Co-Ed Love. (Grimmjow X Reade...

By Grimmjowswaifu

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Y/N is a college student, living in a coterie amongst some of the hottest men & a wild Rangiku. She's trying... More

Walking into a Lions Den
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (Lemon)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (Lemon)
Chapter 6 (Lemon)
Chapter 7 (Lemon)
Chapter 8 (Lemon)
Chapter 9 (Lemon)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (Lemon)
Chapter 13 (Lemon)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (Lemon)
Chapter 16 (Lemon)

Chapter 1

689 28 64
By Grimmjowswaifu

Over the past few months, I've gotten settled into the house, into class, and even settled in with the roommates. I've only been seeing the roomies every so often, especially with exams approaching. Seems like everybody's been so busy. However, I've seen Grimmjow almost all the time, and he never really says anything to me besides a simple hey or what's up while walking by. But this morning when I had an exam, we spoke a little bit more today.

I got up about 20 mins late, meaning I'd be late for my exam but I could make it as long as I could take a shower and get ready quickly. Of course on this specific day, my bathroom was being renovated so the bathroom pipes were not working. But! There's a guest restroom across the way from my room so I can get ready quickly. I brought my towel and phone, then headed to the bathroom. The light was on and it was pretty steamy in there like somebody had just taken a hot shower. Of course, there are other people in the house, so I thought nothing of it. I had to pee so I undressed my lower half and began peeing. Midstream... the shower curtain pulled back and who was behind the curtain you might ask? Fucking Grimmjow.

"The hell are you doing?" He asked confused.

"I'm trying to pee! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE? CLOSE THE CURTAIN DON'T LOOK AT ME!" I said turning a bold bright red.

"I'm not closing the curtain, the hells the matter with you? I was in here first."

"Well stop looking at me I can't pee if you're staring. Obviously I didn't know you were in here." I said pulling my pants up to cover myself.

"You should start knocking. You don't have to cover yourself, I know what pussy looks like, I'm not a kid."

"You're so vulgar it's sickening, besides you don't need to know what this one looks like."

"That's true, it's probably super hairy, floppy and unappealing."

"Can you PLEASE leave. I really don't have time for this." I said rubbing my forehead and clenching my shorts.

Grimmjow steps out of the shower, he's still wet and his hair is soaked. He had a towel wrapped around him but I still saw a print, muscles flexing as he walked, skin supple and wet. He looked like a walking meal and I was beginning to feel hungry. "What are you saying? Why are you looking at him like that? Would you really get with somebody this vulgar? Snap out of it!" I thought to myself. Although, it was very tempting to look again as he dotted the door. I heard my phone ding, it was a text from the automated class updates. Looks like the professor was going to be late and exams were delayed, so I had time to shower and not have to rush out the door. About 30 minutes later, the door opens while I'm in mid-shower. I know I forgot to lock it but who the hell just opens a door knowing there's somebody in here?!

"Umm somebody's in here so you'll have to leave, come back later I'm almost done." I said.

"I have to piss so bad I'm just gonna go." A familiar voice said groaning.

"Grimmjow?! What the hell are you doing BACK in here??" I yelled from behind the curtain.

"I just said it, I gotta piss!"

"Don't you have a bathroom in your room?"

"I was walking by this bathroom and didn't want to wait."

I peeked outside the curtain and watched Grimmjow take the towel off and placed it on the counter. He leaned over the toilet and let out a heavy stream holding his member with one hand, and raking his hand through his hair with the other hand. He had strong wide shoulders, broad and defined. His back was muscular and tapered. His arms were defined, strong, and slightly veiny. Not going to lie, I rather enjoyed this view. I closed the curtain without making a sound and backed into the wall. I replayed the view I just witnessed and it started to turn me on and my face went red.

"Hey.. Stop tryna sneak peeks at me will ya?" Grimmjow said.

"I would never!" I yelled from behind the curtain.

"I hear everything y'know? Like how I can hear when you lie."

I stood there quite in the shower as the toilet flushed but the door didn't open. I peeped my eye out again to find him leaning up against the bathroom door with his arms crossed. I quickly moved away thinking he didn't see me but of course he did.

"I knew you were a little peeping tina." He said smiling.

"What? What the fuck is a peeping tina?"

"A female version of a peeping tom you dumbass."

"I have no reason to peep, I know what a dick looks like."

"Pfft hardly, you know what a monster looks like?"

"If by monster you're referring to yourself-"

"I'm definitely referring to myself." He says with a smirk.

"Alright, you're done. Pleaseeeeee get out. I want to leave and I'm not going to step out with you standing there." I said rolling my eyes.

