part 1

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   I didn't want to go, but it was my friends birthday so I had to go.

   He was always with me when I needed him, so I chose my outfit, which was black skinny jeans and blue T-shirt. my chest was so noticeable in this shirt, but I don't care.
     I looked my face in the mirror and noticed that I didn't want to go.
    My phone rang.

-        Hello...

-        We’re outside come on...

-         I'm coming.

    I took my suit and went downstair. My parents weren't here but if they would, it's not problem either, couse they just don't love me. I am monster, freack for them so yeah.

-        Hey Harry. – Calum said with big grin.

-        Hello guys.

-        I am Reichel. – said girl who was wearing red short, so short dress.

-        And I'm John. Nice too meet you.

-        Yeah. – I was angry. I don't like meeting to new people I’ll kill Calum for this this bitch lied to me.

    I thought we were going to bar, but those kids are opposite of me so we went to the party.
     I hate it.
     There was casino party and everyone were sweating and drunk like waisted. We took some drinks and go to table but it was so boring and loud for. Don't take me wrong I really love drunk, but with just my close persons. I don't know why I accepted this.

-        Are you bored?

-        Maybe.

-        Why? it’s really fun here.

-        Yes Calum for you it's really fun and YOU KNOW THAT I DON'T LIKE THIS KIND OF STUFF.

-        Harry what's wrong now?

-        Nothing I’m going and wish you everything the best go and hung out with your friends. – I said it and get out.

    My nerves were hiting me, so I took deep breath and call the taxy. I had ten more minute so I was standing near the glasses door and scrolling my phone.

     Suddenly I felt hot stare, I looked up and saw misterious black eyes. My whole body tensed. He had cards in hands and he didn't looked away and then our eyes crossed I was burning and he had winner smile on his face, I couldn't see his whole face cause it was night and low lights. I quickly looked away and noticed he was standing up from chair and coming to me I was panicked and my taxy stoped near me, so I quickly sat in it and told driver my adress.

     My heart was about burst and my whole face looked like tomato.

    I was scrolling my phone that wasn't anything interesting and I was so bored.
    I entered living room and saw my happy parents, it was shok for me, but then I saw my sister’s grade and yeah they loved her, just her.

-        I’m gonna go to store!

     No one looked me or said something, so I quickly opened door and go out. It not my fucking fault that I am some kind of freak it's not my fault.

Okay soooo here we gooo I hope it won't be bad...
So game is onnnn!

All the love LM💚💛💚💛🌈🌈

It's a least I can do ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin