'm Highly aware Igor. Unlike you, I have nothing.. to fear, Can I say the same thing about you..?"

His words hit Igor to the core. He was afraid. With one final look at the couple, he darted off leaving them behind.

Anah remained silent. This wasn't something she wanted to talk about on a night like this.

Once all of the carriages were searched Anah convinced Severus to dance with her.

Surprisingly he agreed. The night wasn't over after all.

The pair wandered back to the Grand Hall. It was empty, not one soul was in the hall. They marched down the aisle arm-and-arm until both reached the center of the room.

"May I.. have this dance, My sweet?" The raven headed man questioned with his hand reached out for her to accept.

Anah gleamed.

She gave a playful bow quickly accepting his hand.

"Of course.."

Her arms quickly intertwined with his. Severus held her close as the two swayed around the empty corridor, humming to the soft music that played in the background.

Her head was settled on his chest with her eyes closed shut. His chin was resting on the top of her light hazelnut hair while they swayed.

Anahstacia felt incredible. It was like she was Cinderella almost. At the ball with her Prince Charming.

"May I ask you something.."

Severus voice quickly brought Anah away from her thoughts.


"What if.. I say..That I wish for our relationship to.. expand.."

She didn't look up at him, but she knew where the conversation was heading.

"As in..?"

A gentle sigh escaped from him as his hands stroked over her exposed back.

"If I desired to.. Marry you.."

Anah's head shot up, making direct eye contact with Severus.

His face was serious.

"You.. you want to marry me?.. Did someone put something in your drink, my love?" It was clear she was nervous and tried to play it off as a joke.

Severus on the other hand wasn't.

He concluded that Anah was the one. No one else was there for him besides her.

"No. I just.." He paused a bit as he slowly pulled away from the woman.

He hesitated until he dropped down to one knee now digging into his pocket.

"I love you Anahstacia. I may not seem like the man to do this, but, I truly do.. care for you. Not only do we have a past together, but I also wish to spend my future with yours. That is only if you let me. You've given more than I've ever wanted.. Our daughter, your love, everything.."

He paused now revealing the ring to her.

"Anahstacia Vaneraries, Will you.. Marry me?.."

By now tears were streaming down her face.

How else could you react to this?

She shook her head almost immediately.

"Yes Severus, yes.. I will.."

The ring was settled on her finger. When Severus finally rose from the ground, he was engulfed into a tight embrace by Anah.

His future wife.

He heard the silent sobs she struggled to cover up. He only chuckled holding her close.

"Are you alright?.."

"Never better.."

This truly was the best night ever.

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