I hear the door close and I exhale. I turned off the water and dried myself off, wrapping the towel around myself and opening the door. I looked down the hall to Grimmjow's door and then to the right at the stairs. When I saw nobody, I darted to my room across the way, opening and closing the door behind me.

"Y'know... If you're looking for me, all you gotta do is call my name." Grimmjow said while laying on my bed.

"What the, WHAT are you doing in here?"

"Is there something you need from me?"

"Why on earth would I need something from you?"

"You were just looking for me."

"I-I was just checking to see if anybody was going to be in the hallway while I had on a towel is all."

"Hmm." He said while getting up from the bed.

Grimmjow placed his hand on my chin and aligned my face so that our eyes met. I felt again like I was captured in a grasp I could not get away from. It didn't feel like a threatening grasp, it felt like a embrace by his alluring , beautiful and bright blue eyes. I couldn't move, I couldn't blink and as a matter of fact I didn't want to. I was stuck in his trance, his scent filled my body, I could feel his body heat radiating. He pressed his body up against mine, and my back up against the wall. My trance was broken when I felt him begin to harden up down below, it made me anxious and it brought me back to my senses.

"I have to go!" I said as I dipped under him and over to the other side of the room.

My heart was racing, my breathing beginning to pick up, and feeling extra uneasy. Grimmjow continued to stand by the door and he turned his head and glanced at me from his peripheral, the half facial expression I saw seemed of irritation followed by a growl. Then just like that he disappeared, and flash-stepped right out of the room. I dropped to the ground, my face red, and my heart racing and I was confused. I think I'm beginning to like this guy. But before I can think about any of that, I've got exams!!!

After the exams which I passed, I couldn't help but still think about Grimmjow. I thought about his blue hair and the strands that draped over his face and made him even more handsome than he already was, his exquisitely piercing blue eyes that held you in your place when you locked eyes, juicy lips, and his unbelievably well-sculpted body. My face flushed thinking about it as I drove back to the coterie. Upon arriving, I went into the kitchen and grabbed water cause it was hot as fuck outside and when I closed the fridge I bumped into Shuhei.

"I'm sorry, did I scare you?" he asked.

"Not really." I said with a smile.

"Good, well um.. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to grab dinner." he said scratching his head.

Shuhei turned red in the face, which I thought was cute. I smiled and accepted his offer. It'll get my mind off Grimmjow for a little bit. He wanted to grab some ramen, so I grabbed a midi dress that had sunflowers on it with some adorable little buckle-up shoes. I did a half-up half-down look for my hair and used a cute butterfly claw clip to hold half the hair up. When I came downstairs, Shuhei was sitting in the living room talking to Ichigo. Shuhei glanced up at me like he had never seen a woman before, he looked at me like he was in amazement and stood up.

"You look so damn good." he said with the biggest smile.

"I second that, damn." Ichigo added.

"You guys are going to spoil me stop it!" I said smiling.

I looked behind me with a feeling that eyes were examining me, only to find my judgment was correct. Grimmjow was leaning back on the wall just looking dead at me. He looked agitated, he scoffed and walked back upstairs. My smile went away as I felt a need to ask Grimmjow if he was okay, why? I don't know exactly. But I had a date to go on, Shuhei took my hand and we walked out.

Dinner went great, I made a mess like usual and it opened a new chapter for Shuhei. He's an interesting and very handsome man. But of course, Grimmjow was glued to my mind. Shuhei stopped outside the coterie before going inside to thank me for coming out with him and grabbed my face with his hand. I thought he was going to go for a pop kiss, but instead, like the gentleman he is he kissed my forehead and made my heart melt. Walking inside it seemed like everybody was in bed, Shuhei told me goodnight and kissed my hand. He had me blushing almost the whole night! But half of my heart is being tugged by him and the other half is being tugged by Grimmjow. Speaking of, I wanted to see him. I was about to walk up the stairs when I saw a shot of blue outside. The shot of blue was blue hair, only one person in here with blue hair. I opened the door to the rooftop and he was overlooking the city. He peeked at me, looked irritated, and turned back around.

"So, what are you doing out here?" I asked with a smile.

"I should be asking you that question, shouldn't you be in bed with Shuhei?" he said with an attitude. My smile dropped.

"Why would I be in bed with Shuhei? We went on a friend's date. We are not dating you know."

"He kissed you when you guys came back. From the looks of that, you should be in his room. Not out here with me."

"And how do you know this?"

Grimmjow leaned over the rooftop railing, and looked over it. His eyes seemed heavy.

"Because, I fucking saw you. So what now? Are you gonna lie and say you two didn't kiss?" he said.

"Haha, you sound jealous." I said with a smile.

"And if I am?"

"Then you just are. It's a nice feeling haha." I said with a giggle.

"It's really not funny."

"It really is because from what I remember he kissed me."

