
Limwa_ish tarafından

738 137 10

Daha Fazla

One:Night chat
Four:Unexpected Visit
Five:Not a bitch after all!
Six:Heart wrenching
8:perfect Euphoria
9:The perfect gift for the after party
10:Perfect salvation
11:His love
13:Homecoming 2
15:A nice ride at sunset
18:The big Green 'j' monster
20:Romano empire
21:Romano Empire
22:The Romanos and Casimiros
24:The Muse

Three:A silly fight

28 7 0
Limwa_ish tarafından


Felix, blaze, Emma, and I sat on the last row at the lower part of the set of chairs in the auditorium, while the rest sat in the row after ours.

As Mr sparrow, our principal, A short man, with a bulged stomach and a bald head stood at the podium, the auditorium fell into pin-drop silence as he began speaking.

"Students of Royal regency international academy, welcome back from your break, hope you all enjoyed it...." before he could continue one of the jocks shouted...

"Yeah it was awesome, we had fun with a lot of girls..and dudes....such a bummer that it had to end" Yup that was Justin Martinez, a senior and captain of the basketball team. Every sentence he speaks must carry a curse word at the beginning middle or end..C'mon!

"Justin, I suggest you shut up before I give you extra Math lessons after school" warned Mrs Littleton our Math teacher from the teacher's side.

The stupid jock dears to wink at her and mouth something like" who feisty...I like it"
Oh my God, how disgusting can one be?

Too bad I'm also one of the jocks...not that I'm complaining. Haze is the co-captain of the football team and I,co-captain of the track team, yup I run.... fast. Also, Katherine is a co-cheerleader.

"Ahem...as I was saying, I hope you all enjoyed your break, we welcome the freshers, sophomores, junior year students, and seniors, I gravely hope you have an amazing and successful year ahead, better than the last. And please do behave. May this year be smooth running, I wish you all the best.
Now as you all know, the Homecoming games will be hosted soon enough, I hope you are all practicing well and ready to win?"Mr sparrow said all smiles.

"You bet your grandmas *** we are" shouted the head cheerleader Chloe McMillan who is a senior year student and a rival to Katherine, A couple of yeah's came after along with flying pompoms.

The crowd fell into silence again before Mr Atkinson said......

"Miss McMillan detention after school" and she just rolled her eyes and smirked.

Mr sparrow cleared his throat and continued "Students mind your language please, am afraid no leniency will be shown to any misbehaving or disobedient student.....you are all dismissed".

We all made our way to the hallway to grab our books from our lockers, for class.

My locker is Number A122, Emma's is A123 and Janes's is A124. The guys have their lockers in the B2 section.

"Oh shoot!!!" I mumbled as I noticed I forgot my Math notebook....of course, Belvina Fabiola Romano you have to forget something.

"You guys should get going first, I'm gonna call Mom real quick to send over my Math book," I said to the girls.

"Okay then see you during lunch," they said and walked away.

I gave Mom a quick call and headed to class, if Mr Philips arrives I'll be called through the PA.

After a while the principal's voice came booming through the PA "Belvina Romano your attention is needed in the school's main compound"

It was 3:00 pm finally time to go home, when the bell rang Emma and I left history class before meeting up with the others in the hallway.

"Alright guys let's go," I said then noticed Felix giving me a pointed look which made me uncomfortable.

"What's wrong with him?"I asked nudging Alex.

"Mi scusi! (excuse me) you ask me what's wrong?"Felix said at the top of his voice which made everyone's attention turn on us.

"What do you mean? and keep your voice down" I asked staring at him.

"Don't act with me" he retorted looking angry.

"Did a truck hit your brain?"I asked the sarcasm dripping from my words when he didn't lower his tone.

"Well maybe that same truck hit you cause no secrets.....remember?" he said scuffing at the end.

I got fed up with him playing drama king and drawing unnecessary attention to us, so I blurted out what came to my mind.

"You know what Felix? Go deal with your bipolar sh*t....I don't even know the reason you are shouting and if you can't say it then to heck with it"I said also raising my voice....I heard the students "wooing" before I left as they took interest in fights.

"What was that about?"Emma asked

"He must be bipolar" Gen added but I just ignored them both. Emma looked at me before saying...

"Guess you don't wanna talk about it"

"Better" I mumbled

"Is it not a matter of not wanting to talk about it girl I've never seen you like that"Gen said....and why was she being persistent?

"We'll if he's gonna be like that then get used to seeing me like this, "I said

"Woah chill girlfriend it isn't a war" she replied with a low chuckle.

