Azur Lane: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓖𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓼...

By lagneverfailed

41.7K 647 324

"Hit first! Hit hard! Keep on hitting!!" From Admiral of the Fleet John Arbuthnot Fisher. An alternate histor... More

Prologue (Remastered)
Chapter 1-Discovering a Legend (Remastered)
Chapter 2-Legend Reunion (Remastered)
Chapter 3-Wrong Identity (Remastered)
Chapter 4-Familiarizing High Tech (Remastered)
Chapter 5B-Quotes Line
Chapter 6-Tour and Task
Chapter 7-Nice Home
Chapter 8A-Greet the Commanders
Chapter 8B-Major Nation Leader
Chapter 9-Story and Friendship
Chapter 10-First Mission
Chapter 11-Catch That Person!!!
Chapter 12-Ship boy helps Commanders
Chapter 13-Conclusion
Message (Love Interest Reveal)
Chapter 14-Operation Scimitar (Pt.1)
Chapter 15-Operation Scimitar (Pt.2)
Marlborough Love Interest
Chapter 16(V2)-Wonderful Crane
Chapter 17-Welcome Home
30005 508 Milestones
Chapter 18-(Too) Early Bird

Chapter 5A-The Magnificent Ships

2.2K 42 13
By lagneverfailed

Azur Lane Base

Commander Penelope prepare with her fleet, her fleet consisted of 7 ships. These ships were

1. Renown (Flagship)

2. Repulse

3. Eagle

4. Cleveland (Main Vanguard)

5. Denver

6. Columbia

7. Montpelier

All of these ships are fully fixed since they only took slight damage during the bloodiest operation ever. Shockingly it also brings 7 not 6 (For luck).

Penelope: "So, is everyone ready for the operation?"

Cleveland: "YES Commander, we are ready!!!"

Renown: "So what's the mission again Commander?"

Penelope: "This mission is fairly simple. Go to the coordinate, and bring Incomparable and Dreadnought to the base. Oh and apologizing from the Admiral, Commander, and fellow shipgirls after we mistakenly Identified them as Sirens."

Renown: "Alright Commander."

Penelope: "Also keep an eye out for sirens. There are still some leftover sirens after the last brutal operation."

Repulse: "I can't wait to meet these legends!!!"

Renown: "Sister, please calm down. We didn't meet these 2 before."

Columbia: "I mean what's wrong Renown? I am also excited to see legends."

Eagle: "Azur Lane soon gets 2 Legendary Ships. Although I felt bad for them and want to apologize to them first."

Denver: "I can agree with Eagle. We all fought with them mistakenly. Hope they didn't angry."

Montpelier: "I have a bad feeling about this."

Cleveland: "What do you mean Sister?"

Montpelier: "I mean not really, but meeting with a ship that has a bigger calibre than anyone else and we fight with them mistakenly are very odd."

Cleveland: "Don't worry sister. I'm sure they are kind and not odd."

Columbia: "How do you know they are kind?"

Cleveland: "Well-"

Penelope: "Some girls hear their voices. According to them, their voice is like being through many brutal wars."

Eagle: "R-right..."

Penelope: "You know what, I have a better idea."

Eagle: "What is it, Commander ?"

Penelope: "I'll join you all during this mission"

Repulse: "Really???"

Penelope: "Well, if you all are a bit afraid or nervous or have some anxiety then I join you to meet these people."

Cleveland: "That great Commander, but you said there will be sirens leftover, isn't that bit too risky for you?"

Penelope: "Cleveland, don't worry about it. I can handle the sirens."

*Knock* *Knock*

Someone knocks the Commander Penelope's room.

Penelope: "Yes, you can come inside."

It was Admiral Sally, one of Penelope's nice friends.

Penelope: "Oh hello Admiral Sally."

Sally: "Hello Commander Penelope. Sorry to interrupt but I just want to come here to bring you a mail from Admiral Johnathan."

Penelope: "Oh, thank you, Sally."

Sally: "You are welcome."

Sally soon close the door and headed to the office.

Cleveland: So Commander, good news or bad news?

Penelope: Let's see.

Penelope read and speak to the shipgirls. The mail said after they found Incomparable and Dreadnought, they have to capture a sirens supply, bring it to the Azur Lane base and destroy it at the base. The mail also requires Commander Penelope to join the operation.

Penelope: "Well that's the message. Let's begin the operation."

Everyone: "Let's do this!!!"


Dreadnought: "Are you sure about this Y/N?"

Y/N: "Of course I'm sure, what could possibly go wrong anyway."

Y/N and Dreadnought were actually playing a football game at the internet café and the score was still 0-0 and it already reaching 85.00

Dreadnought: "Brother, you are so dumb playing the game. GIVE IT TO ME!!!"


Dreadnought beginning to lose hope for Y/N and it is now overtime.

Dreadnought: "AAAAAHHHHHHH!! GI-"


Finally, Y/N scored 1 and only one goal. Despite that Dreadnought wasn't that impress

Y/N: "You see."

Dreadnought: "Ugh... Whatever."

*Beep* *Beep*

Soon Y/N got a message.

Y/N: "Hold on I got a message from Admiral Fisher."

Dreadnought: At our modified hand?

Y/N: "Yes, do I have to explain to you again how to use it?"

Dreadnought: "Nah, I'm just asking a question."

Y/N: "Well then, let's see."

Both two went to see a message from Admiral Fisher from their left arm. Their arm was actually modified by a God a few hours ago. Their hand were able to give a piece of very useful information such as Commander from Azur Lane, Sirens Situation and much more. This gave them the super advantage. Even without Admiral Fisher their arm is still able to give such Information."

Y/N: "It said 7 ships are coming to see us and apologize. Now that's great."

Dreadnought: "Hella yes!! But we are in the city now."

Y/N: "Well don't waste our time then, let's get back to our temporary base."

Dreadnought: "May I have one request?"

Y/N: "What is it?"

Dreadnought: "Oh you know it~"

Y/N Thought: 'Really? Carry her again? No!!'

Y/N: "I would love to but..." *Run away*

Dreadnought: "OY!!!"

Y/N run to the dock while Dreadnought follows him and tries to catch him. She wasn't lazy nor slow, no but it was actually history.

Y/N: "You can't catch me!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"



Everyone was actually staring and amazed at the 2 old people running very very fast. Y/N were faster than Dreadnought but in the long run, Dreadnought are able to catch up. Soon they were almost near the dock they rebuilt. The fact is the dock was located at the most perfect spot ever. Soon they arrived at the base.

Y/N : "HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!"

Dreadnought: "YOU UTT-"

Y/N: "Let's get it straight now. We should wait for the 7 ships and the Commander to arrive."

Dreadnought: "I was very furious with you about why you didn't want to carry me but I think I have to forget that thing."

Y/N: "Of course, we need to forget that childish thing. Let's focus on the current conditions and act professionally."

Dreadnought: "Alright alright. So it seems 7 ships and 1 Commander want to see us, apologise, destroy a supply, and head to our permanent home."

Y/N: "Destroy a supply? Sirens supply you mean?"

Dreadnought: "Correct."

Y/N: "Right, I wonder how far is it-"

*Beep* *Beep*

Y/N: "Another message, let's see."

Message: "Dear Y/N and Dreadnought, the supply was only around 35 KM, You both can destroy it quickly to make the Azur Lane have an easier time or you can just wait for the fleet and Commander and destroy it together."

Dreadnought: What do you think Y/N?

Y/N: "Nah, let's just wait. Maybe it is best to improve your gun and add a AA for greater defence from the Air Attack."

Dreadnought: "Y-you want to give me a AA?"

Y/N: "Well da Yes."

Dreadnought: "R-really?"

Y/N: "Yes!!"

Dreadnought: "THANK YOU!!!"*Hug Him*

Y/N: "You're welcome. *Hug her back* Let's go to the research building."

Dreadnought: "Sure."

Y/N and Dreadnought went to the research building that they just finish rebuild it. Soon they went inside.

Y/N: "Let's see."

Dreadnought: "So what type of AA you will add ?"

Y/N: Because of your speed, I need something powerful but also compact enough. And I already found a great one.

Dreadnought: Which one?

Y/N: "Bofors 40mm."

Dreadnought: "That AA?"

Y/N: "Yep. It was the best AA out there. Made in the best country name Sweden. Almost all nations use it."

Dreadnought: "Oohhh so you will give me that?"

Y/N: "Yes. I also have around 16 of them. Well, that's because I have a ludicrous length."

Dreadnought: "Ohh that's good. Very good!!"

Y/N: "Right, time to make your ship more fearful."


Penelope: "We are getting near now."

Penelope was using a small ship that was being given by Admiral Johnathan. Admiral Johnathan can design a small ship like a gunboat and even a destroyer, but not a cruiser and above.

Repulse: "Ohh I'm getting excited!!!"

Renown: Sister, please calm down. We might know the name but we didn't know them deeply.

Cleveland: "Oh don't be so worried Renown, meeting a legend is something I want."

Eagle: "I'm excited too."

Columbia: "So do I!!!"

Denver and Montpelier: "Me too!!!"

Cleveland: "How far is it Commander?"

Penelope: Not far. Just a bit more. The signal said the ship was near the abandoned dock.

Eagle: Oh and don't forget to apologize to them.

Penelope: "Of course, we have to."

Around 2 minutes the fog started to get thicker and thicker.

Penelope: "Really? Thick fog?"

Cleveland: "Commander. What is the next order?"

Penelope: "Wait here until the fog is gone."

The fog soon slowly rises. Slowly and slowly, they soon saw 2 very beautiful and massive warships.

Everyone: "WWWOOOOOOOWWWW!!!!!"

(From the game called Naval Art)

Everyone was speechless because of how beautiful, magnificent, and powerful the ship is.

Repulse : "OHohohohoh!!! That ship *Pointed to Incomparable ship* looks so powerful!!!"

Eagle: "Very long, Bunch of Anti Air. Looks very good."

Montpelier : "It has torpedo too."

Cleveland: "That ship *Pointed to Dreadnought* Looks powerful too. Is this what Her Majesty really want?"

Penelope: "Yep. This is what Queen Elizabeth want. Why don't we go inside these ships and possibly we can meet them?"

Renown: "That was a nice Idea. Let's see their ships."

All of them went inside Dreadnought and Y/N Ships. They are a bit confused that why the inside looked battle-worn, more confusing. there's no Dreadnought human form and Y/N. However, Y/N ships (Or Incomparable Ship) were in the worst condition ever.

Penelope: "My God, look at this condition."

Cleveland: "So poor. Did he being through so many wars?"

Penelope: "Queen Elizabeth said that he being through 3-4 wars."

Montpelier: "Wow!!"

Renown: "Despite him being younger than me and my sister. He was very active."

Repulse: And brave too!!!

Eagle: "But where are they? They didn't even at the ship, must be at the dock."

Penelope: "Oh yea, maybe they are at the dock. What do you think? Maybe we should check it!!"

Columbia: "We should check it!!"

Denver: Yea!! There must be also goods for us!!!

Penelope: "Then Let's go!!!"

All of them went to the dock and they are amazed at how beautiful and well-renovated the building is.

Denver: "Wow wow wow."

Montpelier: "This is well-renovated and absolutely spotless."

But soon they hear a noise.

Columbia: "Wait, you hear that noise?"

Montpelier: Yes, I hear 2 people talk to each other.

Penelope: "Let's get closer shall we?"

All of them closer and closer until...

Y/N: "Yep so t-"

Dreadnought: "You hear that noise?"

Y/N : *Looks back* "Well well well, we got a visitor here."

To Be Continued

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