"No he didn't, you both kissed each other."

"Grimmjow oh my god stop it, all he did was kiss me on the forehead. And at this point if you don't believe me, go ask him. Your lie detector test isn't working right now I see." I laughed in between explaining. "He's honestly a gentleman. He kissed my hand, and my forehead and was just overall a sweetheart."

"Oh, sounds like you should go in there and confess your love."

"You're such an ass. But I don't think that's necessary."

"Why not? Sounds like the two of you had a great night. Should be capped off with some sex."

"Not everybody thinks like you. And to be fair... the whole night I was with him, I thought about you." I said as I started for the door.

Grimmjow stood up and turned his head in confusion. He thought about what I said and turned around to look my way. But I was already inside. Once I closed the door, I ran to the stairs and bolted up them. Ran straight to my room and closed the door. Oh my days did I really just say that to him? I didn't even wait for him to process it and get a reaction, I just said it and took off. So many things ran through my head as I waited for him to burst through my door ranting about some bullshit. But when he finally came back inside, he dragged his feet right past my door and went to his room. Without so much as a "Stop listening out for me", or "mind your business". I wondered if I scared him away.

I got ready for bed in the hallway bathroom, took a little longer because I thought Grimmjow would pop up and start talking his shit that I was taking too long and needed to leave but he didn't even come out of his room. I sat on the bathtub frame thinking maybe if I waited just a little longer he'd come. Instead, I heard his shower turn on in his room from the wall. Letting me know he wasn't coming out of that room. Feeling a little depressed I laid in bed for the night, I looked at my phone as if I was waiting on a text from him. I got a text from Shuhei instead that read "Goodnight beautiful, thank you for gracing my night with your company and beauty :)" Wow this kid is cheesy, but it's sweet. But oddly enough, he isn't the one I want to see a text from. I put my phone down and my eye lids grew heavy and hung low. I drifted away to sleep.

I awoke in a fuzz leaving my room and walking to Grimmjow's. I figured it was a dream so I let it outplay like I was watching a movie. Grimmjow who sat on a couch watching tv looked up at me confused. I mean I did just open his door and pop up in his room without asking. I sat on the couch with him and laid my head down on his lap. He was watching the office, I didn't peg him as a comedic type but whatever. I turned my head to him, he still looked a little confused but he picked up his hand and placed it on my head. He ran his fingers through my hair and gave me a mini scalp massage which oddly I felt... I seem to feel a lot of things, which is weird for a dream. But at the moment, let me enjoy it. I placed my hand on his and held it close, I felt the warmth and it made me feel drowsy. I passed out at this point.

My eyes started to open, and instantly Grimmjow's scent filled my nose. He smelled so good, he smelled like the most expensive sandalwood candle mixed in with a light hint of vanilla. I felt an arm across my torso and a hand in my hand. I feel a warm body spooning me. I turn my head slightly and see blue hair. OH MY GOODNESS. What the hell? How am I here? What am I doing in here? Was last night not an actual dream?? So you mean to tell me I just waltzed in here and laid with this man? You have got to be fucking joking. I slipped from under his arm and off the bed. I looked over at him sleeping, he looked so at peace, and incredibly sexy. In boxers only, his body was illuminated with the morning sun that danced across his skin from the window. Grimmjow felt around for me and got up when he noticed I wasn't in bed.

"What are you doing?" he asked rubbing his eyes.

"What the hell am I doing in here?"

"What do you mean? You came in here last night."

"So I wasn't dreaming?"

"HAHAHAHA you thought you were dreaming? Most people dream about fucking a person they can't get outta their head, no not you. You go and lay in their arms like a fucking weirdo."

"Shut up! I could've swore it was a dream!" I said turning red.

"Well it wasn't." he said scratching his head.

"I mean, it was a rather nice dream. You were nicer than usual."

"Hm was it now? I got a way to make it better." he said.

"Wait a minute, we didn't..."

"No, we didn't fuck if that's what you're about to ask. You fell asleep in my lap last night, so after I finished the episode of the show I was watching I picked you up and laid you in bed and we fell asleep."

"Oh wow, I wasn't taken advantage of? Is this actually Grimmjow tat I'm talking to?" I said sarcastically.

"Are you complaining that I didn't take advantage of you? Cause I got this thing in between my legs that shakes hands with my belly button. It's-"

"ALRIGHT, no need to continue any further thank you!" I said turning red.

"I mean obviously nothing happened, your clothes are still on."

"Would they be off?" I questioned.

"Shredded." He said with a smile.

"I'm going back to my room."

