Mages And Dragons

By VeronikaBennington

12.9K 224 33

What would it be like, to learn how to train dragons, conjure the elements from the tip orf your fingers, rea... More

I'm Not Like The Rest..
Leave Me Alone!
Strange Woman/Man
Boxes and Letters
The Introduction To The New Life
Homeroom, With A Bit Of Fire
Awkward Silences And Near-Death Experiences
Thanks For The Scare
No Really, It Happened
Great, Just Great
Hardly A Dream
Murky Mind
I Am...
Of My Kind
The Creature

Roy Y Las Perras

802 16 1
By VeronikaBennington

“Are you new here?” He asked. Popular people are really slow, aren't they? I thought to myself as I stared with no emotion at his model-like face.

“No, I’m pretty old here,” I answered. ”I’m in your Spanish class.”

“Oh yeah! You’re the smart one!”

“I’m glad you noticed.”

“How come you’re so quiet?”

"Is it so important of you to ask?" I cunningly replied.I don't see how this guy was so interested in my daily school life so suddenly. I doubt I did something of any interest to have any significance in my social life whatsoever. I'm not important in this school. I didn't do sports, didn't cheerlead, didn't draw masterpieces. I was just me. I was just Kyra.

“Anyways, I guess I’ll see you next period.” Roy waved to me and rushed off, probably not wanting to be seen by his friends. I didn’t have the chance to wave back, but I still waved as if he was still there. He looked back in my direction and for a split second, his eyes changed into cat-like eyes, then back to normal. He turned away and started running again. I didn’t know how populars worked, but if you asked me, they’re messed up in the head. I checked that my locker was closed and walked quietly to my first period class: Spanish.

When I walked across the hallway to room A17, girls started giggling as I came by and guys started whispering and staring. I guess news travels fast here. I got to my class first, as usual. I was always first to class, which meant I got a good grade in attendance. My teacher, Senior Jopego, had always liked me best. He used to be a gym teacher, with his size and booming voice and all. He had to go to therapy because he broke a kid’s neck for doing an assessment really well. Well, that’s what I heard. Until he got out of therapy, the principal or the faculty wouldn’t even let him look at the gymnasium. Now he's a Spanish teacher. I’m just glad he doesn’t pat me on the back every time I get a question right, because believe me, it hurts when he does.

The bell was about to ring in just a few minutes. I took out my Spanish notebook and started doodling. This was never a habit for me. It was kind of new, actually. Rreally weird that this happened. I think it was because of Roy. I didn’t just like him. I didn't just love him. I liked him extremely. I really couldn’t help it. He’s just so damn hot! I couldn’t stop thinking about him. Lucky for me, Roy sits right behind me. Now I could daydream about him when he’s right there. Have you ever daydreamed about your perfect boy or perfect girl that will eventually find you and actually talk to you and it’ll feel like magic? Well, that’s what happened to me. I just really couldn’t help it.

When the bell rang, everyone came in. Senior Jopego gave his morning speech and proceeded to start blabbing in Spanish to everyone with his booming voice. Me? I was still doodling about Ryo and I riding great, big dragons across mountains and plains. Smiling at each other and kissing by the sunset. His midnight-black hair seemed to blow with help from no breeze, as if he controlled the wind. I wanted to run my fingers through it, but two popular girls sitting next to me started to giggle. Senior noticed it and wanted to know what was going on. Did I forget that I’m a fantasy freak? Maybe that’s why I have no friends... But still; mages and dragons will be close to my heart...

“Bridget, would you like to tell us what casa means in Spanish?” Senior caught Bridget, the head of the popular girls, off guard.

“Um, shopping mall?” Her answer sounded more like a question. Bridget was also known for being head of the dumb. She had dark brown hair (which used to be bleached blonde), brown eyes (which used to be blue), and she wore really bright, tight clothes. She hated to be a blonde, so she changed her look completely so people wouldn't think she’s dumb, even though she is. Senior sat down at his desk, put his hands on his head, and mumbled something in Spanish.

“No, Bridget, that’s incorrect. Kyra, will you please tell us the correct answer?” Senior pointed to me.

“It means home,” I answered, as if I was looking at an English to Spanish dictionary. The popular girls just rolled their eyes at me and started filing their nails, as usual. I sighed and went back to daydreaming.

It almost felt like a year before Senior Jopego stopped his blabbing and gave us the homework. Soon after, the bell rang to go to the next period. The popular girls, Bridget and Natasha, bumped into me as they walked slowly by. They kept talking about how I was a nerd and a loner. In the process, I tapped my fingers twice and blew their way. That little trick made their bags spill out with their make-up, books, pens, and diaries.

I really liked using black magic. It always calmed my anger down. You know, I really don't know how I got my magic powers or how I learned them. Maybe destiny struck upon me when I was born. Well, that’s what my parents say. It’s also destiny that they are werewolves. I’m smart, which made me a loner, and I feel like a total outsider. I feel as though I’m never going to pass school if I keep up like this. Yep, real destiny, all right. I hated my powers. I liked using them, but I still felt weird using them. I just had mixed emotions that day. I really couldn’t control it. I guess that’s another power I have: the power to blame myself for everything.

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