"I'm going my car is here, "Gen said waving at us both.

"Stesso (same)"Emma said before they both left.

"Wait a minute.....did Emma just speak to me in Italian?"I said to myself out loud....when did she learn?

Felix's pov

After the whole drama thing we got to the parking lot and got in the car, Alex was driving.

"Dude what was that for?..it was just......you know"Alex broke the silence as he took a turn.

"What was what about?"I asked back concentrating on my phone.

"Don't feign ignorance....it wasn't cool what you did to the Babe" Ice said his tone sounding bored.

"Did you just call her Babe? Don't you ever call her Babe she's not your Babe" I said with a dangerously threatening voice.

"Woah chim chik hea bro (calm down bro in Korean)"Blaze said making a gesture with his hands.

"Hey..hey! dude if you ain't gonna speak English then don't talk 'cause we don't get your language" Alec said with a squeezed face..making Blaze roll his eyes.

"Can you please speed up"I urged Alex wanting to get home and train on the unknown rage I always feel when Bel is involved.

"I was waiting for you guys to finish your drama" he replied as he stepped on the accelerator.

"You started the conversation"Alec pointed out.

"Alright, you two shut up before you start with your pointless arguments....I'm like having a serious migraine" Ace said from the back seat interrupting the two before they started their
A-square arguments.

Why do I always feel this foreign and uncontrollable rage whenever Bel is involved? I thought as I landed a heavy punch on the punching bag.

I don't like it when she doesn't tell me things cause it feels as if she doesn't need me and I want her to....it may sound rather childish but...she got a new car and didn't tell me...The class was boring so I went for some fresh air and I saw her talking to a bulky man in front of a white Tesla, I knew it was hers because she always wanted a white Tesla plus it had her former plate number on it before she stopped driving, I am a **** for doing that.

But I was merely worried for her safety after her accident with the car...she wasn't fond of cars.

I exited the gym before going to my room, I looked at the familiar environment...just a nice dark brown, black, and gold colored living room with a bar and fireplace at the far end and spiral stairs that led to a bedroom, washroom, and closet.

(A/N: pictures of Felix's room and house)

The door to the elevator parted and I worked out before heading to the dining room, Mom, Dad, and Diego were already seated.

"Buenas tardes (good afternoon in Mexican)"I greeted and they answered.

See my mom is Mexican and my dad is an American who grew up in Italy.

We ate silently before Mom broke the silence...

"Mi amor why don't we go and visit Marina today" Aunt Marina is Bel's Mother.

"Yeah sure why not love"Dad replied.

This is an opportunity to apologize to Bel....besides I was going anyway.

Belvina's pov

I don't know why Mr.Philips is late it's been 15 minutes after Emma and Gen left and he's still not here. Most of the students have left just the ones with detention.

I sat on one of the benches reading a book when I felt a presence so I looked up

"Hello ...." A boy with black hair and gray eyes said, I had to stare longer because of how unusually bright his eyes were, a deep stormy gray, he had sharp facial features and full arched brows that are probably one of his best qualities apart from the eyes he looks older though as a high school student...he must be new cause I've never seen him around.

"Hello..."I replied with a smile.

"May I?" he asked gesturing towards the space on the bench.

"Yeah sure," I said moving a little before tucking my hair behind my ears as it covered my face.

"What nice weather" the guy whose name I still don't know said and that is a really weird topic to start with.

"Yeah, "I simply replied.

"Oh yeah...I'm Blaze...Blaze Griffin" he said stretching his hand for a handshake.

"We'll then Blaze I'm..." he interrupted before I could finish

"Yeah I know, you mustn't say...Belvina Romano" Okay I'm that famous? I smiled rather stiffly before raising my hand to shake his already stretched one.

"Nice to meet you" Wow this guy is one in a million, never heard of any students with an Xsaquad member name.

"Saw what happened back there, you were the firecracker," he said and that just changed my mood but I tried not to show it.

"Sorry, but it was kinda surprising to see someone talking to the whole famous Felix Anderson most handsome and propitious guy in R.R.I.A like that" he said with a light chuckle.

When I didn't reply and just stared at him he continued...

"Isn't he your boyfriend?" He asked and with that, he just won the trophy of pissing me off.

"Mi scusi? sorry to disappoint but he's just my best friend" a stupid one for that.

"Oh sorry then," he said putting his hands up in surrender.

"Haven't seen you around?"I asked him quickly changing the topic since it doesn't seem like he's leaving any time soon.

"Yeah just got transferred here from Italy...junior year" he replied

"Is that your car?" he said motioning towards the school gate with his head and I looked up to see Mr.Philips rounding the driveway.

"Yeah I'll get going," I said getting up.

"Okay see you around?" he said more of a question.

"Sure" I replied before entering the car.

"Sorry Ma'am there was a hold-up in the root I took" Mr.Philips explained after starting the car.

"It's nothing, "I said shrugging it off.

I sat on the red plush chair in front of the large mirror in my closet after showering as I combed through my hair.

My mind couldn't help but drift back to earlier wandering what the hell made Mr grumpy angry.

I grew up to see him roaming around in our house he's a year older than I am, and is either his mom at our house or mine at his, we were partners in crime....best buddies. I remember the day we promised each other not to keep any secrets.

Third-person point of view

"Bel I'm done pruning the flowers like you asked me to," The small six-year-old Felix said dropping the scissors, he was covered in mud all over his clothes, and on his cheek was a huge patch of mud.

He ran to where the cute little four-year-old girl squatted, her long black hair making her look pretty. Little Bel looked up at the boy with her large hazel eyes as she opened her tiny little mouth to speak.

"Very good now come over here and help me with the plates the food is almost done, "The little girl said with a dainty smile making the young boy grab the play plates as the two little munchkins were playing "Cook" in Bel's backyard.

Young Bel poured the mashed-up leaves which she combined with salt and rice that she got from her mom's kitchen.

The little fat-cheeked boy fetched a spoon full of the said food attempting to taste it but the little girl slapped his hands away.

"You are so stupid! If you eat that you'll get poisoned" the girl said rolling her eyes...one can tell that the two little munchkins are smarter than their age.

"If your foods are poison then I won't eat them," the little boy said to the girl as he bit on his cute little pink lower lip.

After the two finished playing "pretend to eat"the boy held his stomach seeming to be hungry for real. So he stood from where they sat on the grass and ran over to lift a garden gnome seeming to be looking for something...when he didn't find it he asked the girl...

"Bel, where is our hidden candy jar?" The boy asked for the jar of candy which was given by his uncle Javier, Bel's dad. They hide it because their mothers believe too many sweets and chocolates are bad for kids....but the father can't bear denying the kids anything.

"Oh Mom found out where we hid it so I changed the hiding place...is under that chair"the little girl replied pointing towards a couch in the gazebo. She seemed to have forgotten to inform him. The boy ran over and sat next to her, his light brown hair falling to cover his emerald green eye.

"Why didn't you tell me?.. we could have hidden it together, "the boy said with pouted lips as he felt the girl didn't need him.

"Sorry Felix I won't hide anything from you again I promise"the girl replied with a pout of her own as she held both her ears as a form of punishment.

"It's okay but no more secrets, "The boy said stretching his tiny hand with a sticked-out pinky finger to interlock with the girls.

"Yes no more secrets"the girl replied, the dainty smile returning to her face as she interlocked their little pinkies.

Just then a heavily pregnant woman walked into the backyard and called...

"Belvina...Felix's lunch is ready"

"Coming Mom," the little girl said.

"Okay Aunt" the boy followed.

End of flashback

A smile made its way to my lips at the memory as I held the silver necklace on my neck which was given to me by my sister Lisana before she passed. It's a nice ruby locket that has her picture in it and our initials.

I got up from the chair and looked around the closet for what to wear... my eyes fell on a pair of red simple crop tops and tummy bum shorts. I walked into the familiar room, a light brown themed room with a bed at the far corner overlooking a sitting area then the closet I just walked out of which led to an en-suite bathroom.

(A/N: Belvina's room and house)

I lazily laid on the bed to watch Netflix, pressing on a  remote for the flat-screened UBL(under bed lift) TV to slowly slide out, I clapped my hands twice for the lights in the room to turn dim before clicking on "the originals" Alex recommend it to me since I love supernaturals.


"Fabiola come down for dinner"Mom called
from downstairs....geez, I just wish she could send one of the maids to call me instead of shouting like that.

Plus this Is such a spicy episode...the vampire is handing his beloved daughter to his sister.

"Mom I'm coming"I shouted not knowing if she heard me as I pressed the button for the TV to return.

I used the stairs instead of the elevator to exercise my numb legs, as I went down the stairs in a hurry I tripped but quickly steadied myself when I heard a deep familiar male voice...

"Careful there beautiful"

Don't judge Felix please all to show how much he cares.

                                     Our lovelies❤️✨

Okumaya devam et

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