It's a least I can do ✔️

By zarrylove30

5.6K 397 163

he can't give him anything, but he don't need anything from him, but love. 💚💛 More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 18
part 19
part 21
part 22
part 23
part 24
part 25
part 26
part 27
part 28
part 29
part 30
part 31 (end)

part 20

147 11 10
By zarrylove30


I opened my eyes and the whiteness of the room struck me badly, I immediately sat up and looked around. I was in the hospital and soon I remembered what happened.

I jumped out of bed and opened the door.

- Hello...

- Hello, I'm with Zayn Malik, where is he, how is he?

- First we wanted to talk to you Mr. Styles.

- oh okay...

- we can go back to the ward.

- okay.

I entered the ward again and the doctor followed me.

- Mr. Styles, I don't know if you know it or not, but your body has an active female reproductive system, which means you can...

- What?

- I understand it's hard, but you have to listen to me because you have an active reproductive system which means you can easily get pregnant and you probably didn't even know that you were two weeks pregnant, but today unfortunately you lost it. The fetus was very weak and at the same time due to stress and carrying heavy things during pregnancy There has been a suspension, I'm sorry...

- But I didn't even know...

- I understand it happens, but it's better if I prescribe you Vitins and take it. At the same time, try not to oversters yourself, if you feel weak, dizzy or any symptoms of confusion, it would be good if you take the test, because control from the initial stage will be better...

- Thank you... - I could barely hold back my tears, and the doctor went to the exit.

- Doctor, please do not report this to anyone, I want to come to terms with this story myself first.

- Well I understood...

I went into the bathroom and cried loudly, despite the fact that I didn't want children and despite the fact that I didn't know anything about it, my heart still hurt, I was very sad because I want children with Zayn, I want to have a future with Zayn.

I got ready, calmed down and went outside to ask about Zayn's condition.

- How is zayn doctor?

- The knife did not damage any vital organs, but we were still in danger. The operation went well, now your husband is resting, you can visit him as soon as he wakes up.

I was crying with joy and giving thanks.

zayn didn't leave me.

he is with me.

I turned around the boys and sat down by the ward.

- Harry, do you want to get something to eat?

- No.

- Harry, you know that Zayn will be angry if he knows you are not eating.

- I know. - I smiled foolishly at the mention of Zayn.

- Then what are you waiting for, I will bring you something and eat it.

- Well okay... thank you Niall... - I am really grateful to them.

Louis and Liam were running errands at the hospital and I was eating a burger with Niall when the nurse came in and told us that Zayn had woken up. I immediately got dressed and went in room to him.

- Zayn, my love... - Seeing him in such a state, my heart hurt and I cried.

- My fool, come here... - He smiled weakly and hugged me.

- You know how scared I was... my heart died...

- Don't be afraid sweetie, I'm fine...

- Zayn you are not well, you are connected to the pipes, if something happened to you, then what would I do?

- my love calm down sweetie. - He was wiping my tears and kissing my cheeks.

- who was it? what he wanted?

- I didn't see who it was...

- Can you talk to the police? - I was caressing and kissing him on the cheek.

- Yes...

The police spoke to Zayn, but they couldn't found out who did it because zayn couldn't see who did it, and the camera footage didn't show anything because of the darkness.


After being discharged from the hospital, Harry was taking care of me, he doesn't even let me go to the bathroom alone. He doesn't even let me go to work and he feeds me himself. I don't have a problem with all this, on the contrary, I love his caring, but I miss his touch, it's been two weeks since I felt how tight he is around me...

- Sweetie, I have something to do and I have to go.

- Zayn!

- Harry!

- Zayn, what if something hurts you?

- Harry, it's an urgent matter, dear, I won't do anything to make myself sick, calm down, and get ready for the evening.

- Oh okay okay...

- My caring boy...

I kissed him on the nose and left.

I'm dealing with Jack. I told the boys everything and they searched, he lived in a sorority.

I arrived at the destination and quickly entered the building.

- Who do we have here?! - I let out a devilish laugh.

- what do you want?

- You will understand.

I took off my jacket, rolled up my shirt sleeves, and walked closer to Jack.

- Did you remember me?.. - I smiled lovingly.

- I was drunk, bro, I...

- Shut the fuck up! - I shouted loudly and hit him in the face.

- How dare you to scare my boy and touch him you bastard?! huh? - hit

I poured blood on Jack and he apologized for everything, I reminded him of everything, and finally he cried some more.

After finishing my work, I went home.

Harry was falling asleep on the sofa, I went and kissed him on the forehead.

- when did you come?

- just now sweetie. - He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

- Are you hungry?

- Yes.

- come.

We moved to the kitchen. The dinner was very tasty. What should I say?! My boy has golden hands.

- Shall we watch something?

- Yes.

We were watching the new episode of Spiderman in our room. Harry was calmly and with great interest observing everything, and I could feel the warmth coming from his body and wanted to touch him. Also, when his bare feet were sliding between my legs, I was getting turned on.

- Harry...

- Hmm...

- Sweetie...

- Hmm

- Harold...

- I'm listening...

- I miss you so much.

- I'm here... - He hugged me tighter.

- Harry don't be silly I meant something else.

- I... Zayn, you fool... - His cheeks reddened, and I laughed..

- please...

- Zayn you're...

- I'm not weak, but you can take dominance over me and ride me.

- What?

- please... - I had my puppy eyes.

- okay ...

I got on top of him and started kissing him like I was hungry. I took off his underwear and followed his t-shirt, after leaving a few lovebites I took him off and put him on top of me. he hit me right on the spot.

- Baby, can you take this without preparation?

- I think yes... - his red cheeks begged to be bitten.

- Then go love...

He put his hands on my chest and sat on me down slowly.

- Oh my God Harry...

- Z...

He started to move and I was stroking his body and holding him. he was jumping on me and his curls were jumping beautifully, I pulled him to me and bit his lower lip. It feels too good. I threw my head back and closed my eyes and slapped her ass several times. I could tell he was getting tired because he was slowing down, so I helped him and started pounding on me fast. He was screaming, moaning, crying...

- z ahhh I ... z... this...

- harry you're doing great baby!

- Oh my God... ahh...

A few hard, rough thrusts into him and I cum into him, but I never stoped to move. I was thrusting quickly in and out of his wet organ and soon she was letting out a sigh of relief herself.

- Now I know that you are recovering well. - he said weakly and fell on top of me.

- My sweet... - I kissed his sweaty head and brushed the wet curls from his face.

- You are very beautiful! - His whole body was top on mine and he was kissing my chest.

- you're not bad yourself too... - I hit him on the ass.

- Stupid...

- Well, Zayn, you know that you are so handsome, don't you...

- it is possible.

- Stupid...

We stayed like that all night.





Together yeaaaah babyyyyyyy......

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