I walked calmly to his door, walked out, and almost passed out from lack of oxygen. I was overwhelmed and confused. I ran back to my room and nearly died. I WAS IN HIS ROOM? I HAD A SLEEPOVER? WHAT???? My face flushed red, I sat on my bed and just thought. I tried to think if I did anything I wasn't supposed to but it still felt like a dream. It became blurry and I could barely remember. I covered my face and just wanted to die of embarrassment until I heard Grimmjow's door open. I watched under the door to see if he would walk by, and when I saw his shadow pass the door I calmed down a bit more. I laid back on my bed and let out a big sigh. Then I heard a disturbance in the airflow of the room. I feel my bed shake and when I look down Grimmjow's crawling into it.

"How do you keep getting in here without opening the door?" I asked.

"Sonido. I believe what you humans would call it teleportation."

"Is that what it is?"

"No, it's more like a psuedo teleportation, moving across a distance but you disappear in between steps. For eyes like yours, you don't see me. You only see me come and go."

"Interesting. I'm glad that you were able to answer that question but I have another, why are you in here?"

"I figured you were in here dying of embarrassment, so I came to reassure you that we didn't do anything. I also felt you looking at the door to see if I'd pass by, and your heart rate went down when you thought I walked past. Do I make you nervous?" Grimmjow asked.

"No, how could you?"

"I must, cause you just lied."

"Damn, I forgot you can tell." I said turning red.

"I can. I got my answer anyway though."

Grimmjow climbed over top of me, I felt like I was sinking into the bed as his eyes buried deep voids in mine. His eyes are so pretty, they gleamed as the sunlight from the blinds soaked through. It caused me to crack a slight smile.

"What's so funny?" Grimmjow said with attitude.

"Nothing's funny."

"You didn't lie this time, So what's with the smile?"

"Your eyes, they're just really pretty is all."

Grimmjow drew his face in closer to mine, causing my heart to beat faster and me get even more nervous than I already was.

"Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you."

"Shut up, and stop ear hustling at my bodily functions."

"You're a spicy little kitten." he said.

"Ew don't call me that."


"Cause it sounds weird and I don't like it."

"You just lied."

"Get OUT of my body."

"I'm not in it I can just hear it, but I'm not going to lie I'd like to be in it. Deep in it." He said with a smirk.

I turned my face a different way to hide the bright tomato red it just turned. He's reading me like a fucking book, I wanted this to keep going, but the other half of me wanted this to stop. Just when I was wishing for an exit, I had a knock at my door. It was Shuhei, and Grimmjow put on his big dick energy and went to go answer the door with a full-on attitude.

"What's up." Grimmjow said with the door half open.

"Umm.. What are you doing in Y/N's room?" Shuhei said confused.

"I'm fixing something, what's up?"

"Where is she?"

"I don't know." Grimmjow answered.

Shuhei tries to look past Grimmjow and peer into the room to find me. But Grimmjow, closes the gaps shutting the door a little more like the dickhead he is.

"So if you don't need anything, I'm going to go back to what I was doing." He said closing the door.

Shuhei put his foot in the way to stop the door from closing.

"Grimmjow, if you do anything to hurt her, I'll kill you myself." He said sternly.

"The fact that you would even fathom having a victory over me is admirable. Fuck off Shuhei." Grimmjow said while closing the door.

Grimmjow locked the door, and turned around and looked at me. I sat up, confused as to why he locked the door. He yawned and rubbed his eye.

"What did he want? and why did you lock the door?" I asked.

"I don't know what he wanted, but I want to take a nap."

"It's morning, who takes naps in the morning?"

"I do. And I know you want to go back to sleep too. Isn't that why you came back in here?" Grimmjow asked.

"I came back here because this is my room."

"I don't like your tone. You should fix it." He said walking up to me.

"I... Don't have to do anything. I can do whatever I want."

"Then, take a nap with me." He said grabbing my chin. "You look like you just submitted to me, like you didn't want to sleep, but you will because it's me and I asked you to."

"Can you read minds now?" I said with a smirk.

"No, but your eyes are telling me everything."

"Hm, then get out of them before they tell you something else."

Grimmjow chuckled a little bit and crawled into the bed. He got under my blanket, looked up at me, and raised an eyebrow. I was a little nervous and felt some butterflies but I got under the blanket. I laid close to him while he was facing me, I was extra stiff and had no idea what the hell I was doing or what the hell to do.

"Ha you're so weird, are you nervous?" he asked. "Taking a nap with someone requires cuddling y'know."

I turned a little red. Grimmjow dragged me down and closer to him. He placed his chin on my head and wrapped his arm over me. My nose was up against his chest, his scent was alluring and relaxing. His heart sounded like a metronome, and his breathing was a calm rhythm which indicated he was resting. Being so close to him, I instantly calmed down. I didn't feel nervous and the butterflies went away, I felt... Safe in his arms.

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